Hidden Assassin

Volume 7: August Fire--Volume 9: The Final Round Chapter 396: Unknown

That afternoon, before the police arrived, a fire broke out in the Mingzang Gymnasium due to an explosion. The flames burned for more than an hour before they were extinguished. Afterwards, nearly forty charred bodies were lifted out of the ruins. He was dead before the fire broke out. The blood continued from the inside of the stadium to the rear exit. Most of the fatal injuries were from gunshot wounds. There was only one murderer.

Because the surveillance system inside the gymnasium was destroyed from the beginning, the exact appearance of the murderer could only be identified based on the computer puzzle created by bystanders. And because of the ambiguity in the survivor's confession, the murderer's exact identity was unclear for a while. has not been identified.

"I don't know who he is, he's in his twenties... Just kidding, how could we possibly know such a vicious person? My girlfriend Wei and I are both well-known people. Officer, be careful when you say nonsense. I will sue you for defamation." …”

"I don't know him. His accent sounds like he's from Tokyo. How can he tell whether he's Chinese or Japanese? Anyway, people who were there at that time could hear it very clearly. It's an authentic Tokyo accent. I wouldn't have that if I hadn't lived here for more than ten years. It feels like...I'm sure..."

"Yes, authentic Tokyo accent, absolutely, Aramaki, I'm here to kill you.

Aramaki, you are out of date. Listen, it’s authentic…”

"Basically, you can imagine that a big tree attracts the wind, Aramaki's reputation is so loud, and the outside world also says that he is faster with a knife than others with a gun. Isn't this because he is unconvinced or seeking revenge? Young people nowadays are very individual... "

Regardless of whether it was due to indiscretion or ulterior motives, the entire Tokyo Police Department fell into chaos before people from higher levels of the government came down due to the heavy casualties on Peirojia's side. Of course, people like Tianyu Zhengze and Chen Guxia could basically leave directly after recording their confessions, and no one dared to stay too hard.

Chen Guxia and others returned to the hotel with a huge sense of shock. Several of Tian Yu's companions returned to Gao Tianyuan. After sending Chen Guxia back, Tian Yu and Wei Wei went to Yuechi's house. In the evening time. You could only see Yuechi's family members whispering everywhere. After the news was reported to Yuechi Zhengkong, a large group of people were stunned for a while. Watch the expressions of these old men change. It's really wonderful.

Even after Tianyu announced Jiaming's identity, no one had ever thought that Xun's martial arts teacher would be such an amazing person.

Being able to kill the people of Aramaki Zhense in just one face-to-face encounter at close range with eight Peiluojia killers watching eagerly. If he was really dissatisfied with the Yuechi family before, he would probably have died many times before... …

However, after killing his way out of the gym. Jiaming did not return to Yuechi's house, nor did he contact Xun or Tianyu Zhengze. At this moment, he had disappeared from everyone's sight.

"Let's go see Xun." After watching the old people's changing faces, Wei suggested.

Speaking of which, although I have known Kaoru from the beginning. He also probably knew that this girl had a cold temperament, but because of her engagement with Tianyu, the relationship between Wei and Xun had never been warm. But because of some reasons this time, she obviously let go of her grudge. When Tianyu glanced at her suspiciously, she smiled and rolled her eyes.

"Why are you looking at me like that! I looked at Gu Jiaming's performance today. There's no way you have a chance. You're not as handsome as him..."

"No, although there is indeed nothing between me and Xun. But it's still very shocking for you to say that, okay? Even if I can't beat him, at least he is passable in terms of handsomeness. I probably won't be able to find that guy if he is thrown into the crowd. Come out, how handsome he is."

"Then do you dare to go directly to Aramaki Masato in that environment and say I want to kill you, and then kill him?"

"It's not that I want to die...it's gorgeous, it's just like a performance, but if you don't do it well, you'll die. You women just like this kind of boring thing, not to mention...it's too fast, not at all It’s so satisfying, you say you’re a man who lives nine times a night, but he turns out to be a fast shooter, and it’s over in two seconds…”

Complaining along the way, the two of them walked towards Xun's small courtyard. The sun had already set, and the roads were dotted with lights. When they arrived at the entrance of the small courtyard, they could see Xun staying with Jiaming from a distance. I was cleaning the bedroom. I spent more than half a month organizing and decorating it, but the visitor only stayed for two nights. At this time, under the warm light, the girl was cleaning every item in the room with concentration. It’s like cleaning a lifetime of treasures. The two stood far away for a long time without entering.

"Um...Gu Jiaming, will he come back..." Wei looked at it with a sad face, "Xun looks like this, I almost want to cry, why did he come here to kill Yu Shoucang when he had nothing to do? Woolen cloth……"

"Well, who knows..." Tianyu didn't know how to answer, so he pulled his girlfriend's shoulder, "We'd better go, she probably won't need anyone else's comfort..."

