Hidden Assassin

Volume 3 Cohabitation Era——Volume 6 Under the Blue Sky Volume 5 A World with Love Section 254 I&#039

The car left the Washington Bridge and headed west all the way. The speed was still maintained at more than one mile, and it was moving forward in the traffic flow. However, since the chasing vehicles had been thrown away, it gave people the feeling that it was much more stable. The helicopter was still following behind, and after a while, the sports car left the city road and turned to a high speed. *** is flowing, snowflakes are dancing, the wipers in front of the windshield are swaying from side to side, one wiper is interrupted, and the shaking is extraordinarily ostentatious at this time. Compared with the horror and chaos of more than an hour before, at this time, everything seems Quiet.

The people around her still had that strange face, but it seemed that they were far away from the ordinary, peculiar, and eccentric Gu Jiaming, so that she was a little at a loss now, holding the seat belt with both hands , sometimes looking at him, sometimes looking out of the car, sometimes looking ahead, pursing his lips, not knowing what to say. The air conditioner in the car felt a little hot at this time, and it might have been affected by the shootout, but she was a little embarrassed to say that you should turn the air conditioner cooler-this is not travel. The broken windshield wiper squeaked.

I don't know how long it took, but it was the people around me who spoke first: "If you feel stuffy, it doesn't matter if you open the window a little."

"But there is a helicopter chasing after..."

"A little bit is enough, their marksmanship is not so accurate."


Nodding her head, she opened the car window a crack, and suddenly, a pleasant cold wind howled in. At this time, it has probably left the urban area, and there are fewer and fewer houses on both sides of the road. Although it is full of traffic as far as the eye can see, it is obviously not as prosperous as New York. After the first few conversations, Yahan's strange mood gradually calmed down: "You look so strange now..."

"No way. Americans have this virtue."

"You just like talking nonsense."


Both of them laughed, but then unconsciously turned their eyes to the side. Recalling the friendship-like communication between the two at the beginning, the current situation is really uncomfortable. For a moment, Yahan suddenly blamed herself. If she didn't point it out at the beginning, now...

"Scared these days?" The sports car smoothly passed the cars ahead, sending them swiftly backwards. The man opened his mouth.

"Scared." Yahan thought for a while, "Since December, it's like being in a movie. What's going on?"

"I was also scared..." Jiaming looked aside, turned the steering wheel, then pushed back, frowning, "Stay well at home. Suddenly it was kidnapping and murdering again, and I have to run to The United States has come to make so many things, it's like... a dream I had a long time ago came back..."

For Jiaming's emotional tone, Yahan didn't understand much. Looking back, she said, "That helicopter is still following, what should I do?" After a gust of snow wind, the temperature inside the car had dropped, and she rolled up the windows again.

"Kill it."

"Use what?" Yahan laughed, "Bazooka?"

"Haha, I didn't bring that thing." Jia Ming shook his head, "There should be a toll booth not far ahead, let's talk about it after passing the toll booth."

"This car can't pass the tollbooth?" Although Jiaming knew that Jiaming was powerful, the body of the sports car was full of bullet marks. If you want to pay the money through the normal channels, you will undoubtedly be stopped, not to mention that there is a plane behind you that is biting this way. Seeing Jiaming smile, she also understands in her heart. In a moment, a large toll booth with a total of sixteen lanes appeared ahead. ***brightly lit. This is also an important checkpoint for entering and exiting New York. Due to the heavy snow, there are fewer vehicles passing through. Yahan looked for the empty driveway and pointed to the side: "There, there, there! Ah... was passed by others...these cars They all walk so slowly..."

Anxious, he looked back at the helicopter again. Before turning his head, the sports car had already increased its speed again, swung to the side, and inserted in front of a truck. Looking back, the slowly lowered railings of the toll booth suddenly drew closer.



The sports car broke the railing and rushed out of the toll booth. Yahan looked back and saw several toll booth employees rushing out angrily. She used to see this kind of incident of rushing through customs and evading fees on TV, and she felt very disgusted, but now she felt a little irritated in her heart, and she couldn't help laughing out loud. When the body turned back, I heard Jia Ming saying beside me: "Sit still."

"Uh, what..."

"We're going to shake off the back tail."

"But it's an airplane..."

Before he finished speaking, Jia Ming opened a blue square cover on the driver's platform and pressed the red button inside.

