Hidden Assassin

Volume 3 Cohabitation Era Section 277 A Slap with Serious Consequences

It was already deep, and the room was brightly lit, but it felt a bit stiff anyway. In the corridor, six or seven policemen came out of their respective offices, looking at the chaos in the corridor. A little girl who had just graduated from school and joined the police force was taking a nap in the office, but the glass of the whole window suddenly shattered. Looking at the two teenagers confronting each other in front of the distorted window, he was dumbfounded.

The little muay thai prince was only arrested at night, and Mu Qingqing may not be clear about the situation, but the police officers in the rooms below have already inquired clearly. Xiliwang and Cui Guohua were pushing and shoving, but outsiders couldn't see much of the doorway for a while. For a while, everyone didn't know what to do, but just looked at it suspiciously. Just a few seconds passed, but Xiliwang felt that something was wrong. According to his own teaching, once he launched an attack, he must not give the opponent any chance to breathe like a storm. As a result, after being slapped just now, Amre stood there posing, not knowing whether he was stunned or dumbfounded by the insult of the slap, and even his body trembled slightly.

How hard can a slap be? I just heard the sound of that slap on the face. Although it was loud, it was just a very ordinary slap. The meaning of insult was far higher than the actual damage. Although Xiliwang is a master of muay thai, but if he really wanted to stop an agent, how long would he be able to stop?

At the same time, Cui Guohua slammed his hands apart, shaking off Xiliwang's suppression, and raised his gun and said angrily: "Don't move!" Xiliwang's hand was pressed down again. Cui Guohua's eyes flashed sharply. Ready to pull the trigger.

The next moment, the gun didn't go off.

At this time, the arc of the two's movements had become violent, and the two policemen beside them also reacted. Knowing that he was trying to prevent the two foreigners from committing crimes in the police station, he reached out to draw his gun for support. However, at that moment, no one had time to pull the trigger. Whether it was Cui Guohua, Xi Liwang, or even the surrounding policemen, they were all attracted by the movements of the Vietnamese boy in front of them.

The muay thai boy who kicked through the bars with a fierce whip leg just now took two steps, and before he could fully swing his punch, his left leg bent strangely, and his whole body lost balance because of it. He staggered and took two steps to the left in a row before he managed to straighten his left leg and stabilize his figure. Putting on the not-so-standard Muay Thai stance again, Amre shook his head slightly, and his breathing began to become extremely rapid. He withdrew his left hand. He wiped the sweat off his face, and when he wiped it for the third time, he subconsciously stroked it toward his ear. Once, twice... In the bright light of the corridor, traces of blood flowed from his left ear to his cheeks, which was particularly shocking...

At this time, the policeman standing not far in front of him could see more clearly. As blood flowed from the boy's ears, and then the nosebleed continued to be used as if a dam had been burst, his left eye was congested and red, and half of his cheek They were all dyed blood red by the teenager's subconscious touch. After a while, he slowly raised his hand, stared fixedly at the blood on his hand, and muttered a few words in Vietnamese. His eyes turned to the young man in front of him.

"Uh, that...don't look at me like that...what's wrong with you...are you sick...have you suffered internal injuries before? Hey...you you you...why are you looking at me like that, I I just hit you lightly..."

in front of him. Jia Ming also seemed to be frightened by this weird scene, while talking and defending. Looking at this strange scene, her cheeks also twitched slightly, and the corners of her mouth twitched and twitched. While taking two steps back to a safe distance, he spread his hands innocently, holding the plastic bag containing the puff pastry, which was also innocently dangling in the air at this time.

Seeing such a thing happen, Xiliwang and Cui Guohua have also stopped the Tai Chi pushing hands between them, and walked towards this side. Xiliwang helped his disciple to sit down by the wall, and checked him. With blood on their cheeks, the two exchanged a few words in Thai, occasionally looking up at Jia Ming who was standing aside and making an innocent gesture. Cui Guohua stood nearby with a pistol in hand, looked at Amre on the ground, then at Jiaming, spread his hands, shrugged, and asked silently. Jiaming is also a young man who goes underground, he taps his cheek, and then spreads his hands, expressing his innocence, which probably means: "I just hit him lightly, who knew he was so fragile..."

"Oh, call the doctor, call the doctor..."

