Hidden Assassin

Volume 3 Cohabitation Era - Volume 6 Under the Blue Sky Section 345 Crazy

The sound of breathing in the silence, as the killer's headless body fell, he held his breath for two or three seconds before he finally realized that the person outside the window might be the target that needs to be found and cooperated in this mission.

The sniper rifle disappeared from the window, and there were gunshots in the distance, but there was silence on the balcony outside the window. He took a deep breath, stretched out his hand and pulled out the saber from the corpse, and was about to chase it out of the window, when a blaze suddenly appeared outside the window. Light up in the night rain.

"Depend on……"

Turning around and jumping out in a hurry, there was a loud bang, air waves and flames rushed out from behind, his body jumped out of the door, and was even pushed through the corridor in the middle by the huge air current, smashing through the old wooden door opposite, falling into another room.

His reaction was quick. He was drenched in the rain before, but he didn't suffer any fatal injuries from the explosion, but he was thrown hard enough for a while, lying on the ground dizzy and unable to get up. , I could see the light of burning flames in my eyes, and my ears were full of buzzing auditory hallucinations. I managed to get up with the muzzle of a gun, and when I turned around, my whole body suddenly lost the ability to move. The back flew up and slapped against the wall.

For a moment, it was as if being held down by an invisible big hand!

The incomprehensible phenomenon brought unspeakable fear, but after participating in so many secret missions, he gradually came into contact with some inexplicable people and things. The light of the flame came in from another room, and he tried to calm down, only to see the other end of this room. A dwarf wearing a tattered cloak and dressed like a god of death in a western film was standing in the corner, with one hand facing himself, and the fingers of the other hand flicking lightly. The army thorn brush that fell in the room earlier flew up.

The finger stayed in the air for a moment, then suddenly pointed towards him. Unable to move all over his body, he suddenly closed his eyes tightly, and then. The body suddenly lost its support. Falling off the wall, the army thorn hit his head, but it didn't go in. In the air, there was only a voice containing incomparable anger, resentment and unwillingness: "sht----"

Opening his eyes, the dwarf's body quickly smashed through the opposite window and jumped out.

This place was originally a factory, with offices or control rooms on one side and corridors on one side. On the other side of the window, you can see the large workshop where the workers work below. As soon as the dwarf smashed through the window, a black shadow suddenly rushed over from the air next to it. fell into the workshop below.

Picking up the submachine gun and rushing to the window, in the dark space below, two chasing figures can be vaguely seen, appearing and disappearing among the many piled up wooden boxes and sundries.

It has just been affected by the explosion. At this time, another blow was struck on the head, and what can be seen clearly is extremely limited, only the outlines of debris piled up below can be vaguely seen. The dwarf in the tattered black cloak seems to want to escape, but the person behind him is not at all. Follow closely. Both figures were unimaginably agile. The dwarf has no intention of fighting, but every time he rushes out, he will be overtaken by the opponent. In the darkness, he punches, kicks, elbows, and knees as fast as a phantom. The dwarf tried his best to dismantle, dismantle, dodge. Even by taking a few punches from the opponent. Take the opportunity to escape.

He was short in stature and looked like a child. Occasionally, he couldn't hide, unload or catch it, so he was punched like a cannonball by the wind and flew out. Just after he was smashed into a pile of old wooden boxes, the person following him rushed in. In the middle of the booming sound, the wooden box that was smashed into two pieces and the cracked wood chips turned like an explosion, and a figure chased and beat the enemy endlessly in the middle, no matter what was in front, They were all smashed into pieces. Seeing such a scene, Chang Yanfeng opened his mouth wide and couldn't close it for a long time. This surprise was not only because of the crazy destructive power in front of him, he was a little hard to imagine, what kind of thing could be so beaten, and that dwarf hadn't changed yet. Is it meat sauce? He can even hear the sound of a few large iron oil barrels being knocked out. Judging from the sound, it is estimated that they have been beaten to the ground.

It seems that there is a big mouse running around in the room full of sundries, and the rough male owner keeps chasing after him with a big hammer. When the hammer dances into a windmill, the room All the sundries were destroyed in this chase, and the mouse was also injured, but it was still trying to escape.

The surprise is the surprise, the fact is that the dwarf is really not dead, the darkness is full of his pain and humiliation, but every time, he is finally able to roll and crawl out of the messy place that was beaten all over the place. Escaping from the pile of wood chips, it is often the next moment that the attacker who rushes over is bumped into the next pile of debris again.

