Hidden Assassin

Volume 3 Cohabitation Era——Volume 6 Under the Blue Sky Section 344 Pull the Trigger

The gunshots from the night rain were intermittent, sometimes they suddenly became chaotic and intense, and sometimes they suddenly quieted down. From a distance, the movement moved strangely all the way to the west. When this group of soldiers followed up quietly with their bodies concealed, and walked about two kilometers away, they were finally spotted inevitably, ushering in the first sniper bullet in the night.

Probably due to luck, this sniper bullet from a few hundred meters away missed very poorly, specifically because of the influence of the heavy rain and bad weather, or because the opponent became very frightened after experiencing some previous things. It's hard to say clearly, after this shot, more than a dozen people swipe and merged into the surrounding vegetation, and the snipers here began to confirm the position of each other, marking that today's oriole and praying mantis finally began to have their first battle. times of firefights.

After one shot, the entire forest fell into silence again. In such an environment, a duel with a sniper rifle was actually a tense and boring thing. Both sides tried their best to hide and observe each other. , One or two people with relatively good stealth skills moved towards that side slowly and vigilantly. The heavy rain seemed to be falling endlessly, except for the rustling sound of the rain, the surrounding fields were quiet.

In the environment where the distance is far away, the deterrent effect of the sniper rifle is too great. It seems that there are more people here, but they dare not act too rashly. If it was just a duel between snipers, it would be common for each other to hide and remain motionless for two or three days in a harsh environment. Of course, it was impossible to be dragged like that this time. However, several shots were fired from a distance With the din of guns, it was nearly half an hour before the team actually opened fire on a large scale with the killer hiding in the woods.

Although Pei Luojia used a lot of strength for this operation, it was impossible to mobilize an army after all. Nearly 20 people had died before, and there are only a few people who will stay here now. The position of the sniper on the opposite side was finally detected. pause time. Gunfire broke out behind the big trees and bushes far and near. In the exchange of fire for a few seconds, the sniper on Pei Luojia's side was shot in the head, and the rest of the killers fled quietly. The long-abandoned leather factory building.

In heavy rain. More than a dozen people scattered separately and quietly went down the hillside. After a while, they entered the dark and silent factory area. The killing and gunpowder smoke that filled the air during the last gunshot seemed to still linger in this dilapidated building complex and hadn't dissipated yet. ...

The sound of water drops falling on the ground.

The feeling of being soaked all over the body does not make people feel good. It's just that when life may be threatened at any time, many feelings can become negligible. Relatively speaking, the role of training may be secondary. in the dark. He tensed every inch of his skin, and felt the power hidden in his body. The gun in his hand was drenched in rain, and it still looked a little cold in the early summer night, but the place where he was clenched by his hand was already hot. In a tense and calm mood. He is feeling everything he can feel.

Brush it. Raising the gun and turning sideways, he moved across the fork in front of him like a ghost. Safety----he was vigilantly watching his surroundings: the dust and debris on the ground, the broken windows at the side and rear, the rainwater spilled into the corridor, and the water stains left after he walked by. Then go to the next safe point. It rained heavily. There is no light, no lightning, in this abandoned house, the darkness is extraordinarily powerful, but maybe it comes from talent, maybe it comes from training, he has a special sensitivity to the dark, maybe it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a sense of security , The ability to adapt to the darkness, he is confident that he will not lose to anyone.

His name is Chang Yanfeng, and he is a soldier by profession. He belongs to a special and secret organization within the army. According to the general internal name, it should be the seventh special brigade. be acknowledged. He was trained in the Shenyang Military Region, and later took up some security duties in Beijing. He also took part in several secret missions similar to anti-terrorism. , if he performs well this time, it is estimated that he will be able to obtain the rank of lieutenant in the second half of the year.

Of course, at present, matters such as military rank are not in his mind. He was wary of the two ends of the corridor, and he slowly bent down and gently touched the handle of the door next to him. Smell: a cold dusty smell. He quietly walked to the next door, looking back from time to time, wary of someone following his footsteps. Finally, when he found the door at the corner, he quietly leaned against the wall next to him, and pressed a small button next to his body with his left hand regularly. After a while, there was a slight vibration reply from the button. He began to count the numbers silently in his head, then put on a pair of light-colored sunglasses.

five four three two one……

With a bang, the sound of stones breaking the window glass, he kicked the door open with a bang, and at the same time turned on the powerful flashlight attached to the gun body, the dazzling light illuminated the room, left! right! above! Immediately, he turned off the flashlight, took off his sunglasses, and walked in vigilantly. At the same time, he used a small button to send out a message: "The body was found..."

