Hidden Assassin

Volume 3 Cohabitation Era Chapter 246 Who Are You

"I said earlier that you are delusional, but you don't believe it. You think about it every day and dream at night. Now you are daydreaming. You are scaring me to death. We won't go shopping in the next few days. It's snowing so much. , I called your dad today, let's go back as soon as possible, anyway, the examination in this hospital is almost over, it is impossible to live here in the United States to recuperate, I went back... My heart is still beating now ..."

Following the woman's chattering voice, the car stopped at the side of the road below the hospital, got out of the car door, entered the building, and entered the elevator. The little mother kept talking along the way. Today's incident had obviously scared her. It's choking.

All the way back to the ward, Yahan seemed to have not woken up from the trance. While talking, the little mother threw all the shopping bags in her hand on the bed, and then ran to the bathroom to remove makeup. You still ran out with some water stains, the earrings and necklaces have been taken off, and the hair that was originally rolled up has also been put down. Although she always said that she lived by cosmetics, the woman in her thirties who did not wear makeup at this time still had a mature and natural temperament. After sorting out the things she bought today, she reached out to touch Yahan's forehead.

"It's okay, do you want to let the doctor take a look? I think you should sleep first, and everything will be fine when you wake up. Be good, you sleep, don't think about anything, I'll go out first. "

"Mom, don't worry, I'm fine. "

Sitting on the edge of the bed, Yahan smiled softly, drawing the other party's eyes: "Tch, don't use words that are not convincing at all..."

When opening the door, Yahan suddenly jumped off the bed. Going to the door, my mother looked back, but it was Mantou chatting with a group of bodyguards outside the door, there was nothing surprising: "What's wrong?"

"Uh, it's okay...Mantou, can you come in?".

"Steamed bun?"


Everyone looked over strangely, and Mantou also stretched out his hand and pointed at himself. After Yahan nodded, he just let out an ooh.  He entered the room with some hesitation.

Gently pulling the door closed, the little mother looked at the bodyguards on both sides: "No eavesdropping is allowed." Then, she walked towards her room.

In the room, there was a little silence. Because of the gloomy weather with the wind and snow outside the window, the lighting in this ward seems a little insufficient at this time, Yahan nodded: "Sit whatever you want.  " Walking to the side cabinet, "Coffee? Or juice?"

"Uh.  Juice..." Sitting down on the sofa, Mantou felt that the atmosphere seemed a little weird. Could it be that this woman couldn't find the person she was looking for, so she gave up on herself and wanted to seduce herself into bed? But this woman has something to do with Jian Suyan, although she is very tempting, but whether she should go for it or not, I am in a dilemma for a while.

Such wild thoughts, he himself will not take it seriously. Especially when she saw Yahan's expressionless face, she could basically understand that it was definitely not up to her to do such a glamorous thing, otherwise she would not be able to put on such a face that would make a man feel uncomfortable, but The biggest is also the most unfortunate possibility for myself. Most likely...

"Orange juice. "

"Oh, thank you. "

Putting the juice in front of Mantou, Yahan sat down on the opposite sofa, the two of them stared blankly at each other, Mantou had no choice but to pick up the orange juice and stuff it in his mouth, and then, Yahan asked softly: " Mantou, who the hell are you? ”

"Huh?" There was a pair of pure and innocent eyes behind the glass.

"You are very powerful, you can fight, and you can also shoot.   You will know that today that person is trying to deal with me.   You are not afraid of facing the mafia at all. You are approaching us on purpose.   Who are you?" The tone was soft, Yahan raised her head, "If you want to follow me, you have to tell me? A lot of words"...

Gudu, Gudu... Holding up the glass, Mantou drank a large glass of orange juice, then stood up with a smile: "I'm sorry, I'm going out to answer the phone.  "


The wind and snow were howling, leaving the building complex full of skyscrapers, the world was in a daze, the jeep was going up the mountain road, but it skidded and broke down due to the snow all over the ground not long after. Letting the driver fiddle with the machinery in front of the car, the red-haired woman got out of the car and walked up the mountainside directly on the snow.

A subordinate followed by her side, chatting and joking occasionally. Seeing that the villa on the mountainside was approaching, she took out her brick-like mobile phone and dialed a number.

In a deep alley in downtown Manhattan, the bell rang, mixed with the hollow whimpers of the wind and snow blowing through the alley, which seemed a bit strange. The mobile phone fell on the ground, and there was blood flowing. Looking at it from this angle, it was a dark place. In the alley, there are corpses scattered all over the place.