Nitric oxide……

She only had time to see the English letters next to the red button, but before she had time to think about the meaning, suddenly, the huge pressure pushed her into the seat again, and the huge acceleration in the few seconds when the sports car started at top speed once again. It descended on this already high-speed sports car.

In my ears, I can already hear the crazy howling of the turbine...

His eyes swept over the instrument in front of him, and the speedometer was raised rapidly within a few seconds, two hundred, two hundred two, two hundred four, two hundred six... The red sports car sped out like a rocket, and broke through in the blink of an eye. The speed of 300 kilometers per hour, and still rising, turning back with difficulty, the frantic snowflakes almost danced into a hurricane behind the car, and the faint helicopter in midair was thrown into the distance in the blink of an eye.

Everything was thrown away, including the entire space, as if pulled to the rear in an instant...

***************************************************** ****

At an almost crazy speed, the red sports car rushed out of the expressway. It was a branch road that didn't know where it was going. With this speed situation, after a while, there were three branch roads in front of me, and the sports car rushed to the one on the left. , the speed has dropped by one hundred and eighty kilometers, and the speed is roaring forward. Occasionally, an oncoming car comes, fleetingly.

A few minutes later, both sides of the road gradually became desolate, and some farm houses with still lights could be seen from far and near. It was already winter, and the crops outside had been harvested. The shadows are vague, and it looks a bit desolate. Although I understand that the United States is vast and sparsely populated compared to China, but it is less than an hour away from New York. It is really unbelievable that there is such a desolate place in front of me. Yahan looked out the window: "Where is this?"

"A certain place in New Jersey in the United States. I don't know the exact name." Frowning, he changed gears a few times. Even though the speed had dropped, he could hear the faint beeping sound of the engine in the sports car. Ming Du gnawed down. "This car is about to give up...".

"Is it going to break?"

"Drive slowly. The acceleration of monoxide will do too much damage to the car, and it has been tossed all night. Bullets and bombs, it is already very good to last here." Jia Ming smiled, because he originally With a smile on his face, the American face looked a little wretched and weird, "It's not a Mark V."

In any case, it is difficult to agree that the current speed is called slow driving, but compared to just now, the current speed is indeed too much lower. Yahan hesitated for a while: "Is there something wrong with my little mother?"

"It should be safer than us. The man named Mantou is okay, not to mention their companions are nearby, and the police have rushed over... Do you have a mobile phone with you?"

"I didn't bring it." Yahan spread her empty hands, then raised her head with a smile, "Except for myself. I didn't bring anything else."

"Enough is enough. The thing on me that can make a phone call... Well, it was broken. We will find a place to contact them later, maybe there will be a small town, a store or something..."

Yahan nodded: "Then what?"

"Today's plane can't go, lest they go crazy... Then let you go back to the country secretly, by the way, your condition..."

"The doctor said that there will be two more days of observation, but they are not very sure...Moreover, if this kind of thing happened, the hospital is over...Will you go back with us?"

Seeing Yahan's eyes looking over, Jiaming smiled embarrassedly: "Uh. I still have something to do..."


"But it should be very simple. It should be possible to go back to the country together. Of course, it's only possible, and... for some reason, you know, you can't let your little mother see me."

"Coward..." Yahan rolled his eyes at him, then lowered his head and smiled, "Have you been to America before?"

"Before... I have been to the branch road in the middle just now, but I didn't come here, and I don't know where it leads."

"Then you're still here?"

"I can't control it anymore." Jia Ming laughed, "You think I'm a fairy, a car with monoxide added is like a rocket, if it hits anything, it's almost guaranteed to die, the road conditions over there are not good , A stone can make this car fly, I can only rush here."

"I don't think you're afraid."

"Try to forget it." He replied casually, seeing Yahan's pensive gaze, he quickly smiled, "I told you before that I am a killer."

"I didn't say it was like this." She fixed her head and looked at him, "I used to think you were a very powerful child, but now... I don't know what to say anymore, you have become...very strange... ..."

"I..." Jia Ming was about to answer, but he heard the engine beeping a few times. The sports car finally broke down on the side of the road. ..."

***************************************************** *****

It was snowing heavily, and on the side of a deserted road in New Jersey, a red sports car full of bullet holes was parked quietly. Orange lights came from inside the car. Beside him, a beautiful Chinese woman was turning around, steaming into her clasped hands, and occasionally kicking the snow on the side of the road boredly.

