Hidden Assassin

Volume 3 Cohabitation Era Section 276 Slaps are loud

To the Kawasaki Foundation, the note from the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Lu Songwei was short for a moment, and that Japanese girl named Tsukichi Kaoru...has something to do with the Kawasaki Foundation? "

Jiang Fugui nodded: "I heard that she is the fiancée of the current second in line heir of the Kawasaki Foundation, and her husband's name is... Oh, Tianyu is regular, and the Japanese name is weird... I heard that he has a double doctorate in genetics and bioengineering. He has a certain influence in the international academic circles. Lao Lu, this matter is really troublesome. Look out the window, Liu Zheng’s matter is considered trivial. If it was normal, these bastards would dare to surround the police station I caught them long ago!"

On the one hand is the relationship of Thailand, the general of Vietnam, and on the other is the island nation of Japan. However, in comparison, what I have to admit is that if both parties are arguing over the same matter, in the current situation, China will indeed consider Japan, which has super economic strength, and the strength of the Lu family compared to Japan. The Kawasaki consortium is indeed too far behind. Lu Song was a little speechless for a while. Opposite, Jiang Fugui lit a cigarette.

"Besides, it's true that I am not in charge of this matter. You have seen those people outside just now. I will not hide it from you to this extent. They are all agents of the National Security Bureau. Originally, the agents did not care about these matters, but Fang Zhitian, Chief Fang is coming to Jianghai recently, and they are here first." Although Fang Zhitian is well-known outside as a successful businessman, he seems to be far away from politics, and he is almost absent from any visible political decisions. But in fact, a large part of the military industry in the country is under his direct or indirect jurisdiction. He has the rank of major general and is a legendary figure who is half businessman and half soldier. Lu Songwei naturally knew about these inside stories, so let's talk about it now. The three people in the room were all in awe.

"Speaking of it, it is thanks to them. If someone is really injured in a fight, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will make endless troubles, and it will be another international scandal... Now Captain Cui Guohua is handling this matter. Theirs The purpose is definitely not to make things worse. It is Captain Cui's decision not to let people go now. Although I don't know what the purpose of keeping both parties here is, it is always good for you to apologize. Much more. Captain Cui will do what he says, as long as there is no harm in the good, I will also help you to say more good things."

What Director Jiang said was sniffing, but in fact, it was natural for this side to take the initiative to apologize and admit their mistakes, why Lu Song didn't understand. He is quite powerful in Jianghai City, but he is not like the Huang family who used to have a relative of the provincial party secretary, nor does he have many high-level connections like the Dongfang family. Thinking about it at this moment, I feel a little scared. It doesn’t matter if you are a muay thai master or something, but it doesn’t matter if you offend the Japanese chaebol or the Vietnamese general who is famous for drug trafficking and many illegal businesses. At this time, after thanking Jiang Fugui, he went out to find the agents of the National Security Bureau.

All the way down the stairs, led by Captain Cui Guohua pointed out by Director Jiang, the group of agents sat in a conference room on the side of the hall, talking and laughing, saying it was Guoan, and the youngest girl among them seemed to be less than twenty years old. It was another woman in a suit who caught his attention at first glance.

He knew this woman. Her name is Chen Yali, she is about 30 years old, and recently she suddenly came to work as the assistant to the mayor of Jianghai City. It sounds like an assistant, but the real power is very large. Many things can only be done through her nodding. Many people are quite jealous of such an errand, guessing that she may have a strong relationship on top. Many people wanted to give gifts to her through the back door to find her to do business in the old way, but she only passed a small part of it tactfully, and if there was a real problem, she was basically stopped. Such aloofness may have something to do with the new official's appointment, but no matter what, During this period of time, she was indeed one of the celebrities in Jianghai City.

Today, the celebrity's relationship with the above has probably been revealed. Wearing a women's professional suit, this woman of average appearance, but very friendly, is sitting among a group of agents, talking and talking. Smiling brightly, beside her, there was a middle-aged man hugging her shoulders intimately. Not long after news of the mayor's assistant Chen Yali's marriage came out, Lu Songwei probably knew that the man's name was Qiao Guorui.

Everyone can share the benefits, and when you hire someone to do things, you can gossip and talk non-stop, but if you want to apologize, then it's best to go straight. Lu Song can achieve his current status, and he must admit that he has done something wrong. He has always believed in the principle of standing at attention when being beaten, but this determination of right and wrong does not come from morality, but from the strength of the other party, so it is naturally wrong on his side. After brewing his emotions slightly, he walked towards the middle-aged man named Cui Guohua.

Under such circumstances, it seems that there is no need for both parties to procrastinate. When Lu Songwei came to say hello, Cui Guohua smiled and led him aside to talk. However, the conversation was only a few words. , the surrounding police officers have all come out of the building, noisy and chaotic, Director Jiang who came down from the corridor is already fully armed.

