Hidden Assassin

Volume 3 Cohabitation Era Section 245 Deep Alley

A police car was parked outside the shopping mall where the order had calmed down a little, and the siren continued to give people psychological stability. The two brothers Joseph and Robert sat in the restaurant across the road, watching the little bit of peaceful commotion over there.

In this matter, due to the appearance of the mysterious gunman and Joseph, Gambino's side failed to take advantage of any advantages, but naturally there was not much loss. It was a meaningless meeting to go all the way.

Joseph didn't quite agree with Robert's presumptuous negotiation. However, since everyone grew up, he also understood that this younger brother has always been hot-tempered. After being shot this time, he was able to invite the other party to initiate peace talks. He knows how to act in general, but Gambino also had a big incident last night. Both sides are angry and have no intention of peace talks at all.

"Several people died at the Kells garbage disposal site managed by Smith last night, one of his men, another American and two Japanese tourists were thrown into the compressor and crushed... "

"They used to do this kind of thing. People who killed themselves...could they be dealing with traitors?"

"Probably not. Someone called the police first. Before they could react, the police had already surrounded the dump, including people from the FBI. See~ it's not easy, and then they found 200 yuan from the pile of garbage. It is basically certain that the Gambino family stored the heroin in kilograms in that processing yard, heh, this thing is really weird..." Joseph sighed, shaking the coffee cup in his hand.

"Jane that bitch said the fbi moved our data

"I don't know how the news came out, but it should be true anyway..." Lighting up a cigarette, Joseph shook his head, "People from the fbi transferred us + because this matter has something to do with us. Smith is still in the police station now That's why Jane has such a bad temper."

"Things are getting serious..."

"A total war will not be fought. After all, it is almost the 21st century. None of the five major families would want such a thing to happen. Whoever breaks the rules will be suppressed collectively." After flicking the ash, Joseph paused for a while , "But the conflict in the dark may escalate. You have to be careful in the recent period. Yi Jian's crazy woman's character may touch you again. By the way...investigate our information, it won't be... "

Suddenly thought of something. Joseph's expression froze in the air, and Robert asked curiously, "What's wrong?"

"No, it's nothing, did I tell you, Marilyn and Heidi have a Chinese friend, and now they live in the manor, uh..." He said a few words, then shook his head and smiled, and turned away Topic, "By the way, you made a good arrangement today."


"That powerful shooter. Where did you find it? When will you introduce me to him?"

"The gunman?" Robert was taken aback for a moment, "Didn't you find that?"

A second later, both of them widened their eyes at the same time.

"Not you?"

"Not you? oh.d,

After thinking for a while, Joseph smiled and said, "That Chinese woman? I have an impression of her. Is she from her? Who is she?"

"I don't know. I came to the hospital for treatment. I only heard that it was one of the hospital's supporters. The family should be rich." Robert nodded, "I'll go back and check."

***************************************************** *

On the streets of Manhattan where the wind and snow were howling, a group of people were running wildly in pursuit.

A Chinese boy in a gray-yellow down jacket ran ahead, followed by a large group of strong men in black suits, both black and white. Quickly pass through the buildings in the snow, the trash cans on the side of the road, and the books and magazines on the newsstands. From time to time, all the tiny objects within sight were thrown into the air by the boy, and smashed towards the chasing crowd. Amidst the yelling, occasionally a chaser in a suit left the large group, took a shortcut and blocked the boy in front of him, and was nimbly dodged by the other party, or found a side road, allowing the interceptors to escape.

After a while, a jeep roared from behind and joined the chasing team. There was a red-haired woman in a close-fitting leather suit standing in the car. Gleefully waving his belt, drawing the attention of passers-by, such gangsters are commonplace in Brooklyn, but not so common in Manhattan in recent years. No matter how fast people go, they can’t outrun a car, but there are many shops in this area of ​​Manhattan, which can be described as extending in all directions. Occasionally, they rush into the nearby shopping malls, and often come out through the back door after more than ten minutes of chasing, and the jeep quickly chases after them.

This kind of chasing went on for more than half an hour, and the group finally chased the boy into the back alley between several houses. The chasers surrounded him from both sides and blocked the boy in a corner.

boo boo. The red-haired woman smiled and said in the car: "Run, keep running.

