Hidden Assassin

Volume 3 Cohabitation Era Chapter 224 Alleluia

About Manhattan, two o'clock in the morning.

In the streets surrounded by many high-rise buildings, the hustle and bustle of the city still continues, brilliant lights stretch out in the long street that can't be seen at a glance, the traffic flow is still dense, and there are only slightly fewer pedestrians on the roadside than in the daytime, homeless people, There were more beggars and some strangely dressed young people. The police car was parked by the side of the road, and two policemen were standing beside the telephone pole with coffee and chatting. The white steam from the coffee mixed with the heat from talking and breathing. At the same time, at some point, people subconsciously stopped, stretched out their hands, and looked up at the night sky of the street surrounded by tall buildings.

Pieces of goose feather snowflakes fell from the sky.

As Christmas approaches, New York has its first snow this winter.

Located in the all-night "St. John" restaurant at the corner of the road, through the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, people still resting inside at this time are pleasantly surprised to talk about the heavy snow that is falling, which is mixed with gentleness compared to before. The background music is a bit dull, and the arrival of this first snow has undoubtedly brought new vitality to the restaurant. Everyone has a real and relaxed smile on their faces, talking about snow and talking about some really interesting things. things.

This restaurant covers an area of ​​about four to five hundred square meters. The decoration is simple and elegant, and the lighting is sufficient. At this time, the restaurant is about 80% full of customers, mostly relatively young men and women, and most of them are employees from nearby companies and office buildings who work overnight. Take a nap, most of these people are drinking coffee, and some of them don’t know where to go on this night near Christmas. Most of these people have wine in front of them, and they drink by themselves without saying a word. Patting Snowflakes on his shoulders, he ordered something to take away at the counter.

On the seat near the window in the restaurant, a girl in white was sitting there. She was wearing a white tennis hat with the Nike logo on it. Under the brim of the hat was a delicate face full of oriental flavor. She was holding a book in her hand. The book was flipped through quietly. A white windbreaker was hung on the side of the chair. The warm woolen sweater outlines a figure that is a bit poor compared to Westerners but perfect as an Easterner. The woolen sweater is also white, and it seems to blend perfectly with the snow scene outside the window When she got up, she was wearing blue-gray trousers, one leg was draped over the other, and a cup of coffee was placed in front of her, because she stayed for a while. It seemed to be cold, but she didn't mind. She put down the book occasionally, took a sip of coffee, and looked out at the snowy scenery outside the window with a smile.

Even in the cosmopolitan city of New York, such a nearly perfect Chinese girl is hard to see, after a while. A mature and attractive man in his thirties, wearing restaurant overalls, came over with another cup of hot coffee, and gently replaced the coffee cup in front of the girl. The girl slightly raised her head and glanced at him. He glanced: "I didn't ask for service."

"Your coffee is cold, this cup is free."

"Hmm." Not feeling too much surprise, the girl nodded, and then lowered her eyes. Turning a page of the book in his hand, he said lightly, "Thank you."

It's hard to talk, the man thought, maybe it's because he often receives such inexplicable preferential treatment. Then, he naturally pulled out the chair on the other side and sat down there: "If you don't mind, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Sam Elliott. I'm the chef of this restaurant. Are you Chinese? "

Smiling, the woman closed the book and raised her head: "If you are the chef of this restaurant, then I think you should go back to the kitchen at the back."

The chef smiled, ignoring the expulsion in her words: "Japanese?"

Shaking her head, the woman looked at the snowy street outside the window. Traffic is still coming and going. Snowflakes melted when they hit the ground. But the goose feather snowflakes flying all over the sky and the white steam when people breathe still bring a hint of coldness in front of her ground. The chef was still talking with a very flattering smile.

"Then it's the Chinese. I've been to China several times, Beijing, Hong Kong, Hangzhou, China is very good..."

"Thank you." The woman took a sip of coffee, then said frankly with a smile, "I hate America. If possible, I hope I don't have to come here."



From a purely artistic point of view, this is a room without the slightest aesthetic feeling. Of course, in terms of pure practical performance, sufficient lighting, reasonable placement, various modern facilities and instruments, hanging on metal Huge display screens on the wall, neatly arranged bookshelves, folders, everything is based on efficiency, which is the standard American style.

"...Dear Mr. Castro, in order to express our gratitude to you, Mr. Mimori brought us this time. In addition to thanking you, there is also this plan for the next step of our cooperation. Book, as we all know, after the previous meeting, Japan's Gaotianyuan, China's Yanhuang Awakening, and Northern Europe's Dark Tianqin have carried out a preliminary alliance, so that we are still in the defensive stage in Asia. Japan's What the government expects is stability, and after they intervened, we have also been subject to a lot of constraints..." The voice of the conversation came to mind in the room, "There is a famous saying in China, which is called "the lips are dead and the teeth are cold, so Mr. Yu Shou hopes that everyone can temporarily put aside the past." After New York, we will go to South America, Australia and Europe, and hope that Mr. Castro and Mr. Mimori can launch an initiative..."

"Regarding this matter, Mr. Mimori had already talked with me on the phone before you got on the plane. There will be absolutely no problem." Mr. Castro who was sitting inside said with a smile, "However, regarding certain things, the organization There are still different opinions... Tracing back to the source, Pei Luojia was named Dead Color Bodhi a long time ago, which originated in China. After hundreds of years of evolution, it has become the current organization scale all over the world. Substantial changes have taken place. We don't think that the integrity of the organization is necessarily good. The Peroga forces in Northern Europe are mostly the French. At present, they have almost become liberals fighting for the independence of Corsica. Warriors, we all know that Corsica is a sacred land, and it is of course an independent country. I admire their spirit, but it must be admitted that they can no longer be called killers, and in North America , we’re not all in the business of killing people, you know. We’re even involved in politics...”

