Hidden Assassin

Volume 3 Cohabitation Era - Volume 6 Under the Blue Sky Section 165 Yahan Ah Yahan

Street lamps cast shimmering light on the water, by the quiet small lake, Yahan was wearing a windbreaker and had been sitting for an unknown amount of time.

It was past midnight, and the school celebration party was over. Yahan didn't know when she came out, nor did she know what the outcome of the party was. In the final analysis, she no longer had these problems in her heart. In this remote park on the mountain, no one can be seen, and even the street lights are only a few sparsely turned on. She wants to cry, but she can't cry.

I remembered the year when I first became a teacher. She came back from England at the age of nineteen. Others said she was a genius. This title can't hide the youthful and immature atmosphere. Because of her family relationship, she entered the Sacred Heart Academy as a teacher. Once she entered, she was a very important position. People were very polite to her, but she knew the discussions behind them. The reason why she came here was nothing more than to be a vase. With the Zhang family's investment, it doesn't matter what she does, and no one cares if she can do a good job.

So she permed her wavy hair, wore old-fashioned glasses, restrained her previous carelessness, wore mature high heels and silk stockings, and treated everyone equally severely. At first, some people might think she was young. The little girl, but gradually it will not work. The students know that she punishes people strictly, and the teachers also know that she never shows affection in official affairs. Coupled with a strong enough background and backstage, no one dares to provoke her. Every time she hears people calling her a "dissatisfied spinster" secretly, she always feels a little proud in her heart.

During that time, of course, there were times when she was depressed and unsatisfied. Every time she came to this pond in the back mountain, the sun was pouring down and she watched the carp spitting foam in the water, throwing down the bread foam and scrambling to be the first. Swelling up, looking at the sparkling water on the water when the moonlight is like water, and listening to the quiet voice of the world can calm her emotions down every time, but this time, it seems that it can't.

Now that I think about it, I met Jiaming in the summer when I just returned to Jianghai. When I first met him, I became suspicious of his grades. As a result, his attitude was extremely bad. Heh, I only found out later that that guy was actually making trouble. bomb. When he ran into robbers at a summer picnic, he acted bravely but hatefully along the way. However, after a lot of accidents, the matter was resolved satisfactorily... In the martial arts hall, he behaved extremely cowardly. , but not many people can really take advantage of him.

Lie, since I met him until now, I have thought about it carefully, I have never really seen him clearly, why a child who is seven years younger than me has such great abilities, he can use guns, He can kill people, he can compose music, he can play the guitar, he can play the piano, he can even dress up perfectly as a woman, who knows what else he can do, from the beginning to the end, he never showed a complete self in front of her, But I still love him.

It's been a process of illusions all the way, but the analysis is a bit ironic, "I never thought of lying to you or anything..." In front of her, he said everything frankly, without any shame or guilt . Yes, he didn't know his own mind, he didn't know that he liked him, there was never any commitment or responsibility between them, they were just friends. And just when she was addicted to this cognition and foolishly waiting for him to grow up so that she could confess to him, he had already slept with two good friends, started a family, and was ready to face all challenges from the outside world.

But even if he grows up, she is still seven years older than him, and this age gap cannot be changed.

There will be obstacles for the three of you to be together...you should separate...it's your love...in the end, all these statements are just my own jealousy, but one thing is clear, I don't want to be friends with him anymore...I don't want to be just friends, But all these expectations will not come true one day, I am seven years older, and it is more than seven years late...

"...Think about it carefully, the thing is actually obvious, isn't it? How many high school students have you seen cohabiting like us..." I should have thought of this a long time ago, but I was still foolishly thinking that the three of them were just friends, the last Good friends, they won't be together, thinking that I can only wait now, thinking that I am acting like a little girl in front of him, thinking that he suddenly understands, even thinking that maybe it can arouse his desire, for This, I even had a shameful sexual dream on his bed. In fact, no matter how long you wait, you will not be the one who can be with Jiaming.

"You are the head of a wooden fish...you are a pig..."

With a choked low cry echoing by the pond at night, trembling with poignancy, Yahan stood upright unsteadily, and took a few deep breaths.

