Hidden Assassin

Volume Eight: The Door to the Past Chapter 439 Who Are You

Regarding Fang Yusi's sudden departure, Mu Qingqing was actually a little strange in his heart. He decided to stay with Jia Ming the day before he came and didn't leave with his manager. It's a bit strange to come to Mucha. The kidnapping of Fang Yusi and Jiaming is full of doubts. Theoretically speaking, if someone dies, the police must conduct an in-depth investigation, even if the dead are a group of people who sneaked in. The ins and outs of the mercenaries must also be investigated clearly. Since Jia Ming will never cooperate with the investigation, this matter will naturally fall on Fang Yusi. Who knows that Fang Yusi was released after a rough record, which is a bit unusual anyway.

Of course, if several far-fetched explanations are needed, of course there are. After all, Fang Yusi is an ordinary woman, not to mention that she becomes timid when she has wealth and status. At the beginning, she was able to stay on the strength of a moment's enthusiasm, but after going through the thrilling kidnapping, even if she has someone to support her now, she was probably frightened. no. Under such circumstances, Jiaming didn't have a passport and couldn't leave through normal channels. It was understandable that she had to go alone.

On the other hand, Fang Yusi also has her own background. She found someone to help her. If the police want to investigate to the end, it will probably be very difficult. There are all kinds of gangsters in Hong Kong. Since Minkun is going to be moved now, it doesn't matter to provoke other people. Take a step back and say that Fang Yusi is fine. If something really happens in Hong Kong, then Her current fame and status are really out of control on the police side. Afterwards, Mu Cha probably decided to only trace the accomplices and identities of the deceased. As for the person who rescued Fang Yusi, she hastily exposed .

In any case, for Jiaming, Fang Yusi was pretty good. After leaving, the villa was still reserved for them to live in, and he urged Mu Qingqing to take Jiaming to Jianghai and attend the concert. And as Mu Qingqing. With this kidnapping incident, Fang Yusi left. She also inevitably had to plan for Jiaming's safety.

Judging from the current situation, Min Kun might really go crazy because of his son. Not only did he track down the whereabouts of that idiot, but he also refused to let go of Dafei's gang, Fang Yusi and Jia Ming. Some forces are now hiding and the police can't find him. Before the higher authorities are ready to completely overthrow He Yisheng, they can more or less last for a long time. Mu Qingqing is not familiar with the place here, but Mu Cha is also very considerate. Before he went to find him, he had already brought a key and an address.

"The house in Tsim Sha Tsui is not as well decorated as Ms. Fang's villa. It is used to protect informants and witnesses. Now that it is confirmed that Min Kun is going to do something, I think you should take him to live there for a few days. Everyone My own, I will not say any polite words, Captain Mu, you are not familiar with Minkun's situation here. Jiaming is threatened here, and it happens that you are the most suitable for protection, and I will not arrange for people to go there, of course, Regarding Wei Zhiqiang's situation, we still need your cooperation."

Mu Cha did this matter quite kindly. In fact, when Mu Qingqing brought Jia Ming to Hong Kong, the rest of the people also guessed whether Jia Ming was her boyfriend or someone else. Mu Cha originally didn't want others to get involved in his case, because of the bomb incident, he had to let Mu Qingqing and Ding Xiong join in. In fact, the two of them still have a little research on Shaqiang's side, which involves He Yisheng and other gangsters. However, they didn't play a big role, and now they have sold Mu Qingqing's face. And reasonably let her escape. It is the best choice for everyone.

Of course, Mu Cha may not have thought too much about it. Qingqing, who has always been strict with herself, is somewhat depressed. After Fang Yusi left Hong Kong by plane the next afternoon, she took Jiaming to the house over there. After being here for a few days, things became a little inexplicable, and the case became complicated. Mu Cha's attitude and layout seemed to be It's always a bit vague. Originally, I came here to see a doctor for Jiaming. Since meeting Fang Yusi, Jiaming's condition seems to be a little unclear. Now, Jiaming has also been involved in kidnapping and vendetta. Here, I became a nanny instead of a vegetarian meal. The only consolation is that the meal in the evening is home-cooked, and the taste is not bad.

"...Well, my affairs are messed up anyway, and it was basically a mistake to bring you to Hong Kong, but...you look good now, you should tell me what state you are in, so that I can be mentally prepared... ..."

