Hidden Assassin

Volume 3 Cohabitation Era Section 281 Car Accident

It was past one o'clock in the afternoon, and the weather outside became overcast for a while, and then it rained lightly, like spring rain, and the air was suddenly tinged with a layer of coolness.

"Boyfriend? Dongfang Wan?" Wearing an elegant dress, Yahan, who had just entered the door, was sitting on the sofa chatting with Lingjing and Rusha. Jiaming came out with a coat and put it on: "I haven't agreed yet, These two guys sold me out for money..."

"Hey, during the Chinese New Year last year, someone could transfer more than 80,000 yuan to your bank card. Isn't more than 80,000 yuan enough to buy you..." Shasha smiled at Jiaming, climbing on the back of the sofa, Lingjing also helped her: "Yeah, it was said that it was a dividend given to you when I first started last year, but I haven't seen you do anything for her, and you get paid if you don't do anything, even we can't see it." In the past, just asking you to help kill a few flies when necessary, you would just gossip..."

"Yeah, flies, but these flies' family is more powerful than Dongfang's family. Why do I, an ordinary boy who only gets a passing grade in every exam, run out to be cannon fodder every time..."

"But... But Dongfang Wan must also find it very troublesome. Since you are her partner, you should help me more or less."

For people related to the dark world like Cui Guohua, even if the other party shows good intentions, Ling Jing still maintains an attitude of avoidance, but for Dongfang Wan, she and Shasha are obviously much less wary. But anyway, since I really took Dongfang Wan's money, I can't stop doing something for her. Spreading her hands helplessly at Yahan, Yahan smiled and said, "What about Rusha? Although Uncle Liu won't come, Father Ye and Mother Ye will come."

Neither Lingjing nor Shasha knew the real relationship between Jiaming and Yahan. However, how far Jiaming, Lingjing, and Shasha have developed, Yahan has long been aware of the relationship between the three of them, Lingjing and Shasha have been cramped in front of Yahan for a long time because of Yahan's knowledge of the three people's cohabitation relationship. These intricate things are shown in front of the Ye family, and it is generally said that Jiaming and Shasha are male and female friends who have established a relationship.

The Ye's and his wife regard Jia Ming as their own son. In fact, it is natural to hope that Jiaming and Lingjing will become a couple in the future, but since Shasha has already taken the lead. They have nothing to do, they just expressed their worries about the three of them still living together, and after Lingjing swore that the friendship between the three of them is stronger than the relationship of love, they temporarily let go of this matter.

However, since Ye's father and Ye's mother have also passed away, they have to play someone else's boyfriend. Naturally, it has to be agreed in advance, on the one hand, it must be explained clearly to Dongfang Wan. On the other hand, he said hello to the Ye family in advance. In the final analysis, it was not a big deal after all. The four chatted and laughed for a while before preparing to go out.

From last Christmas to now. The relationship between Jiaming and Yahan is in the legendary honeymoon period, but in front of Lingjing and Shasha, she has always strictly maintained the attitude of a teacher and a sister. The four of them got into the car, Jiaming sat in the passenger seat, Lingjing and Shasha sat in the back, and drove out of the street slowly, Yahan suddenly remembered something, and said to Jiaming: "By the way, yesterday I I heard from my dad that Huang Bingxiang has been formally arrested, and your Huang family..."

"The dual track is over?" Jia Ming turned his head and glanced at her, "Then the next step is to formally enter the prosecution process, and there is no room for turning around..."

"The Huang family... is there a big problem?"

"More than half of the people will go bankrupt, that's nothing to say..." Jia Ming shook his head, "The timing of the attack was chosen too well, and I blame the relatives of the Huang family for being too greedy. , any imaginary company can be run, the foundation is unstable, the company's configuration is unreasonable, and there are many idlers. If it is not relying on Erbo's influence to prop up the whole building, such a company will only lose money to death in society. When Uncle left, the suppliers stopped supplying goods, and sales were suppressed to almost nothing. On the other hand, countless people came to collect debts with IOUs. If it is not there, it will be greatly discounted. In the next few years, it will only continue to decline, and the Huang family does not have any business geniuses, so no one can pull it up."

Speaking of these things objectively, Ling Jing in the back row secretly raised her hand and slammed on his head, then leaned over and pinched his neck: "This is your own business, why don't you Laughing so happily!"

"Well... but..." Jia Ming couldn't help laughing after being pinched by Ling Jing, "but...then I can't help it...".

