Hidden Assassin

Volume 8: The Door to the Past Chapter 428: Chaos

"You're out of luck."

No matter what kind of place it is, it is definitely the biggest taboo in the casino to say that someone cheated. The moment Jiaming said it bluntly, the faces of Minkun and his son became extremely ugly. Fang Yusi didn't know what to say at this time order something. Min Zhan winked to the side, and immediately two people stood up: "Boy, what are you talking about, I don't want to live anymore!"

Because Tang Li is still at the side, it is impossible for Min Kun to get angry immediately at this time. He looked at the face of the old man next to him, then sneered, and spread his hands: "It's not that...he's mentally ill. Can you talk, what is this now, deliberately smashing my place?"

Seeing what was going on, the gamblers started to gather here, and a group of younger brothers who watched the game with Yisheng had already surrounded them. If it was in the past, those who dared to make trouble like this would be dragged out immediately and beaten violently It's not a problem to have a meal or even cut off one's hands and feet, but the situation in front of him is obviously a bit complicated.

At this time, Tang Li obviously put on a posture of not helping each other, watching what Min Kun would do, and no matter how upset Min Kun was, there was a saying after all that he did not look at the face of the monk but at the face of the Buddha. Fang Yusi was someone related, The most important thing is that these people were brought here by Tang Li, and they couldn't be dealt with to that extent. As for Min Zhan, he has a crush on Fang Yusi, but Fang Yusi's intimate attitude towards Jiaming naturally makes him very upset about this stupid guy. He wanted to take advantage of the situation to get mad, but how to maintain his image in the hearts of beauties after getting mad was a very difficult question. In just a few seconds, the two of them rushed to Jia Ming: "What the hell are you talking about, try saying it again!"

"It was originally eleven o'clock." If it was someone else, they might have been frightened by them, but Jia Ming pointed to the dice clock over there. "Not now, you are out of the way."

As soon as these words came out, Min Zhandi's eyes suddenly changed, he pushed away the people around him, and rushed towards Jia Ming: "You fucking think you are the God of Gamblers!"

He made up his mind to make a move now, and a loud shout resounded throughout the casino, at the same time. xjun xzi xtang x first x hair x someone in the crowd suddenly shouted: "Hack him to death!" Although I don't know who said it. But at the first moment, the emotions of He Yisheng and the gang were ignited. Amid the uproar, countless people in the crowd echoed, and a group of people rushed towards Jiaming, about to make a move. A bang of a gunshot shook the entire hall like a thunderstorm, electric sparks erupted from the ceiling, and the lights of the entire casino flickered on and off.

About a second later, a woman's scream sounded from the crowd. The whole scene began to get out of control, and most people. Didn't even understand what was going on.

Another shot rang out. There were people running and screaming in the hall, and most of them crouched down one after another with their heads in their hands. When the flickering lights calmed down, two meters away from Jiaming, a burly man The very bald man strangled Min Zhan's neck, pointed the muzzle of a pistol at his temple, someone drew a gun and pointed it at Tang Li and Min Kun, and as long as He Yisheng's gang and Tang Li's bodyguards had guns The ground was also pulled out. Aim at nearby enemies.

The scene was extremely chaotic for a while. If it is an outsider, I am afraid that they do not know the relationship between the enemy and the friend at this time. But in fact, the situation at hand is that someone took advantage of the chaos just now and made a surprise attack on the Min family and his son. Seeing Min Zhan being hijacked, Fang Yusi yelled, crouched down with his head in his arms, and seeing Jiaming still standing, he quickly stretched out his hand to pull his arm, trying to make him squat down too. However, Jia Ming just looked at Min Zhan and the big man with the gun indifferently at this time, his eyes of thinking remained unchanged. At this time, some people pay attention to Min Zhan, and some people pay attention to the big man, but not many people pay attention to Jia Ming here. Min Kun looked at the man holding two pistols in front of him, shrugged and smiled: "Qiang...you really came here Yes, enough loyalty... But how many people are you now? One, two, three, four, five... Do you think you can walk out of the door safely today?"

When he said the last sentence, he had already raised his voice, stretched out his finger, and yelled out loudly. The old Jianghu who had been the eldest brother for decades was extremely powerful at this moment. However, the name Wei Zhiqiang in front of him, nicknamed Silly The strong, rotten strong man just shook his gun and smiled: "I'm stupid! I'm sorry... Now that your son is in my hands, my gun is also pointed at you now! Do you think you have many people? It doesn't matter! If you move, I will kill your whole family. If you let A Sheng go, everyone has something to talk about. If you don't let A Sheng go, everyone will die here together!"

