Hidden Assassin

Volume 7, August Fire, Chapter 408, The Blood-stained City (Calling for Monthly Tickets)

"You... can you still run?"

That simple punch caused an unbelievably huge impact, and the door on that side crashed in. The entire car felt as if it had been swung by a hammer weighing several tons, and it swung sideways with a loud bang. Open, the glass on all sides turned into debris in the violent impact, and fell on everyone. When Jia Ming leaned on the broken car window, showed a smiling face inside, and said these words, Ying Zifeng looked at that figure, his teeth cracked, and he trembled uncontrollably.

Although he also knows that there are some people who have trained their strength to the limit and can barely achieve the effect in front of them, but it definitely does not have the impact of the thunder in front of him. Ying Zifeng was frightened out of his mind, but the people next to him reacted after a brief shock. The moment before they turned the muzzle of the gun to Jiaming, Jiaming's hands holding the gun suddenly stretched out from the window. He came in and pressed the foreheads of the two people next to him.


Blood spread all over the carriage.

At close range, the destructive power of the modified large-caliber pistol in Jiaming's hand was maximized. The two heads and even the shoulders exploded, and the flesh and blood of the people next to him were thrown all over their heads and faces. Most of Ying Zifeng's body was injured. His body was covered with blood and minced meat. At this moment, he just stared at the muzzle of Jiaming's gun with his teeth chattering. He raised his left hand and patted his body once and then again. The blood red stained his palm. Why? I couldn’t even take the photo, it seemed like I was going crazy. \\\\\\.\\\\\\

Hundreds of people at the exit of the market stared blankly at the scene here. I don’t know when it had become as quiet as night.

The next moment, bullets scratched sparks on the ground, and further down the road, more than twenty police cars turned the corner over there with great force. Rushing towards this side, a sniper leaned out from the roof of the car and aimed his sights. As soon as Jia Ming lowered his head, a bullet whizzed past his head. His two guns were pointed at Ying Zifeng in the car. The remaining two surviving ground agents did not dare to move.

"Why are you running so fast? I've always wanted to say something to you..."

Jiaming knocked the pistol twice on Ying Zifeng's head, and then. The smile faded. "You have ten minutes. Explain the funeral arrangements."

After saying this, he took two steps back, then turned around and rushed into the chaotic crowd in the vegetable market. He disappeared without a trace in a moment. Amid the chaos of the crowd, more than 20 police cars finally approached the blood-stained car. taxi. \\\\\\.\\\\\\

Watching this scene on the car TV, Fang Zhitian closed his eyes with a headache, and then breathed a long sigh of relief: "Fortunately... he wants to talk..."

The person sitting next to him finished speaking in a low voice and frowned. He leaned over again: "I'm afraid...it's hard to say. He said he would give Ying Zifeng ten minutes to explain his funeral affairs. It might be to make him feel even more frightened. Ying Zifeng...is almost scared out of his mind now." …”

"Uh..." Fang Zhitian was stunned for a moment, "Ten minutes...he is here now and no one knows where Jiaming is.

When more than twenty police cars arrived, they dragged the semi-demented Ying Zifeng out of the car and talked with the remaining two agents. Immediately, other manpower still behind was sent to start searching the nearby area, but naturally, there were no results. The agent belonging to Ye Lian's team who had been following behind and transmitting the live broadcast had completely lost track of the target.

Jiaming left a ten-minute countdown. No one knew what he would do. As a police officer, he naturally thought that there were more than 20 people on his side. With light and heavy weapons, he is invincible in this city. ^^Jun ^^^But the agents don’t think so. However, no matter how big the gap between the two sides is in their estimation of the enemy's strength. They have to do something now, that is to say, the two ways before them are to escort Ying Zifeng to the Public Security Bureau, and the other is to escort him to the hiding place of the agents. And since the agents belonging to Ying Haisheng were already on the way, they decided to concentrate all their efforts and send Ying Zifeng to the Public Security Bureau first. If the other party could take down the entire Municipal Public Security Bureau alone - uh , this idea actually makes no sense...

The convoy drove onto the road in a mighty manner. A few minutes later, it merged with several bulletproof vehicles driven by agents. Ying Zifeng was transferred onto it. Ying Zifeng was sitting in the back seat of the vehicle. Ying Zifeng was shaking and covered in blood. Only then did he react slightly: "He will come... He will come... Where are we now, what time is it... I asked what time it is..."

He grabbed an agent's watch and looked at the time, and then asked tremblingly: "How many minutes has it been? How many minutes has it been?" He looked out of the window desperately, and the agent next to him comforted him: "It's okay. Mr. Ying, I promise it's okay. You can see that there are people from us in front and behind, and he didn't do anything just now, which shows that he is not targeting you, or..."

