Hidden Assassin

Volume Seven, August Fire, Section 370, Sneak Attack

Because of the weather and what happened last night, the first day of skiing was actually wasted in the snow.

Although such snowy weather is not suitable for going out skiing, the town is actually not boring. I am afraid that various entertainment venues will not feel boring after half a month. A group of people sleep until noon and then wake up one after another. After lunch, seeing that the weather was not suitable for going up the mountain, they separated. With the experience of last night, I think these people will not make trouble again rashly.

Although it is said that they are going on a ski trip, but in this team, people who can't ski still account for the majority. Taking advantage of the snowy weather, many people rented ski equipment, and a Practice before the slopes. Next to this small snow slope is a luxurious restaurant with large floor-to-ceiling windows. Some people who are not full at noon order some delicious food in the corridor. While eating, they watch a group of people fighting in the snow slope. And the restaurant here echoes the hotel where they are currently living. When Jiaming appeared on the balcony, Dongfang Wan raised a knife and fork in the corridor of the restaurant below and shouted: "Hey, Gu Jiaming, come down!"

She was wearing a white down jacket at this time, and her energetic image of an oriental girl attracted the attention of several foreigners next to her. Jia Ming was bored at first, so he nodded and turned to go down. When he arrived at the restaurant, Dongfang Wan ordered him a steak with sauce: "The food here is delicious, I ask you to come and try it." The same is true on her own plate. The steak was half eaten.

"I've already eaten at noon."

"You can eat again after eating, there are not many French dishes."

More than 20 people were playing around on the snowy slope outside. There are also seven or eight classmates in the restaurant. At this time, they were talking and laughing with each other while eating. Dongfang Wan sat across from Jiaming, talking while eating steak.

"There is a wonton restaurant next to the school, have you ever eaten there? The wontons there are good. I sometimes go there for breakfast."

“Breakfast is usually eaten at home.”

"Oh, I almost forgot that you have two beauties in your family...but the wontons are really good, and there are many delicacies on Xinglong Street..."

Dong Caiwan usually sneered at many pastimes of her peers, but at this time, she was very fond of all kinds of food. Judging by her interest, she seemed to regard Jiaming as a heart-to-heart friend. She was happy talking here, and the people next to her heard it, and gathered around chattering, exchanging experiences with each other.

Unless Jiaming has some bad taste or bad intentions, he never listens to this kind of boring discussion. At this time, she was naturally buried in her food. Dongfang Wan was talking happily before, but now there are many people talking, but she just nodded there, and when she turned her eyes to the snowy slope on the side, she smiled. Han Ming turned her head, only Seeing Wang Tujia staggering up from the snowdrift outside, Li Song ran over to help her up, but she shook her head and pushed her away. Liang Mingchao, who had a patch on his face, was watching from under the eaves not far away, his eyes full of gloating.

His mind was not so dark that he would be happy if Wang Tujia rejected her. Mostly it was because of what Wang Tujia said in the morning: She doesn't like me, and she doesn't like you, Li Song either... So at this time, seeing Li Song doing useless work here is quite disdainful.

Patted on the body to get rid of the snowflakes all over his body. When Wang Tujia turned around, he saw the students in the restaurant pointing and looking over. He couldn't help but shrugged helplessly, and sat on the steps at the door of the restaurant and took off his skis. , came in while patting his hair: "Who is laughing at me? I am in a hurry with whom... It seems that I have no talent in this area..."

As soon as she came over, the atmosphere here suddenly became a little more lively. A group of boys chattered about the delicious food places they knew, and they probably wanted to find a time to invite a certain mm to go there together. A group of people were showing off like peacocks. , Wang Tujia sat down at the table: "Gu Jiaming, can you ski?"

She asked this question casually, and others didn't have many strange thoughts, Jia Ming shrugged: "Not very good."

"That's the meeting? Come out and teach me after eating."

"Hey, I'm not very good at it, anyway... I just stand on the skis and slide down, and I don't know anything else. Hanwen and the others are also very good. Otherwise, Luo Jingwen and the others..."

"Do you want to learn to ski? I can indeed teach you." Hearing Jia Ming's recommendation, the boy named Han Wen said quickly, "Why don't you go now? Guaranteed to teach in the afternoon."

"Okay, but I'm hungry too, let's eat first." Wang Tujia laughed, "If there is no snow tomorrow, you will be responsible for teaching me how to skate." He glanced at Jiaming, uninterested, and then called out Suck up a big glass of juice. After a while, Jiaming finished his steak and went to the bathroom. When he came out, Wang Tujia walked over from the side.

"Hey, how did you deal with those people yesterday?"

At this time, she lowered her voice and looked furtive, as if the two of them were having an affair. Jia Ming showed a suspicious look: "What?"

"I saw it all." Wang Tujia stared at him, "Those three people wanted to draw their guns when they walked over, but everything changed after being blocked by you for a while."

"Scared? No?" Jia Ming showed a frightened expression, "What gun?"

Wang Tujia's eyes widened: "I don't believe they changed their minds so easily!"

"What the hell are you talking about? Guns, what the hell are you talking about? Don't scare me!"

