Hidden Assassin

Volume Eight Doors of the Past Chapter 440 Giant Beasts

"With your IQ, I find it difficult to explain this kind of problem to you that I don't even understand..."

The voice in the room just fell, and there was a sound of "poof", the body of the half-naked woman in the corner was shocked, and the blood sprayed out from the wall behind her suddenly, bright red like a flower, there was already a hole between the woman's eyebrows, and then As her body fell down, the gun secretly drawn out from her left hand also fell to the ground. Jia Ming glanced at her: "I told you not to move..."

Looking at the corpse, Zhang Ren swallowed, and then pointed lightly: "I don't understand..." Turning his head, a smile appeared on his face, "So, what do you need?"

"Yesterday..." Jia Ming looked at the clock, and it was already past twelve o'clock, "It should be said that it was the afternoon of the day before yesterday. In the kidnapping case in Taiping Mountain, eight mercenaries were sunk in the sea. They should be mercenaries from Southeast Asia. , I want to know their affairs, who is the boss, who ordered it, and where can I find him, please trouble you."

"But... how do I know, I gave you the news and you will let me go?"


He looked at the clock above the room, and his indifferent and casual attitude did not seem to be talking about such things as deciding life and death. Zhang Ren was stunned, then nodded, and murmured, "...that makes sense."

Even now, he dare not ask questions anymore. This kind of neurotic person is the most terrifying. Killing people and swat flies is also a concept for them. He walked to the console and turned one of the screens into a computer. monitor, and began to look up the information.

"I don't have a lot of specific information at the moment. Minkun has started to make a move. He is cooperating with a group of mercenaries from Thailand. The boss is Sulapu. Minkun is currently hiding, but I guess there are a few places where he can go." Look it up, the first one is..."

The categorization of these materials themselves is quite messy, and it will take a few minutes to finish the adjustments related to this aspect until he finishes talking about these materials. The man sitting on the massage chair had also turned around and walked out of the room a few minutes later. That Zhang Ren looked at the woman's body before he dared to open the door and go out.

In the corridor outside, corpses were lying in disorder, stretching out under the lights in the corridor, blood flowing wantonly, it is unknown how that person came in and at what speed he killed these people. It didn't alarm the guards outside at all. Feeling walking around the edge of death, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Anyone offended... This is really troublesome..."

same moment. Mu Cha and others were leaving the club not long ago. On the way to drive Ding Xiong back to his residence. The phone rang.

"Hey... what? The body that was just salvaged was robbed?"

In surprise. He and Ding Xiong looked at each other. The case happened yesterday in the Taiping Mountains. Because the nearby sea water is too fast. The wind and waves are big. Called a tug last night. However, several attempts to salvage failed. It was not until this time today that the two vehicles were pulled out of the water. Who knows that the body in the car has not been transported back to the police station. He was robbed halfway. This is really lawless. Asked a few words in detail. He hung up the phone: "No one died. But the other party acted very quickly. We were knocked out a few people here. We couldn't react."

Ding Xiong nodded: "Very professional."

"It should be the Thais. Sulap..." Mucha pursed his lips. A trace of anger flashed in his eyes.

More than an hour later, outside a shipyard on the other side of Hong Kong, bonfires blazed and spirits were spilled on the beach. More than 20 people stood near the bonfire, led by a Thai man wearing a white turban, with dark skin and a height of 1.8 meters. Sharp eyes. After pouring out the wine, he dropped the porcelain bowl in his hand to the ground. Then he turned and walked towards the grove with houses not far away. There were also people looking here from a distance. Under one of the trees stood Min Kun with gloomy eyes. He was no longer as strong as he used to be, and the death of his son further crushed him. His body looked weak, but combined with his aura of being the boss for so many years, it changed into an unspeakably sinister.

"I brought my brother out to make a fortune, not out to die. The information you gave is not accurate." Walking to Min Kun, the man wearing a white turban said.

"I give you the information, and you have confirmed it. No one expected that other people would come out." Min Kun replied hoarsely.

