Hidden Assassin

Volume VII August Fire

Generally speaking, most people’s travel abroad is not actually free. They come out with the tour guide of the travel agency, walk around according to the arranged itinerary every day, visit the specialty shops brought by the tour guide, and return to the country when they are done. A few photos and some specious specials, nothing really makes sense.

For this reason, the trips organized by Dongfang Wan are basically free. Although they also paid for tour guides and translators, in the final analysis, these people can only make suggestions and have little right to speak. The higher the height, the more choices there will be, and the possibility of trouble will also increase. The last time they went to Hong Kong, it is said that there was a precedent of someone getting lost and then going back. Dongfang Wan has a strong nature and likes difficulties. The incident was regarded as a beautiful episode, but at the time when the incident happened, the feeling of anxiety and panic was the same as before, which is conceivable. but……

"But... this kind of thing happened. Why did you come to me in such a hurry..."

"Yiting is already calling other people one by one, I'll ask you to rush there first..."

"But why us..."

"Uh..." Dongfang Wan was also anxious at first, but when Jia Ming mentioned this for the second time, she seemed to realize that she closed her mouth for a moment, and then, obviously, she didn't find a suitable answer, "What nonsense are you talking about?" What are you doing! Do you want to go or not? You’re still talking when something like this happens..."

She spoke forcefully and could even be called rude. But even the tears were about to flow out of the nervous expression. Jia Ming curled his lips: "Okay, I'm afraid of you, I'll get some clothes first... Hey, wait until I get dressed..."

I just picked up my coat and haven't had time to wear it yet. Dongfang Wan had already dragged him out, and the boy in the room with him just got up at this moment, watching this scene in a daze, as the two walked away, Dongfang Wan's voice came: "Jesus, get up quickly, Then come over with others.” Jesus was the boy’s nickname, nodded at this moment, and then remembered to ask: “Where are you going, what are you doing?” But the two of them had already run so hard that they couldn’t even hear the sound of footsteps arrive.

"The first thing to do when something like this happens is to call the embassy and call the police. Do you want to go private?" while running downstairs. Jia Ming was talking. Dongfang Wan shook her head in front of her: "Not yet. Liang Mingchao and the others are going to gamble. If they call the police and go to the embassy, ​​there must be a lot of trouble. The interest in this trip will be lost, not to mention that this is an internationally famous tourist destination." District, those people definitely don’t dare to make too much trouble. Also... Anyway, maybe I will encounter the same thing in the future. With so many of us, it’s really hard to negotiate with the embassy and the police Not too late..."

Seeing that there was still a hint of excitement in her flustered face, Jia Ming probably understood. This passionate girl who is so simple as to be a little idiot has already regarded this incident as a test for herself, as if the more advanced monsters challenged in the game, the more experience points, but the premise is...

"You have to make sure you can survive..." After thinking about it, I could indeed guarantee this to a certain extent, so I couldn't help but frowned... Could it be that Dongfang Wan is the heroine of the hot-blooded manga...

Go all the way through the corridor to the hall. The two tour guides, the flustered Luo Jingwen, and the boys who ran down first were already waiting there. Seeing that Dongfang Wan ran past for so long, she pulled Jia Ming over, although she was puzzled. But of course it is impossible to care about these things at this time. One of the tour guides said: "Miss Dongfang, I think even if we don't want things to become serious, we should at least call the embassy. If things go wrong..."

Before he finished speaking, Dongfang Wan had already nodded her head: "I know, Jiaming and Jingwen and I will go there first, Uncle Chen, you go with us to translate, Uncle Wang, you stay here and wait for Yiting to call the others to come down and join us again." In the past, if there was a problem at that time, you would call immediately. We have a lot of people, so if we speak clearly, nothing will happen. Jingwen, let's go first."

"But..." Dongfang Wan is considered capable among her peers, but it's just not bad. It doesn't mean that she has reached the level where she can confront the underworld. Luo Jingwen hesitated a little, but finally followed, Jiaming wrapped her clothes tightly and walked away Later, in Luo Jingwen's flustered statement, she also roughly knew the details.

