Hidden Assassin

Volume 3 Cohabitation Era Chapter 280 When My Boyfriend

When I woke up in the morning, it was around four o'clock, and it was still dark outside.

The soft and large duvet covers the body, and there are two sleeping girls beside him, with a faint and familiar body fragrance, Lingjing sleeps close to his body, with one hand on his neck, sideways, slender His legs were intertwined with him, and the girl's skin was delicate and smooth, like satin, which brought a very good touch. Shasha has always been sleeping sideways, with his back facing him, and as usual, he used his left hand as a pillow to press under his body. With his fingers, he could feel the rustle's breathing. Kai's lips.

It is difficult to get out of such a state of entangled limbs, but Jia Ming has finally been tested for a long time, and gently withdraws his hands, squirms, and quietly removes Ling Jing's hand. When leaving the duvet, the early morning of late spring was still chilly. Even though it was nothing in terms of his physical fitness, he still put on a pair of trousers and tucked the quilt up for the girl who was still sleeping on the bed. They kissed lightly on the forehead, then opened the door and walked out onto the balcony.

The night is peaceful and quiet, there are still faint lights coming from the streets near and far, but it has already reached the quietest time in this city. The night is about to pass, and the morning has not yet begun. Occasionally, the sound of a car flashes by suddenly, or some The sound of bicycles and carts. In the nearby vegetable market, the first group of people had already got up, and the doors of some breakfast shops were still closed, but the lights shone through the cracks in the doors. These people probably got up at two or three o'clock in the morning to prepare. Some pork and vegetable wholesale stalls have already turned on yellow electric lights. Some people are talking and laughing, the weights are ringing softly, and the sharp knives for cutting meat are scratched across the iron braze. It was very quiet in the early morning in the open space.

The game room downstairs claims to be open 24 hours a day, but there are no people playing all night tonight, and the lights have been turned off. He stood by the balcony breathing the morning air, and the pain in his head became more acute, but this pain did not affect his body. The clearer the headache, the clearer the grasp of the surroundings. The whole body seems to have been sharpened to the limit. In this state, even if he loses the ruthless heart that truly kills everything, he is still sure to face Yuan Lai Chaochuang at his peak without falling behind.

Is it beyond the limit of the human body...Of course. It may also be an illusion caused by the expansion of self-confidence, since I was reborn. Grasping the weaknesses of many enemies, every battle is actually not in a truly fair situation. Although the killer only depends on the outcome of the matter, if you want to objectively evaluate a person's true strength. You still have to take these advantages into consideration, and then judge, if you lose these advantages. To what extent can I do it myself.

There are always errors in fantasies, but what is going on with headaches? Jiaming is not a medical idiot, but he never knows what kind of headaches can make people's state more perfect. Maybe he should find a hospital to take a picture of his brain. But for the time being, I can't find a very trustworthy brain doctor... Everyone has more or less hidden diseases and avoids medical treatment. Jia Ming has been thinking about this these days, but he has not put it into practice after all. Most of the headaches during this period were related to the phoenix that sent him back. It is impossible for a human being to solve problems at this level.

Speaking of it, this is a kind of cowardice, and it has something to do with his current life, Lingjing, Shasha, and Yahan. He clearly understands these things. If he is still Pei Luojia's killer, he will not hesitate to let others Cut open my own brain and use it for research, but now, since such things have not affected my life, I can let it go.

After standing on the balcony for a while, the headache gradually subsided. He went to push open the door of the small room on the side. When renting this house, there were two bedrooms. In theory, this utility room was given to two girls. Pack it up and make it a bedroom for Jiaming. Of course, this kind of arrangement is only for outsiders to see. Generally speaking, this small closed room can be regarded as Jiaming’s studio. There is a clean spring bed and a desk for computers. Jiaming’s self-made or Many of the purchased instruments were connected to this remodeled computer, and various large and small boxes and electronic equipment took up most of the room.

Sitting on the spring bed, he turned on the computer, and then entered data in an encrypted file: April 25, 1999, from 3:45 am to 4:20 am, he continued to have a headache, the reason is unknown.

Before this, many times of headaches have been recorded in the document, and the attack time and duration are different, but if you look at the general trend, the attacks are indeed more and more frequent, and the duration has become longer and longer .

All the analysis and induction proved that he really should go to the hospital for an examination.

Thinking about these things in my heart, the sound of rustling came from the next room, and after a while. Lingjing brought a cup of hot coffee and pushed the door in. Wearing a thin white blouse and slippers with banana patterns on her body, the seventeen-year-old Qingli girl still had hazy sleepy eyes: "You woke up so early again ..." The grunting voice was also soft.