Sulap glanced at him: "I don't want to pursue these things now, who did it, you find out as soon as possible, no matter who it is...you can't let him live." After saying this, he walked towards the side, Min Kun looked at his back and spoke after a while.

"My son died, and your brother died. Now we are really on the same boat..."

As soon as the words fell, Sulap swiped towards the nearby tree trunk with his left hand. In the night sky, there was a sound of sawdust flying across the sky. , the tree trunk fell down with a clatter.

The crackling flames on the beach flickered on everyone's faces...

When talking with Ding Xiong on the phone the next morning, Mu Qingqing also knew about the robbery of the body last night, but this matter has nothing to do with her at present, what has to do with her is only the dark circles under her eyes caused by not sleeping well last night.

"It's good for you, you slept soundly last night..."

During breakfast, she slightly complained to Jiaming. The next whole day was relatively boring. The two of them were sitting in the room watching TV, and Mu Cha called to say hello, which made Mu Qingqing feel even more depressed. This time is only causing trouble.

Since it was not that kind of absolutely strict protection, the two of them went to the supermarket to buy and write together in the evening, watched TV and videos at night, and went back to their room to sleep at ten o'clock, without a word for the whole night.

Two days have passed like this. According to the news from Ding Xiong, the whole case has not progressed. Da Fei has not been hacked to death, and Min Kun has not been found out. The gangs fought fiercely, and the police arrested a group of people. After all, they were not the leaders, so it didn't make much sense. In this way, on the evening of the third day, while going out for a walk, Mu Qingqing suddenly saw a person.

The place where the two of them live at the moment is not prosperous. There are ordinary apartment buildings around, and there is a hill a little farther away. There are even clusters of houses that look like rural areas. The wind blew up in Hong Kong this morning, and the sky was gloomy at this time, and the summer heat was temporarily receded. autumn. Mu Qingqing and Jia Ming went to the supermarket to buy some things, and when they walked to a section of uphill path, she looked at a figure in front of her and frowned for a long time. Then followed. .

"I still have something to do, you take it back first, no problem."

After explaining to Jia Ming in this way, she followed the man through the corner of the road ahead, and then confirmed that the man in front was Wei Zhiqiang, whom both the police and Minkun had been looking for for a long time. While following, she took out the The mobile phone called Mucha. At this time, the setting sun had already died, and every house on both sides of the road began to light up their lights. She touched her waist and frowned because she didn't have a pistol on her body. Still keep up.

The road between the houses and the stairs pass through the surrounding woods, and there are villas in the distance with lights on, but most of them are civilian areas nearby, and there are also some small factory-like buildings, most of which have been closed. The brand of a certain construction company is inserted, and it is estimated that it is ready to be developed. As she walked forward, there were fewer and fewer pedestrians on the road. While keeping her mobile phone on, she followed Sha Qiang into the mountains. Not long after, Sha Qiang walked into a small factory that seemed to have been abandoned, and entered a two-story building. High-rise buildings.

It is more appropriate to say that it is a factory than a small manual workshop. The row of two-story buildings was probably the former dormitory and office. There was probably no one in there at this time, except for a light in a room on the upper floor. There are also some large and small houses near the workshop, and there are many paths among the woods. If someone who is familiar with the road wants to escape, it will be very difficult to arrest. After introducing the surrounding situation to Mucha, she was also walking along the sparsely lit trails, trying to figure out the surrounding situation as quickly as possible. From a distance, I saw that the lights on the second floor went out, and then the other room turned on again. About halfway through the turn, when I walked down a path with a dim street light and turned down, a voice suddenly sounded from behind. stand up.

"Officer Mu."



The moment she heard the sound, she already had a bad feeling in her heart, and without looking back, she jumped out to the side. The sound of gunfire with a silencer rang out in the night where moths were dancing, and behind her was a big tree. The trunk of the tree burst open, and white sawdust and black bark flew across.