The situation naturally has to start with the fight at night. Although Liang Mingchao and Li Song were able to temporarily restore peace under the persuasion of a few girls, everyone is young and energetic, and this kind of jealousy has no result for a day. , the situation is of course impossible to improve. The two didn't talk much to each other, but they both put the matter in their minds. Liang Mingchao secretly asked the two tour guides where the nearby casino was. The news about the small game, they knew that Liang Mingchao had won money in the morning, so they just said it out. Liang Mingchao excitedly went back and proposed to take everyone to the casino again.

They are all 17 or 18 years old. Although they are a little ignorant, they can still think about things. Half of them expressed their opposition to going to this kind of casino that has no legal protection. Li Song is naturally the one who opposes it most fiercely, but It was Li Song's attitude that made Liang Mingchao, who was not particularly persistent about this kind of thing, make up his mind that he had to go play once. No, just leave without gambling. Anyway, in such a formal tourist area, the safety is somewhat guaranteed.

Under such circumstances, a group of people found the room on the other side of the town together with two tour guides. About 30 to 40 people gathered inside, and it looked like a simple gambling party organized by tourists from all over the world. The atmosphere was harmonious, and everyone relaxed and started gambling. For more than half an hour, Li Song basically maintained a state of neither losing nor winning. Li Song made some sarcasm, but Liang Mingchao seemed to be indifferent on the surface. It is estimated that I have begun to feel unhappy in my heart. However, this is where the real unhappiness begins.

In the following time, Liang Mingchao began to lose a lot of money, until he lost all the money he won in the morning and all the cash on his body. The group began to feel that something was wrong, but because of Li Song's presence, Liang Mingchao did not choose to leave. Instead, he took his bank card and went out to withdraw cash. Although someone dissuaded him at this time, Liang Mingchao insisted that he could win it back. It's his own money, and of course others don't say much, but wait until he loses another thousand yuan. Anxious, he finally decided to cheat. .

Been here for two or three hours. Liang Mingchao thinks that he already knows the people in the game very well. All the gamblers here are unprofessional gamblers, and they all rely on their own luck. If he is clever, no one will find out. Therefore, the tragedy And so it happened.

He was picked out only when he was out for the first time.

If he was alone, he would leave the money on his body, and if he couldn't do it, he might be beaten up. But here are all young and energetic young people, besides, there are younger sisters watching, Liang Mingchao thought that not many people knew about Qian's deeds, so he yelled that others falsely accused him, and Li Song and others took advantage of the situation to surround him come over. After all, internal conflicts are one thing. At the critical moment, they are still unanimous, but when the two sides confront each other. Only then did they realize something was wrong. There was more than one person on the other side. Once the atmosphere reached a point of tension, more than a dozen people stood up together. They were all tall or fierce white men. Here, four men and three women plus two tour guides who did not want to cause trouble counted as another round. I'm afraid it's also free. At this time, Li Song made a clever proposal to create chaos, so he accused this group of people of cooperating to start a gambling game to make everyone's money. room for maneuver.

Under such circumstances, seeing that the situation was not good, the two tour guides pulled Luo Jingwen and the other three people to run out. Liang Mingchao, Li Song, and Wang Tujia, who made the most trouble when confronting each other, were completely taken hostage by the other party. With the above things.

"You guys are really good. You just insist on saying something good, but you also disturbed people's business..." After hearing the whole story, Dongfang Wan said with a sigh, "But they are doing it for money, so let's pay for it." The money is just... Jiaming, what do you say..."

"Eh?" There were a few anxious boys beside him, but they were all surprised to hear that Dongfang Wan was actually asking for Jia Ming's opinion on such a matter. Ah, what...should...I think...it is..." This absent-minded look made the rest of the people think that they were afraid, seeing him frightened like this, the little bit of fear in their hearts was nothing, and they couldn't help but Very satisfied.

"Okay, that's it. Fortunately, I still have money in my bank card, but I don't know how much they will charge..." As he said to himself, in the snowstorm, the wooden house that was used as a casino had already arrived. Most of the houses in Wadisel are made of wood, but they are solid and sturdy, and the floors look very solemn and heavy. Three big men in black leather clothes were waiting at the door. Dongfang Wan calmly said: "Uncle Chen, please translate, we are here to apologize." The tour guide surnamed Chen said it loudly, and the three big men looked at the lineup of this group of little brats, and sneered out of the way , turned his head inside, motioning to go in.

