Hidden Assassin

Summary of Volume 7: The youth that passed that summer

There was a period of time, several months, when I listened to Xu Fei's "That Summer" over and over again every day (haha, I guess some students will open the music player again and listen to it, it's such a good song). At that time, I I wrote "Diary of Survival in a Foreign Land", and then I remembered a lot of things in the past. My personal life was actually very ordinary, so ordinary that it was not worth mentioning. In my teenage years, there were some sunny days, no matter how unbearable, these things have their own meaning for me. its meaning.

So I wanted to write a book describing youth. I have repeated this over and over again.

What kind of existence is literature? If I had to describe it in detail, I think it was one day - a very ordinary day - when you walked through the streets you pass every day and saw an ordinary thing, such as a car or a telephone pole, suddenly There are some emotions in your heart that you want to express. You feel sad or melancholy, or something else. You have to describe this feeling. Maybe you can use a short sentence like "I am very sad", but you have to describe this complex feeling. To convey feelings to other people's hearts, you must describe your entire life, your childhood, your growing up, the things that happened, and the people you met. One day, many of these things will belong to this car and this telephone pole. , so others suddenly understand your mood. ^^jun ^^

Literature is about conveying, and it exists to convey such feelings. Some people say that the last chapter of Volume 7 is unpleasant. Yes, if you find it pleasant, you are a pervert. I think that kind of emotion can be moved or recalled. Introspection can be melancholy or regretful. I have expressed this complex emotion, and it is reflected in your heart. Some people said that he cried, or was very sad or something. I think this chapter was very successful. I wrote what I wanted, what I wanted to express after piling up 1.7 million words, and I was very happy. pride.

Some people started to curse, which didn't make them happy. ^^ First post^^ It doesn’t matter. A feeling. It's impossible to touch everyone, and I haven't done anything to fully impress everyone. But one thing is, I never admit that this is a tragedy, and what I convey is by no means sad, at best. It's very sad, because the story still exists. We have spent a sad youth and can look back, but there is still a future ahead of us. They are just separated, not forever.

Then let’s start from the beginning.

For a while, I was discussing with people on the forum whether the plot is more important or the writing is more important, or other important issues. In fact, the common idea now is to focus on the plot. Every writer thinks hard to come up with an idea that no one else has. Perhaps because I have been influenced by traditional literature, I have always opposed such a statement. There are very few that are truly successful because of plot or creativity. At least, I only recognize one "Infinite Horror". ^^Jun  ^^If we say why writers are successful, it is because they have explored themselves. This kind of thing would be a long article, so I can stop here. However, because of those discussions, when I first wrote Hidden Killing Land . I told myself. I'm going to write the most clichéd book.

Then, follow through.

The opening chapter of Hidden Kill has no outline. There are several scenes in my mind, the one where Yahan was kidnapped, the Lily, the first time Jiaming took action, and then the massacre at Cao Dongfeng, Goose Goose, Qu Xiang Xiang Tiange, I once counted them There are about seven scenes, the last one is the memories of Jia Ming and Ling Jing breaking up at the beach. When I had about 100,000 words, I started thinking about how to string together these pictures.

Wow, the male protagonist is terminally ill and breaks up with the heroine in a desperate mood. He is in pain and so on. Look, Duo Qiong Yao’s plot. This is the most outrageous plot I have ever known in my life. It was written ten years ago. It's been overused. If there was an Oscar for the worst scene, it would definitely win the Oscar - so I used it. ^^ First release^^

In fact, I was worried for a long time, because the current YY literature does not allow any low points, but at that time, this scene had been repeated in my mind many times. I could only use it to express the theme of youth. I saw them in my mind. The scene of the breakup, seeing Jiaming doing everything he could, and then at the beach, all the memories from the beginning of the hidden murder to the present came rushing back. The beauty and innocence of the past, the ignorance and innocence of the past, everything was like a yellowed scroll. The same unfolds, and we may be able to see our own past from it. I just wanted to write about such a touching story. I think this is actually a very positive theme.

I started to be on tenterhooks from the end of the sixth volume, and I wrote with trepidation. I write YY novels, and I rely on this to make a living. I know that if this plot is not written well, it will hit the bottom of this book. Even if it is not a failure, it will definitely be terrible. I Think about it for a long time. =Junzitang first post= Maybe some people will scold you, what the hell are you doing in writing articles with such nonsense connotations? If you want to make money, just behave and let me have fun, otherwise you will have no choice but to rush to the street. But there is no way. I have already said that I am a restless person and always want to express something.

Even though I'm here, I still want to try it.

So, 1.7 million words, just for this chapter. Starting, inheriting, turning and combining, here is the turn.

I once discussed with someone why an article was unfinished. According to the YY literary model, in my opinion, YY novels are completely the curve model of Tanghulu. The first six volumes of Hidden Kill can illustrate the problem. When an enemy appears, defeat him. The enemy appears, defeat him, smooth, climax, smooth, climax, smooth, climax, including scenes of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, etc., but the mode is the same, because we are reading online articles, It's okay to have constant climaxes, but this makes it difficult to end a book. That is, every candied haws is the same. It's no problem if you take one off anywhere, and it's broken anywhere... No, it's not anywhere. The method is broken, because if it is broken, everything before it will be meaningless. Therefore, the author becomes tired when writing, and the readers will also see that when they are tired, it ends and is unfinished. =Junzitang first post=

Why does the textbook say that an article must start from the beginning, turn from the beginning to the end? Although some words are old, it still makes sense. That is, the small curve composed of many candied haws must also have a large arc as a whole, so that the article can become a whole and distinguish the beginning and the end. At least I think so.