Perhaps many years later, when I recall this most precious memory, it may be that long, long ago, when I was just out of the age of a girl, I once fell in love with a boy who was seven years younger than myself. Beside him, call him Brother Ming, like a poor cat...

Tears were streaming down her face, thinking of this, she couldn't help but chuckled lightly, turned around and took a few steps, and a figure appeared in front of her.




For a moment, Yahan seemed to turn sideways and shot subconsciously. Yahan grabbed the man's wrist, kicked with her right foot, and threw the man flying with an extremely sharp over-the-shoulder throw. After struggling a few times in the grass, the man Moaning and getting up, Yahan slowly let go of her defensive posture: "Xu, Teacher Xu..."

Hiding behind here was Xu Mo.

"Ah..." Rubbing hard on his waist, Xu Mo gritted his teeth in pain, "That... sorry, I didn't mean to... well, anyway... I saw you walking out of the backstage in a depressed mood, just... ...just follow along and take a look...sorry..."

While rubbing the sore spots on his body, Xu Mo was busy apologizing, Yahan looked at him for a while, and sighed silently.

"That...although I don't know everything, but... don't be sad, he doesn't know how to cherish you, he is stupid, his loss, you...don't be sad..."

"Do you want to hug me?"


Startled by Yahan's sudden words, Xu Mo froze there suddenly, but Yahan didn't repeat herself, she put her hands in the pockets of the windbreaker, tears were still on her demure cheeks with classic beauty, but she looked at him His gaze was indifferent. Xu Mo hesitated for a moment, then walked over slowly, and gently put his arms around Yahan's shoulders. However, three seconds later, Yahan still stretched out her hand and pushed him away, her eyes slightly disappointed. .

"I'm sorry...it doesn't feel like this...If it was him, even if he just patted my head, scolded me, or even teased me, I would feel happy. If he wanted to hug me, I would definitely feel happy. But you hug me, I just feel bored, I just want to push you away early, I like this... How could I like you, sorry... Also, he is not stupid, although he doesn't want me, but he didn't do anything wrong , don't scold him..."

The voice was faint, as faint as the light falling on the quiet lake, Yahan turned around, walked down the mountain along the road, after a while, Xu Mo shouted: "I won't give up!" However, there was no response, Yahan just walked quietly, into the light under the street lamp, then immersed in the darkness, and walked towards the distant light...

Xu Mo followed her slowly, and the two went down the mountain one after the other. After the school celebration party ended, the campus became very quiet, only the office building in the distance had brightly lit rooms. After passing the playground, , a fat man who seemed to be out for a walk found Yahan and walked over. He was the principal of Sacred Heart College. The "record" of this school celebration is good. Originally, Yahan has put in a lot of effort. Although it is already early in the morning, Yahan used to have the habit of working hard. At this time, the fat man has not seen Xu Mo who is further behind , came over with a smile and asked her if she wanted to see the ongoing statistics, but when he got closer and saw Yahan's expression and tears on his face, his expression became a little embarrassed. Smiling, Yahan shook her head.

I'm broken in love and want to take a vacation. In the astonished expression of the principal, Yahan said lightly. Feel sorry.

She lost her love, and her heart hurts...


"...When the train drove into this strange city, it was a neon sign that I had never seen before... Has anyone ever told you that your singing is ugly, has anyone ever cried when you sang..."

"It's so hard to hear your singing that makes people cry, Shasha, help me hit him!"


"Wow...have mercy, Ling Jing, you asked me to express my feelings with a song...don't deceive people too much, you two perverts, don't think that I can't deal with you..."

bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang

A man and two women were tossing and turning on the big bed, falling into a charming melee, and the fighting was turned upside down. However, after the two girls were stripped off to only their underwear, the fighting came to an end temporarily. Today is Sha Sha came to the life of the great aunt, and according to the recent habit of this small family, when a girl reaches her menstrual period, the other girl often rests with her to show the virtue of being blessed and enjoying the same difficult things. The definition of peace makes Jiaming feel a little bit slanderous. Because they defined the days of rest as a day of enjoyment, to celebrate that the two pure underage girls were finally freed from being teased and insulted by Jia Ming. As for the rest of the time, they naturally used their bodies to please the tyrant Jia Ming Good Friday.

