Hidden Assassin

Volume 3 Cohabitation Era Section 225 Blood on the Street

In the middle of the night, he was awakened by faint gunshots. The training he had experienced in the past made him extremely sensitive to the human body. There were not many gunshots either.

Picking up the flashing micro-earphones, Cui Guohua's voice came from inside: "Mantou, come out and see God..."


He rushed out from the door of the ward, and the night light of the city shot into the corridor through the floor-to-ceiling giant glass windows. When he walked to the window, he looked down and opened his mouth wide.

Below the hospital, the entire relatively spacious street was blocked by chaotic vehicles at this time. Dozens of small cars had collided here. On the opposite side of the road, an exploding small car was burning raging fire. In the small space blocked by vehicles on both sides, an American covered in blood was struggling to escape, occasionally getting up, occasionally falling down, and behind him, a woman in white followed slowly, Holding two submachine guns in his hands, he seemed to have walked out of the fire, but it gave people a feeling of shuddering incomparably cold.

Snowflakes are flying all over the sky.

Screams resounded continuously on the street. People who got out of the car because of the accident ran away in all directions. The American man covered in blood struggled to stand up with his hands on the hood of a small car. The next moment, the woman raised her hand Gun, pulled the trigger. Amidst the gunshots, sparks splashed out mixed with flesh and blood, and the man's entire palm was directly blasted into pieces. Amidst the screams, he rolled to the ground in pain, holding only half of his wrist, bleeding He spewed out continuously, but maybe it was because his body was still strong, and after receiving such a huge injury, he didn't die or fainted directly. He kicked his legs on the ground and retreated subconsciously. The woman followed him slowly.

In such a scene, some women fled from the car in fear. He vomited before he reached the side of the road, and the scene of running wildly while spitting out something was very strange, and at the corner of the road not far away, a police car was shot full of holes, and two gunmen The policeman was hiding behind the police car, probably contacting the headquarters: "There was a gun battle on xx Street, a murder case..." and so on. Once they showed a little figure behind the car, the woman's muzzle on the woman's side would immediately follow. past. Countless sparks were wiped out in front of them.

Heavy snow, cars colliding with each other all over the street, blood splattered and fires ignited by the vehicles behind, and the woman walking calmly in such a situation, even Mantou who has stayed in the United States for so long has never seen Someone would kill someone in such a high-profile manner. After following the man on the ground for a few steps, the woman in the white windbreaker raised her gun again, directly breaking one of the opponent's calves. After a few seconds, the target of the gun's muzzle rose to her thigh. He didn't have any strength to retreat, followed by another leg, arm, shoulder...

"This...what the hell is going on..."

"The tulip you want to see is also the first time I saw her face-to-face..." Cui Guohua's voice came over, "Zhang Yahan came here suddenly the day before yesterday, and she has already started killing here today. We really underestimated her source. And... um. I obviously underestimated her temper, and now the FBI and the US National Security Agency are going to have a headache..."

"That person... is the killer belonging to Pei Luojia in North America?"

"It should be. They are very professional. They probably just came to check the location and investigate the environment first. We didn't find anything unusual... But obviously they have not escaped Miss Jian's observation. By the way, she is a beauty. Didn't you say that you are right for her? interested in……"

"Uh...forget it. I heard that Ye Lian likes her, everyone is a brother... let him go to the matter of sure death..."

During the conversation, the killing on the road continued. In front of the woman, the man's body had been blasted into pieces of flesh by the bullets. It looked horrifying, until the bullets finally ran out. She calmly put the two submachine guns back into the windbreaker. Take a few steps back. Stretching out his hand to support a car, he rushed out of the traffic jam...

far away. The sound of sirens quickly approached, but it was obviously too late.

"The timing is really good, I can sleep well today." Cui Guohua said lightly, "Pei Luojia in North America will be dizzy by this blow, it's nothing to say, the fbi also has to work overtime... Ha ha, reminds me of her When Jianghai City was about to kill someone, we couldn't sleep, and Ye Lian helped her finish it..."

"Yes, in the future, I am afraid that many people will not be able to sleep again..." In the exclamation of Mantou, that figure has disappeared in the snowflakes flying all over the sky, leaving behind him a street full of horror and death. The messy scene...


In the dark, rustling sounds sounded from the corridor, and rubbing her sleepy eyes, Heidi hugged the pillow, walked around like a cat with her body bent down, and carefully lifted the slippers when passing her mother's room , walking lightly with bare feet.