Shasha rested her chin in the back row: "My dad also has business dealings with the Huang family, and he said that he intends to continue to cooperate."

Yahan also looked at the two people who were fighting and said with a smile: "Uh, if you want Jiaming, I can ask my dad to cooperate with the Huang family for some business. Recently, I have a good relationship with him. It's a big deal to go to the company to name it." up

In any case, China is China after all, and they pay more attention to family and relatives than foreigners. Yahan and others have long known Jiaming's attitude towards the Huang family. And because of Huang Bingxiang's downfall, some people with sensitive identities, such as Liu Zheng, decided to continue to cooperate with the Huang family when they wanted to get out immediately. Cooperation, of course, is limited to the legal category.

For these people's concern, Jia Ming naturally understands that he did not give his surname, but the family of his blood. He doesn't have too much affection, but after all, he still has a certain degree of recognition, but if you want to do it yourself, you don't have to Yes, I just smiled noncommittally. If you refuse, it is better to say it when the two parties are alone, the big ship of the Huang family will gradually sink, and the strength of the Zhang family and the Liu family cannot stop this trend, but since it will not sink completely, there is no need to do anything It's not a big deal.

The birthday party will not be held until evening, and arriving at the hotel early is nothing more than fun. Yahan will go to pick up a few people, the biggest relationship is naturally because of Jia Ming, and he came to the hotel at two o'clock, but it is because the little mother said hello before that, and let Yahan arrive as early as possible reason.

Speaking of which, such big family banquets generally involve a lot of economic interests. Yahan's mother's birthday is naturally just a pretext, but anyway, it is the most important thing, Naturally, there is also the little mother herself. Just like the Huang family, the Zhang family is ranked according to their strengths. At the beginning, Zhang Jingan and Yahan's mother was a combination of interests, so Yahan's status has always been good. After Yahan's mother married in, everyone understood that this nature was nothing more than a marriage. Just like Yahan's nanny. Over the years, although she has the status of the mistress in that mansion, she has always been a neglected existence to the Zhang family. Han went to New York and returned safely after so many horrific incidents, and my mother was finally able to see the moon. At least she got Zhang Jingan's approval. Most of the birthday party this time also formally recognized this "madame" to the outside world. The meaning is included.

With such a special meaning, my little mother has been excited about it for a while now, and all the links of the whole banquet are arranged by her alone. But speaking of it, before my mother married into the Zhang family, she was just a well-known female star. Although she has participated in many similar banquets over the years and has a certain understanding of these things, but this time it is related to me, I can't help but Uneasy, letting Yahan come here so early is also to let this "daughter" help with the final inspection and supervision.

"Maybe I tricked Sister Yahan into coming on a blind date."

Talking and laughing on the way, when approaching the hotel, Lingjing opened her mouth to guess, but Yahan smiled brightly: "That's good, anyway, isn't there Jiaming? Let him help me, I don't mind if they say I love siblings."

"Popular lover." Shasha patted Jiaming on the shoulder, and Lingjing approached Yahan with a smile: "Sister Yahan, should I still be your girlfriend?" A lovely dimple, as if she had brought her charming skills to the extreme, Yahan shrugged freely: "That's fine." Turning her face to the side, she lightly touched Lingjing's pink cheek. Several people were laughing together, when suddenly a black shadow flashed across the road ahead, Jia Ming stretched out his hand and pulled the steering wheel, Yahan let out a low cry, but before he could react, the car turned sideways with a bang, Hit a power pole on the side of the road.

The impact was big or small, Shasha supported Jiaming's chair back, nothing happened, but Ling Jing, who just volunteered to be Yahan Lily's girlfriend, almost hit the gear lever in front of her, but was caught by Jiaming. The crossed legs blocked it, and Yahan almost bumped into the steering wheel, but Jiaming stretched out his hand in time and placed it under her forehead, and when he raised his head, his face turned pale with fright.

"It's okay, Lingjing, Rusha?"

"I'm fine..."

"I'm fine."

"What about Miss Yahan..."

As soon as the shock came to an end, the three girls in the car looked terrified. After making sure that everyone was fine, they opened the car doors and went out. Jia Ming casually shook his right hand that was hit by Yahan's forehead on the steering wheel, and turned his head. Looking around, I saw a yellow and white Shetland dog collapsing in the middle of the road, shivering, but it didn't seem to hit it.

A little further away, a middle-aged woman in gorgeous clothes was trotting over: "Can you drive? Can you afford to accompany someone who hits you..."


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