"I want to run too. This place...is not very good..." Looking up and looking around, I saw a woman poking her head out of the building at the side. Seeing him looking over, she closed the window with a bang, and everyone watched Seeing this scene, everyone laughed.

Amidst the laughter, the young man suddenly rushed to the side. The man in front did not stop him. With a bang, he smashed through the window of a room next to him. The couple were taken aback for a moment. Someone rushed out of his living room, and when he recovered, countless guys in black suits were crawling in from the windowsill of his house.

"You, you... what are you going to do? I... I will call the police!"

The male host picked up the phone receiver and waved it as if he was holding a pistol, but no one paid any attention to him. Everyone chased through the living room, the porch, and out the front door of his house.

After rushing out of the building, the boy ran towards the front exit, but before he arrived, the roaring jeep had already appeared there, turned and rushed over, and the Gambino members in black suits chased them out in a mighty manner. There were pursuers on both sides. He turned his head and ran to the small passage of the rooms of the two buildings on the side. Then he stepped on some garbage placed at the end and climbed over the low wall blocking the front. Members of the mafia also followed one after another. Chase over. Ahead, at the end of the small alley is the main road. Maybe he was tired of his cunning escape, someone pulled out his gun, and with a bang, the bullet grazed the wall behind Jia Ming, and at this moment, Jia Ming ran out of the passage directly.

The crowd in the back was noisy, as if they were blaming him for shooting randomly in the street, but he was just trying to catch a child... before he rushed out of the alley, the jeep at the corner turned and chased him, and Jiaming ran directly across the street. On the opposite side of the road, there is another deep alley ahead, but the entrance is narrow and vehicles cannot enter. .

He ran in, and the crowd chased in behind him, and the jeep blocked the alley. After running not far, he stopped. There was a two-story wall in front of him. The buildings on both sides were tall, but there were no windows on the side. It seemed that no one would find out what happened inside. Looking back, more than a dozen mafia members blocked the front, panting, and some waved their hands: "Run, keep running..."

With proud steps, the red-haired woman walked over and smiled at the boy in the dark: "Welcome to New York, it seems you have nowhere to go. Stay and play."

Looking around, Jia Ming nodded, with a smile on his face, but in the dark, it always makes people feel a little unclear. Jane was still talking, when the phone rang suddenly, and she took out her mobile phone: "Hello? Smith... Well, I have to deal with a little matter, it's just a small matter... Okay, I'll be right over, um, bye, twenty minutes Hurry up." After hanging up the phone, the woman smiled and looked at the subordinates around, then reached out and nodded Jiaming: "This child is in your hands, treat him well, be gentle, and don't always kill people. I just I just want to break his limbs, hehehahahaha..."

Smiling charmingly, she made a "bye" gesture to Jia Ming, turned around and walked towards the alley, and waited until the jeep roared away. A group of people in black suits looked at each other.

"Hey, Tom, you like this kind of thing, you go."

"Just kidding, why didn't you go, I don't want to do anything to such a child."

"Hans, I remember you are the most proficient at breaking people's hands and feet, it's like a painless abortion..."

"Take action on him? Do you look down on me, come on, let's single out..."

"Just a suggestion..."

"Please, since Jane said it, she has to do it. Do you want to be hated by her? Go home as soon as you finish. Jenny is still waiting for me."

"Then you go..."

A group of people made a lot of noise, and finally, the person who shot Jiaming just now was pushed out. This is a solid black man named Billy, wearing a big trench coat and shaved his head. As he walked towards Jia Ming who was standing in the deepest part of the alley, he said in his mouth, "Hey, is New York fun? Chinese, I really don't understand why you Chinese always want to come to the United States, and now it's like this... I hope You can remember the lesson."

Seeing him walking past, more than a dozen people here were chatting with each other. Interrupting people's hands and feet is not a good thing after all, and no bloodthirsty pervert wants to watch carefully. However, after a few seconds, Billy's voice There was a bang in the air, and they turned their heads to look, but the darkness was still dark. The figure of the boy stood there, and the man named Billy fell motionless at his feet.

"Uh, next? Can you please hurry up?"

In the deep alley, the people here were stunned, and there was no sound for a while. .

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