Hidden Assassin

Volume 2, Section 48, Choose One

In July, the blue sky was clear and the white clouds were like catkins. There was a relaxed and leisurely atmosphere in the villa of the Liu family.

In the swimming pool, Shasha stretched out her healthy skin with a slight wheat color, swimming around like a little dolphin. At the edge of the swimming pool, Ling Jing in a white dress was lying on a bench reading a novel, holding the white-haired clown cat in her arms, while Jia Ming was lying on a chair next to him reading comics. Another big girl with sunglasses and a seductive figure was wearing a sexy white swimsuit. She stretched her toned limbs on the water-filled plastic bed and moaned contentedly: "This is a free life...so happy gone."

That is Zhang Yahan.

After running away with this woman that night, Jia Ming originally wanted to place her in the house where Marilyn and Heidi lived, but he happened to meet Huaisha on the way home, so he had to tell Yahan As for the inside story of the engagement, as for Jiaming, he naturally just responded outside the Zhang family's walls. In this way, after Shasha's sympathy was aroused, Yahan became a new member of Liu's villa.

After Yahan left the Zhang family, the Zhang family sent people and the police to search the world together, but of course they couldn't find Yahan who was hiding in the Liu family. On the day of the engagement, the Liu family sought someone from the Zhang family. Take out the videotape that Jia Ming left on purpose and show it to the two families, saying that her daughter ran away in anger because of this incident. The Liu family was at a loss, and was speechless for a while, and then the elders of the Liu family said that they would teach Liu Wenli a lesson, and that the development plan would follow the Zhang family's plan, but hoped that the Zhang family would give them a chance to persuade Yahan after finding her , and then got engaged to Liu Wenli. The Zhang family naturally agreed to this matter, but after that, the efforts to find Yahan weakened.

Liu Zheng usually would not go back to live in the villa here, this big house seems to have become a small world exclusive to several people, Yahan was a little restrained before, but after a period of time, she integrated into this happy little family. Afterwards, the school was on summer vacation, and the four of them swam, basked in the sun, watched videos, and played games in the villa every day, leading a happy and decadent life.

Among the four, Shu Yahan is the oldest. She has been a teacher for two years. She has a lively and cheerful personality and various talents. She plays several musical instruments and speaks English. After a while, the two girls regard her as the eldest sister. Jia Ming occasionally sniffs her, and the three of them will gang up on her to bully her. Jiaming is naturally not afraid of Yahan, but he is used to being bullied by the two little girls. Every time he is beaten up, he will squat by the wall and think whether he is a good person who has done too much.

"Hmph, now I know I'm very good!" When the two girls walked away, Yahan would show off proudly in front of Jiaming, causing Jiaming to stare blankly: "Saving you is the greatest thing in my life." In this world, there are no good rewards for good people.”

"Who told you to always take advantage of me? Take a few steps back and say, if you take advantage of me, of course I will take it back. Don't be arrogant. If you are arrogant, I will tell your secret..."

When fighting, the two would aim at each other's buttocks and kick them hard. Looking back many years later, this way seems to be the most warm and interesting way of expressing friendship between the two. As for revealing Jiaming's secret, it was naturally just a small threat.

I don't know why, but in front of this psychologically mature boy, she is more open-minded, maybe because his body is just a child, even if some too intimate physical contact, or even let him see her whole body that day, it's just a matter of letting go. Feel free and natural. And his psychology is mature like an adult, without restraint, but at the same time can make people feel a sense of stability and security. Occasionally thinking of the other party's secret, she can't help but think that even his closest two Friends are not kept in the dark, this secret, only I know. It's a secret that I share with him. This feeling, for some reason, made her feel warm.

After knowing that Yahan can play many kinds of musical instruments, Lingjing also learned the piano from her. There was already a piano in Liu's villa, but no one knew how to play it before, so it could only be used as an expensive decoration. After Yahan played it once or twice, Lingjing fell in love with the beautiful timbre, and after learning it, Yahan discovered that Lingjing had an amazing talent in this area. In just one month, Yahan had already encouraged She will definitely develop into the piano in the future, and she will definitely have good achievements.

July passed like this, but in August, Yahan's body seemed to start to deteriorate, she became haggard for no reason, and she seemed to have no strength in her body. The three of Jiaming asked her what was wrong, but she always Finally, one day in mid-August, she started to have a fever, and her body suddenly became swollen. When she woke up, all parts of her body, including her face, seemed to be inflated with air. no deposit.

