Hidden Assassin

Volume 3 Cohabitation Era - Volume 6 Under the Blue Sky Section 255 Love Lost

In the snow, on the silent road, and in the car body, the only light spot in the dark night is revealed by the orange lamp.

"I think we need to find an air-conditioned place..."

"I don't want to go, my feet are weak."

"Without the air conditioner, it will get colder and colder."

"It's colder outside, so I'm determined not to go out!"


In the sports car, a man and a woman were sitting side by side boredly. Jia Ming had already removed the disguise on his face. Sock's legs were bent on the seat, and the frozen parts of her body had not yet faded away. At this moment, she gently rubbed, looked at the long-lost ordinary face of the boy beside her, and praised with a smile.

"It looks much more pleasing to the eye, classmate Jia Ming."

"I also think it's more handsome like this...but obviously it's not as handsome as this car..."

"I think this car is very good." Smiling, he collapsed on the back of the seat that had been reclined as much as possible, "I'm so sleepy, I want to sleep, don't turn off the lights..."

"The electricity is running out. It's going to go out by then. I think we can flag down a car...Americans are very hospitable."

"So chasing us here from New York with planes and cannons?"

"Oh, stop making trouble."

"no car!"

"You can walk over there, there will definitely be a place to stay in front of you." Jia Ming looked at her, "I'll carry you on my back."

"No, you are shorter than me..."

"..." Cursing his lips, Jia Ming showed a helpless smile, "I know I'm just a little shorter than others, but I'm still a little taller than you."

"You've been shorter than me since I met you." Yahan lay there. Looking at the roof of the sports car, "When did you grow taller?"


"I used to treat you like a child, but when did you stop...in fact, you didn't stop long ago..." She lay there quietly, her eyes were blurred, her voice was as soft as sleepwalking, "We are still friends...Gu Jiaming..."

On the side, Jia Ming smiled: "Of course...we've always been best friends."



"...When I was very young, my dad was always at work and rarely came home. In the villas I played so often, only my mother was with me. Now I can't remember her appearance except for looking at the photos. "Lying there, Yahan's voice was ringing, softly. "When my mother died, I was only about eight years old... My father and mother were actually married and had no feelings for themselves, but of course I would blame my father for never being with my mother properly. After the funeral. Dad went home The number of times has increased a lot, but compared to normal families, of course it is still very rare. Since then, I have always hiccupped..."

"I don't know what's wrong. I've been hiccupping for several years since I was eight years old. Do you know? It's like catching a cold. I hiccup every ten seconds. I have nephrotic syndrome, and my family has been hiccupping. Find a doctor here, by the way, I can show it to you when I go back. At that time, in order to send it to some hospitals, I even took a video and showed it: a little girl in a princess costume is sitting there. Open her mouth a little, every once in a while. Hiccup for a while, looks silly..."

Recalling the scene in the video, she was lying there, imitating the sluggish expression when hiccupping. The grown up girl looked mature and delicate, and that appearance was extraordinarily attractive and unique.

"Of course, hiccups don't happen all the time. It's better when you fall asleep, and you can bear it for a few minutes. However, people who haven't experienced it will definitely not know the horror of that feeling. There is a sudden bouncing in the stomach. , I played it suddenly, after a long time, it really hurts, but probably because I have exercised a lot, now my stomach has become very firm, every time I look in the mirror, I feel very beautiful, haha..." She smiled, He turned his head to look at Jia Ming, "Want to see it?"

"Uh..." The two looked at each other for a moment, Jia Ming shrugged, "Uh, you continue..."

"Humph." Yahan wrinkled her nose triumphantly, and lay on her back in a more comfortable position, "Heart disease... After being checked by the doctor, it was said to be a heart disease, but it was actually a mental illness. It can't be cured. The key is the heart. Maybe my father came back too little, and the problems caused by my mother's death. Later, my father came back a little more, but it still couldn't get better. During that time, I felt very strange to my father... A year later, my father married Mommy."

"Black, thin, with a serious expression, that's how I felt when I first saw my little mother. The stepmothers in fairy tale books are all bad guys. At that time, my little mother was like a black widow. I was scared and cried several times by her." The second time... In fact, my father and my mother don't have any feelings for each other. They are like friends, not lovers at all. Since then, my mother has taken me with me every day, and then I look for a doctor here, Beijing, Changsha , even Europe, flying around, I don’t talk to her, and she doesn’t talk to me much, she just follows me all the time, more than a year later, one morning, I woke up, brushed my teeth and washed my face in a daze , while drinking milk, I suddenly realized that I no longer hiccup..."