"What's okay! What's okay! Huh?" Ying Zifeng, who was dressed in blood, almost cried, "He's not here to kill me? He's not here to kill me! Isn't he targeting me instead of you? We are all surrounded by our people...but what about the roadside, those people on the roadside are also ours!?"

Pointing at the pedestrians on the side of the road and yelling, he fell into this hysterical state. Others had no choice but to do anything. In addition, they were also a little nervous about the ten-minute deadline. At this time, they were all paying attention to the situation on the side of the road. ^^Jun ^^^The motorcade turned around the next intersection and saw a towering building. The driver of the police car at the front suddenly lowered his head and looked at the sky: "What is that..."

The policemen in the front and back rows all loaded their bullets. Looking up, the first thing that appeared was a small pink dot, which gradually became larger.

"plastic bag……"

"No, it seems like...a plane..."

"Remote control aircraft..."

With a high degree of vigilance, people in the vehicles in front and behind also saw something wrong in the sky above the street. One, two, three... more than dozens of toy remote-controlled helicopters were lined up, "buzzing" flew towards the convoy. ^^ First release^^

In the bulletproof car, Ying Zifeng opened his mouth, looked down at the remote control aircraft of different colors, and widened his eyes: "He's here, he's here..." as he said. He threw himself at the car door, "He's here... let me out! I don't want to be here, I don't want to die in the car, it's not safe here----"

"That's just a remote control plane..."

The agents blocked him. At the same time, four police cars stopped on the side of the road. A total of twenty policemen rushed to both sides of the road with guns drawn. This road was not considered prosperous and there were not many pedestrians on the roadside. When I saw this scene, it was like a counter-terrorism movie. They all ran away subconsciously. .

The police looked at the floors on both sides. Looking for targets, snipers opened the roofs of vehicles and helicopters hovered over the convoy.

At that moment, Ying Zifeng opened the car door hysterically, and jumped out without being blocked by the agents.

"He's on the roof..." A policeman across the street spoke into the intercom, raising his gun and pointing it at the top of the building. \\\\\\.\\\\\\

A dark figure stood on the edge of the building, looking at the motorcade on the street below.

After struggling for a few times, Ying Zifeng got up from the ground. The agents behind him gave chase.

The first remote-controlled plane fell down and hit the window of the police car driving ahead.

Top floor.

The sun was shining directly, so he took a step back, let go of the complicated remote control in his hand, looked at the blue sky, and exhaled a long breath: "It's almost..."

The river of time seemed to be blocked for a moment by this sigh, over the street. The hovering remote-controlled aircraft began to fall downwards. Countless eyes followed the toys, and someone began to issue orders: "Shoot and knock off those toys." Ying Zifeng, who rushed out of the carriage, was pulled by the agents and struggled hard.

Then...the explosion overturned the police car!

The remote control aircraft fell to the ground, violent explosions followed in an instant, and air waves rolled. They overturned the car. Some moving police cars were suddenly pushed out, amidst the flames. Billowing smoke filled the streets. Ying Zifeng, who was completely confused about the situation and fell into panic, broke away from the pull of others and rushed to a place he thought was safe in the air waves...

In the building, Jia Ming walked down the corridor with his palms slapping the handrails, humming an unknown melody. **.**

At the same time, Ying Zifeng rushed into the building which was still under renovation.

"Tear gas!"

"Hurry and save people——"

"Catch him! Catch him! Shoot the suspect immediately when you see him. Kill him on the spot..."

Viewed from the sky, smoke and dust were billowing on the road between two rows of buildings. Flames ignited on the explosive car. All the vehicles were scattered in confusion. The agents chased Ying Zifeng and rushed into the building. Some people immediately rushed into the building. As they began to rescue people in the smoke, more police officers with guns swarmed into the building.

run! run! run!

Perhaps frightened by the hint of Jiaming's death, but also frightened out of his potential, Ying Zifeng ran wildly in the undecorated building. Nothing in the halls, corridors, or rooms could stop him from escaping. Determination, at this moment, he just wanted to escape from the footsteps chasing behind him and find a place to hide. The flesh, blood and mucus covering his head, face and body seemed to tell him that even if there were more people, it would be meaningless. ^^ First release^^

The agents behind him reached out and grabbed him several times, but they couldn't catch him.

Wooden racks, plastic buckets, cardboard boxes, abandoned lunch boxes, the crowd chased through the corridors. Finally, Ying Zifeng stepped on a steel pipe, suddenly slipped, and threw his body towards the ground. The agent behind him jumped up and threw him on the ground: "Mr. Ying, we are now..."


Footsteps sounded at the entrance of the corridor ahead, and a figure pulled a rope and dropped to the ground.

Ying Zifeng, who was lying on the ground, raised his head, and the agent who caught him also raised his head and raised his gun.

Several agents chasing from behind raised different weapons in their hands. Then, violent gunshots resounded throughout the building.