Subtle footsteps sounded, and a figure in a gray-yellow down jacket threw away a stick in his hand, and squatted down in front of the ringing cell phone, watching with great interest the ringing cell phone in the pool of blood, Until the ringtone stops.

"Shit, what are these people doing, they don't answer the phone..." On the mountainside, the red-haired woman hung up the phone and cursed bitterly. At this time, I have arrived in front of the villa, and when I walked into the hall, Smith was sitting on the sofa in the center, surrounded by a few little bosses of the family affairs, sitting next to Smith, she smiled charmingly: "Hi, it's all right . ”

"There is no evidence from the police, not to mention that we are the victims of this matter. What can we do? It's nothing more than Eisen's intention to make things difficult for me." Frowning, Smith said, "Did you negotiate with Robert today? How about it?"

"The other side wants to reconcile, I gave him a slap in the face. " ​​Walking to the side of the stage and pouring a glass of wine, Jane bit her lips, "But then Joseph appeared, and they arranged for a very powerful shooter... In general In other words, there was no fight on the spot, and the matter was not resolved...I will be responsible for the follow-up of this matter. ”

"Joseph? The shooter?" Smith frowned, "I want to know the detailed process. "

"Ok. " Jane nodded, and started from the beginning of today's shopping mall. She didn't hide her embarrassment. All the details were told according to the truth. Several people discussed for a while, except that Jane's attitude was a bit aggressive, and there was no real disadvantage on my side.  After this incident, there were other family affairs that needed to be resolved together. About an hour later, when it was almost lunch time, Smith asked, "By the way, what about Tom and the others? Didn't follow you back?"

"They didn't answer the call, God knows where they went. " Jane shrugged, "I met that Chinese kid today. "

"Chinese boy?"

"It's the guy I met at Marilyn's place. I said I would remember him." Jane smiled, "He was left alone, and then I caught him with Tom. This kid is really cunning , took us to run in Manhattan for about an hour, but we were blocked in the end. I received your call at that time, so I hurried back, and now I guess...that kid is almost dead. ”

"This is not good, it will only leave no room for both sides." Smith said reproachfully, "And those are Chinese tourists. Now that China's influence in the world is gradually increasing, if such things happen to tourists, they will put pressure on them. The government When we’re under pressure, we don’t have a good time either. ”

"I've already done it.   How? A lot of words" Jane's tone was a little aggressive. She had always been very jealous of Smith showing affection for Marilyn in order to hit Joseph. At this time, she obviously thought that Smith was afraid of being hurt. Before Marilyn's friend could say another word, Smith stood up and slapped him. …

A "slap" slap echoed in the living room, and the rest of the people walked away wisely. Smith kicked her and said, "I'm telling you to do things, put away your selfishness! If you haven't slept with me, someone Talking to me like that, she's dead!" After a pause, "Anyway, call them back to have lunch together, now that we've done this, we must be ready to go to war with Salier at any time. "

Looking at Smith, Jane wiped away the blood overflowing from the corner of her mouth, sat on the sofa without saying a word, and took out her mobile phone from her bag. Seeing her dawdling and aggrieved, Smith snatched the mobile phone over. Dial the number.

Ten seconds later, the call was connected.

"Hello? Uh...um...um..."

The call lasted about a minute, with only the sporadic voice of Smith audible.  After typing, he slowly closed the flip of the phone, his eyes wandering and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Uh, where are they?" Jane asked after a while, thinking of easing the relationship with Smith.

Without answering immediately, Smith raised his head, exhaled with a complicated expression, then handed the phone back and looked at the woman's face: "How many of you... in total?"

"Uh, Hans and the others came back with me. There are twenty people on Tom's side, a total of twenty-three." Jane replied blankly.

"Twenty-three... twenty... You said you blocked that Chinese kid?"

"Yeah, Manhattan...there's a cul-de-sac over Sixth Street..."

"He alone?"

"Of course it's one! What's the matter?" Realizing that something was wrong, Jane asked and stood up. The next moment, Smith turned around suddenly, waved her hand, and knocked her down on the sofa with a louder slap. There was a loud roar in the room:

"That's right, there are only one of them, twenty of us here! You arrogant son of a bitch! Do you know that you have been tricked by them? This call is from the police station! Twenty people, no more, no more No, they're all dead! Just after you left, they all died in that alley—"



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