Opening the door, a warm breath came in, but the first thing I heard was the crying of a boy and a girl. Except for the three outside, there were a total of nine white men in the room. Liang Mingchao was sitting on a chair in the middle of the hall, While crying and apologizing, a man about two meters tall slapped him in the face, but his face was still red for the time being, and it seemed that the slap had just started. Li Song and Wang Tujia were squatting by the wall. Wang Tujia, who looked like a boy, was also crying at this time. Three or four men stood beside her and commented in French, obviously discussing the matter. How does the oriental girl taste? Fortunately, Wang Tujia's clothes are still intact, and these people haven't done anything yet.


Seeing Liang Mingchao being beaten, Dongfang Wan shouted directly in French. I don't know how long this simple French sentence has been brewing in her heart. At this time, she shouted it out in a very calm manner. Only after the big man who beat someone stopped did she get someone to translate it: "Try to be as tactful as possible and tell him that we are here to apologize. Yes, how much loss did they have today. We will try our best to compensate.”

Tour guide Chen said the words. Hearing that, the beating man immediately laughed, and then the whole room burst into laughter, and the door closed behind him. The three people outside also came in, but with the laughter, Luo Jingwen turned pale with fright, and the male students beside Jiaming, who were originally in a strong state, saw the lineup of more than ten people, and they were a little bit nervous for a while. At a loss. I only heard the man say in French: "Can money solve everything?"

Apart from the tour guide, probably only Jia Ming could understand what these people said. After the translation came, Dongfang Wan forced a smile.

"Money can't solve everything, of course. I hope there is a better way to solve the misunderstanding we have today."

"Misunderstanding. Heh... I don't think this is a misunderstanding that can be easily resolved." Turning around, he slapped Liang Mingchao on the face again. This time, he slapped Liang Mingchao hard, and it was very loud in the whole room. "Your friend needs to learn the principles of life. Obviously, you Chinese are somewhat uneducated."

"Sorry, I don't think so..." Dongfang Wan kept smiling. There was tension in the tone, "But we are not here to discuss this today, let's solve the problem at hand, shall we?"

The big man silently glanced at Dongfang Wan: "Are you here to travel?"

"That's right."

"I heard that there are many of you?"

"Why does this have anything to do with this matter?"

"Your people messed up my business..." The Frenchman paused, "In the next few days, you will encounter many dangers. There are countless, please forgive me for not liking in front of ladies Describe what those dangers are. But I can guarantee that they are absolutely things that we do not want to see each other. In fact, every person with conscience is unwilling to see tragedies happen. Fortunately, I will be able to guarantee Your safety."

Jia Ming watched this scene bored, knowing that because of the previous negotiations, they regarded Dongfang Wan as a rich and capable blackmailer.

Dongfang Wan forced a smile: "How much do you want?"

"Pay attention to your words, ma'am, don't make us look like robbers, it's very impolite... In fact, in addition to giving you a guarantee of safety, the most important thing is that your friend also messed up my business, at least Within a month, we will have no business..." He pondered for a while, then raised a finger, "That's right, one hundred thousand... Euros.".

When the number was said, everyone was stunned, and Dongfang Wan showed a trace of anger. Compared with the situation in front of him, one hundred thousand euros was not extortion at all, but robbery. Silence, also because of this silence, the rustling sound from outside the door also fell into everyone's ears. When the white man at the door opened the door confidently, men and women began to pour in from the door. Ten, two Ten people... But when there were about thirty people, these ten people also frowned. Thirty or forty students knew at a glance that they had no fighting power, but if they really wanted to conflict, they would be more embarrassed about such things that would cause international disputes.

Some of the girls who were scared hadn't come in at the door at this time, but since there were so many of us in the room, the boys became stronger, discussing and exchanging the development of the matter, and when it came to one hundred thousand euros, some of them People have already called out.

"No, robbery!"

"Just call the police."

"Complaining through the embassy..."

"F*ck hit it directly, so many of us are afraid of his dozen or so little fish and shrimp!"

There are many people in the crowd who like to fight. At this time, it was a scene of excitement. Dongfang Wan stood in front of her and kept silent, her lips were tightly pressed. She was obviously thinking about how to solve this matter. The white man saw the situation with his own eyes. Seeming to be about to lose control, he asked, "How is it? Have you thought about it?"

