Hidden Assassin

Volume 7: August Fire--Volume 9: The Final Round Chapter 400: Infinite Light Fire

When the gunfire, chaos, and explosive flames lit up the night sky, the police from Tokyo District also rushed over one after another. The light of police lights surrounded the road outside the manor, and the reporters who came with it were stopped. in the distance. This incident was too sensitive. Pei Luojia's relationship with the upper echelons of the political community was shaken. The police did not know what measures to take. They could only watch the chaos inside while clarifying to reporters that this was a very bad terrorist incident. terrorist attack, the situation has been brought under control, and there is no other comment.

At this time, inside the base, except for the fire caused by gunfire and explosions, the rest of the place was already dark. The power was cut off, and all electronic systems stopped operating. The sound of gunfire came and went, as if countless ferocious beasts were being imprisoned. In a dark place, people who cannot see the picture can only hear the sound caused by the interlacing of their fangs, and guess what will happen at this time.

"I want to go in..."

The vehicle was parked on the grassy slope beside the road. Xun looked at the police cars forming a blockade in front of her and the reporters who were blocked. She spoke stubbornly at the chaotic situation on the road. However, one of her hands was pulled by the sky at this time. Yuzheng held on, seemingly casually, but completely unable to break free. Far and near, people of various identities gathered near the manor, including police, reporters, government emergency officials, the Pei Luojia killer who might be lurking in the crowd, people from the Yuechi family, people from Gao Tianyuan, and the subsequent feeling that Long Tangwei, who can be said to be related or not, is silently watching the development of the situation. It seems that neither of them can find a fixed target, but maybe as long as someone provokes them. A life-and-death battle will begin directly on this road.

Touched by this implicit murderous intent. Although there was still a smile on his face, Tianyu Zhengze's tone also seemed a little cold: "It's easy to get in, can you help? It will only involve the entire Yuechi family."

She's not the kind of woman who doesn't understand anything. Unable to struggle. Xun wouldn't say anything stupid like "I just want to go in." She looked at the manor, her face was livid, she clenched her teeth, and her whole body was trembling. This expression made her already beautiful figure even more beautiful. A bit of awe-inspiring temperament. Feeling her mood, Long Tangwei went over and held her other hand.

"Don't worry, he is so powerful, he will be fine. Minamoto no Yori Toso was defeated by him twice, and the governor Ouchi, the gods Wu Nian and Aramaki were all killed by him. He will be fine this time too. of."

They are both women, so they don't need to give any reasons to comfort each other. Even if they feel that everyone will die in the situation in front of them, they can directly conclude that Jiaming will be fine. Looking at the darkness in the manor, Tian Yuzheng shook his head slightly.

"Half an hour ago, the power supply and defense system of the entire base were cut off. And it was the Peluojia people who took the initiative to do so. Because before that, the entire defense system judged the Peiluojia people as intruders. When caught off guard, I don’t know how many people they lost... In addition, I can feel the traces of very unusual fire power explosions over there. Logically speaking, it is impossible for ordinary power users to have such abilities... Now It's been more than an hour and the fight is still going on. Gu Jiaming is really able to push Pei Luojia to this level by himself..."

As he spoke, he shook his head again, not in denial, but in sincere sigh. Due to the reserve of an ability person, he could not directly say "invincible", but he clearly recognized this fact in his heart. In this world, there are indeed some beings with transcendent power, such as the earl who came out of Dark Lyra's laboratory and was able to play around with the action team of Yanhuang Awakening. For example, several people in Yanhuang Awakening participated in the war. The transcendent elders who are still alive at this time, such as Natalie after her second awakening, and after tonight, regardless of whether Yu Shoucang is dead or not, there will undoubtedly be Gu Jiaming at this time. As for himself, even if he risked his life, he would never be able to achieve such an achievement.

People here were amazed at measuring Jiaming's strength. On the other hand, inside the dark and chaotic base, there were also people making boring sighs about this matter.

"Are you kidding? This fight has been going on for more than an hour. Hundreds of people are chasing one person, and it's like hide-and-seek. We are all killers, so why is the gap so big, right? Our side is dead. How many people are there, please give me a more exciting number of casualties, Peluojia’s historical records, everyone is a witness, will you feel honored?”

The courtyard that had been ravaged by bullets was now in a mess. Due to the power outage, only a few emergency lights were on the walls at this time. Some furniture nearby was piled together and a bonfire was lit for lighting. It was a summer night, and the bonfire made the temperature rise, making the surroundings feel hot. A group of people in charge were nervously discussing the situation and emergency measures. Only Yu Shouxi sat on the steps at the door and took it. He wrote rags and threw them into the pool in the yard, still complaining.

"What are you doing? It's so hot. It's uncomfortable without air conditioning. Well... aren't there two ice-type superpowers in the base? They're not dead. Ask them to come over and cool down. The superpowers are What are they used for? I usually see them all arrogant. Now that they are useful, I don’t know where they are. Should I ask someone to go outside and call Tianyu Zhengze in? I think we can definitely work with him now. Find a common language. Now as long as there is a piece of ice beside me, I am willing to betray the entire Peiluojia..."

In fact, if you really want to find a way to cool down, there are many ways, but everyone is busy at this time, who can care about such a thing. As soon as he said this, one of the people in charge said: "Yu Shou Jun, everyone is still busy with this matter now, isn’t it too rude to say this!”

"Busy? I didn't ask you to be busy. If it were me, I would face the reality now. The entire defense system has been completely destroyed, the boss has been killed, and everyone has been at a disadvantage from the beginning, and they have been completely defeated... We should focus on dealing with the next chaos now. Instead of seeking revenge at all costs, if we really want revenge, in the future we will collect information and study the opponent's weaknesses, and a killer can kill him. This is Assassination style. What does it matter now? Talk to me again when you are calm enough."