As soon as her body landed on the ground, she immediately jumped up, splashing a few times, her body ran through the forest full of fallen leaves, and bullets flew past her like a shadow, hitting the surrounding tree trunks and the ground. She squatted down behind a small wall on the other side of the road and picked up her phone.

"I was discovered, how long will it take for you?"

Looking behind the wall, another bullet flew past.

"It will take about five minutes. How is the situation on your side?"

"I'm not afraid that he will chase me, I'm afraid that he will run away. There are cars in the yard. They will probably go on the road to the east. Where did you come from?"

Mu Cha probably looked at the map: "...to the west."

Mu Qingqing took a depressing breath, poked his head suddenly, retracted it, and then probed again. Under the dim light over there, there were no figures with guns. Sure enough, when they found themselves, the first thing they had to do was to Just run away. She picked up her phone and asked, "Aren't there any police around to help?"

"I have notified the patrolling police officers of the nearby branch. It's hard to say if I can arrive. The roads nearby are too complicated. Once they escape, it may be difficult to catch up." Mucha paused, "Mu Captain, don't take risks if you are alone there, we are facing the truly vicious gangsters, I believe you understand this better than me."

"...I know." She put the phone in her pocket, reached out to look for something to defend herself, only a bunch of keys, gritted her teeth, and ran towards the building.

When I ran to the gate of the small factory, I saw four people headed by Sha Qiang running down the stairs, and got into the car in a hurry. Mu Qingqing looked around, picked up a pebble from the ground, and ran along the road for tens of meters. She heard the sound of the car starting. She stood in the darkness at the corner of the road. For a moment, the small car Roaring out at the fastest speed, rushing through the straight road of tens of meters. Just when he was about to slow down and make a turn, Mu Qingqing held the stone from the front side and smashed it hard. There was a bang in front of the car, and under the high-speed impact, the front windshield suddenly turned into a snowflake.

The car squeaked on the brakes, turned, and finally inevitably left the road, knocking down two small trees on the side of the road, and half of the glass was already shattered.

Gritting his teeth, he wanted to rush out, but he hadn't started writing yet. Bullets roared from the car, Mu Qingqing hid behind a tree, took two deep breaths before shouting: "Wei Zhiqiang, you can't run away!"

"Fuck you!" Responding to her was not only the scolding, but also more intense bullets. Mu Qingqing rolled on the ground a few times, leaned against a big tree with her head in her arms, and the bullets puffed. Passing by, he saw the car backed up on the road, and then drove away quickly. She didn't have a gun in her hand, and she was lucky that she wasn't injured just now, and she really couldn't catch up now.

The street lights on this road are bright and dark. After all, the woods were considered safe. Seeing the car passing by, she took a few steps, and through the gaps in the trees, she could see that the car had turned around the road hundreds of meters ahead and was about to enter a three-way intersection. Suddenly rushed out from the other side. After blocking the road, Mu Qingqing breathed a sigh of relief.

"Finally caught up..."

Just thinking like this in my heart, in the distance, the door of the car opened, and several people got out of the car, holding submachine guns in their hands, aiming at Sha Qiang and others who were galloping, and then. The sound of gunfire brightened the entire night sky.

Gunshots were heard far away in the night. Mu Cha and the others divided into several groups and surrounded the small factory. Before they arrived, they ran into Mu Qingqing rushing out of the woods.

It was summer, and everyone was dressed a little thinly, so Mu Qingqing couldn't cover up his slightly embarrassed appearance at this time. His hair was a little messy, and his body was covered with leaves and dirt. Fortunately, apart from a little skin on his hands, He didn't suffer any injuries. When he met five or six people from Mu Cha's side, Ding Xiong happened to be there too, and several people immediately took precautions around them. Mu Cha frowned when he heard the gunshots in the distance: "Wei Zhiqiang and his gang That's too arrogant...Captain Mu, how many of them are there?"

