Hidden Assassin

Volume 2, Section 49: The tragedy caused by the cohabitation of three people...

On the third night of Yahan's hospitalization, it was said that the young master of the Liu family, Wenli, accidentally took an excessive amount of inferior aphrodisiacs while playing in a certain club. Useless people. This incident has since created a legend in Jianghai City. Many years later, some young masters who participated in the incident that night thought about Liu Shao's heroic appearance at that time, and they were all embarrassed. Even if they used drugs, they could not be as strong as Liu Shao that night That kind of appearance, not to mention the fact that the aphrodisiac was of inferior quality after investigation.

When the news came to Yahan's ears, the beauty who was still bedridden and weak all over her body pursed her lips and burst into tears. Several doctors were present at the time, seeing her smile for three minutes, her whole body curled up covering her stomach, still I was afraid that I would laugh her to death, but after this muffled laugh, Yahan seemed to have regained some strength, and her condition recovered quickly afterwards. It is an interesting thing that this kind of laughter can actually cure diseases.

After she recovered from her illness, neither the Zhang family nor the Liu family mentioned the marriage contract, so it was put on hold indefinitely. After recovering from illness, Yahan returned to the Noble Academy to continue teaching, but the time to go to Ye's Martial Arts Center and Liu's Villa became more frequent. Originally, a childlike innocence was inserted between the three boys and girls. The big girl who likes to pretend to be mature in front of others makes her life more and more colorful.

On the New Year's Eve of that year, four people escaped from the house and listened to the bell ringing in the Peace Square in the city center to usher in the early morning of 1997. Kissed and said: "Thank you." Jia Ming wiped off the faint lipstick marks on his forehead with a wry smile, and then the two joined Ling Jing and Rusha to set off fireworks.

In the first half of 1997, for the four of Jiaming, it was actually peaceful, but in the society, the reform of state-owned enterprises was carried out all the way, the shadow of laid-off workers, and the difficulty of re-employment really shrouded the whole society. large crowd. When the senior high school entrance examination was approaching in early June, these incidents also indirectly affected Ling Jing.

The reason for the matter may have to start with the Noble Academy. The establishment of this school in Jianghai City has always been taken care of by various parties. After all, the fundraisers who opened this school are rich and well-connected. The faculty is strong, and its quality is better than any high school in the same city. As a result, the fees are naturally several times more expensive than any other school.

For big families like the Huang family and the Zhang family, a small amount of money is not a problem. Anyone who has school-age children in the family will naturally be sent to the noble academy. However, having money at home does not necessarily mean that students are smart, and no matter how good the teachers are, it is impossible to guarantee that all students will be admitted to college. In order to ensure a certain rate of admission, the Education Bureau has almost issued a rigid target. Every junior high school in Jianghai City, They can get recommended places in several aristocratic academies, but they are required to have good character and academic excellence, and then they will be sent to the aristocratic academies for free.

In this way, even a school like Xinghui High School, which integrates junior and senior high schools, must recruit top students from among its students every year to support the rival Noble Academy. Although some people may be unwilling, the number of places is indeed in high demand. To. On the one hand, there is a lot of pressure from the society to get off the job. It is really the most hopeful thing for parents to let their children go to the best high school for free, and to be trained as seed players. On the other hand, the quota itself is a kind of honor and affirmation. .

As one of the best students in this year's class, Ling Jing was the first to occupy one of the places, but after that, it was said that because of other people going through the back door, giving gifts, etc., the school actually gave Ling Jing away. down. In fact, it’s nothing more than brushing it off. Although the social economy has not been good in the past two years, and even the Ye family’s martial arts business has been somewhat sluggish, Lingjing’s family is not really short of money, but what is frustrating is that in During the days when the senior high school entrance examination was approaching, the bald dean who made this decision actually called Lingjing, Shasha, and Jiaming to the office at the same time, and announced the decision after explaining a reason.

"Well, today, the three students were called here mainly because the school has made a decision to tell the three students, because we have received complaints from some students since a long time ago, saying that The three of you live together outside the school on weekends, which greatly affects the school's morals. The school didn't take this seriously. After all, the three of you were friends when you were young. Although you are older now, men and women play together It's normal to make trouble with us, after all, we're not the old-fashioned ones shown on TV."