Not only the Yuechi family, after what happened in the afternoon, detailed information about the incident was sent to all parts of the world through various channels. When Chen Guxiadi's message was received in the afternoon, Fang Zhitian happened to be in Jianghai and sent this information. After reading the auspicious information three times, he was in a daze for about a minute, and then released the information in a complicated mood. He called some people one after another to discuss it. Dongfang Road, which was returning to Jianghai during the summer vacation, was among them. First, after reading the news, everyone had various expressions. Shock was probably the biggest common denominator. Even Dongfang Lu, who knew Jian Suyan's true identity before, was shocked by this crazy behavior.

"Gu Jiaming's strength needs to be re-evaluated..."

Fang Zhitian started, and the others continued: "It's not a matter of re-evaluation. With such strength... How could an eighteen-year-old kid be so powerful? Jian Suyan, who was evaluated before His ability is only at this level. Aramaki is rated at the same level as Minamoto Yori Toso..." "Then how powerful should Jian Suyan be, not a human being?"

"Going back to the inference we gave up before... If Jian Suyan is pretending to be him, at least in terms of ability, he is probably not bad..."

"And what about the man who knocked out the count?"

Seeing several people entangled over their identities, Dongfang Lu interrupted: "I think, considering Gu Jiaming and Jian Suyan as a whole, what we need to think about now is not why Gu Jiaming is so powerful, but... what on earth is he going to do? , to do things so blatantly, it’s almost like a show. Killing this Aramaki Masai has no meaning at all to him..."

"Jian Suyan's desire for revenge is very strong. Look at what happened in New York and France. They have no moral concerns at all. No matter what happens, the bigger the trouble, the better. Pei Luojia also caused them a lot of trouble before. . Could it be that he has graduated from high school. So he wants to do something... to commemorate it? "

"Things in New York and Paris are big, but looking back, they didn't do anything meaningless. The question is, why did they kill Aramaki Makoto..."

"Because Jian Suyan is an adult? Gu Jiaming is still a child? So he is more chaotic?"

Messy thinking will lead to no results. Not long after, Dongfang Lu called Guilin and asked his sister if Jia Ming had done anything strange recently. The answer I got was very formal:

"Gu Jiaming? He's always been weird, okay? I don't think there's anything wrong with that. His personality has always been extremely awkward. If we want him to come to Guilin to play together, Lingjing and I can't even talk about it. We're so angry... but that's fine... .At least Lingjing was persuaded by me to let him stay alone at home, haha..."

After hearing his sister's answer, Dongfang Lu frowned for a long time: "Lingjing went to Guilin with you alone? Gu Jiaming didn't even listen to what she said?"

"What one person? There are many of us here, okay...Brother, what happened? Did Gu Jiaming do something messy again?"

"Uh... no, just asking casually. Is Guilin fun?"

"It's not bad. A group of people are quite happy... Lingjing is back, I'll ask her for you. Weird things... don't hang up..."

The phone was put down over there, and Dongfang Wan came back after a while: "Hey, brother, Lingjing said there is nothing weird about Jiaming, but her question is the same as mine. Is it because Jiaming has done something messy recently? It’s happened, haha..."

"No. You guys are having fun over there. I'm just asking casually. Remember to bring me a souvenir back."

After receiving such an answer, a group of people still couldn't figure it out. Dongfang Lu didn't know that if Dongfang Wan hadn't reported his name and said that his brother called and was interested in Jiaming's current situation, Lingjing might have been there. She was so aggrieved that she had to tell her about the breakup. Of course, Jiaming and Shasha had always been an open couple in front of others, so it was strange for her to be like this. But after playing for a day or two, Lingjing was suddenly asked about her worries, and Lingjing was really about to cry. Out.

Discussions, analysis, and reasoning have yielded no results. Jiaming single-handedly did such a thing in Tokyo. A group of people are also worried whether this incident will once again intensify conflicts among various organizations. On the other hand, in other people's places, With such unscrupulous killings on the territory, everyone is guessing that maybe within a period of time, he will be caught in an extremely brutal manhunt and hunt, and it may be difficult for him to return to China.

"Immediately increase the number of manpower to secretly protect the safety of Gu Jiaming's relatives and family members, mainly including Liu Huaisha, Ye Lingjing, Zhang Yahan, the couple who opened the martial arts gym in the Ye family, and Zhang Jing'an and his wife, and strengthen customs access control to avoid Pei Luojia's crazy counterattack. The murder of Aramaki Mashi may not mean much to him, but it is very useful to us. On the other hand, let our manpower in Japan contact Gu Jiaming at all costs and do what he wants to do. Things are going well, now is not the time to wonder why he is so powerful, I guess... this matter is not a big deal."

Not long after getting the news, Fang Zhitian made such a decision. However, the suspense left by Gu Jiaming did not stay in everyone's hearts for too long. The sun went down and came up again. The next day, August 1, Army Day . And on this night, the suspense caused by that young man turned into an unparalleled shock, directly overturning the pattern of dark forces in the entire world...


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