"It's not just Wei Zhiqiang." Mu Qingqing calmed down her shortness of breath a bit, "Another group of people came just now, and now they are chasing and killing Wei Zhiqiang, using heavy weapons..." At this point, she was stunned, Exchanged glances with Mu Cha and Ding Xiong, "It's Min Kun..."

"Crazy..." Mucha sneered, and then picked up the walkie-talkie, "Attention everyone, people from Minkun are here too, with powerful firepower..." Before he finished speaking, someone on the walkie-talkie shouted: "Awen Zhong There are guns, there are snipers, they are coming at us... ".

At the same time, on the other side of the area, Min Kun and Sulap got out of the car.

"I found Sha Qiang... What a coincidence..." said the older one of the two, "Then let's settle this matter once and for all..."

Under the dim streetlight, Sulap threw the cigarette butt in his hand to the ground, and stamped it out with the sole of his leather shoe.

Perhaps it was difficult to figure out the reason for all this from the very beginning. Things developed so fast that people had no time to think about it. In just a few minutes, the people they met were not only chasing and killing Wei Zhiqiang , is also trying to kill them all members of the serious crime team. Although the people belonging to Mu Cha's group have enough training, and some of them are even transferred from the former Flying Tigers, they have to deal with it in a hurry. Despite the powerful firepower, they were suddenly stunned.

At this time, following Minkun and Sulapu, apart from Minkun's direct elite in the gang, the other half are mercenaries who have experienced many tests of life and death. EU, PTU, and even the most elite Flying Tigers may all have their strengths. In a few minutes, the members divided into three groups met in the abandoned factory building. They were all disheveled, and some were dead with blood Three people were killed and four were injured.

"Fuck, fuck...Min Kun has gone crazy..."

"Why haven't the reinforcements arrived yet..."

"Already called over there..."

In order to prevent people outside from seeing the target clearly, they dare not turn on the lights. Someone moaned in the dark, someone knocked down something and cursed fiercely. Suddenly shot into the window. Afterwards, both parties opened fire frantically again. Bullets sparked everywhere in the room, a plastic bucket filled with water exploded, and the liquid inside flowed out, a policeman was thrown upside down from the window, knocking down the equipment behind, and there was a rumbling sound. , Some things outside the factory were stained with oil. Ignited by a spark, and then a tree burst into flames, flickering and flickering.

"I need to find a place to rush out..." Mu Qingqing leaned against the wall and was thinking like this, when suddenly there was a commotion from the other side.

"Don't move--"

"Don't move!"

"Drop the gun down the gun down the gun..."

The long factory building was divided into several compartments. The ones who made the noise were the police officers who opened the door of another compartment. Mu Cha, who was the leader, also screamed the loudest at this time, looking over there, only I saw several people inside and outside confronting each other with guns. The leader inside was Wei Zhiqiang. He and a companion pointed their guns at the heads of the police officers in front of them, and Mu Cha and others pointed their guns at them. The atmosphere was tense. In such a tense situation, it would be normal for anyone to accidentally pull the trigger. The two sides confronted each other for a while, and a companion behind Wei Zhiqiang also raised his gun and pointed it at it. It was the back of Wei Zhiqiang's head.

"Put down the gun." The man breathed heavily, "Brother Qiang, both you and Brother Sheng put down the gun."

This change was just like a movie. Mu Qingqing fired two shots out of the window, and looked there again, only to hear Wei Zhiqiang say: "Xiaobai, I treat you as a brother, and you actually betrayed me..."

"Everyone who was betrayed in the movie said that." Xiaobai let out a sigh of relief, "I'm sorry, brother Qiang. I'm a policeman. It's time. You put down the gun."

Gunshots rang out outside, hitting the machines in the factory, and sparks shot indiscriminately. At this moment, Wei Zhiqiang put down the muzzle of the gun, and immediately laughed: "What if you catch me, Minkun is crazy, none of us can leave go out."