At this time, the comparison itself is the aura, the horizontal one is afraid of being stunned, and the frightened one is afraid of dying. When Wei Zhiqiang came to Hong Kong, Min Kun admired him and accepted him as a thug. He was beaten up. || First - Send. . || At the same time, Uncle Na Li looked at the man who was pointing a gun at him not far away, holding his hands on the crutches, and smiled.

"Boy, I don't know about your affairs, and I'm not interested in knowing, but if someone still dares to point a gun at me...I guarantee that you will not be able to leave Hong Kong alive."

"Shut up, old man!" Shaqiang shook the muzzle of his gun, his eyes were bloodshot, "I'm not interested in knowing who you are, I just want my brother to be safe, and nothing will happen if it's safe. How many people die here today counts!"

He looked around with shortness of breath: "Min Kun! People call me stupid, but it doesn't mean I have no brains. Do you know who reminded me that you want to kill someone with a knife? It's Da Fei... You fucking want to I'm dead! I thought I didn't know, why am I stupid... Da Fei's people come to kill me, I will kill Da Fei, as long as you kill Da Fei, you will swallow his place, you fucking... I see now How did you end up..."

Min Kun sneered: "You just believe other people's instigation. When you first arrived in Hong Kong, who gave you food and gave you things to do. I want to kill Da Fei. Why bother?"

"That's because you don't know the relationship between A Sheng and me! What I don't know, he knows!" Sha Qiang gritted his teeth, "I don't want to talk to you now! Let A Sheng go, your son is safe, don't let A Sheng go , we will die!"

As he spoke, he slowly retreated towards the direction of the big man and Min Zhan, and at the same time, he winked at several companions around him, signaling that he can escort Min Zhan away now. Retreating behind the big man, he touched the other's shoulder, and then he was about to move towards the direction of the exit, and then moved two steps to the side, only to realize that something seemed wrong, the companion hadn't moved at all. .

Confused, he moved back nervously, touched his companion's arm again, and whispered, "Ah Yuan, let's go." When he looked sideways, he realized that the other party was just looking straight at someone in front of him. There was actually some trembling and fear in his eyes.

This A Yuan is more than two meters tall, with a tall and burly figure and a bald head with an eagle tattoo on it, he looks fierce and fierce. We all come out to hang out together. Of course he understands the strength of the other party, and it is unambiguous to fight and slash. He has never lost a single duel, and among several companions, he has the most evil spirit and the worst temper. Seeing that he was in a daze at such a moment, I couldn't help but follow his gaze. Just in front of the gambling table two meters ahead, a man in a white shirt was standing there with his hands in his trouser pockets. , looking at the people in front of him, his eyes seemed to be thinking about something, beside him, a beautiful-looking woman squatted there, desperately holding his hand.

In the huge casino, the crowd was squatting densely on the ground at this time. If they stood up, they were all people who had a stake in the situation in front of them. He Yisheng's gang, Tang Li's bodyguards, and several of his brothers, if they didn't have guns, most of them also used machetes and steel pipes, and their eyes were sharp. But only the man in front of him seemed a little different, he didn't care about the situation around him, he didn't seem to care about these knives and guns, he just looked at him calmly. Because of Silly Qiang's small actions, everyone's eyes were also focused on this side at this time, and some people who had been paying close attention to the Fujian war situation finally brought Jiaming into their sight.

The distance was less than two meters, and the big man seemed to be a head taller than him. Under normal circumstances, this situation that looked like a confrontation could definitely be called condescending, but at this time, such a fierce-looking giant Khan It seemed that his eyes flickered a little, and Shaqiang hadn't spoken any more, he had already swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and opened his mouth dryly.

"I...we just came here for our brothers, we will leave after we settle the matter...you..."

This passage of his words seemed to be explaining everything to the man in front of him. It was a bit difficult to say, and he had obviously struggled in his mind for a long time, and he opened his mouth wide: "A Yuan, what's wrong with you!" Although he lowered his voice, he There is already a feeling of sternness.

"I...I know him..." Ah Yuan said in a low voice, looking at Jiaming's thoughtful gaze, he spoke weakly, "He should have recognized me too..."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"No, I mean...in 2000, when I mentioned this term in Jianghai Wuheling Prison, his eyes flashed with deep fear...


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