With a large group of people as the backing, Dongfang Wan's confidence has returned a lot. After a moment of hesitation, she said, "This price is too much." When she said this, there was a corresponding voice behind her. The heavy wooden chair next to it: "Hit?"

This dangerous move immediately aroused a reaction. The three people standing beside Wang Tujia looked at each other, put their hands on their waists, turned around and walked towards the crowd. Wang Tujia, who was not crying, opened his eyes wide. He closed his eyes, not knowing what he saw, and opened his lips several times in horror. Just speechless. The atmosphere in the room was almost frozen. The three of them strode forward, and several tall boys with fierce eyes who wanted to act in front of the girls were ready to make a move. In an instant, Jia Ming opened his hands and walked out.

"Don't be impulsive! Don't be impulsive! Have something to say!"

He was walking in the same direction as the three white men had come. It looked like a hug to persuade a fight. The burly man was pushed back two steps unconsciously. Then, the three of them were blocked by Jia Ming's open arms at the same time. The white man was talking, and the crowd of students also They were talking, and each other was chaotic and noisy. Jia Ming shouted, "Don't be impulsive! Say something!" while blocking the three people with all his strength. This scene seemed normal, but the three people pushed by Jia Ming were instantly His countenance changed.

They couldn't move forward at all.

The purpose of these three people coming out is for the greatest deterrence. The leading white man saw that the three of them were actually blocked by a young man. Looking over from the side, time seemed to cut everything into slow motion, one second, two seconds, amidst the noise, the three began to pull out the guns from their waists, this was also caught by Wang Tujia, so they dared not even speak Say something. But the crowd at the back didn't know the danger was coming, they were still clamoring, Dongfang Wan said: "Jiaming, come back." She seemed to want to come over and pull him back.

"Calm down! Calm down! All calm down." He waved his hands around to try to block people, Jia Ming's situation still seemed extremely chaotic. However, at the next moment, the three men took a small step back as if clicking, and stopped moving forward. The eyes of the leading white man showed surprise, and Jia Ming's hands were still dancing in harmony in front of him: " Very good. Calm down, calm down..."

Except for the leading white man and the three people blocked by Jia Ming. From this angle, no one can see what happened just now. At that moment, the seemingly random waving hands directly reached into the clothes of several people, and when they had pulled out their guns, they directly squeezed each other's wrists, and then the three of them took their guns from their palms one by one. Copy it directly. Looking from the side, in the eyes of that person, it was Jia Ming who suddenly appeared three more guns as if by magic while waving his hands randomly. Under his gaze, he put the two guns into the open door. Inside the clothes, another gun was shaken at the four people one by one, and then put in. The three people who retreated pulled their hands out of the clothes, trembling constantly.

The next moment, Jia Ming was dragged back by Dongfang Wan's arm. She lowered her head and whispered, "You're crazy, why are you trying to persuade me?"

"I have learned martial arts..."

"The three of you are not as big as them together, have you ever beaten them... and they can't understand you when you speak Chinese!" "Maybe they understand, and they pretended to be b on purpose..."

"I'm too lazy to tell you, there are so many of us, we don't need you to come forward..."

It is an exaggeration for the three Jiaming to add up, there is no other person alone, but when Dongfang Wan raised her head, what she saw was that the three people who were blocked by Jiaming just now walked to their boss, talking in a low voice, as if Jiaming It's like what they said. Thinking of this in his heart, the boss looked towards Dongfang Wan with a gloomy face, and said in a deep voice: "Forget what happened today, just pretend it never happened."

"Uncle Chen, what did he say?" Dongfang Wan asked suspiciously, and the tour guide surnamed Chen was stunned for a while: "They said...it's all right, as if nothing happened..."

As soon as these words came out, the whole room fell silent, and everyone stood there like stone sculptures. A few white people who were far away showed extremely puzzled expressions, and came over to ask, the boss waved: "Let's go." He led a group of people out from the back door...

Doubts are doubts, the next thing to do is to take the beaten Liang Mingchao back for treatment, and comfort Wang Tujia and Li Song by the way. This incident happened without end, Dongfang Wan frowned and thought about it for a long time, seeing Jiaming going out, she quickly followed, pulling him aside: "Hey, what did you tell them..."