There are many internal contradictions in the entire Peroga. Although the relationship between the US Department and the Japanese headquarters is relatively good, there are naturally people who are not pleasing to them. They talk about free Corsica, but they are pragmatic about the French.

The remedial romantic mood is very bad. In their view, this group of fools express their unique sentiments and tastes by expressing their own unique sentiments and tastes against everything that can be opposed. After a few unpleasant cooperations, the two sides have turned their faces. South America and North America have also had some conflicts. The Australian branch has always had no sense of presence. They don't want to see everyone, and everyone doesn't want to see him...

Of course, these are small things. When we need to unite, we can still unite temporarily. After all, speaking of it, we are facing many crises. Since the last attempt to kill James and put the blame on Yanhuang's awakening failed, the Miracle of Creation has been looking for troubles from the American Pei Luojia. ... After talking for a while, the two sides talked about the most practical matter this time.

"About that Zhang Yahan. We are not going to kill her. For such a killer as strong as Tulip, we have always maintained a considerable sense of awe. There is room for buffering, as far as we know, although Yanhuang Awakening has been protecting this person, that Miss Tulip actually has no intention of truly cooperating with Yanhuang Awakening. She is a truly free person, so as long as there is one of her The hostages we are concerned about can take a considerable amount of initiative from our side. Of course... if she goes to Japan, we can only kill her, but it will be very troublesome after all. This is unnecessary... "

"We understand this point. But as far as we know, Yanhuang Awakening reacted quite quickly this time, it seems that before that Miss Zhang arrived in the United States. Some of them were here, and they rushed over immediately. Ms. Zhang started protection." Castro smiled, "Of course, don't worry, we don't pay attention to this little protection power, even if there is Mr. Cui Guohua who claims to be immortal... this is the United States after all. , protection is much more troublesome than destruction.”

"Of course we understand the power of the U.S. Department." The Japanese envoy echoed with a smile, "Besides, the Yanhuang Awakening should also be unwelcome in the U.S.?"

"Hehe, if in normal times, the FBI and the National Security Bureau have acted together because of the last incident, the Miracle of Creation also has a lot of hostility towards us. They have used their influence within the government. This time, they should not help the two sides. Of course . . . and I like to have nothing to do with each other."

With a grin, the phone on the table rang, and the man named Castro picked it up. After a while, he hung up again: "In fact, our people have already completed the preliminary survey. I think we The operation can be carried out tomorrow, and at that time, Mr. Watanabe may be able to bring that Miss Zhang back to Japan, I think this will be a very pleasant journey..."



The snowflakes were still fluttering, and the chef was still talking in the restaurant.

"Then we think we'll have a common language, and again, I hate New York..."

In all honesty, this is indeed a very attractive man. Even though the conversation was a bit presumptuous, but the smile is very sincere, the way he speaks is not annoying, and he doesn't look like a playboy. , at least most of the girls will smile and nod in agreement, and a small number of girls may even be nympho. However, before he can follow the woman's words to break out the reasons for hating New York, the woman looked at a car parked on the side of the road. The car stood up with a smile, picked up the windbreaker, and put the money on the table.

"It is said that if you believe in the Lord, any sin will be redeemed."

After she said such a sentence, the man was suddenly a little confused, and nodded subconsciously, only then saw that the woman was holding a "Bible", but it seemed to be the roughest and cheapest pirated Bible in the world. This is clear at a glance.

"Thank God."

The voice seemed a little sarcastic, but other than that, she didn't say anything else. She put on a windbreaker and walked straight to the door. Pushing the door open, the sky was filled with snowflakes.

The man opened his mouth wide, and it took him a long time to let out a sigh of relief. A male waiter came over to pack his things and said with a smile, "Sam? Will you be rejected too?"

"Occasionally, there will always be." She smiled, but her eyes turned out of the window involuntarily, following the Chinese girl, and saw her walking along the street and coming this way, snowflakes fell on her tennis cap and coat. The street scene remains the same, with bright street lamps, continuous traffic, two police officers chatting in a police car on the street corner, a small car opens the door not far away, and an ordinary person packs coffee and egg tarts from the restaurant and delivers I got into the car with the bag, and the car seemed to be about to drive away.

In front of the window, the woman stopped, seeming to remember something, and followed the man to the parking place on the street. At this time, the man had already entered the car. The woman leaned over the window and said something, which could be vaguely seen A circular object is attached to the vehicle's front window. For a moment, the faces and movements of the people in the car seemed a little strange.

What are they talking about?

Such doubts involuntarily arose in my heart. Looking from behind, I saw that the woman's body seemed to move, and the glass on the front door suddenly shattered. Before I could react, what was going on? The woman's windbreaker suddenly rose, and she held two submachine guns in her hands. One gun was aimed at the person in the car window, and the other gun just hit the head of an American rushing out from the rear door. head.

He probably will never forget what happened at that moment for the rest of his life.

In an instant, gunshots rang out, which could be heard clearly even in the restaurant. Through the transparent glass window, in the heavy snow that was flying all over the sky, the head of the man exploded like a watermelon, blood spattered, and the gunfire exploded. The mouth was pulled down without hesitation, and the whole body of the person was directly torn into pieces. The bullet passed through, and countless flesh and blood spread out, and in an instant, a terrifying five- to six-meter-long imprint.

Within a few seconds, the car was destroyed by the frenzied shooting, and two people were shot to death inside, and one person escaped, but was caught by traffic after only a few steps. It crashed and flew out, followed by a chaotic sound of horns and collisions, and a large-scale traffic accident happened in an instant.

Stretching her hand on the roof of the car, the woman turned over the small car and walked directly towards the man who got up from the ground and wanted to run away. At the same time, the two policemen in the police car at the corner reacted... .

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