Hidden Assassin

Volume 3 Cohabitation Era Section 240 Suspicion

Flowers whizzed and danced, covering the whole of New York. Passing through the snow-covered road at this time, the seemingly old garbage disposal site was very lively. It was only early in the morning that police cars had already surrounded the place. Now, only New York is the only one who enters and exits here. The police, as well as some FBI agents, and the staff who were here before, have now been controlled and arranged in a few peripheral rooms, interrogating key personnel. As for the rest of the people, they are also controlled and not allowed to leave. They sounded more like criminals than victims.

Facing the heavy snow, a dark black Cadillac sports car roared towards it, and it was approaching in a blink of an eye, and it was about to collide with the police car parked here. It slid sideways with a scream, and came to a complete stop when it was only 20 centimeters away from the rear of a police car. Wearing a black suit, a tall and handsome white man stepped out of the car, slammed the door shut with a chill on his face.

The two policemen standing outside looked at each other, pretending not to see, and let him pass through the middle.

The warning tape has been pulled up in the factory area in front of him. The man went straight to a row of houses on one side, opened the door and went in. Inside were the employees of the garbage disposal site. Seeing him coming in, they all stood up and bowed: "Mr. Smith .”

"How much did we lose?" Looking outside, he closed the door and asked directly. An employee lowered his head: "About two hundred kilograms..."

"Who the hell did it?"

"Bill couldn't see clearly. He was slapped unconscious. Now the cop is asking him something."

"I couldn't see clearly!" Smith nodded and repeated, "What about you at that time? You actually called the police for such a big incident, and it was at this time that the police called me. You know that Eisen The tone of the bitch on the phone? Mr. Smith, a few people died in your factory, and we also found about two hundred kilograms of heroin. Did you lose it... Wow, it looks like he said two A hundred kilos of flour, and I accidentally spilled them on the road..."

"We..." An apprehensive expression appeared on his face, and several people on duty at night glanced at each other. It was so cold last night that the processing plant suspended work again. They naturally found a warm place to sleep, who knew that such a big thing would happen, and it was difficult to speak for a while, "Yes... someone else called the police, and the police came soon, and then they Checking the trash...they didn't allow us to communicate with the outside. In fact, the police first found out that the heroin had been mixed in the trash, and we, we..."

"You!" He spit out the word through gritted teeth, but now is not the time to deal with these idiots. The expression on his face changed several times. He took a breath, and the door opened behind him. A policeman appeared by the door: "Hi, Mr. Smith. You're here. How's the morning? This is where you manage too?"

With a smile, Smith turned around: "Hi. Eisen, we are really destined. The weather is good today, so I am in a good mood. What a coincidence, I am also managing here."

"Four died, and one of yours... Oh, maybe it can only be said to be your employee, after all, you are doing a legitimate business... He was knocked out by a slap, and the dead one of yours... The employee, was shot straight up, right in the head, you know, professionally speaking, that was a beautiful shot. There were three unidentified people who were thrown straight into the compressor and turned into a cookie, I think After you read it, you will definitely be allergic to compressed biscuits for three months. They are junk food, and I always advise everyone not to eat them." The policeman named Eisen obviously had a hard time with Smith, and at this time he looked a little gloating, "Oh, of course Hard to say, when the Mafia used to do this, throw people they were going to kill in the dump and crush them into biscuits, I mean... maybe as an American, we're all used to it, lol."

Eisen laughed and patted Smith on the shoulder, Smith also laughed, staring at the other party, there was already a hint of anger in his eyes, he withdrew his hand, and the other party also restrained his smile: "It is like this, since this happened in The place you manage, I think it is appropriate to invite you to assist in the investigation..."

"Of course, it is the responsibility of every citizen to assist the police in solving the case."

"In addition, there is a large amount of heroin crushed into biscuits with those three people. Our preliminary estimate is about 200 kilograms. Now I suspect that you are related to this batch of drugs..."

"What do you mean!" said loudly, Smith took a step forward, "Someone made trouble in my factory and killed my workers, but you think I'm guilty. Is this the logic of your police?"

"It's just suspicion, don't be nervous." Eisen spread his hands with a smile, "It's our police's job to make reasonable inferences based on certain clues and then verify it. If you decide to prosecute you, you can of course call a lawyer to defend you. To prove that you are innocent, you can wait here for a while, and then we will send you to the police station, and there may be things that need your help, please don’t refuse.”

He was about to leave with a smile, took two steps, and then turned his head: "Oh, yes, you have the right to remain silent now, but... sorry, I think you have heard this passage a lot, and your ears are calloused , I won’t say much, but I still have to tell you something, when you drove over the speed limit when you came here just now, the ticket has been placed on your windshield wiper, remember to pay the fine, goodbye, good citizen... Mr. Smith.”

"Shit!" With a wave of his hand, he slammed a hole in the wooden door on one side with his fist. The policeman in the distance shrugged in the wind and snow, and his back disappeared at the corner of the road.

At the same time, in front of the big pit in the center of the garbage disposal site, the huge chunk of compressed garbage has been lifted out at this time, and a group of people are gathered in front of the garbage. Many things are bloody and murky, but some of them can still be detected. Coupled with the resistance from the fbi's operation at the airport last night, the current situation is actually very clear, and the test results don't need much , the remaining work is just speculation and prediction.

