Hidden Assassin

Volume 3: The Age of Cohabitation——Volume 6: Under the Blue Sky, Section 164: Rotary Wood

The melody of the music is flexible and gentle. Looking out from the window, the light is pouring down from the stage, covering the black and white lightness of silence, and then the elegant singing of "Rotary Wood" sounds, except for the slight trembling of the opening voice, Then it has entered the state.

Naturally, the quiet voice cannot be compared with Faye Wong's singing skills. However, there is a trace of purity in the girl's clear and lingering voice. The warmth that comes with this kind of independence can be well expressed. Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, it took Yahan a long time to speak: "You taught her?"

"Yeah." In the dark, Jia Ming nodded.

This is a room on the side of the stage. Enter from the backstage, and you can see the performance clearly through the large glass windows. Since the lights in the entire auditorium have basically been extinguished, the room remains dark, with a little light Spilling in from the floor-to-ceiling windows, you can find the silhouettes of people and the outlines of tables and chairs, as if they are covered with a layer of light.

“…with gorgeous exteriors and brilliant lighting

I'm a merry-go-round in this heaven

Just to fulfill children's dreams

Climb on my back and take you soaring

I forgot the sadness of running in place

I also forgot that I was locked forever

No matter how long I can be with you

At least it can make you fantasize about flying with me..."

During the singing, Yahan folded her hands on her chest, lowered her head slightly, and seemed to be organizing vocabulary in her mind. After a while, Jiaming first laughed: "What's wrong? What's the matter? I heard Xu Mo say You crashed."

"Uh...um." Absent-minded, Yahan subconsciously nodded.

"Are you hurt?"

"No, no..." Looking at Jiaming's face, Yahan turned his gaze aside again.

"What's the matter? It made you so flustered... Well, your family forced you to marry again?" Jia Ming laughed, "You asked me to help you, but you didn't hesitate like this."

"No, uh...Actually..." Taking a deep breath, Yahan seemed to finally muster up the courage to bite her lower lip lightly, "That...you...are you with Lingjing or With Sasha?"


"I... I found this on Lingjing's bed. It was pressed by her pillow. You are with Lingjing..." Walking to the table in two steps, Yahan turned on the desk lamp and spread it out. With his left hand clenched tightly, a light yellow condom fell into the light. A banana was painted on the package, which meant it smelled like bananas. Under the light at this moment, the pattern was particularly conspicuous.

Looking at Yahan's somewhat calm expression, Jiaming blinked: "Actually, this thing is not for that kind of thing, it has many uses. You can take one in your pocket when you have nothing to do. For example, one day your The car ran out of water, so I didn’t bring a container, and I could use it to fetch water, and another example…”

"—I'm not kidding you!"

All of a sudden, Yahan yelled out loudly, startling Jia Ming, the two were stunned for a while, Jia Ming shrugged: "Is it important?"

"Of course it's important!" Yahan said loudly, "Why isn't it important! You... you're still just high school students, you're just... just minors...the school doesn't allow these things, how can you do this... Rustle and What would she think if you lived together, and...and..."

"Okay, okay, don't get excited, actually it doesn't matter if I tell you, but it's really hard to say." Jia Ming raised his hands, signaling her to calm down, "Actually... I'm with Lingjing and Shasha... ...the three of us."

"Uh..." Yahan suddenly couldn't understand this sentence, and her expression was a little dazed.

"Lingjing and I, and Shasha."


"I know things are hard to understand, and it takes a lot of work to explain, but when you think about it, it's actually obvious, isn't it? How many high school students have you seen living together like us? Live together, work together to earn money , buy furniture together, eat together, use things together...huh?" Jia Ming nodded at her.

"You mean...the three of you." With her chest heaving violently, Yahan took a step back. Yahan's expression was a bit complicated. She took off her disguised glasses, as if she wanted to cry, but more Still unbelievable, "This... how is it possible, you... still have one... go to bed..." The last two words were like moaning.

Nodding slowly, Jiaming also let out a long sigh of relief: "On the day I finished my junior high school exam, I had a carnival in Shasha's villa and drank a lot of wine. You know my drinking capacity is actually not good, so I can't die Daddy Shasha probably called a girl home the day before, and gave him an aphrodisiac in a bottle of red wine. Although the amount was not too much, we were already drunk. After drinking the bottle of red wine, we woke up the next day It became like this... I didn't intend to lie to you or anything, but you understand that it is always difficult to confess this kind of thing to others, since you know... it's fine."

Jia Ming shrugged helplessly, and his smiling expression was rather magnanimous, but Ya Han shook his head, stepped back and sat in the chair in front of the table, and after a long while, he said in a messy voice: "It's okay...what's the matter?" That's fine, you...you haven't grown up yet, I mean you three...does Papa Ye and Mama Ye know? Does Shasha's father know? You...you three..."