"No, I also find it strange..." Jia Ming also had a look of incredulity, "I don't speak French, I use world languages..."

"What world language..."

"You see, hug."

"It's not... Hugs are the world's language to show kindness. I never thought that a hug in a foreign country can solve everything. Are they so lacking in love? But that's right..." Jia Ming rubbed his chin and said to himself, "All The world is one family. Love can solve everything. Why use violence? Liang Mingchao and the others were beaten mainly because of their bad attitude... Isn’t there a song I sang, you and I, heart to heart, live together in the global village, For the dream, travel thousands of miles, meet in... er, the north... ".

"What kind of song are you, I've never heard of it..." Dongfang Wan frowned, "Don't talk nonsense, what did you say to them, the world language... it won't be a check... but all of a sudden Just to scare them, you don't have that much money..." She thought for a while, "Could it be a blank check?"

"I swear to God, I really didn't say anything, I didn't give them anything..." Jia Ming's expression was serious. At such a delicate moment, it was rare for him to tell the truth, so he was extraordinarily confident.

"Then..." Dongfang Wan stared at him for a long time, and finally decided to believe him, sighed, and continued to think: "It should be because we saw that there are so many people, so I probably found a step down, but... this step is too fast , It was an elevator at all... No, he jumped directly from the elevator shaft... What the hell is going on..."

The whole thing was outrageous, and it was estimated that she would not be able to guess the answer even if she tried her best. A group of people returned to the hotel, and they were very excited. Obviously, there was another story to brag about after returning. This time when I went skiing in France, I was scared away by the gangsters when I met them. Amidst the excitement, it is foreseeable that the time for everyone to wake up tomorrow will definitely be pushed back.

After finding a place to put the three guns away, Jia Ming didn't bother to deal with these guys with excess energy, and went back to his room to continue sleeping. I got up at eight o'clock the next morning, and it was still snowing outside. I went to the restaurant for breakfast and coffee, and a group of classmates still didn't get up. At this time, they were the biggest group of guests in the entire hotel. They were sleeping, and it seemed that the hotel was empty. Jia Ming strolled upstairs, and when he reached a balcony with a view on the fourth floor, he heard faint voices. It was Liang Mingchao and Wang Tujia.

"...I'm sorry, we are really not suitable. If we are suitable, we have known each other for so many years, and we have walked together a long time ago..."

This is Wang Tujia's words. It is estimated that after yesterday's incident, Liang Mingchao's mood of wanting to be jealous with someone has faded. When he is in danger, Luo Jingwen is the first to run away. He has a grudge in his heart, so naturally he cannot choose again. Luo Jingwen, therefore, took advantage of the early morning to come to confess to Wang Tujia.

Being rejected at this time, Liang Mingchao's mood was obviously a little messed up, and he paused: "Is it because I was in front of them yesterday..."

"No, at that time, no one could hold on, and I cried like that too. I was so scared at that time..."

"But I'm a man..."

"We're all still students, okay? Not because of that..."

"Then why? You like Li Song."

"I don't like him either! I don't like any of you! Come on."

After Wang Tujia finished speaking, he stomped on the floor and left. Originally, Jia Ming heard that two people were confessing their love, and he turned around to leave, but Wang Tujia came too fast, and when he reached the corridor, he saw Jia Ming's back . The sound of footsteps stopped slightly, then he started to trot, and ran directly past Jia Ming. Jia Ming shook his head, turned around and walked towards the balcony again.

Of course, he didn't intend to chat with Liang Mingchao, he was just passing by, and when he walked to the balcony, he saw Liang Mingchao sitting on a chair, with medicine on his face and gauze wrapped around his head, he looked handsome and handsome. , Seeing Jia Ming walking by, he followed him straight in his eyes. For a moment, he hugged his head: "What did I do wrong..."

The tone of this sentence was so light that it seemed to be talking to himself. Jiaming looked around, and he was the only one. It seemed a little impolite to pretend he didn't hear it. He paused, then sighed: "It's nothing, actually handsome guy It's hard to be..."

"Eh? Why?" Liang Mingchao looked up at him.

"The head can be broken...the hairstyle can't be messed up..."

Jia Mingyu patted him on the shoulder earnestly and walked over. .

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