Hidden Assassin

Volume 3 Cohabitation Era Chapter 239 Lonely

On, had a good dream.

In the dream, Jia Ming and Mommy finally separated, and Jia Ming fell in love with her—this is a matter of course—in the holy vagueness, she wore white gauze and followed Jia Ming into the cathedral, as if every day Like in a TV series, they got married and lived happily together with Jiaming and mother. Of course, a person as powerful as Jiaming will naturally be liked by many other vixens, but Little Heidi He defeated them with his beauty and wisdom, and finally let them go away one by one in shame.

I am very happy when I think about it, and when I wake up, there is still a satisfied smile on the corner of my mouth.

Climbing out of the soft quilt, she rubbed her eyes. There was heavy snow falling outside the window, the north wind was howling, and the sky was gloomy. However, the room separated by a wall was warm, which felt good. With bare feet, she Gently got off the bed, without shoes, pushed the door open happily and went out.

Don't disturb others, she wants to see the reaction of Jiaming and mother first, whether they are holding something in the living room and waiting for her to kneel down or hit her.

Although she has never been treated like this before, what happened this time is indeed a major event, at least... it is the most important thing for her vitality, so be cautious, be careful...

Quietly walked to the door of Jia Ming's room, she lay down on the carpet, put her ears against the door, and listened for a while, but there was no movement inside, and she couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. She knew Jia Ming's power, and it was the time when she felt guilty. She opened the door but dared not. She stood up quietly, and wanted to go to her mother's room to listen for a while. The sound of breakfast can be clearly seen as the movement of Mommy.

Carefully poke your head out. After making sure that Jiaming was not in the living room, she slowly dived down, hid behind the sofa in the living room and looked towards the kitchen, only to see Marilyn wearing the nightgown from last night, frying eggs mechanically, looking from a distance. Go, that face was a little pale and silent, and his eyes were a little slack. It seems that Mommy has really separated from Jiaming, Heidi thought.

I was watching here, and suddenly there was a bang. The shovel in Marilyn's hand seemed to be using the wrong force. The egg flew out, but the hot oil splashed on her fingers, and the shovel fell to the kitchen floor with a bang. She took a step back somewhat at a loss, then squatted down, and reached out to get the shovel, but the hand shook in the air a few times, but she put the finger that was splashed with oil into her mouth and sucked it gently. Tears rolled down from the eyes all at once.

Heidi hid there, watching her mother sitting on the ground while weeping, wiping her tears, and suppressing the whimpering, she felt a sudden pain in her heart. There is no Jiaming. Mommy is in pain too. But... this kind of thing... She thought about it and went upstairs quietly.

When I come down again. Marilyn continued to make breakfast with red eyes. The hand moved mechanically and saw Heidi walking from the side. Just now, he turned his face to the inside, reached out and wiped the corners of his eyes: "Are you up?"

Biting her lips lightly, Heidi nodded, then walked over, grabbed her mother's right hand without saying a word, took out the scald medicine to wipe it off for her, and there was a burst of fragrance from the frying pan, Marilyn stared blankly at her daughter for a long time before she heard her say: "Mommy, I like Jia Ming too..."

With a complex smile on her face, Marilyn hugged her daughter in her arms. After a while, the burning smell gradually came from the pot. Marilyn picked up the shovel, and Heidi came out of her mother's arms: "I'll go Check if Jiaming has woken up."

"No need to call."

"Is he up?"

"He left last night."

"Uh..." Turning her head suddenly, Heidi's face turned pale, "How...how could..."

Amidst the sound of bang bang bang, the little girl went upstairs quickly. After a while, the door opened, and shouts like "Jiaming..." came down continuously. Marilyn held back her tears and put the breakfast on the plate. The little girl ran down quickly, crying to her mother: "Impossible! He must have just gone out, he has a lot of things to do..."

"His stuff is gone."

"I'll go find him!"

As Heidi said, she was about to run out of the door just like that. She opened the door, and the north wind whizzed in with snowflakes. Marilyn hurried over and grabbed her: "It's so cold outside, you're wearing pajamas..."

"I'm going to find him!" Pulled by her mother, Heidi suddenly sat down on the ground, crying loudly. She is not a fool. Seeing her mother's appearance and listening to her voice, her heart sank. After going down, knowing that the matter was serious, she cried for a while, seeing her mother was wiping her tears, and said in a hoarse voice, "Then when will he come back..."

"I don't know..." Marilyn's voice was a little choked up, and she went to hug her daughter, "Maybe I won't come back..."

In the room, the only sound left was Heidi's crying. Marilyn put her arms around her and comforted her: "Don't cry, it's because mom didn't do well enough..."

"No!" Heidi interrupted her, cried for a while, and then looked at her mother with tears in her eyes, "It's my fault, I made him angry and disgusted, so he left, because last night was I intentionally hurt him..."

She took a deep breath and cried: "He didn't touch me. I told him that I liked him, but I asked him to go back to my room to sleep. When I went out, I saw you coming, so I hurried back to his room , deliberately took off his clothes to let you see that he was angry with me..."

"..." Looking at her daughter, Marilyn's lips trembled a few times, and for a moment, she looked out of the window where the snowflakes were dancing, "You, what you said is true..."

"I'm sorry, I don't dare anymore..." Heidi cried, "You let him come back, where did he go, I don't dare anymore, you let him come back to scold me, beat me, you let him come back, I I dare not..."

"I can't come back..." After a long time, she stroked her daughter's cheek, with a sad smile on her pale face, "I can't come back... It's not your fault, it's Mommy's fault, Mommy didn't believe him... It's Mommy's fault..."