At a certain moment near the edge of the workshop, the dwarf finally seized the opportunity. With a shout of "Ah---", his body flew out like an arrow and smashed a door below. He paused for a moment on the spot, and then followed closely. The moment he rushed into the door, gunfire rang out from the window of that room. It seemed that there was actually a killer lurking inside.

Fierce gunshots rang out for a few seconds, turning into a chaotic fight. It seemed that the figure that had been chasing before retreated back, and the two killers rushed out one after the other, with extremely fast heavy punches, Kicking, the killer in the back pulled out the knife backhand, but their attacking momentum only lasted for two seconds, and after blocking a few punches at a fast speed, the killer in front was still rushing forward, the black Ying suddenly turned from retreating to entering, and with a wrong hand, he had already changed positions with him. The head of the killer in front was directly reversed by this blow, and after a few more steps, he simply fell down.

Before the assassin's saber could be slashed down, the black shadow whose chest was bullied into front of him slammed back hard with his shoulder, stabbing hastily, the black shadow raised his right hand in front of his chest, and stretched his left hand forward to cut , The saber flew out of his hand with a whoosh, and flew out into the sky.

He couldn't attack, and when he wanted to defend again, it was already too late. He got a blow on the forehead, stretched out his hand to block it, and received another punch in the chest, which turned into an elbow, and hit him hard in the face. At this time, he was forced to the corner of the workshop next to the door. Standing at Chang Yanfeng's position, he saw that the man's whole body was pressed against the wall. In a few seconds, he had received countless punches on the head. . It was just Ru Feng's heavy punch, and it only aimed at his head and hit him desperately. When the black shadow suddenly gave up and chased out from the door, the man's body was as limp as noodles and fell to the corner of the wall. .

A few minutes later, when he was chasing down the stairs, he took a look. Not only was the corpse bleeding from seven holes, but the entire face was already covered in blood and flesh. Like broken enamel in a sack...

At this time, all the programs are actually coming to an end. Of course, as long as someone needs something like playing cards, playing mahjong, or watching a movie, it is always no problem to play all night, but in most lives there is a regular For most people, they are already thinking about sleeping tonight.

Standing by the door of a series of big tents, Lingjing opened her eyes and looked outside. The small tent belonging to Jiaming was pitch black, and it didn't look like there was anyone there. After looking around for a while, she looked away slightly disappointed. Pursing her lips, she turned around and walked through a tent, looked around intentionally or unintentionally, and finally entered a tent that was used as a casino, where Shasha was sitting at a gaming table playing stud with a bunch of girls, with a posing in front of her. They bought a dozen ten-yuan bills—although everyone had some background, they were all girls, and there was no jealousy over men at this time, and of course there was no need to be too violent with each other. Seeing her hole cards mysteriously, she snapped them back, and smiled mysteriously at the players around her: "No!"

"Tch... If you don't go, you'll be such a stinky fart... I won't go either..."

"How much did you win?" Walking behind Shasha, Lingjing leaned down and took a peek at her hole cards, then rolled her eyes depressedly, "Cut..."

"Hehe, a pair of little fives are actually very big, okay..." Shasha said with a smile, then stood up, "Forget it, I won't come, you guys play slowly."

"Why don't you play anymore?" Ling Jing wondered.

"It's past eleven o'clock, it's not early..." Shasha turned on her watch, then looked around, "By the way, where is Jiaming? Is there still something going on? By this time?"

"Uh, who knows." Ling Jing pursed her lips and shrugged, showing a cute and helpless expression.

"Go! Go find him."

"In case something really happens to him..."

"Don't bother him, just see where he is..."

There are many entertainment programs in the tent group, and there are also some separate lounges. The two girls searched one by one, and arrived in the big tent after about ten minutes. At this time, there were still many people. Look, Sister Yahan is over there, let's go ask her."

As soon as she raised her hand, Yahan over there had already seen them, greeted them with a smile, and walked towards them. When they were about eight or nine meters away, Yahan's face suddenly changed, Raising his right hand, he pointed a pistol in his hand: "Don't move! Don't mess around! Raise your hand!"

Yahan has always been a gentle person, and the few people around her who knew her couldn't figure out what happened for a while, they just looked over in a daze, but for this pistol with a blue-gray metal barrel, Ling Both Jing and Shasha are quite familiar with it. Made in the United States, they each own a swm459 9mm automatic pistol.

Thinking that Yahan was joking, Ling Jing said with a smile: "Sister Yahan, I surrender, please don't...uh..." At this point, I finally felt that something was wrong. Looking back, I saw that the name A woman named He Yun was standing two meters behind them, with a smile on her face, she slowly raised her hand, holding a sharp dagger in her left hand...

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