"However, after our investigation, we found that this incident seems to really exist. Alas, you are like this... There are still two girls and one boy. The teachers are very sad. You are ruining your own life. Although it is approaching the senior high school entrance examination, the school has to be responsible for you for one day when you are in school. In order to prevent such things from happening again, the school decided to give each of you a major demerit. Lingjing, I recommend you to go to school The qualification of Sacred Heart Academy has also been cancelled, I hope you can understand the painstaking efforts of the teachers..."

When the bald man handed over a school document to Lingjing, Lingjing lowered her head and said nothing, Rusha's eyes were about to burst into flames on the spot, but Jiaming just watched with a frown. Lingjing didn't need that quota. If a classmate had difficulties at home, she would let her out. But now, this bald man has gone too far.

In the past few years as the dean of students, this person's notoriety in the school has long been known far and wide. Everyone knows that he accepts gifts, accepts bribes, is obscene, and is lewd. Before, some people bribed him for the sake of quotas, and then they would brush him off. The news of a person coming down had been widely circulated in the school, but he didn't expect him to use such a reason to brush him down. Looking at the bald head, Jiaming was thinking about how to ruin him overnight. This is really a simple matter, but before he could think of anything exciting, Lingjing suddenly threw the document on the He landed on the desk in front of him, then turned and left.

Ling Jing has always been a good student in the eyes of others, a good baby, but if she has been in contact with her for a long time, she will naturally understand that she also has rebellious and sharp parts. However, it is the first time to express dissatisfaction in front of the teacher directly. once. .

Afterwards, Sha Sha also walked out without saying a word, Jia Ming shook his head, put his hands in his pockets, and followed behind.

The three of them were not in the same class, and just now it was announced that the three of them lived together. Jiaming couldn't go to comfort Lingjing at this time, and went back to the classroom to bury his head in sleep. After a while, there was a sudden noise from outside the door. There comes an astonishing uproar!

Running out of the classroom door, several school guards were running nervously from the bottom of the teaching building. Many students had already surrounded the door of the Discipline Office. There was a flutter of chaos inside, and Ling Jing ran from behind: "What's wrong? I listen They said that Shasha ran off to make trouble..."

"No..." Jia Ming opened his mouth, and then squeezed into the crowd with Ling Jing. Seeing the two of them coming, everyone consciously stepped aside. He kept chasing and killing the dean of students, and several teachers hid far away. In the training office, homework books and test papers were flying all over the sky.

Shasha started school late, but she stayed in the first grade. She was sixteen years old at the time, and her figure had grown into a mature girl. In addition, she had undergone martial arts training. Normally, one or two strong men couldn't get close to her. The bald head dean was even screaming after being chased and beaten. Ling Jing and Jia Ming were about to go in and grab her when the school guards who rushed over had already arrived. Several people rushed into the dean, protecting the dean while fucking The bench broom greeted Rusha.

Some of these people are retired armed policemen, and some are hooligans around them. Two of them took a few hits, but they also forced Shasha to retreat steadily. Seeing that she was safe, the dean shouted from behind: "Grab her, She's gone crazy! Grab her!" While shouting, a figure suddenly rushed over, picked up a bench and knocked him to the ground. It turned out to be Jia Ming who was usually honest and introverted in school.

Seeing the escalation of the conflict, the students outside the gate couldn't help but become more excited, pointing and pointing, so lively.

Seeing that the dean of students was being beaten again, the two guards in the rear rushed up to surround Jia Ming, another figure suddenly inserted into it, supporting one with one hand and throwing a punch at the same time, a gorgeous and standard spin kick , has already kicked another guard out, but this is Ling Jing who has just suppressed his anger. And in coordination with Lingjing's movements, before the guard who was caught by Lingjing had time to punch again, the arm was grabbed by Jia Ming who fit him up, and when the armpit was punched hard, the fragile lower abdomen, calf There was also severe pain, and after a series of beautiful and crisp Jeet Kune Do attacks, the man had fallen to the ground and could no longer get up.

In the blink of an eye, two guards fell down, and Jia Ming clapped his hands: "The school's security work has to be strengthened." Ling Jing walked towards the besieged rustle without saying a word. The students outside had never seen such an actual combat performance before. Recalling that all three of them had a martial arts background, they applauded one after another.


Well, in terms of the age of the characters, the previously set hours are wrong, what a shame... everyone thinks that they started school a year late at that time. On the new book list, I finally managed to advance to the top five today. Thank you for your support. Unfortunately, Banana skipped a section. Guy runs away...


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