"By the way, when Lingjing came to the stage, sister Yahan asked you to say something. I saw her expression at that time seemed a little bit wrong." When Jiaming put on his shoes, he hugged Lingjing on the bed. Rusha asked together.

"Well, things are a bit troublesome, but it shouldn't be a big problem." Jia Ming frowned and laughed, "She found the condom next to the pillow, so she probably knows about our relationship. She asked me to ask, and you should also It's just that she is a teacher, and she is more angry about these things."

"Ah..." Ling Jing's eyes widened, "Then...then why did you tell her? Are you talking to me or Rusha?"

"I confess." Jia Ming shrugged.

"Frankly, confess!"

"Well, we are so familiar, it's okay to say that we are best friends, and I don't think it's okay to be frank. If other people have doubts, she can help us cover it up."

"But but but but but but..." Sasha said incoherently, "She... How did Sister Yahan react, you...how can you confess!"

"Well, the reaction...is very angry." Jia Ming smiled, "She thinks that I am playing tricks and will ruin you for the rest of your life. She also said that the three of us will be troublesome when we are together. In short, it will be difficult to accept for a while, but When she figured it out, the problem shouldn't be a big deal, she'll be fine, sleep well, I have to do a procedure."

After kissing the two on the forehead, Jiaming turned off the light, opened the door and went out to the balcony with a smile, and faintly heard the two on the bed talking in whispers. Pushing open the door of the small room on the side, Jia Ming sat in front of the computer and started to do an anti-virus or patch program for Panda Burning Incense. After all, this virus is just to clear the specific data of the Internet war during the day, so it doesn't matter if it is too extreme.

It took more than an hour to compile the program and send it online under the name of "Bai Xue Boar". Jiaming took a glass of boiling water and walked up to the balcony. There were not many stars in the sky, and the street lights on this street were basically smashed by rioters, and a few patrollers organized spontaneously could be faintly seen coming in and out in the dark. Prevent people from the Yongsheng Gang from cutting wires and water pipes at night. In the distance is the light of Sacred Heart College, little by little merged into the huge outline of the school. After taking a sip of water, he thought of many things about Yahan today and before.

Light footsteps came from behind, and then there was a click, and a trembling sound of "buzzing", the massager was pressed on the back of his neck, and it was Lingjing's soft limbs that gently hugged him. "Finished? Are you comfortable?"

"Hmm. Rusha fell asleep?"


Stretching out a hand back, Jiaming hugged her gently, and the two fell into silence as they cuddled together. After a long time, Lingjing asked softly: "Jiaming, tell me...does Sister Yahan like you?" You."

"Heh, why do you ask that?"

"I don't know...but Shasha and I think it's possible. You also said that we know each other so well. Sister Yahan is usually very close to you. She used to like to bully you, but now you like to bully her, um..."

"Hehe, don't be kidding me. Sister Yahan is seven years older than me. Thinking about it, I think it's impossible."

"Of course it is, but..."

"It's nothing but, think about it, sister Yahan came back from studying abroad, her family conditions are good, she is beautiful and temperamental, she would never like a little boy like me. I like to doze off in class, and I don't fit in with others , many people don't like me, I'm self-admired, eccentric, ignorant, and most importantly, I'm not handsome, even if I'm the same age as her, you would find this combination strange... You see, if There won't be the muddle between us, is it possible for you and Shasha to like me now?"

"Hehe, it's hard to say..." Ling Jing smiled softly, "I now feel that even if there is no such thing, sooner or later, Shasha and I will be ruined by you, a big pervert, and we will have to be two daughters to serve one husband willingly."

"That's just your thinking. With the relationship we have now, it's easier to look at people in a positive way. In fact, in the eyes of others, I'm probably nothing."

After a little silence, Lingjing hugged Jiaming's body tightly, and muttered: "No... no matter what, I will think you are good, you are the best..."


"Also... am I really not good at singing today?"

"Nothing, I'm just kidding, you sing very well."

"Hey, you can talk..."

In the darkness, the voice rang out clearly.

"...With a gorgeous appearance and gorgeous lights, I am a merry-go-round in this paradise..."

The night breeze is cool, singing softly...

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