"Go out and arrest those bastards who are making trouble!"

In China, the provocative government of gangsters no matter what

Nothing good to end, this time, it is to deal with those troublemakers outside

Part of the stupid behavior of the Shazhu Gang this time was aimed at his own son. Lu Song was naturally happy that they were going to be arrested, and turned around to talk about it with Cui Guohua. However, in a few short sentences During the conversation, he also vaguely sensed that these people may not really be able to decide what happened this time. Cui Guohua verbally comforted him to let him not worry, but he did not clearly express any willingness to let them go. Thinking about it, organizations like the National Security Agency are mostly the ones who execute orders and make decisions behind their backs... Fang Zhitian? But think about it, if you are a person of that level, how can you really embarrass a few children, whether it is towards Vietnam or Japan, it is impossible for the Chinese side to deliberately take such a flattering attitude...

Thinking of this, my mind was a little confused, and at this moment, I saw the member of Guoan with bandages on his hands coming in from the door, and whispered a few words in Cui Guohua's ear, vaguely saying that so-and-so had arrived. Cui Guohua nodded: "I'm sorry, Mr. Lu, can you wait here? I still have something to do, I will come over and talk to you later."

Look at his attitude. It seemed that some important person had arrived again. When Cui Guohua left, Lu Songwei looked out from the door. Dozens of policemen are coming out of the hall, it looks crowded and chaotic, but there are not many people coming in, but from the perspective of Lu Songwei at this time and place, only one person wearing a student uniform can be vaguely seen in the crowd. The young man entered the hall from the door and looked around in confusion: "Then I'm here to lead someone, who should I call?" After a while, he disappeared from his sight. .

Lu Song watched it for a long time. In his imagination, there should be a person with a certain status, but he never appeared...

***************************************************** **

"...After dinner, Xiaolu called us and told us about that Amre. We figured something would happen, so we came here for supper. Unexpectedly, we actually met... Hey, little brother Jiaming, I feel strange, why is your girlfriend named Lingjing angry with me. I also had a good intention this afternoon..."

Walking in the corridor inside the police station, Cui Guohua asked with a smile what happened in the afternoon. He seemed a little aggrieved, carrying a plastic bag. At this time, Jia Ming, who had a pure face, was walking two steps behind him, looking at him. around.

"How did I know, I only mentioned your name to her before. Obviously, civil servants have a bad reputation now, and her hatred of evil is at least a virtue. Uncle Cui, can I take them away immediately?"

"Your people, you can take them away at any time, and the rest. Since nothing happened, we don't think there is any need to embarrass them. After all, some of them are your classmates, and the identity of Amre is a little more complicated. He came here. The higher ups still need special care.”

These words seem to be addressed to Jiaming, but they are actually aimed at Jian Suyan, the violent woman. This is not to say that Yanhuang Awakening is afraid of Jian Suyan. In the final analysis, a huge organization does not need to be afraid of individuals, but for this violent woman, the people in several anti-terrorism teams who have come into contact with her are somewhat admirable and admirable. Respect, secondly, although she has a bad temper, she has prevented the terrorist incident on the Xingmeng and saved people like Fang Zhitian. Since the consistent "violence" against Jian Suyan has not been to the point where she can't stand it, of course It can only be accommodated as much as possible.

Jia Ming shrugged indifferently: "I don't have any opinions, but Sister Su Yan taught me that as long as you commit a murder, it is the same crime to attempt or succeed, and only by imposing sanctions can we prevent the next incident. Happened, although she is not in the country now, how do you think she will view this matter?"

"Hehe, of course we also understand Miss Jian's temper, but this time, even if Amre made a move, he might not target the two girls, Ye Lingjing and Liu Huaisha, not to mention that in this incident, He was the only one who got beaten, you see..."

While talking, I saw the Vietnamese boy sitting with his head bowed in the interrogation room with the door open on one side of the corridor. In front of him was a tall and strong Thai man who looked only in his twenties or thirties. It looks like the Muay Thai master Shiriwang. I have to say that compared to his apprentice, this master's appearance is much better. While he is full of evil spirits, he is also very masculine and masculine. a feeling of. There is also a policeman in the room standing by silently watching. The matter has developed to the present, and the transcripts and the like have been done. Since they are international friends with status, they are not strictly guarded, because even Cui Guohua and others, They all probably decided to let him go, and just waited for Jia Ming to come over to say hello.

Seeing someone walking by outside the door, the Vietnamese boy who was sitting slumped raised his head, obviously recognizing Jia Ming.

"...This man named Amre has a very bad temper, and he is indeed the son of General Kazong of Vietnam. Hehe, when he saw a gun pointed at him, his first thought was not to surrender, but to resist. Speaking of which, we have a man named Xiao Wu's last time on the boat with

My sister was competing in martial arts. She was kicked and her hands were broken, and she is still not fully healed. She looks a bit weak with bandages. He rushed over and wanted to grab the gun, but was knocked away by Xiao Wu for a few meters, uh... ..."