This sentence is the truth, and no one responded. There were four people who ran out with him earlier, and one of them was probably beaten to death. Mu Cha ordered Sha Qiang and Ah Sheng to be handcuffed, and said "Welcome back to the team" to Xiaobai, and Mu Qingqing Looking at the flames outside the factory building from the side, the doubts that had been in my heart suddenly became clear.

Mu Cha arranged an undercover agent here, if he knew the whereabouts of Sha Qiang clearly from the beginning, why did he keep hiding it until now! What has he been up to all this time.

This kind of question is not the time to ask now, and she has just sorted out these doubts in her mind. Seeing Mu Cha turned around and took a step, her body shook suddenly, and a stray bullet hit the side of the machine with flames. Then it penetrated into his body at the most tricky angle. He covered his lower abdomen, staggered back a few steps, and then sat down on the ground.

Just as she was about to go to check, a police officer beside her suddenly fell to the ground, and the sniper who didn't know where she was hiding opened fire again. She turned her head and looked around, not far away, Xiaopang was shot in the leg , Ding Xiong looked okay, but most of the injured police officers were around. The only female police officer in Mu Cha's team was also shot by a sniper and fell to the ground. The police officer was firing red eyes desperately. She watched Mucha stand up staggeringly from the ground, step back and sit at the foot of the wall, and ran over quickly, and two other police officers also rushed over. Seeing that the shot was in the lower abdomen, it would not be fatal.

"He's right." Mu Cha held the position where he was shot and smiled, "I probably won't be able to get out, Captain Mu, but I'm sorry I got you and Captain Ding involved."

"Don't say such things, it will be fine when the reinforcements arrive."

"They can kill us before they come here." Mu Cha had a smile on his face, gritted his teeth and endured the pain, "Min Kun is crazy, I didn't think about today, if it's better to talk to the above in a few days, plan Can't keep up with the changes..."

"What's the meaning……"

Mu Qingqing frowned, and at this moment, the gunfire outside actually became quieter. Then, Mu Cha's cell phone rang, and he slowly took out the cell phone, and said first. One sentence: "You take the opportunity to escape and see if there is a chance..." before pressing the call button.

On the other side of the phone was Min Kun's slightly hoarse voice: "Inspector Mu, have you ever thought that you will have today?"

Then, Mucha laughed.

He was usually a serious person, but at this time of day. Actually laughed more than usual all day.

"Inspector Mu, have you ever thought that you will have today?"

The voice on the phone was hoarse. Mu Cha was shot through the stomach by a stray bullet, his voice trembled a little, but his smile was somewhat satisfied and proud: "You have no way out, Minkun, the trouble is so big, the higher-ups will not let you go, even if you are Xinyi'an is the same... you are dead!"

There was silence for a while. Min Kun said: "I just found out recently that everything was planned by you...".

"Cough...Of course it's me, but I just made a simple plan. Who knows that the future development is much more ideal than what I planned. If it wasn't like this, how could I get you to this point..." Mu Cha laughed He smiled, "You planted an inner ghost in the police force, didn't I plant an undercover agent by your side? Originally, I just wanted to provoke the relationship between Sha Qiang and you, and then let you fight with Da Fei. Who would have thought that your son would have a short life? ...You know? When I heard the news of your son's death, I was very happy, so I detained you in the police station to celebrate. How about it, do you feel very happy?"

In the factory building, Shaqiang and Asheng who were locked up each looked angrily at the undercover agent named Xiaobai. They usually saw him as honest and clever, but it was his words at the beginning. It revealed Minkun's intention to kill people with a knife, and made the two sides turn against each other. Now that I think about it, they were all tricked by others. As the two sides looked at each other, Min Kun took a deep breath: "Why did you do this?"

Mucha smiled and lowered his head: "It happened many years ago, you definitely don't remember it. My dad was hacked to death by you. You were a gangster at that time, but I remember you...Look. Your son is dead You are making such a big fuss now, and it is almost over. My father died at your hands, and now you have to go out and kill me, you kill my whole family, I kill your whole family, I think this is fair, but you are a bad person, I am Good man, you will only be scolded when you die, and I will get a medal when I die..." He held his stomach and laughed happily.