Firelight splashed and smoke filled the air. A mirror placed in the darkness over there shattered into powder amidst the crazy gunfire. The next moment, blood was once again splashed all over Ying Zifeng's body. "ah----"

Amidst the shooting from both sides of the corridor, Ying Zifeng climbed up desperately and rushed back in the direction he came from. When he ran past several agents, one of them was shot and flew out, seemingly running with him. Almost the same speed. ^^Jun ^^He could even clearly see the man's slightly blinking movements and distorted expression as he flew into the air.

Leaving the few agents to shoot with Death, he shouted and rushed out of the corridor. In a hall ahead, several figures seemed to have seen him and were about to rush towards him. He showed a fearful expression and suddenly He froze his body and fell to the ground, the next moment. He struggled crazily and climbed up again. Run in the other direction where no one is. Severe pain came from his shoulder. He didn't know if it was a stray bullet or something that pierced his shoulder blade. His body shook and he continued running desperately. In front of him was the stairs leading to the second floor...

At least at this moment, he was frightened crazy by the exploding human body and the blood all over his body.

This is unspeakable chaos.

As the gun-wielding figure advanced in the building, amid the gunshots, the flowers of death continued to bloom here. The number of people no longer represents an advantage. When precise marksmanship and sensitive reactions are brought to the extreme, he becomes the god of death. Any object that moves in his field of vision is destroyed immediately. With the explosion in the crossfire, the stairwell Collapse down. ^^ The first shot^^ blocked most of the policemen below. Without support, the gunfire and explosions on the second floor suddenly subsided. Ying Zifeng was shot in the leg and leaned against the corridor, gritting his teeth to prevent himself from screaming. Amidst the sound of footsteps, a figure at the end of the corridor suddenly appeared. Appear. Then he was shot away by a bullet. He turned around and saw the nightmare-like figure holding a gun in his hand. Come slowly.


With a hoarse cry, Ying Zifeng struggled to reach the fork in the T-shaped corridor. A grenade was thrown from Jiaming's hand, and the corridor at the other end exploded with billowing air waves, and the flames marked that side as a restricted area. Ying Zifeng turned the corner and crawled towards the third corridor with all his strength.

In the chaotic streets outside, a police chief directed others to climb up to the second floor. Listening to the explosion, he wiped the cold sweat from his forehead: "I don't even know what's going on...that second young master of the Ying family... Who did we offend?"

Blood gushed out from his thighs, drawing a long line of blood on the ground. Ying Zifeng crawled until his whole body was weak, and he heard footsteps coming up from behind: "Ten minutes have passed, are you ready?"

"Don't kill me...don't kill me..."

The figure holding the gun smiled: "You can be shot for drug trafficking. You asked me not to kill you. That girl just disturbed your interest in recruiting prostitutes. Why don't you want to kill her..."

"Do not kill me……"

Crawling forward on the ground, Ying Zifeng could only say these words with his whole body trembling. Suddenly, the muzzle of the gun from behind was raised, and a figure appeared at the end of the corridor. He raised his hand and tried to be friendly. At the same time, several figures appeared beside him, also pointing the muzzle of the gun. .

"Don't be impulsive. I just want to chat and try to find a... solution..." The man walked forward and sighed, "I think this matter has become too big..."

"Uncle Fang..." Ying Zifeng looked at the approaching figure for a long time, and finally murmured a word.

"I'll take care of it by killing him."

"You know it's not that simple."

When the conversation sounded in the corridor, Ying Zifeng suddenly seemed to have strength again and crawled forward crazily: "Uncle Fang, help! Uncle Fang..." He was as fragile as a child at this time, even though his family He is not very close to the Fang family, and even though he does not have much favorable impressions of Fang Zhitian, the appearance of this Yanhuang Awakening leader here can indeed give people great courage. Approaching Ying Zifeng, Fang Zhitian stretched out his left hand: "Give me your hand and I will save you."

Ying Zifeng, who was crawling on the ground, stretched out his right hand and held it.

Fang Zhitian put his right hand behind his back, and when he took it out again, he raised a half-meter-long sharp saber, and the light of the sword flashed across the air.


Heartbreaking cries of pain echoed in the corridor. This was not the first time Ying Zifeng shouted out today, but it was definitely the most painful time he had ever felt. Blood spurted out, and Ying Zifeng's right hand was broken at the elbow.

"So you have to give me some bargaining chips first..."

From reaching out, to swinging the knife, to cutting off the arm forcefully, this middle-aged man with great power did not even blink his eyes. After murmuring this sentence, he removed the severed arm from his hand. He handed the knife to Cui Guohua behind him, and then kicked Ying Zifeng away. While Ye Lian was bandaging the howling Ying Zifeng's broken arm, he raised his head.

"You know, I'm very embarrassed that it ended up like this today." The middle-aged man smiled, "However, I want to say that we haven't really reached the bottom line yet, and there is still a possibility of recovery. So... I want to talk... "

Asking for a monthly ticket^^


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