Cui Guohua smiled and talked about the situation at that time, and looked at the interrogation room with Jia Ming. Amre was staring at Jia Ming closely at this time, giving people a bad feeling. Seeing this look, Cui Guohua frowned slightly.

The eyes of the four people staggered across the inside and outside of the room, suddenly. Cui Guohua felt that the air seemed to be tensed, and the vietnamese boy's eyes showed a fierce look.

There was a sound of "wow--". The chair under the boy flew out.

It was just a passing action, and since everyone was underage, he would not be handcuffed, but in an instant, the iron chair slammed into the wall of the interrogation room, standing still. The policeman next to him almost didn't even try to dodge for a while. The Vietnamese boy rushed out like a cheetah, and the Muay Thai master Siriwang was not slow, he stretched out his hand to grab the apprentice's back, and suddenly yelled Amre's name, and the whole room and corridors were like thunder.

Thinking about it, Xiliwang never expected that this disciple would burst out with such a fierce aura at this time. The sound waves of that roar spread along the corridor, but the grasping hand was already a step behind. Amre rushed out of the room and punched Jiaming with a straight fist. Cui Guohua was trying to stop him. But Xiliwang had already chased him out, blocking Cui Guohua just in time.


Amidst Cui Guohua's shouts, he carried the plastic bag containing the puff pastry. Jia Ming dodged backward hastily, and retreated desperately in a hurry.

In an instant, two fierce straight fists came out like the wind, followed by a violent low sweep without stopping, flying knees and elbows, and as soon as it landed, his left leg swung towards Jiaming's ground like a steel whip department.

It can be seen that Xiliwang has really used a lot of heart for this apprentice, although in the previous incident he was knocked into the air by Xiao Wu before he could make a move, it may also be due to his underestimation of the enemy. At this time, he shot with anger. In just a few seconds, this set of combo skills, which combines the essence of Muay Thai hard hitting hard hitting to the extreme, came out continuously and extremely smoothly. Cui Guohua was horrified when he saw it. Of course, he can easily win the fight against this little boy, but if the opponent uses such smooth and fierce punches from the beginning. I'm afraid I have to temporarily avoid the edge.

His power is astonishing, Jia Ming seems to be hiding in a panic, turning sideways, backing up, and lowering his head in panic, almost every time he brushes past the fierce punches and kicks, even though Amre is also sixteen or seventeen years old He is a young man, but after rigorous training, his punching strength is really strong. If it is an ordinary person who gets hit, it may break a tendon or bone, or it may be fatal in a severe blow. On Cui Guohua's side, he watched with trepidation almost as he dodged Amre's continuous attacks. Jiaming gave way to that blow and turned around with his leg whip, almost touching his forehead. With a bang, a room next to him The windows of the police office seemed to explode completely, glass shards flying all over the sky, the iron window frames were kicked into sinking, the edges were twisted, and several thick screws that were welded to death burst out of the concrete wall. .

With Cui Guohua's reaction ability, he was ready to draw his gun almost instantly, but after all, he was a Muay Thai master by his side. In places like Thailand and Vietnam, Xiliwang's personal ability was comparable to Cui Guohua's to reach such a position. Only high but not low, Cui Guohua was stopped for a few seconds by a fake push. He also has the temperament of a desperado. Since he can't stop this apprentice at this time, he obviously wants the apprentice to make the fact of the murder. Anyway, Amre's father is a general, and the Japanese girl has a background, but the background of others may not be so great. , even if he really killed someone or beat him to a cripple, there must still be room for a change later.

Turning around, he whipped his legs and swept the window. At this moment, Jia Ming, who was carrying the layer cake, had already turned around and ran away. Amre shouted, took two steps, and his body flew up. Staring, in mid-air, the knee of his right leg slammed into Jiaming's side face.

Jiaming maintained the momentum of running away, and felt the danger, but his face had already turned around. On the other side, Cui Guohua, who was looking fierce, finally pulled out his pistol. Before he raised his hand, there was a "pop" sound in the corridor. Loud, crisp and sweet. This seemingly fierce knee bump still failed to hit Jiaming, but Jiaming waved his hand before turning around, and gave Amre a loud slap in the face while dodging.

It has to be said that this slap was beyond everyone's expectations. Xiliwang secretly grabbed Cui Guohua's wrist to prevent him from raising the muzzle of the gun. In their field of vision, Jia Ming still retreated in embarrassment He took a few steps away, swinging his right hand that had just hit the opponent's face in pain, and Amre, who had been slapped, was standing there at this moment, posing in a Muay Thai pose. He took two steps, stopped again He fell down, tilted his head, and then shook it a few times in doubt, giving the impression that what he had just received was not a slap, but a discus....

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