"There are some things... I don't want to make noise. When Jia Ming stretched out his hand, the girl was only wearing a pair of thin white silk trousers on her legs. It was icy cold, and she quickly pulled up the quilt on the bed to wrap her up: "Don't you I feel cold. "

"You don't think that..." Lingjing rubbed her eyes and said as she bent her legs and sat down next to Jiaming. Then he got into Jia Ming's arms and wrapped the two of them up with a quilt, "What's the matter, so urgent..."

"Heh, some messages from Japan. I remembered something, so I got up and took a look." Opening an information bar, and then turning on the music player, the refreshing piano music began to flow softly in the room. Lingjing didn't bother to read any news from Japan, she buried her head in Jiaming's arms, humming softly to the piano music, and tapped gently on Jiaming's thigh with one hand.

"Jiaming, sister Yahan's mother's birthday is today, when shall we go there in the afternoon?"

"Well, after lunch, sister Yahan will come to pick us up."

"Mom can't get off work early until 4:30, shall we go there first?"

"Yeah. Let's go to the hotel to play for a while, and then I will drive Sister Yahan's car to the martial arts gym first, and then pick up Mama Ye from the hospital."

Recently, Yahan has often been in the martial arts gym, her mother's birthday, Ye and his wife couldn't refuse, so they agreed to go. Although the two parties don't know each other, such a banquet doesn't need to know each other. As for Liu Zheng. It is said that he was negotiating with someone that day, and he couldn't get away because of something. .

"Heh... Uncle Liu is negotiating with someone, nothing will happen." Yawning, she asked softly.

"No, don't worry, he is now the most powerful underworld boss in Jiang Hai."

He answered casually. Jia Ming held Ling Jing with one hand, and manipulated the computer with the mouse with the other. Late spring, early morning. In this small house where the music was flowing lightly, the two were talking softly, and afterward, Ling Jing fell into a sound sleep like that. Jia Ming took the coffee and drank it in small sips.

This is not the first time. As long as Jia Ming didn't deliberately get up from the bed by means of a killer, Ling Jing would always notice his departure, not long after. Come over with coffee and sit with him for a while, and sometimes fall asleep in Jiaming's arms like today, but not long after, around five o'clock, there are more people's voices in the street outside, and the girl's body shakes slightly, Then he opened his eyes.

"Hmm..." He yawned in a daze, Lingjing put his arms around him, rubbed his eyes, and it took him a while to see clearly the small alarm clock next to the computer, stretched out her slender feet from under the quilt, and she landed lightly bed.

"I'm going back to sleep..." muttering, she kissed Jia Ming's face, and went back to the master bedroom with her slippers on. Not long after, when Jia Ming walked to the door of the bedroom to look, he saw two young girls hugging and sleeping on the bed, like lilies blooming in the night.

By now, I have already understood that the two of them are not the real Lily, but in many cases, this will still become a topic of jokes among the three, every time I think of the two little girls watching porn for the first time, and then checking each other on the bed The hymen, the scene when Lingjing was forced to open her legs by Rusha, Jia Ming couldn't help laughing, it was the most precious scene in their childhood memories...

The world of three people sounds very simple, romantic and bloody, but in fact, there are places where each of them maintains it carefully. For example, if it is a world of two people, maybe Lingjing will sleep with Jiaming until dawn, but she is only seventeen years old. The young girl has an extremely delicate mind, which is why she chooses to go back to sleep. When Shasha is on the bed, she will often target Lingjing as a sneak attack, provocative and pestering target, but her temperament seems careless and heartless. In fact, But he is the one who bothers Jia Ming the most, and he spends his time trying to make Jia Ming happier.

Everyone understands these things in their hearts, because among them, apart from Jiaming and Lingjing who like each other, Jiaming and Shasha like each other, Lingjing and Shasha also like each other in the final analysis, like family affection, like love. Life itself is a process of mutual accommodation. Of course, only those who are willing to accommodate and give in for each other can truly live together.

As time passed, the streets in the early morning became lively. The breakfast shop opened, and the vendors in the vegetable market not far away were already full. Various early-morning vehicles were pushed on the street. And the housewives also went out. For Jiaming and the others on Sunday, they used to sleep late as usual, but since they got up early today, Jiaming was going to go out and buy some breakfast materials and came back. When he walked from the balcony to the bedroom, he heard the rustling sound.

"Sleep... I want to sleep... Please, Lingjing beauty, sleep with me... Don't go, I'll bite your ass if you go..."

The voice was extremely sad. Jiaming pushed open the door, and saw Lingjing standing helplessly by the bed, only wearing underwear and a bust, holding trousers, half of Rusha's body got out of the quilt, she didn't wake up, so her eyes were still closed, her body It was as soft as a slime monster, its hair was loose like a water ghost, its face was really attached to Lingjing's buttocks, both hands hugged Lingjing's thighs tightly, gnawing, it was so pitiful.

Seeing Jia Ming come in with a half smile

Holding his trousers, he glanced at him sadly: "Oh, I'm going out to buy something to sleep, won't I find Jiaming..."