In the sound of the wind and snow outside the window, the voice seemed to be a thin thread that was about to be broken at any time. It was hoarse and desolate, and gradually disappeared, leaving only the girl's regretful cry, which echoed faintly and depressed...

***************************************************** **

In the early morning of December 21, 1998. A blizzard descended on New York, dark clouds of low pressure, gloomy skies, howling north winds blowing through every part of the city, snow

Yang Yang, the visibility in the city has been reduced to the lowest, on the road, car horns can be heard everywhere, even though all drivers have slowed down their speed, several accidents still inevitably occurred in the city. On the news at 7:30 in the morning, every New York TV station reported about the heavy snow without exception. .

"Yeah. Why is New York like this?" The surroundings are clean and white, and there is a green ornamental tree in the corner of the wall. In the beautifully furnished ward, a well-dressed woman who can still be called gorgeous is watching TV while watching TV. Turning around, he said to the woman sitting on the hospital bed, "This is too unreasonable. Every day is not a car accident. It is a shootout or something. The night before yesterday, killing people on the street in front of me was like making a movie. Today, it is such a big one. Snow, I still think it’s a good place. Today’s plan to go out to play has been ruined again.”

"Bad luck." The young woman on the bed in a white patient gown smiled. "Didn't Mr. Chen tell us that the mafia is fighting again recently? The man named Mantou also said yesterday that the one in Ward 14 is a member of the mafia." Mr. Chen said in the woman's mouth. It was the captain of the guard on their trip. It is said that he used to be a mercenary, so he was very talented. He is also well-connected in all aspects, and usually likes to tell these things as anecdotes to show his profound knowledge. As for the guy nicknamed Mantou, he is naturally the fat boy with a baby face that he met the day before yesterday.

"I like to hear about the Mafia." The well-dressed woman smiled with interest, "That's the Mafia. You have seen The Godfather, and you really want to go to Hollywood to ask Marlon Brando for an autograph. Anyway, your illness Well, how about we find time to go to Hollywood and have fun?"

"That's just an actor, and it's different from the real thing. The real mafia does all kinds of bad things, including human trafficking, protection money, murder, and drug trafficking. They will kill you if you pick up junk in New York."

"You know again."

"Of course I..." After the words came out, they stopped suddenly, and the woman in the patient's clothes showed a complicated look on the face, and the woman on the side asked strangely: "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, it's just... oh, it's nothing." I clearly remember that I heard things about the mafia and Colombian drug lords as anecdotes from someone. At that time, I played the iron-blooded teacher in school However, that person would enter his office, which was regarded as a restricted area, to use his own computer, eat his own snacks, occupy his own seat, and sleep on his own sofa every free time. , but it felt like it was a room shared by two people. That feeling of intimacy... is gone forever...

"Remember that heartless guy?" Lost in thoughts, when the other party suddenly stretched his face over, he was startled a little, and couldn't help complaining with a smile: "Mom!"

"No! Want! Want! Him!" Waving her finger, the little mother said word by word, "Isn't that the one I liked when I was young? If you take him seriously, he won't take you seriously." Seriously, after I married your father, he always came to me, cut it, so I didn't bother to talk to him, let him regret it, tell you, men are low bones, if you want to have him, the only way , just never let him feel that he owns you."

"Hmph." Pouted, "I'll tell Dad, you have another man..."

"I have his heart, although I don't care about it anymore." Smiling proudly, the little mother said frankly, "But your father owns me. Your father is the most suitable man for me. When that man is together, they will eventually separate, and the closer they get, the more unbearable it will be."

"So you love my dad more?"

"You little girl believes in love. That's one of the reasons for two people to come together, but to live together, love doesn't mean much. People who don't love can live together better, but when two people live together After being together for a long time, the feeling of being familiar with each other and treating each other as oneself is the most comfortable feeling."

"Cut." Rolling his eyes, "Little Mom, you are not old, why are you talking like an old man?"

"It's no wonder that I'm not old. I was one of the staunch opponents of cosmetics ten years ago, but now I end up looking at cosmetics all day long." Patting his still round face, "So you'd better brush my teeth and wash my face quickly, We went out for breakfast and agreed to go shopping today."

Although the two are stepmother and stepdaughter in name, they love each other like sisters. My youngest mother has always been very frank about personal relationship issues. When they are together, they often communicate. There are many things that Zhang Jingan doesn't know, but Yahan does. To be clear, for example, during the love process between my mother and her ex-boyfriend, the two of them are still inseparable. Several times when the down-and-out man came over, the hot-tempered young mother scolded him away and almost called him out. When the security guard hit someone, it was Yahan who came forward to persuade the other party to go away. The last time the man scolded my little mother for liking the new and disliking the old, disliking the poor and loving the rich, and greedy for the property of the Zhang family. She stated that Zhang's property is her property. The man was finally driven away. But hearing that the other party still insisted on going shopping, Yahan couldn't help but feel bitter.

"No, do you still go shopping in this weather?"

"Just go to the supermarket on the street next door. There are two big ones. I go to one in the morning and one in the afternoon. I'm done in one day. Hurry up, dawdling, are you older than me?"

"Uh... okay." The woman in the patient's attire nodded helplessly, walked into the bathroom, picked up the toothbrush and toothpaste, and after a while, the face of the little mother appeared by the door: "You are holding my toothbrush...the one hiding Who is the man who knocked me out once in the bed? You are so obsessed with being dumped. You have been a little absent-minded since yesterday. Tell me, I won’t trouble him because of that. !"

"Uh...hehe, I made a mistake, please try again, little mom."

"Cut." Rolling her eyes, the little mother waved her hand and left the bathroom. Yahan pursed her lips, changed her toothbrush, squeezed toothpaste, raised her head, and a beautiful but lonely face appeared in the mirror... …

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