Min Kun's breath was short of breath, and he asked after a while: "Who rescued the kidnapping case a few days ago."

"Are we on good terms? Why should I tell you? Do you believe it was the Flying Tigers who did it? Haha..."

Amid such laughter, on the other side of the phone, Min Kun handed the phone to Sulap who was beside him. Sulap had a gloomy face, and walked out of the room directly with a pistol in his hand.

"Block the surrounding area, I will kill them with my own hands."

Mu Cha's last words were probably just a joke, but after only a moment, they really brought a huge shadow of death to the rest of the people. Although this factory area is not big, there are quite a few things that can be hidden. Taking advantage of the timing of the gunshots decreasing, several people are going to at least rush out from this place. After all, they are completely surrounded and suppressed by others at this time. If you can rush into the enemy's back, there may be a slight chance to turn around. The two police officers went out from the other side, each hiding behind a machine. From the window on this side, Xiaopang watched the outside for them. Looking for opportunities, under such gazes, a figure swaggered into the gate of the factory area.

In the flickering flames, the man's shadow was constantly swaying. It was the first time since the war started that someone dared to appear at the firepower point of both sides like this. Fatty made a few gestures here. , ready to raise his gun, the man was walking between the two machines, two police officers rushed out, gunshots rang out in the factory, and the figure also moved suddenly.

While the flames were flickering, the figures around him suddenly danced wildly like an angry demon, and that person rushed to the side in an instant. Amidst the sound of gunfire, the light of the knife pulled out a half-moon arc of light, and blood flew out in the air , the three figures intertwined, and the sound of gunshots kept ringing out. The two police officers were chopped off countless times in a short time, but the shots they fired kept hitting the empty space. When they fell to the ground, their blood was soaked. The whole body, but the figure of the knife-wielding man has already rushed into the blind spot, only the not-so-standard Chinese pronunciation came over here.

"I'm coming, you're all going to die."

After this scene, looking at the two corpses on the ground outside, there was silence in the factory building. For a moment, there was a gunshot in the darkness over there. The gunshot was accompanied by a scream of "ah", and there was no sound in a blink of an eye. Well, everyone has been working together for so long, and they can naturally hear who this screaming sound belongs to.

Resisting the severe pain caused by the gunshot wound on his leg, Xiaopang swallowed a mouthful of saliva and looked around. Most of the people here are already injured. If the firepower outside is really overwhelming, they can't survive at all. Now that Since the man came here so ostentatiously, it may prove that he really has the confidence to kill all the people here, although it is hard to believe... He moved his finger on the trigger, checked and loaded the pistol again, and the scream seemed to be still echoing in the air , in a trance, there are footsteps walking towards this side continuously...

----This is naturally an illusion.

Just after Sulap killed the third person, a flat voice came from the darkness behind him.

"Find one, are you Sulap?"

With a swipe, Sulap turned around abruptly, pulled out the gun with his left hand, and pointed the muzzle at the forehead of the person behind him. In the flickering field of vision, the person behind him put his hands in his trouser pockets, just like that indifferently. Looking at him: "You know, the thing I hate the most is someone pointing a gun at me. So..." He nodded, "You're going to die..."

A few seconds later, Xiaopang saw a black shadow flying out from the side, hitting a machine outside with a bang, and the whole machine trembled for a moment. He couldn't see what fell on the ground. Another corpse of another colleague. Only on the other side, the mercenaries hiding in the room and on the roof could see clearly, flying out of the darkness and hitting the machine hard, and then falling to the ground was Sura whose bones had been shattered and twisted. general.

He entered the darkness in such a high-profile way, and then was thrown out like garbage, looking like he was trampled by a giant female lying in the darkness...

The first half was coded out yesterday, and I wanted to post it, but I guess it will be said to be something like a chicken rib, meaningless, completely watered, um, bananas can’t be written at all, so I just co-authored today’s piece hair.


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