"The car also

? "With a crisp voice, the woman spoke loudly.

"It's probably enough. But I have to try." The man said without turning his head.

"You really know how to fix cars?"

"Understand a little."

"I thought you really messed with my old car in front of Xu Mo that time... How much else do you have that I don't know?"

"Actually, I am a person from the future."

"Blow!" The woman rolled her eyes and nodded, "Blow hard!"

"Well, you don't believe the truth." The man tried hard to blow away some snowflakes on the internal parts. Hit it twice with the hammer in your hand, then turned your head, "If you feel cold, go back to the car, don't make trouble here."

"Don't go back." The woman breathed a few hot breaths into her hands, and then, the man continued to repair the car, and she turned around several times. Somehow, he thought of something, and suddenly laughed until he was leaning forward and backward laughing on the side of the road, the man stood up straight, and looked at the woman who was smiling like an idiot beside him: "You got hit on the head by the toilet? "

"Haha, I don't think it's funny, you just...haha, remember? You just..." She covered her stomach with one hand. A finger came over and bent over with laughter, "You just said... I'm broken, haha... you're broken... you're broken. Haha..."

The man looked at her blankly for a long time, and continued to repair the car. The woman smiled for a while, and finally stopped: "Hey, can't you change your appearance back? I feel so awkward now... "

"You must be doing magic tricks. It's so easy. There's not even water here."

"There is hot water in the water tank, and the ground is full of cold water..."


"Gu Jiaming, you...ah—"

Before he finished speaking, he saw the other party rushing towards him. At that moment, she thought he was angry, and the two of them fell heavily into the snow-covered grass on the side of the road. Immediately, she saw the serious eyes of the other party, and stretched out her fingers to the sparse and decaying sea of ​​snow-covered grass in front of her. : "Quick. Climb over and find a place to hide yourself, don't get close to this car."

In the wind and snow not far away, a black silhouette appeared in the night sky with a faint beam of light.

The helicopter actually found this road and followed the road to find it...

Without much hesitation, she crawled towards the distance, and when she turned around, Jia Ming took out a bag from the sports car. Then gently close the door.

Not long after, the helicopter approached, and the searchlights on the plane shone towards the broken down sports car.

She was lying behind a haystack more than 20 meters away from the roadside, trying to cover her body with snow, shivering from the cold. Jia Ming's figure could no longer be seen. In the sky, the helicopter hovered over the side of the sports car, and the door of the plane seemed to open for a moment.

In the wind and snow, there was a crisp gunshot!

Afterwards, an orange-yellow beam of light slanted down from mid-air, and because the people in the plane were shot, the rocket missed the head of the can that was also fired, and exploded in the snow beside the road. The plane lifted up quickly, and the rotary machine gun installed on the side of the plane roared, covering a certain place on the snowy ground, and immediately blowing away large swaths of mud and snow. In the snow, a figure suddenly jumped out, turned around and fired again, and then rushed towards the dark forest far away from the road. .

The helicopter followed closely.

Lying in the snow, waiting coldly, gradually, the plane moved away, and the gunshots also moved away, five minutes... ten minutes... the sky and the earth fell silent, she lay there, suddenly didn't know What should I think and do, but the snow is cold to the bone marrow, and the sense of fear gradually surges up. Looking at the woods where the plane and people disappeared, he moved occasionally and clasped his hands tightly.

When I didn’t see him, I felt a little resentful in my heart. After I saw him, everything became calm. Just now I saw him repairing the car there. The countless times I almost died an hour ago, and all the past, seemed to have changed. It is no longer important, but in the blink of an eye, he suddenly disappeared again.

She understands that he is very powerful, but how far this "powerful" can go, how a person's strength can be against an airplane, she doesn't know... I never knew, it turned out that waiting for a person can lead to loneliness and fear to this point...

There is a desert of snow between the sky and the earth, and on the roadside not far away, the orange-yellow, warm light in the sports car is still on alone. She looks at the light, but dare not go past it, if the helicopter will return , will definitely come to investigate this sports car, but what's the point of hiding here, if they return, they will only hide here, and they will definitely be discovered by them... But she dare not leave, if he comes back...

She didn't have a watch on her hand, and the fear in her heart prolonged every second. In the snow, her hands and feet gradually became numb. At some point, she suddenly turned her head, and a figure stopped beside her.

"Have you been waiting for a long time?" In the snowstorm, she heard the voice say, "I'm back...".

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