"The doctor said...my heart lacks a sense of refuge, and it is easy to identify something

I can’t lose it. During the years when I went to Cambridge, I wrote a big diary every day, insisting on raining, sometimes everyone went out to play, and I had to go back to write in the diary at night, but everyone called me a diary girl, haha..." She He laughed cheerfully, and then the car fell silent, and the two of them seemed to be able to hear their own breathing in their ears.

I don't know how long it took, but Jia Ming seemed to come to his senses, "Yeah", Yahan turned her head and pursed her lips: "What about you, Jia Ming?"

"Eh? What?"

"You said you had something to tell me clearly."

After these words, the car became quiet again.



After a long time, Jia Ming said, "I don't know what to say."

Yahan on the side looked at him quietly.

"I've been thinking about it for half a year, and then I've been thinking about it for half a month. Since I was ten years old, there are three friends in the world, Lingjing, Shasha, and you, but...but..."

He hesitated for a while, the lights in the car flickered a few times, the power was finally exhausted, and then he fell into darkness, and after a long time, he gritted his teeth and said: "But... I don't know what I can say ... Anyway, some things I was wrong, some things I was right, but even if it happens again, I can only be like this, I can't explain it, sorry... these things, it's really hard..." .

After a long time in the darkness, Yahan's relieved chuckle suddenly came from over there: "That's enough, Jiaming... If you explain too much, I will get angry."


"This is the you I know. You don't care what anyone thinks. You always only do what you think is right. You can even go to the United States to kill so many people, but you never defend yourself... My worst I hate people who just want to defend themselves, because in this matter, I was actually wrong, because..."

"Well, can I take that as a compliment?"

In the darkness, Yahan's laughter was fleeting, and after a while, her voice was soft and low: "Because... Jiaming, I'm jealous, I'm jealous of Lingjing and Shasha, although they are also my good friends, but they are so jealous Yes, sometimes when I think about it, I'm so jealous that I can't even eat, I can't breathe, I just know how to cry... For more than half a year, it was actually me making trouble for no reason, but you have been accommodating me..."

She took a breath, and her voice became brighter: "I was thinking about my own affairs these days, and suddenly felt that women really can't be spoiled, just like before, you always said that I was like a child, always You are bullying me, you are always being unreasonable and unforgiving, and in the end I dare not say a word, I can only be bullied to death by you..."

"How can I have it?" Jia Ming protested.

"Yes, who threw me on the floor every time I ran to the office? Who occupied my sofa? Who always called me an idiot? On Christmas Eve last year, I had a nice talk with you, and you still took the quilt You beat me up, kept kicking my ass to take advantage of it, and forced me to call you brother Jiaming..."

"Hey, I remember that time, you hit me first before I fought back, and you called brother and so on yourself."

"It wasn't you who hit me, why would I call..." Yahan paused angrily, and then calmed down, "Anyway, I was afraid of you when you were bad, and when you feel guilty, say nice things to me, I just felt that I was right, if you scolded me at that time, maybe I would have been frightened, and I wouldn’t have happened in the past six months... It’s all your fault..."

This kind of statement is of course a ridiculous joke. At the beginning, Yahan's knot was still unresolved. Unless she was taken back and raised as a sex slave, there would inevitably be a cold war for more than half a year. Jia Ming curled his lips, nodded and said: "It seems that I will hit you more in the future, I am good at this..."

"How dare you! You have to be nice to me in the future. In return for my forgiveness, you have to be with... um..." She thought for a while, "You have to be similar to Lingjing Shasha."

"So what are we now?"

"Teacher and students."

"Isn't it best friends?"

"What kind of friend do you want to be with me?" At some point, Yahan leaned her head gently and put it on Jiaming's shoulder, and blurted out some ambiguous questions. After a while, she smiled, "Well, okay I'm sleepy, don't disturb me, I'm going to sleep... Is it okay to borrow my shoulder?"

"Use whatever you want." Jia Ming looked out the window into the darkness, and there were no cars on the road, "But it will be really cold at night, are you sure you want to sleep in the car?"

Yahan didn't answer his too practical question, she just reclined her body into a more comfortable position, and after a long time, a voice that seemed calm and vaguely sad came from inside the carriage.

"I'm broken in love... Jia Ming...".

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