Hidden Assassin

Volume 3 Cohabitation Era - Volume 6 Under the Blue Sky Section 343 Country

Qiao Guorui's worry has its own reasons, just like Jiaming's consideration, in most countries, it is a kind of inertial thinking for those who have the ability to serve their country, especially in Yanhuang Awakening-maybe it can be said from the name It can be seen that the original intention and direction of the establishment of this organization is not for pure peace and love. It is different from Pei Luojia, which is a worldwide killer organization that blurs national boundaries, and it is also different from Dark Tianqin, who is the half body of a powerful force like Rothschild, and is committed to the financial hegemony of the entire world, which is somewhat similar to Wisdom Heaven , but relatively speaking, the Kingdom of Wisdom is more committed to the development of science and tends to be more global.

Under such circumstances, Yanhuang Awakening may be closer to the Kangaroo Protector Alliance with a funny name in Australia. It is a purely regional and national organization. It only serves China, and even the development of Chinese forces in the world, and has a closer relationship with the government. Closely, most of the participating members have national beliefs, and in some respects, they are also more fanatical. As the country develops more and more, some people even begin to believe in the "theory of the supremacy of Han doctrine." Under such circumstances, it is considered treasonable for a capable person to want to be alone, and it is undoubtedly more serious to have a close relationship with a foreign organization than one's own. The organization he seems to be relatively close to is currently his ally.

In the final analysis, human civilization may have developed for thousands of years, but the mode of thinking about problems is still the same mode over and over again.

After Qiao Guorui finished speaking, Ye Lian at the side glanced at him: "Who are you worried about?"

"Who else is there?" Fang Guolin, who was pouring water, turned around, "Ying Zifeng's protective brother."

Qiao Guorui shrugged with a smile: "Ying Zifeng has something wrong with Gu Jiaming, but Ying Zilan has just come here, and there may not be many who will help his brother. However, although everyone understands some truths, but for most people As a human being, it is inevitable to have some grudges in your heart... For example, Guohua, he said that he is dedicated to the country and can keep calm, but on these matters, I am afraid that some thoughts are still unavoidable in his heart."

"Hey, hey, hey!" Cui Guohua glared at him, "I said you, a guy who has a fiancée who is getting married and has already left the team, why are you talking about confidential matters with us here. Get out, get out!"

"Look, I hit the spot..."

While everyone was laughing, someone lifted the curtain and walked in with a smile: "Actually, Guo Rui should be alluding to me?"

"Ah, Mr. Fang."

"Mr. Fang, are you here?"

Entered at this time. It was Fang Zhitian who was holding a cup of hot coffee. He just finished chatting with Kelly and went out for a walk after giving orders. Who knows how many people were talking about these things inside, so he lifted the curtain and walked in. After greeting, she looked at Fang Guolin with a smile: "By the way, Guolin seemed to have an idea before. It is said that Miss Jian is Gu Jiaming pretending to be Jian Suyan, is that so?"

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay. During the incident in New York before, Fang Guolin did mention such an inference casually. However, they immediately denied it afterwards, and after that, everyone mentioned it as a joke at most, but it unexpectedly reached Fang Zhitiandi's ears. Fang Guolin frowned nervously, she had only been in Yanhuang Awakening for two or three years, facing such a big man as Fang Zhitian. After all, there is still a sense of awe: "No, no...Mr. Fang, are you doubting this?"

"Well...not really." Fang Zhitian smiled. "I just remembered that if this inference is true, the whole thing will become very strange. It makes people feel... Hehe, there are still some incomprehensible things in this world after all. However, although our family understands this time The younger brother's dispatch is a bit surprising, but it should only be for Ms. Jian's cooperation. More specific news will not be confirmed until our people arrive at the place. As for Guo Rui's worry just now, in fact, if I want to be quieter, I'm afraid I will also try to choose to draw a line with domestic institutions, otherwise it will always be difficult to make myself feel at ease."

"Huh? Mr. Fang..."