"Don't... Jiaming is so stiff when he hugs me, not as soft as you... His hands always hold me back, and he stuffs thin and long things into my mouth..."

I didn't notice Jia Ming who came in, rustled endlessly, Lingjing laughed, looked at Jia Ming suspiciously, and saw Jia Ming spread his hands: "What's thin and long, she always I finger..."

"Okay, I really want to get up. Don't eat breakfast this morning..."

"Don't leave, let Jiaming buy breakfast..."

"Don't hold me..."


It's useless to talk for a long time, Shasha bit Lingjing's butt down, and the cotton underwear was bitten by her, Lingjing struggled for a while, dumbfounded. The skin on half of the buttocks was exposed in vain, even though the body had been watched countless times by Jia Ming. Lingjing was still ashamed to block it with both hands. Jia Ming smiled and pushed her over: "Okay, Ling Jing, you can sleep with her, and I'll take care of the breakfast."

After giving the order, Lingjing sat down on Shasha's head, took the opportunity to pull Lingjing onto the bed, and Shasha stretched out her slender feet from under the quilt to kick Jiaming's ass hard: "Smelly man... My nose is collapsed..." Jia Ming ran out of the room with a smile.

Breakfast is sold on the street outside. But as long as they are not in a hurry, the three still choose to do it by themselves. Of course, it should be said that Jiaming and Lingjing did it together. They bought the fresh lean meat and chopped green onion in the morning, and brought back a few deep-fried dough sticks. After that, they cooked the soup and boiled the noodles. After being entangled with rustling for a while, Lingjing got up and simply tidied up the messy room made last night. Shasha stayed on the bed and couldn't get up. Then he said that the three of them are really like a family: Jiaming's father, Lingjing's mother, and Shasha's daughter. For her shameless remarks, Jia Ming and Ling Jing laughed and despised her, because according to their age, Shasha was the biggest among the three.

Nothing to do today, I went out for a walk after breakfast, watched a movie around after I came back, then Jiaming read comics, Lingjing and Shasha played games for a while. At about ten o'clock, there was a knock on the door.

"Sister Yahan?" Putting down the game console in her hand, Lingjing went to open the door wearing slippers. I was a little surprised when the door opened, because the person who came was not Yahan. Although she had been here once or twice, she was not considered a regular visitor. It was Dongfang Wan in a healthy sportswear, who calmly smiled and waved: "Hi, Lingjing, is classmate Jiaming there?"

"Uh...he's here, come in."

At this time, Dongfang Wan, who was wearing casual sportswear, looked a bit like a boy, but she had a different feeling from Sasha, who was always unrestrained and fierce, sometimes brutal, and looked cute in front of the boys she liked. Dongfang Wan felt calm, with a hint of nobility and arrogance. Before she was irritated by Jia Ming, she was actually somewhat similar to her brother Dongfang Lu's temperament. .

For nearly a year, she has been running a toy company while studying, and Jia Ming still has a title in it, taking part of the shares and dividends. Lingjing and Shasha naturally know that sometimes—although the number of times is really At least, it has something to do with Jiaming's lack of professionalism - Jiaming was called out because of some work matters, and Lingjing and Shasha knew it too.

Entering the room, Jiaming changed from lying on the sofa reading comics to sitting up, and Shasha also changed from lying on the carpet playing games to sitting cross-legged. Lingjing came out with water, but Dongfang Wan got straight to the point: "Actually, I'm here today, and I need classmate Jiaming to help me with something."

"Can you not help?" Jia Ming raised his eyelids from behind the comic book. Lingjing gave him a blank look in front of the game console.

"What, that's your company too, it's just some small things." Dongfang Wan also rolled her eyes, and now she won't be angry for a little thing, the relationship between the two is always like this, It is always necessary to raise an argument in order to reach an agreement, but speaking from the heart, as long as there is a theory, even though Jia Ming has a displeased face, he still never refuses.

"That's right, there's a banquet today at Mrs. Zhang's house. They say it's Mrs. Zhang's birthday today, Guyuan Hotel." He took out two invitation cards from his pocket and shook them, then pushed one to Jia Ming, "You too You know, the Zhang family sells products, although it is not the same type as toys at all, but there must be many bosses and distributors of big supermarkets and big stores at this banquet, and I will get to know a lot of them when I hang around Mr. Zhang , but that fellow Lei Qing will definitely be there this time, his family is powerful and well-connected, and he has recently made it clear that he has ruined our business, so, as usual..."

She tilted her head and tapped the invitation a few times with her fingers: "This is your invitation...to be my boyfriend."

Holding the comic book, Jia Ming looked at her wearily, then let out a sigh of relief and put the book down.

"Are the invitations amazing?" With a swipe, Jia Ming waved his hand, and the bright red invitations unfolded in front of Dongfang Wan like a fan, "I have six."

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