"I don't want to go to the hospital, Jiaming, help me buy a medicine, prednisone, I used to take this medicine..."

When the two girls were at a loss for what to do, the weak Yahan was still unwilling to go to the hospital. She was sick before she wanted to come. Although the Zhang family gave up looking outside, if they went to the hospital, they would definitely be found out. He went out for two hours under the name of the medicine, and when he came back, his face was gloomy.

"You have edema all over your body, which is a sign of kidney disease, but prednisone is a hormone drug. If your condition is stable, I can buy it according to your wishes, but you are like this, taking medicine indiscriminately will kill you. You can only go to the regular hospital now. hospital for treatment."

"No... I don't want to go to the hospital, they will take me back..."

Weak protests had no effect. Jiaming picked up the woman with swollen body and weak limbs, and then the two girls went outside to call a car and drove all the way to the best hospital in Jianghai City.

"Jiaming, Lingjing, Shasha...I don't want to go back to get married, I want...to be with you...don't send me back, Jiaming..."

In the car, Yahan begged the three children feebly, Jiaming looked indifferent and said nothing, Lingjing and Shasha were already in tears, but they also knew that Yahan really needed to go to a big hospital for treatment at this moment , just crying to comfort Yahan. When he got impatient, Jia Ming said, "Don't worry, I won't let you marry that guy Liu Wenli!"

"Your tone...it's so bad again, I really want...to kick you..." Yahan laughed weakly. .

Not long after entering the emergency hospital, the Zhang family received the news and rushed over. Seeing the three children, they couldn't help being a little surprised. The reason Jiaming used was that they used to learn martial arts together, and today they met Yahan who was swollen all over. So sent to the hospital. Although the Zhang family also had some doubts that they had taken in Yahan who had run away, they didn't say anything more after knowing that Jiaming was also the young master of the Huang family. As for the follow-up, it was just a small matter between the Zhang family and the Huang family.

It wasn't long before I found out that Yahan had nephrotic syndrome, which seemed to be caused by urination since childhood, and it recurred from time to time. The last attack was already last year. If the disease is not treated in time, it will evolve into uremia, and eventually even lead to kidney failure. Fortunately, although it was delivered a little late this time, after all, it was rescued and it did not develop in a worse direction, otherwise the only way to go is a kidney transplant.

In the middle of the night on the second day after being sent to the hospital, the instruments in the ward were beeping, and Yahan was sleeping, when suddenly someone held her hand, and she opened her eyes in weakness, and in the blurred eyes, appeared Jiaming's hideous face, the other party was poking the swollen part of her face with his fingers, poking it, sinking in, and then slowly flattening out, looking at his expression, he seemed to find it very interesting.

"There are people watching outside, why are you..." Yahan asked halfway, and then laughed, "Oh, I almost forgot that you have great powers..."

"You are cuter now." Jia Ming laughed as he poked the flesh on the girl's face, "I came to see you at night, and I didn't bring anything with me. I just wanted to ask you what kind of escape method you would like to choose."


"Choose one of the two, the first one is relatively simple, and there are no hands. That guy Liu Wenli heard that you were arrested and came back. He drank a few more drinks tomorrow night, so he drove out of the highway. God is jealous of Yingcai, Yingnian early I am very sad when I die; the second method is more troublesome, but it is not impossible. If you delay the wedding until around October next year, my teacher can make the entire Liu family collapse, and you will take over. When the time comes, you It's the queen, you can kill or cut as you like, the Liu family, old and young, will not be able to cry, which one do you choose?"

Yahan blinked her eyes on the bed: "The first method, don't you have any hands?"


"Then I'll choose the first one. However, if possible, can you not kill people?"

"Of course it's okay. Anyway, he wants to marry you, so it's fine if he can't marry you." Jia Ming shrugged.

"That's it, I'll trouble you, Jiaming." Yahan laughed, "You scoundrel..."

After a while, Jiaming's figure disappeared into the ward, and Yahan on the bed fell asleep peacefully, with a smile on his lips.

Just leave everything to that man...


Choosing one of the two is actually a choice of bananas. Choosing the first means keeping the plot light and flat for the time being, and the second is the same, but in some respects, it will cause small climaxes that change the world situation one by one. Although the protagonist can also hide behind, but for the time being... well, that's it. Ask for votes^_^


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