"Two Japanese and one American. According to witnesses at the airport, they were cut into pieces almost as soon as they got into the car, and the car matched. It should be them. The question now is who actually did the work, Yanhuang Awakening? Miracle of creation? Or that tulip who is desperate to kill people.

...The two hundred kilograms of heroin should belong to the Gambino family, but there is no evidence. They can't be blamed at all. Generally speaking, they shouldn't involve these gangsters in their work. Is the two hundred kilograms of heroin used as the seasoning in the biscuits? Or is it his unique sense of humor? "

Standing on the edge of the big pit, 226; Lawang and Michelle Philip, who have FBI identities at this time. Because of the sensation of tulips in China, more than one or two groups of people were responsible for this incident, but this time, apart from Denis and Michelle, only one other man and one woman came here. At this time, four people are standing here, analyzing the situation. possibility of something.

"I think it might be a tulip," said the tall, lanky Caucasian Detective Deney. "Of course, it's purely my intuition after watching yesterday's video, she seems like someone who likes to do this."

"If she did it, it's too much." Michelle frowned. "According to the existing clues. Although China claims that Tulip belongs to them, the current intelligence points to one direction. That is, the two parties have no confirmed affiliation. Basically, Tulip is still a free person. It's just that the situation is sensitive now. No one concentrates on dealing with her, one person against an organization. If it were me, the killing in the early morning of yesterday was a deterrent of force, and the incident at noon was to obtain some information. She wanted to force the American Pei Luojia took a step back and let this time go, the deterrence is enough. What is the purpose of killing these two insignificant Japanese, because of the incident in Jianghai City, China?"

"That's right, the gain outweighs the gain." A detective next to him nodded, "These two Japanese came to New York as envoys, and they are of little value in themselves, but killing them, whether it's for face Or for some reason, the Peroja branch in the United States will not let it go, doing such redundant things, although the styles are somewhat similar, but unless Tulip is already crazy, he should not do this. I think it is possible that someone else did it on purpose. The way to make a tulip, after all, the guy who was knocked out said that it was a man who knocked him out. Of course, the power displayed by the tulip can knock out a strong man with a single slap, but if it is a man... partnered with the tulip, There is only that Chinese boy named Gu Jiaming, although it is not ruled out that he may be very skilled, but... he should not be able to reach this level..."

"The drugs come from the Gambino family. The relationship between the Gambino family and the Salier family is tense now. Gu Jiaming has a relationship with the mother and daughter of the Salier family." In the snowstorm, the female detective on the side helped He raised his glasses on the bridge of his nose, "This is an obvious connection... It's too obvious, although two hundred kilograms of drugs will bring some troubles to Gambino, but I think it's still too stingy with Tulip's way of killing people." After a while, she can completely kill Smith, or the new godfather John Damico, oh, this is too much. Let Tulip go crazy, so that North American Peroja has no room for her, who would most like this ?”

"That's right, in the United States, they are the only ones currently in direct conflict with Pei Luojia, so I think the possibility of creating a miracle is more than 70%, and tulips...less than 30%..."

In the garbage dump, the fbi is analyzing the case in front of it. In a room \u003e+. Wei, a phone call connects Japan on the other side of the ocean. Castro is talking to Yu Shoucang: "...about Watanabe-kun this time. The thing about it is our dereliction of duty. I will definitely take the responsibility. Who is the opponent? , also say hello to Axi for me... There is an old saying in China, a hero makes a boy... Well, goodbye..."

After hanging up the phone, the person in charge of Pei Luojia in North America had a calm expression on his face, and then looked across the desk with a smile: "Mr. It's tulips, don't you think?"

"I just came back not long ago, so it's hard to say." The voice from the opposite side was faint, soft like a woman, "But just looking at the present, the third time is a little different from the first two times. It's not right."

"I think so too, please go on."

"No purpose, no benefit." Zhuang Amil paused, "Tulip's first two shots were extremely purposeful, and the first street sniper gave people the strongest impact. She showed Her ability, the most calm killing, and the ability to accurately control the overall situation, the second time she took those materials, although they were all old materials before, but after sorting out and calculating, no one knows what effect it will produce , In terms of invisibility, this is a bigger threat, but for the third time, she has no reason to attack Mr. Watanabe and the others. Even if they want to let them die, it is enough to secretly notify the FBI, but it is she who Afterwards.: Strange, I heard that there was Gambino’s heroin thrown in the garbage, which is even more ridiculous... Besides, it’s purely my own selfishness, the car where Mr. Watanabe and the others died was splattered with blood , As a beautiful lady like Tulip, she shouldn't be splashed with blood all over her body, anyone who thinks like this is a kind of blasphemy against that beautiful lady."

"I think we coincided with each other." Castro lowered his head for a moment, and smiled at the opposite side, "Pay attention to the miracles of creation, and attack them at any time. We can't be played by them as fools."

The more intelligent a person is, the more afraid he may be of a lunatic, because he thinks too much and thinks about everything, and sometimes his vision is obscured by small doubts. It's scary, a fool can't beat a smart person, but a lunatic... can maintain a 50% winning rate in any situation. If he can grasp this kind of madness, the winning rate may be even higher. On this morning when the city was full of snow, Jia Ming was thinking about this kind of thing. .

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