Slapping people like this is really too unbelievable. Cui Guohua shook his head and asked the police behind him to find a doctor as soon as possible. Still thinking about how to deal with the aftermath, a figure beside him rose up like a thunderstorm, Xiliwang rushed towards Jiaming, at the same time, Cui Guohua raised his hand, without thinking




The bullet almost passed by Xiliwang's side, the tiles on the wall shattered and splashed, and Jiaming's body was also sent flying by a violent whip, hitting the ground at the end of the corridor a few meters away. On the wall, it slowly slid to the ground.

"Didn't hear me telling you to stop—"

Cui Guohua roared, and pressed the muzzle of the gun directly on Xiliwang's head, then Xiliwang's goal was achieved, and at this time he did not dare to compete with the real agent who dared to shoot, but turned around, coldly looking at him. While watching Xiliwang here, Cui Guohua shouted towards the end of the corridor: "Hey, are you okay? How can I explain to your sister when you are dead!"

"Of course...it's okay..." Rubbing his hands and chest, Jia Ming stood up slowly while supporting the wall, rested for a while, and then came forward and picked up the bag of puff pastry on the ground, "It's okay I have practiced well in running away and resisting blows, what kind of muay thai master, I vomit..."

Disdainfully spat out a small mouthful of blood on the ground, Jia Ming wiped the corner of his mouth: "I heard that Muay Thai is the kind of boxing that can kill people with one kick, and now even I can block it, you didn't eat today? There are thousands of layers here Do you want cakes, I bought them along the way when I came over."

Standing in front of the muay thai master with a pistol on his forehead, Jia Ming held up the plastic bag in his hand expressionlessly. The two of them looked at each other for a few seconds, and Jia Ming spit bloody saliva on the ground several times , then gestured with a middle finger, turned and walked away: "Bah, bah, bah, bah... don't eat, I'll go to the detention room by myself, and you can investigate things here slowly, but it has nothing to do with me, I just call It was just a slap on him, he made it like this, he must have had an internal injury early in the morning or something else... Didn't you say that Brother Wu gave him an iron mountain, tsk tsk, it's really amazing... ".

Not long after, Jiaming opened the door to a certain room on the first floor, and saw Lingjing and Rusha sitting inside. The TV in the corner of the room was playing a midnight soap opera, and in front of them were fruit juice and melon seeds.

"Wow, I thought you were arrested and brought here to suffer. Who knew you were here for vacation. If I had known, I would have come later." Jia Ming closed the door with a smile, Xun stood up, folded his hands in front of him and bowed, rustling But he was not that polite, rushed over and gave him a hammer.

"What do you mean, can we go now?"

"It was Cui Guohua who brought it here, even if he didn't want it, he asked his subordinates to bring the TV here." Ling Jing said with a smile on the side, "But we didn't drink a sip."

"Hehe, there's no need to be so guarded against them." Jia Ming smiled and raised the bag in his hand, "I'm afraid we won't be able to leave for the time being, have you eaten supper yet?"

"Not yet." Shasha took the bag of food with a smile, first took a piece and threw it into his mouth, "Well, by the way, did something happen outside, it looks so chaotic, we seem to have heard gunshots just now ...But Xun said it must be a firecracker..." They were originally waiting to go out, but when Jia Ming came, they were relieved, and they had no intention of asking why they couldn't leave for the time being.

Jiaming and Yuechi Xun, who was sitting quietly beside him, looked at each other, and then waved their hands with a smile: "I heard it too, it was firecrackers, but the confusion was caused by Brother Meng and the others, and I will talk to you later. Say, come on, have some supper first, it’s okay to drink their drinks, don’t worry... When I came over, I saw that the shop at the street corner was still closed, banana flavor, you always like to eat, Kaoru, you Eat too."


The quiet Japanese girl nodded and also took a piece. The soap opera on TV was routinely showing the bloody drama of life and death. Rusha watched with relish, but Lingjing was not as careless as she was. Seeing Jiaming sitting beside her, she realized Wiping the dust and stains on his back: "What's wrong with you? Your back is so dirty...you got into a fight..."

"Well, that muay thai boy was not convinced when he was caught in the police station. When he saw me passing by, he chased me out and beat me. I gave him a light slap..." Jia Ming shrugged indifferently.

"A slap?" Ling Jing thought for a while, looked at Jia Ming and asked softly.

"Don't worry." Jia Ming laughed, "He won't die."



The three girls who were deliberately arranged in the quiet corner here did not know, because of this light slap, the situation in the entire police station was a bit chaotic at this time. Of course, the most chaotic was the national security team headed by Cui Guohua.

After carrying the injured Amre into the ambulance and sending him away, Cui Guohua found Xiao Wu: "Hey, let me ask you something, did you use too much force for the iron mountain at night?".

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