The dilapidated room was in a mess, a corpse fell in it, there were bullet holes in the wall, there were dropped guns in the corner of the room, and a dilapidated desk was still intact, the corpse seemed to be a killer, The right hand was broken abruptly, and the head was twisted backward into a deformed appearance, but other than that, there were no other scars.

He took a breath, and the man's gun flew out, indicating that he was holding it before he died, but there seemed to be no other injuries, matching the traces at the scene, it seemed that he had shot it Someone rushed up and broke his hand abruptly, and then turned his head in one direction. What kind of mission was this time? Coming all the way from the woods, the situation he saw was really unbelievable. Among the people who know, I am afraid that not many people have such ability, maybe Captain Lou is a bit embarrassing...

Swallowing, he reported the situation, quietly exited the room, walked forward for a while, went up the stairs, and when he checked a door, there was a sudden gunshot in the distance. It should be his teammates and someone Turned over the fire. At the same time, his scalp went numb, and his body suddenly rushed forward. .

A figure jumped down from the ceiling and flew into the air.

Turning around suddenly, raising the gun, the black figure rushed up, tongues of flame spurted out from the gun, and the bullets swept across the entire corridor, and the two bodies smashed a distance of several meters in an instant, colliding with each other. rear wall.

The hand holding the gun was tightly clamped by the opponent, and the sharp dagger stabbed towards the waist at the same time. He tightened the opponent's wrist with his backhand. With the sound of gunshots, collisions, and bullets whizzing out like paintings, the two of them His body wrestled and collided in the corridor, and dust flew up in the humid air. Chang Yanfeng let go of the handle of the gun, grabbed it with his backhand, and at the same time slammed the opponent's wrist on the wall, forcing him to let go of the dagger. As soon as Feng entered, the two broke through the door at the back and rushed into the dilapidated room.

The bodies of the two fell to the ground almost at the same time. With a bang, the bullet shot past Chang Yanfeng's waist, his left hand pressed hard on the opponent's wrist, his right hand hit two consecutive elbows at close range, he pulled out the military thorn with his backhand, and slammed hard into the opponent's head. When he went down, the killer kicked him in the chest violently, and the military thorns pulled out sparks and rough friction sounds on the floor. The two distanced themselves and turned over at the same time. The three-sided army thorn was thrown out of his hand suddenly, and with a swipe, the army thorn was deeply inserted into the opponent's shoulder, and the killer's gun was aimed at his forehead.

This is almost a choice to die together, and the difference may be who is earlier and who is later.

The 56-style triangular army thorn equipped by the Chinese army is almost perfect in terms of bloodletting effect. Anyone who is stabbed like this will lose blood and die within a few minutes. Without professional medical equipment, it is impossible to treat it. Unexpectedly, the killer couldn't avoid it. The bodies of the two of them froze in the darkness for a moment, and blood shot out from the bloodletting tank. At that moment, he could almost see the cold and distorted smile on the other side.

The next moment, his eyes turned slightly to the side.

The room was not too big, the two of them flew in together, wrestled and turned over, and at this time they had basically reached the window, the surroundings were dark, and the night rain outside the window was deep, but at this time, he could still see clearly at a close distance. The long barrel belonging to the sniper rifle was lying quietly in the air at this time - it protruded from the opening in the glass and aimed right at the killer's side face. It seemed that it had been placed here for a long time. Years have never changed.

With a bang, the flames flashed, and the killer's head exploded like a watermelon. Flesh, brains, and hair rushed towards the other wall of the room like fireworks. Chang Yanfeng stood there stunned. The experience of escaping death is definitely precious, and it is absolutely indescribable to watch a person's head being smashed from the neck at such a close distance. , He has experienced a lot of things, and this is the first time he has seen such a scene.

The headless corpse fell backwards.

It was only at this time that the image that was seen from the corner of his eyes but had no time to process came to mind from his subconscious mind. At the moment when he threw the military stab and the opponent raised the gun, the muzzle of the gun quietly protruded in from the window. , it looked as if the killer's head was directly attached to it. When the head moved to the best position by itself, the people outside pulled the trigger without the slightest hesitation...

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