Those who couldn't sleep obviously included her at this time.

After a while, she came to the guest room at the corner of the corridor, put on her slippers, stood up straight, adjusted her nightdress, and brushed her hair

Point, of course, random return, still have to show her cuteness as the standard to experience, the person sleeping in the room likes cute girls.

After returning to the United States, such aesthetics made her feel a little confused. In school, her personality was independent and wild, which was the result of being nurtured by family members and taught by a single mother. The so-called cuteness and ignorance, Childish is the same word, and boys in school without exception like a woman with big breasts and big ass who is mature and independent - like a mother, for example.

Subconsciously, she straightened her small breasts under her nightdress. She is almost fourteen years old, has already entered the puberty period, and her height is close to 1.5 meters, which makes her look very good when standing with Jia Ming ——These appearances made her feel that she had shortened the distance between Jia Ming and him. He was three years older than herself, which was just right, and she remembered the initial period. He even bathed himself and coaxed himself to sleep. When he thought of this past, it made her feel ashamed as well as warm. Feeling, and of course she doesn't want Jia Ming to be her father.

Well, I have to admit that her breasts are a bit smaller compared to American girls of the same age, maybe because her Chinese father passed on bad genes to her, but Jia Ming seems to like this, so forget it, hug the pillow tightly, She was mentally preparing again, it was almost four o'clock in the morning, she said she couldn't fall asleep, talked to him, and then hugged him to sleep, to be confused, to be cute... She turned the handle of the room, locked. .

"Jiaming, Jiaming... open the door..."

Knocking on the door lightly, calling softly, but no matter what, there was no sound inside... Could it be because she was sleeping too deeply, no, could it be that her mother was also inside... Thinking of this, she froze for a while , if today's situation is really what she imagined before, Jiaming is a prostitute, mother is a slut, the two of them are like this, then what should I do... My mind is full of excitement for a while, but my feet are not idle. He stood up, opened the door of a room next to him, and then went up to the balcony.

This is on the second floor of the villa. Since the balconies are so large, the distance between the two balconies is only about one meter, and even if they fall... Well, try not to fall, she threw away the pillow, climbed up the railing, and then Standing on it swaying and swaying, the thin nightdress swayed in the wind. At this time, there were people patrolling far and near in the manor, but they didn't see her for a while, so she jumped and landed on Jiaming's balcony silently. Heidi is a seed player in gymnastics, balance beam, and uneven bars in the school. At this time, she is fighting for love. Of course, this difficulty cannot stop our little fighter.

Can't make you two happy! As for the follow-up... She hasn't thought about it yet. As soon as she opened the window and entered the room, she quickly rushed straight to the big bed, and then... in the air.

Looking at the empty bed, Heidi was a little dumbfounded, touched the messy quilt, and it was already cold, which meant that Jiaming didn't sleep here early in the morning, and didn't think for a while that since Jiaming had gone out, how could he lock the room , quietly went out, she ran barefoot to her mother's room, the thick blanket perfectly silenced the voice that represented her inner excitement.

Heidi was furious, with serious consequences.

She is not a fool. In 1995, although she was young, naive and ignorant, she was rescued by Jia Ming and enjoyed his care wholeheartedly, but she was actually vaguely aware of the matter between her mother and Jia Ming. I know a little bit. When I returned to the United States and matured further, these concepts gradually took shape. My mother "probably" slept with Jiaming.

In her memory at that time, Jia Ming was much older than her, and she couldn't think about such a thing. She and her mother depended on each other, so she couldn't blame her mother for this kind of thing. At the same time, everything about Jia Ming must be That's right, then it should be the mother who "seduced" Jia Ming. When she went to Jianghai again this summer and met Jiaming, she realized that she was actually very close to Jiaming, but because she couldn't blame or order anyone, she made a small decision in her heart, mother Now he can sleep with Jiaming, once he grows up, he can "seduce" Jiaming, Jiaming should be his own.

Therefore, in her imagination, her mother is active, mature and beautiful, and the boys at school will drool when they see her. If Jia Ming doesn't show up, she is a fool, so she rushed into Jia Ming's room first. But if Jiaming took the initiative to sleep with his mother, the nature seemed to be a little different... She couldn't clearly analyze the nature of it, but she was very angry...

Gently twisting the handle, the door of the mother's room was not closed tightly as usual, so she suddenly pushed the door open, stood there with her hands on her hips puffed up, and then froze again.

The bedroom was still empty.

The two of them...leave themselves...on a date....

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