"Well, of course I don't know. There is nothing wrong with my family, but Father Ye and Mother Ye will definitely object to such a thing, maybe they will kill me or Lingjing... Daddy Shasha will not allow us to do something like this If it’s just me and Shasha, he wouldn’t have anything to say... It’s hard to say right now, so we can only hide it, we’re friends, it doesn’t matter if you know, you should be able to understand..."

"Understand! What can I understand!" Yahan suddenly raised her head and continued to shout, "You, it's fine if you are alone with Lingjing or Shasha, but the three of you...no one will do such a thing Agree, do you know what you will face in the future!"

"I probably understand." Seeing Yahan's excited attitude, Jiaming's restrained smile, his eyes became calm, "We have already made preparations."

"Prepare? What can you prepare?" Taking a deep breath, Yahan lowered her tone slightly, "I know you are very powerful. You not only know this and that, you can kill people. No one can stop you from doing what you want to do. Can't you. But what about Ye's father and Ye's mother? When they don't allow you to associate with Lingjing, can you beat them to death? They brought you up, do you dare to disrespect them? Even if you bypass them, you You can take Lingjing away, will Lingjing go with you? Will she be happy after leaving with you? You are ready to face everything...you can't face anything, I...I think you are the best My friend, that's why...that's why I told you like this...".

"I understand……"

"You don't understand!" Yahan stared into his eyes for a while, then turned away and said softly, "You have no future..."

"I never thought you would say that..." Looking at her with the same gaze, Jia Ming smiled helplessly.

"Then what should I say, I wish you happiness? But I know how difficult this matter is, and you also know..." Looking around, Yahan said again redundantly, "I...you are me Best friend, I'm just saying this, I don't want...don't want you..."

"I know it's difficult, but I hope we can get through these things." Looking at Ling Jing on the stage through the glass window, Jia Ming smiled, "We can only be together, because we are inseparable now."

"That's just an excuse. You will separate sooner or later." After a long silence, Yahan said, "At that time, someone will be injured more seriously."

"Maybe, I don't rule out the possibility, but now it's the only way..."

There was another unspeakable silence, and the Lingjing singing sounded on the stage.

"Mercedes-Benz's Trojan horse makes you forget the pain

In this heaven of laughter

look at them enviously

don't take me to heart

carousel without wings

But it can fly you everywhere

when the music stops you will leave

I can only do this


when the music stops you will leave

I can only do this..."

Three seconds after the music fell silent, thunderous applause broke out in the auditorium. Lingjing bowed and said thank you. Yahan and Jiaming watched silently, suddenly, Yahan said: "Break up, Jiaming."


"You...you should always make a choice, Lingjing or Shasha, or neither, the later it will hurt more, you have to give up one of them, or...I...I'm not trying to force you to do anything Decided, but... I have always regarded myself as your sister, I don't want to see you like this in the future, Lingjing and Shasha are also my good friends, you are just a man's nature, men are fickle, you It will harm the two of them...I...I think of myself as your older sister, and I think of myself as...older sister..." After organizing the words for a long time and rambling on so much, Yahan seemed to be aware of herself suddenly. The incoherent speech suddenly froze there.

"I'm sorry... I don't know... I don't know why I said such a thing, I shouldn't say such a thing, but... I don't know what happened to me, I... I saw it in school later, Don't say hello to me, until you make up your mind or I figure it out, we're not friends anymore, we're not friends anymore!"

Unexpectedly, she said such words suddenly, Jia Ming frowned, walked around the table, and walked to her side: "Yahan..."

"Do not touch me--"

The moment Jia Ming's finger touched her shoulder, Yahan screamed like an electric shock, swiped Jia Ming's hand away with a snap, and hit the desk backwards, several notebooks and a desk calendar in front of her Together with the lamp, it fell to the ground with a bang. Jia Ming's hands froze in mid-air

"You are making trouble for no reason..."

"You play hard..."

"I don't."

"You have!"


Looking at the two lines of tears running down Yahan's cheeks in the darkness, Jiaming put his hands down in a daze, then sighed softly, and took two steps back.

"So...sorry." Nodding his head, Jia Ming turned to the door, "Be quiet for a while, I'll go first." When he opened the door, Jia Ming paused again: "I'm afraid what you said makes sense, It's not just Ye's father and Ye's mother, when you are angry, I can't do anything." Then, the door of the room was slammed shut, isolating the noise of the outside world, and also isolating Jiaming's figure.

Sitting down on the chair unsteadily, Yahan covered her face and began to cry softly. .

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