When I was writing Hidden Kill, someone said that since it is called Hidden Kill, the protagonist must be hidden from the beginning to the end. I said that since it is Hidden Kill, there must be a day when he is not hidden, and only he can change from the hidden state. Only then will the climax be brought out. =Junzitang first post=Some people said they couldn’t understand. I thought at the time. It turns out to be an online article. It is already beginning to change people's concept of reading. The most representative sentence is that I often see some people criticizing some books: Since your book is going to write this kind of plot, why didn't you make it clear at the beginning? .

So I wrote it anyway. In fact, the subscription of Hidden Killer has been quite stable. Even if updates are stopped, it has not dropped much. Of course, it is a pity that even if it breaks out, there will be no improvement. There are basically no big fluctuations. After the episode where Jiaming and Lingjing broke up came out, the 24-hour subscription dropped by about one-fifth. I know that the section "I Fall into the World Like Morning Dew" will definitely be dropped after it comes out, and some readers will leave. But no matter what, I am very happy, and I feel excited that what I wanted to write has finally been written.

It’s not that I don’t know how to yy. If it was all about making money, I could write six more volumes based on the first six volumes, about university, society, and so on. But if I write it this way, the book Hidden Killing is meaningless to me, and it is meaningless to everyone. . \\\\\\.\\\\\\

Let’s talk about a book that had a great influence on Hidden Killing, Lu Yao’s “The Ordinary World”. At present, the only books that I can read again and again are Haruki Murakami's books plus this one. I have watched "The Ordinary World" probably no less than thirty times. I like the love between Xiaoxia and Shaoping. Sometimes I go back and look for their plot. I once sighed, wow. There are so few. Can you let me read more of their stories? So when I wrote Hidden Killing, I hoped to satisfy my wish. There are a lot of life plots piled up, Jiaming, Lingjing and Shasha. I hope that if Hidden Kill is worth watching a few times in the eyes of some readers, in the finale, combined with their first acquaintance and their friendship in the ignorant years, , the love that was conceived when they grew up slowly, until they sadly broke up, and then when they all grew up, and reunited again, it would make people feel very emotional and very satisfied. ^^jun ^^

Talk about the future.

Some people say that the hidden killing can end here, which is a incomplete classic. They say that according to the author's conception, there is nothing left to write. Oh, how is it possible? The ending education I have received is not like this. After determining the plot twist, I began to conceive of how I would feel afterwards, imagining that in a few years everyone would grow up, just like we also grew up in this city, carrying on our own lives with the memories of the past. You walk on the streets of the city every day, it starts to rain, cars drive by with their headlights on, the pleasant and lingering aroma wafts out of the coffee shop, the street lights are straight, and in the gift shop with bright windows, In the opened music box, Snow White was spinning peacefully. You held the umbrella and suddenly saw a familiar yet unfamiliar girl standing in front of you, looking at you. Then... you recognized her and felt pleasantly surprised. It was more of a memory. The unspeakable tenderness, the children, the love, in this cold steel forest...

How come no one thinks this is a great feeling? Doesn't anyone think this is a very exciting episode? Do you still think that after they have carried so many great, great, great memories, there is nothing left to write about?

Every time I think about the encounter between Jiaming and Lingjing, I feel shuddering all over. ^^ First release^^

What would they do, what would they say, what feelings would they have for each other?

Of course it will not be exactly like the plots above, the reunion like the one above, the hidden killing has its plot, Jiaming will still play the role of a pig and eat the tiger, the influence of the dark world will still come, the killing and madness will still continue, Dang Jiaming will not Without the burden, without the shadow, when the Ying family gradually loses power in the struggle with the Fang family, guess whether he will directly blow up the head of this family - but these are not important, just like the previous killings And compromise doesn't matter. What's important is the feeling of the city. What's important is Jiaming, Lingjing, Shasha, and Yahan. What's important is Xun, Heidi, and Dongfang Wan. What has become of him and them living in this city? ? I think this urban feeling should be like a song by Stefanie Sun, "e-lov", haha, I always look for inspiration in songs.

I originally wanted to write a lot of things, and thought this summary would be very long, but then my thoughts were confused. I had forgotten some of what I wanted to say, and deleted some more, but it doesn't matter, I have already said what needs to be said. Thank you all for your continued support and accompanying Lingjing and the others through their childhood and adolescence. Although the seventh volume is not as satisfying as expected, at least this twist is pretty good for me. Someone Some people were so moved that they even cried. Haha, I am busy with work and study. It would be great to recall the things in the past and sort out my mood. I am very satisfied to be able to do this.

What matters is the feeling.

Then, everyone who is ready to curse, please tell me: sb is written by sb. When the author was a child, his head was kissed by a pig, kicked by a donkey, and pinched by a door panel... and then he went to sleep.

If you are still willing to support me, I would be very grateful. Please look forward to it, and then help subscribe and vote monthly. I am just describing sadness and memories, and I have not written a tragedy, right?

Updates are always irregular, because I am an inspirational writer. When I have an outbreak, someone said: "If you have an outbreak at the beginning of the month, won't the monthly pass be given to you?" Ah, there is nothing I can do about it (scratching my head), I never like to keep manuscripts, so I will send out as many codes as I can... How about I appeal to everyone for the remaining monthly passes on hand, and then make reservations for next month?

I need about two or three days to sort out my thoughts on Volume 8, and then come out of this mood. If I feel that the last chapter of Volume 7 is well written and I have feelings about it, I think I will review Hidden Killing a little bit. The previous content may give you a new feeling... Of course, I am the author, so I don’t have much experience with my own stuff, so I can’t be sure.

See you in volume 8^^


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