First, Wang Tujia was questioning Jia Ming, but after a few words, their positions seemed to be reversed. The two looked at each other in the corridor outside the bathroom. After all, Wang Tujia was not Dongfang Wan who had been against Jia Ming for a long time. Jia Ming had a serious and flustered expression, his heart was shaken immediately, he opened his mouth a few times, and then frowned: "Are you kidding me, you really don't know anything?"

"I don't even understand what you're talking about. What kind of gun are you talking about? This kind of thing...or call someone to call the police, or...I'll ask Xiaowan to tell you..."

Jia Ming hesitated for a while, and then he was about to go out to find someone, but Wang Tujia hurriedly held him back: "Oh, don't, don't...it's okay...anyway...it's nothing, just pretend I didn't tell you..."

She waved her hand in the air, turned and bowed her head to leave. Jia Ming asked from behind: "Are you all right?"

"It's okay!" Impatiently waving his hand, Wang Tujia's figure disappeared at the corner of the corridor. Jiaming frowned and turned around. Dongfang Wan was standing at the door of the bathroom on the other side, looking at him, and then walked away. come over. .

"Wang Tujia seems to have a crush on you."

"Can you do something more meaningful than gossip..."

"Just now she offered to ask you to teach her how to ski, but you actually refused."

"I said a long time ago...it's not very good at..."

"Anyway, you don't know much about anything, you don't know much about singing, you don't know much about computers, you don't know much about fighting, you don't know much about fighting..." Dongfang Wan counted with her fingers for a while, then remembered again, "By the way, you What did you just say?"

"I still don't understand what she just said..."

Dongfang Wan stopped and stared at him sideways, Jia Ming helplessly spread his hands and stared back. After a while, Dongfang Wan curled her lips: "Anyway, you are like this, and none of the ten sentences are true... But I think Wang Tujia really likes you..."

"Unless she's lost her mind..."

The two talked to each other, and they were already used to this tit-for-tat situation anyway, Dongfang Wan asked back and forth with a strange face, Jia Ming acted as if everything in the world had nothing to do with him. His ability to push two-five-six is ​​profound, and Dongfang Wan's psychology has long since cultivated a strong ability to resist blows. After saying this for a while, when she waved her hand and dodged people, she looked satisfied, and I don't know if she had a peaceful mind. Or finally perverted.


Wang Tujia's skepticism towards Jiaming has its own reasons. Although he was fooled by Jiaming's innocent attitude for a while, it was the first time Youping experienced such a thrilling scene last night, so naturally it was not something he could forget for a while. When everyone went to drink and play after dinner, they pretended again. Unintentionally approached Jiaming, and invited him to play together, sing and dance, etc. Jiaming put on an attitude that he knew nothing. Another rout. Jiaming sat in the wine for a while, when his phone rang, it was Lingjing and the others calling from Jianghai.

When walking out of the back door of the restaurant, a biting cold wind blows in the face. The interior of the town is luxurious, but not too big. Looking from this position, you can see the huge outline of the Alps in the night.

"What time is it over there?" Ling Jing on the phone asked in a low voice.

"At nine thirty in the evening, Jiang Hai is past four in the morning, why did he wake up at this time?" Jia Ming said with a smile.

"I couldn't fall asleep, so I just wanted to get up and make a phone call."

"Beware of catching a cold."

"I'm in the quilt, hee hee, Rusha is right next to me, sleeping like a dead pig, she'll go crazy when you're not at home, last night she said she was going out to negotiate with someone, she was so excited..."

"Anyway, she often negotiates with people when I'm at home." Sasha usually has no skills in negotiating with people, and most of them directly threaten you to do this or not to do that or that, won't you listen? Does that mean there is nothing to talk about? beat! Because of this, there have been quite a few people who have wanted to buy her to kill her for more than half a year. However, the Banana Brothers of the Shazhu Gang are professionals. Coupled with Yan Huang Awakening and Jia Ming's secret protection, seven or eight groups of killers often disappear before they get close. Inexplicably, some even affected the whole family. Afterwards, those gangs who got the news came to sue for peace, and Shasha thought it was her strong attitude that had the effect. "It's just that these people have no backbone, and you have to be tough when talking to them. No, they came here to ask for peace before the fight started." Shasha often proudly showed off these things to Jiaming, but in front of Lingjing, she didn't care. Don't dare brag about such things blatantly.

"Did Kaoru go with her?"

"Well, Xun lives in the small attic now, and has been going in and out with Rusha for the past two days."

He could tell that Lingjing was really bored now, so he hid under the quilt and told him trivially what had happened at home in the past two days. After more than ten minutes, there was a warning sound from the phone that the battery would run out, and Jiaming said: "Hurry up. The battery is out, I'll find a phone and call you..."

"Well, I want you to keep talking until I fall asleep..." Lingjing's lazy voice came from the other side, and at the same time, a black figure suddenly appeared behind Jiaming, holding a stick, facing the snow in the wind. The back of Zhuo Jiaming's head roared down!

With a bang, the stick hit Jia Ming firmly...

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