Hidden Assassin

Volume 3 Cohabitation Era Chapter 278 Chaos

what? Didn't that guy get slapped by Jia Ming's little brother... Xiao Wu was taken aback by Hua's question, "Hehe, but it's hard to say, you know, I don't dare to use my hands too hard now, he rushed over like that, On the contrary, I couldn't control it, but the internal injury didn't show up until now, and it was a little...outrageous..."

Shrugging his shoulders, Cui Guohua now also has some headaches: "This kid violently hurt people in the police station. According to Jian Suyan's logic, he deserves to be beaten to death, but if you go to ask Gu Jiaming now, the thief has to follow him." What is the same, I must be asking three questions. However, some of our previous speculations are always correct. Gu Jiaming has been taught by Jian Suyan for so long, how could he have no martial arts, and he just vomited a small mouthful of blood after being kicked by Xi Liwang? , compared to the Yuechi Kaoru next to him, he is probably no worse..."

While speaking, Director Jiang led a group of police officers to arrest a dozen gangsters and walked in. Seeing the ambulance drive away, he was also asking the people around him about Amre's injury. Xiao Wu thought for a while: "What happened to that kid? We didn't see him just now."

"The doctor looked at it and found that the tympanic membrane of the left ear was ruptured, the inner ear organs were also damaged, the eye membrane was congested and the concussion was concussed. Seeing that kid dancing there for a long time, I had already drawn my gun. A slap made it like this...cut, muay thai..."

"If little brother Jiaming is really a martial arts genius, with a teacher like Jian Suyan, even if that Amrei Muay Thai practiced well, it is not impossible to be beaten like this. His injuries are all on the left side of his face... So is little brother Jiaming Slapped on the left cheek?"

"Of course it's the left cheek, and at that time Amre was flying in the air, the speed was very fast, and the center of gravity may not be perfectly grasped. But the problem is..." Cui Guohua patted his left cheek, "The problem is...he There are no obvious scars on the face."

"The left cheek...wasn't hurt?" Xiao Wu repeated in disbelief.

"That's right, his face is covered in blood from his own hands. But it can be seen that there is no broken skin or swelling. If it was really done by Jia Ming on purpose, then what is this? Cotton palm?"

A slap in the face to slap a person to concussion, Xiao Wu and others can naturally do such a thing. Even though Amrei practiced muay thai and made his hands and feet hard as iron, the head is still one of the most vulnerable vital parts, but enough The slap that shook the brain and ruptured the eardrum itself was like hitting hard with a hammer. The beating on the face will naturally cause redness and swelling first, and then consider other injuries. If the face is not even swollen, how would such a huge internal injury be caused?

The two discussed for a while. There were also some big eyes and small eyes. Qiao Guorui and others also gathered around at this time, expressing their opinions in a few words. However, the conclusions drawn are mostly bizarre coincidences. Xiao Wu made a phone call to Chen Guxia, who was at the Sacred Heart College at the time, and got a similar opinion.

"There was no injury on the face, but it caused a concussion... Generally speaking, it should be a coincidence. A few days ago, it was reported on TV that when someone taught his son a lesson, he slapped his son to death. The reason is such a coincidence. Some athletes have gone through countless exercises, but because of a simple take-off, just a little error leads to broken legs. There are also some, that is because a small external force causes A serious chain reaction happened at that moment. The possibility of breaking the balance is so small that it can be ignored. But it is not completely impossible."

Chen Guxia is called a master of martial arts, not because he is the most skilled in Yanhuang Awakening, but many agents of Yanhuang Awakening are taught by him. As a teacher, he is well-informed and knowledgeable, and his theoretical knowledge is indeed better than Everyone is strong.

"That kid Gu Jiaming, basically from the very beginning, I noticed that his physical fitness is quite good, his dodging is more sensitive than anyone else, I have seen several boxing techniques practiced every day, and I have indeed grasped the essence of them. At that time, he hid relatively deep, and I thought he just hated fighting, so he never fought with others, but since he is the disciple of Miss Jane, it is very normal for him to be able to defeat Amre... Of course, if To artificially control this kind of accident, at least I can't do it, but it is still possible for someone who has mastered the body to a certain extent, such as Jian Suyan herself, or the Ouchi who has been killed by her Governor, or Teacher Huiqing..."

Huiqing, an old nun who raised Dongfangruo in Mount Emei, is one of the founders of Yanhuang Awakening, and was once the number one master of Yanhuang Awakening in the true sense, but Chen Guxia has seen it before, and people like Cui Guohua are just zero I've heard the name infrequently. But this time is naturally not the time to show awe to this woman, after conveying Chen Guxia's analysis, the whole house is still a little speechless.