Fang Zhitian is currently one of the leaders of Yanhuang Awakening, so naturally no one would dare to criticize him for saying such a thing, but it is still a bit surprising to say such a thing openly in front of several people. Fang Zhitian smiled and waved his hands: "Don't be so surprised, I don't want Yanhuang Awakening to become the birthplace of neo-Nazism, only nationalist supremacists are helpful to the country, but when a country is like this It is also a very dangerous thing, the leaders above are all rational, and they will not allow such a situation to happen."

He spread his hands as if chatting: "A country should have all kinds of people and ideas. Some want to benefit the world, some want to be independent, and some want to be independent. Protect the country from being bullied. Some people hope that the country will be strong enough to invade others. Some people hope that there will never be war in the world. Some people hope that they can guard the people around them and live a simple life. Everyone There is an environment where you can realize your own ideas. This is a healthy and healthy country. Ms. Jian has not done anything that harms the interests of the country. She hopes that the people she cares about can simply not be involved in complicated responsibilities. I think this is very reasonable However, a requirement is also the basic purpose of a country's existence..."

He took a sip of coffee lightly, and Cui Guohua on the side spoke: "If Miss Jane can help with many things, things will be much easier."

"This is a way of shirking responsibility." Fang Zhitian replied, "Everyone does his best and does his own thing well. , is wrong. Although we often have to do such things, we should try our best to do things by ourselves. In fact, the most indispensable thing for China's 1.2 billion people is talents, and those who are lagging behind... are It's just a system..."

After finishing the coffee, he clapped his hands and stood up: "As for Ying Zilan, there is nothing to worry about. First, Zifeng is arrogant. If he doesn't like someone, he may not tell his brother. Second, ...How can I say that Ms. Jian saved my life once, when I can still say something, I hope that Yanhuang Awakening can be simpler and try to do more practical things, this is the best."

During the Yanhuang Awakening, Fang Zhitian and Ying Haisheng were one north and one south. Relatively speaking, Ying Haisheng’s power was relatively low, but since the Yanhuang Awakening was close to the national political organization, it naturally involved a lot of relationships and struggles. Fang Zhitian The relationship with Jian Suyan, a fictional character, is relatively close, so it is not surprising that Ying Jia wants to make a fuss about her. This time, Jian Suyan's performance is closer to Dark Tianqin. Fang Zhitian might find it difficult to put pressure on this person. Naturally, the first to bear the brunt were these agents who understood Jian Suyan's power.

But since Fang Zhitian has made such a statement here, of course there is no need to worry too much afterwards. Firstly, they also have a good impression of Jian Suyan, and secondly, they avoid the worry of being an enemy of this kind of person. easy.

Around ten o'clock, several teams of heavily armed special forces quietly approached the woods where Jiaming had just fought from all directions.

This uninhabited area is very large. Over the dense mountain forest beside the road, it is a large leather factory that has long been abandoned due to wrong planning. One of the soldiers was the first to spot the wreckage of the car on the side of the road.

After being washed away by the heavy rain for tens of minutes, the flames of the car explosion had long been extinguished, and the traces of the gunfight between the grassy slopes had gradually faded under the rain. But naturally they couldn't hide it from these specially trained people. They explored like ghosts and ghosts, and then rushed into the woods. Messages were also concentrated on the commander by radio, and then sent back.

"Discover the first battlefield..."

"It was a Porsche 911 sports car that crashed. The license plate number matches the one that Gu Jiaming drove. It is estimated that the driver jumped out of the car before the crash, and then started a fight. The speed of the car is very fast, it should be over 130 kilometers per hour. ..."

"The battlefield continued into the woods... We heard gunshots, heading towards the woods to the west, more than two kilometers away..."


"Corpse found! Unidentified!"

"Corpse found! Unidentified!"

"Corpse found! Unidentified..."

The wind and rain were blowing, and the pictures coming back through the camera were blurry. In front of the computers with countless monitoring screens, Ye Lian and the others stared at the outlines in the pictures in amazement. More than a dozen corpses were found in a row, and beside these corpses, there were discarded guns and ammunition. After inspection, these dead people were all well-trained soldiers.

In the dark woods, these dead bodies continued to the distance one by one, and occasionally passed by some places. The traces of bullets and even shells were shocking. Only Gu Jiaming, who was predicted, never disappeared.

At 10:20, the soldiers who followed the gunshots and searched for the past finally had their first firefight with the killer hidden in the forest...

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