"But right now we're not sure yet..."

"Aren't you sure that my dad is dead? Do you need me to confirm for you? His earth-fire power will burst out all at once when he is about to die, so the fire will burn so big, and then... ...His body was burned..." Yu Shouxi said, spreading his hands, "Speaking of which, since he is dead, it is me who has the final say whether he should be here or not."

His hands were hanging by his sides, slapping his thighs, as if he was a triumphant villain. As soon as these words came out, the person in charge was about to object when he suddenly realized that most of the people looked at each other without speaking. He immediately realized that something was wrong. Yu Shouxi was indeed a little crazy when he did things, but he was definitely not Fool. His wrists become terrifying because they are invisible to others. If you say this without support. No matter who he is or how powerful he is. The ending cannot escape the word death. And now looking at the ambiguous attitudes of most of the people in charge, this shows that he has already been sure...

The scene fell silent for a moment. You looked at me and I looked at you. No one was willing to express their opinion first. A smile appeared on the corner of Yu Shouxi's mouth: "So... everyone has no objection?"

After he said this, Inoue, who opposed him the most fiercely and was also the most loyal to Yu Shoucang, suddenly stood up and pointed at him: "Yu Shouxi, I will not accept this matter, because this matter is simply What you did...you are an insider!"

Faced with such accusations, Yu Shouxi smiled faintly: "Why do you say that?"

"The boss was a little suspicious of you today. You suddenly disappeared and then appeared, and then something happened. If the boss will lose, it will be because he was distracted by your behavior. And... and what happened in Jianghai last year, The boss has been asking me to conduct a secret investigation. Although there is no result yet, I am 90% sure that it was you who issued the order through the boss’s system, which caused such a huge loss!"

His voice was categorical and he was accusing Yu Shouxi. The gunshots in the distance rang faintly again. Yu Shouxi was silent, with a sarcastic smile on his lips, looking at the ground and then at the place in front of him. The man and the rest of the people in charge were a little surprised for a moment. After a moment, Yu Shouxi's voice sounded: "If... it's true..." He smiled softly, with a hint of ridicule.

"……so what?"


Inoue's expression changed, and he suddenly pulled out the gun on his body. He was naturally a killer before he reached this position. At this time, his skills were at least Pei Luojia's A-level. The moment he pulled out the gun, Yu Shouxi dropped his head. The right hand at his side suddenly clenched a fist, and then his fingers spread wide.

The bright and astonishing light suddenly amplified like the moment when chaos first opened.


The dazzling light swallowed up the entire space in an instant!

Time loses its meaning here. In the ubiquitous light, all smell, touch, hearing, sense of direction and even thinking lose their function. In the field of vision, there is only light, light, light...

In an instant, the five senses were deprived!

This is the first time they have seen Yu Shouxi's superpower - infinite light fire! Gym.

The flames caused by the explosion in the stadium reflected the sky red and continued to expand. In the alley two streets behind, he looked at the flames with some boredom, thought for a while, turned around and was about to leave, when a figure appeared in On the other side of the alley, he quickly raised his hand and smiled.

"Hey, I'm just watching the show, but I haven't done anything harmful to the world. Hero, there's no need to be like this..."

The figure walked towards this side and stated calmly: "The thing that Pei Luojia cooperated with the earl last year was your fault."

"Ahem, this is slander..."

"I don't have time to talk nonsense. You hope to use this matter to get me to come over and kill Yu Shoucang, so I'm here."

"Uh, then Miss Jian Suyan..."

"You just need to understand that I have the ability and the idea to do this. Regarding the incident where you asked people to attack Liu Zheng, I can treat it as if it never happened. But you must also make corresponding efforts to lure him out of the underground rat hole. Come out..."

Inoue's hand with the gun pointed forward, into the light. He fired a shot based on his sense of murderous intent. But it obviously had no effect. Yu Shouxi stood three meters behind him, holding a head that started to bleed.

There was a bang, blood splashed out, and the headless body fell to the ground.

Sighs sounded in the room. Yu Shouxi's expression was a little melancholy. He threw the head away and turned around.

"Now...no one has any objections?"

Midnight, Jianghai.

Rapid footsteps sounded in the corridor of the villa. Then there was a knock on the door. The lights in the room came on, and after a moment, Fang Zhitian, who had just fallen asleep, opened the door and rubbed his eyes lazily.

"Dongfang Linghai...what's wrong? Weren't you playing cards down there? You woke me up just after I fell asleep and lost everything? If it's not a big deal, don't even think about sleeping tonight. Let's go for a drive... "

"It's definitely a big deal! It's definitely a big deal!" Holding a piece of paper in his hand, Dongfang Linghai looked excited. "However... I think such information absolutely needs to be reviewed. It absolutely needs to be reviewed. To be honest, I can't believe this kind of thing. It's really, really too..."

"Okay, okay." Fang Zhitian yawned and walked to the balcony, preparing to open the window, "I'm not telling you, after working hard for so many years, there is nothing you haven't seen before, do you need to make such a fuss? Tell me, I I won’t be scared…”

"The news from Japan is that just tonight, our young brother Jiaming rushed into Pei Luojia alone and killed Yu Shoucang."

The cool breeze blew in from the window, and the shadows of the trees outside were swaying. Fang Zhitian turned around and was stunned for a long time: "Uh, am I hallucinating?"

Dongfang Linghai shook his head and repeated: "Gu Jiaming killed Yu Shoucang, and then..."

He smacked his lips. Due to his excitement, the middle-aged tycoon who was nearly fifty years old said in a dry voice: "The era of Peluo Jiadi has passed..."


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