This is an ordinary apartment building in Tsim Sha Tsui. The decoration is simple. Under the soft incandescent light, the two sat at a small round table to eat. During the time, there are occasional situations like this. She is not usually a person who likes to complain, but during that time, Jiaming was basically silent, which happened to be the object of complaints, as if someone would talk to a tree hole when they were upset- ---At this time, Jia Ming raised his head and thought about it.

"Status...not bad."

"Okay? Do you remember everything from the past or..."

Jia Ming shook his head. Mu Qingqing was a little depressed.

"Were you such a taciturn person in good times?"

"Haven't remembered yet?"

"Some things are not clear."


Jia Ming's weird brain scan has always made her very helpless, but now, things in Hong Kong are in a mess, and she can only admit that she is powerless. If there is a way, everything will be in order, and she is confident about this. After being a policeman for so many years, what I hate most is the state where no clues are clear and things are completely out of control.

Just like that, with a somewhat self-pitying mentality, I didn't sleep well that night, I went to bed very early, I got up several times in a row at night, put on my coat and walked out of the room, the place where Jiaming lived was dark and quiet Yes, I looked at the clock on the wall, and it was only past eleven o'clock. Looking out from the window, the whole city was full of colorful colors, and it was the busiest time.

Maybe it's time to find someone to marry. A feeling of powerlessness welled up in her heart, and it was the first time that she raised this idea in a more formal way, looking at Jiaming's room, that when he really woke up, he might be very different from the fool before, thinking about it this way, she was somewhat disappointed.

At the same moment, as a companion who came to Hong Kong with Mu Qingqing, Ding Xiong was standing in front of a high-end entertainment club with Mu Cha and another member of the serious crime team. The people walked in together, and then took the elevator into the ground. .

"The people who come here are usually very rich people with status and status, looking for some excitement, and the boss has a good background. He has the title of earl in the UK and has a good relationship with the mainland, so he has been He's very firm, with a touch of edge in every aspect, if anyone is the most well-informed about all kinds of news here, it's probably him..."

Walking through the long and luxurious passage, the noise has already been faintly heard. When the door was opened and entered the hall in front, the shouts suddenly rushed to the face. The three of them stood at the top of the sunken square hall, and the ring below The last two shirtless strong men were covered in blood. This is an underground black market boxing match in Hong Kong.

Ding Xiong was more or less mentally prepared, and Mu Cha and the other person were familiar with the road, passed through the crowd, talked to several staff members, and then entered the passage behind another small door, turned a corner, and walked around. It started to quiet down again. At the end of the passage, two bodyguards were guarding there. After telling them about their visit, one of the bodyguards pressed the intercom on the door: "Boss, Inspector Mu of the Serious Crime Squad wants to see you."

After a while, a voice came from inside: "Mu sir, I didn't break the law again, I want to talk about me, Minkun's affairs, just kidding, he is now fighting with his back, I know a little more gossip, this kind of gossip There is nothing you can do about it..." The voice sounded young.

The bodyguard spread his hands, Mu Cha smiled, went up and pressed the call button: "Mr. Zhang, it's okay to gossip, we don't have any clues now, let's listen."

"I can't help it, Mu sir. I can still know some of the small troubles. Now I'm an outsider. If I can know this kind of thing clearly, I'm not Zhang Ren, but Li Ka-shing. , He Hongle..."

It seemed that the other party really didn't know much, and after a few words, Mu Cha had no choice but to shrug his shoulders in view of the other party's status and the usual friendly relationship. At the same moment, in the room at the end of the corridor behind this door, a man named Zhang Ren wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses turned around with a sad face. This is a room similar to a monitoring room, with a console and a large screen in front of it, and you can see many places including the competition field. There were three people in the room, except for that Zhang Ren, a half-naked beauty was cowering in the corner in fear at this moment, as for the third person, if Mu Qingqing were here, she would definitely be so surprised that she could not close her mouth from ear to ear.

Jiaming, who was supposed to be sleeping in the room, was holding a pistol with a suppressor in his hand, and was sitting on the comfortable massage chair in the room. He was sitting on this chair a few minutes ago Zhang Ren fucked the half-naked woman to climaxes.

"You, who are you?"

He was painfully interrupted during the climax, and then had to spend time dealing with people outside, only then was he able to ask a little bit of questions. Hearing this question, Jia Ming frowned.

"With your IQ." He stretched out his hand and scratched his hair, and thought about it seriously, "I find it difficult to explain to you such a problem that I don't even know myself..."


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