Qiao Guo

Shrugged: "So speaking of... an accident?"

"It's so lucky to encounter such an accident with a probability close to zero. Shall we chip in to buy a lottery ticket tomorrow?"

"What if Gu Jiaming really did it on purpose?" Xiao Wu spread out his hands, "I think it might be a bigger one, or I really beat him to internal injuries..."

Fang Guolin was holding a laptop at the side: "Then Gu Jiaming is as good as Jian Suyan? He is played by Jian Suyan?"

Everyone was stunned for a moment, Qiao Guorui pushed his glasses, shook his head and said: "Jian Suyan has breasts, and Gu Jiaming is the one who pretends to be Jian Suyan. Speaking of which, didn't there be such an inference when I was in the United States? Jian Suyan and Gu Jiaming, It has never appeared on the same occasion. Such an inference is not unreasonable, but there is a fatal doubt that is enough to overthrow everything: the tulip first appeared in our sight almost two years ago, although there was no direct Appeared, but Gu Jiaming was only fifteen or sixteen years old at that time, how could such a child have such a mature mind and act as... such a woman in the past two years?"

After saying this, Fang Guolin also pursed her lips and slapped her hands on the computer. For these agents who have been exposed to supernatural powers, the so-called impossible things in the world are obviously much less, but their hearts are still here. An insurmountable obstacle in the matter. How can a sixteen or seventeen-year-old play a woman like Tulip, who is powerful, bossy, straightforward but never reckless, and good at calculating, but in many cases her beauty and strength are combined to form She has an extremely attractive temperament and charm. Wherever she appears, it seems that everyone's eyes will be forcibly drawn there. .

How could it be possible for a woman with such a distinctive personality to be imitated by an inexperienced young man.

"Will there be an ability to simulate another mature personality in this world?"

"I've never heard of such an awesome schizophrenia..."

"Little brother Jiaming is really a natural evolutionary?"

"I have been researching the information of natural evolutionists for this year. That kind of guy is not human at all. One of the monsters' abilities has been weakened for thousands of years, and he will still be reincarnated into a pervert like the Dark Lyra Queen. If he really It is a natural evolutionary person, it is estimated that there is no need to do anything at all, this pair of muay thai master and apprentice will fall directly, and then let us check that they died of the plague..."

A group of people chattered and chatted for a while, but still came to no conclusion. Thinking that they will have to face protests from the Thai and Vietnamese embassies in the near future, each of them also feels a little troublesome. Although they are not doing these wrangling things, they will inevitably be pressured from above. Fortunately, there are CCTVs in the police station. Ah Murray violently wounded people in the police station, and Xiliwan shot at a young man. All these things have been recorded. After deleting the beginning and the end, and blurring Jiaming's image, justice and axiom are still on this side after all. .

As for self-defense, if you hurt someone in a law enforcement agency, you deserve to be counterattacked. As for a slap that concussed a person, it is naturally an accident. You might as well find some medical experts to analyze and analyze this.

After preliminarily discussing the countermeasures, it occurred to me that Lu Songwei was still waiting for his son to be released in the next room, and there was no point in detaining him now. On the other hand, since you have decided to stand on the side of justice, you might as well take a tougher attitude. Xiliwang, who was detained earlier, will be detained first, and then released after talking with Thailand, even if Jiaming may not be there. Injury, hurting people in the police station is not a trivial matter, with the videotape, there is nothing to be afraid of.

Thinking this way, Cui Guohua was walking to the hall, and there was a faint sound of confusion, and Director Jiang was also coming down from upstairs. When he saw Cui Guohua, he had a sad expression on his face.

"Captain Cui, things are getting more and more troublesome now." He said, "I just finished taking notes for those gangsters, and I'm going to send them to detention for forty-eight hours. At that time, the two sides clashed, and two people were broken ribs..."

"How could there be a conflict?"

"These people made it clear that they came in to find trouble. They spat on Mr. Xiliwang. Before our people could be stopped, two of them were shot out. Several people around them drew their guns to stop them." Let’s talk about this... But these guys are really kind. When they were pointed at by guns, they even grabbed a bowl of kelp soup from the policeman’s supper and poured it on the head of the Muay Thai fighter... The ambulance is coming soon , I hope you don't die, muay thai is not fun..."

After listening to the words, Cui Guohua was stunned for a while, then opened his mouth, and muttered a dirty word that is not often used: "oh.

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