Hidden Assassin

Volume 8: The Door to the Past, Section 453, No More

Four years ago, when the cause of the headache was just diagnosed, Jia Ming had a lot of thoughts.

The appearance of the tumor is actually a little unclear, because in the previous life, the body was in good condition, and after long-term exercise, I never had a cold. When I returned to my ten-year-old body, I was still the same person. A tumor came out, and the only explanation, of course, was the hands and feet of the phoenix.

So what's the reason?

There are many kinds of ideas, but there are probably two reasons why he is convinced of this matter. First, when he returned to ten years old, if he had an extra life out of thin air, perhaps in the original world, The remaining life of him is only a few years, so it is reasonable for Phoenix to forcibly stop his life after letting himself live these few years. If this point is too mysterious, then the reason for the second point is true--he understands medicine.

If you don't understand some things, you can think about them casually, but just because you understand these things, it just kills the luck in his heart. Even after twenty years, such a tumor may have no hope of being cured. When he checked a large amount of information and added the diagnosis of Kelly's medical team, there was no room for turning around this matter. He has seen many things, and he has seen many people at the top of the world, no matter how talented and miraculous they are, even a superhuman like Natalie, how powerful and incredible, but in life and death , In the face of fate, people are all equal like ants.

He has been a killer all his life, and he has seen too much life and death. It is like a black hole in the universe, and everything will be submerged in it. No matter how brilliant you are when you are alive, you will be silent after death. interest. Therefore, even if he is nostalgic, he will not have unrealistic luck. Maybe some cancer patients will think that if I persist for one more day, the special medicine may come out. But he doesn't have such an idea. If there is a one in ten thousand chance, he will fight for it, but if there is no point in doing anything. People can only accept their fate. 【..】

At the beginning of 2001, I left Yahan with a headache that I couldn't bear it anymore. After that, my head finally became chaotic because of the unbearable pain. After that, I slowly calmed down and woke up. After the chaotic memory began to clear up, these The question seemed to be slowly answered in his mind, the intention of that phoenix. It's finally starting to become clear.

It's actually a gift.

On the night when Pei Luojia rounded up Phoenix Land, almost all the supernatural beings came out, at least there were dozens of them. After these people were swallowed by the flames of Phoenix, they didn't know what kind of psychology they had in order to let themselves go back to the past. At the same time. The phoenix also stuffed this enormous power into his mind.

What a joke, how can an ordinary person's body withstand such a huge force, such as Natalie, the inheritor of natural evolution, is actually not because of the weakening of the power contained in the body from generation to generation, but because of their own body The quality is in the direction of departing from the evolutionary. So they can only go through awakening again and again to make improvements—let the supernatural powers transform the body, and then the transformed body can bear more supernatural powers. Natalie's body has been prepared for her almost from birth. He was preparing for awakening, and now he has only awakened twice, so how could Jiaming bear a higher power than this in a few years.

The phoenix is ​​not a human being, it has never considered whether ordinary people can bear it - maybe it has considered it, but it is only grasping the limit state of this body that will not collapse, so over the years, whenever it is subjected to external supernatural powers stimulation. The supernatural power in Jiaming's body will also respond more quickly, constantly oppressing him, and finally, when the body grows enough to barely bear this force, it will explode directly.

If Jia Ming is not a killer. In the previous life, he never had so much experience and training to endure pain. Even the average person can keep up physically. Under the kind of painful torture that a little more can make people collapse. Maybe dead too. Can survive now. It was really a fluke. .shudao. Book. Road

but. Of course, there is still no way to confess to Lingjing and Shasha about the matter in Fenghuang. He roughly explained. The point is naturally to let the two of them know that there will be no such thing in the future. The night is like water. Let go of your mind a little bit. The three of them who were already tired finally returned to bed. Shasha cried a lot. I lost my strength. Lie on Jiaming's chest and fell into a deep sleep. Lingjing watched him for a while. He said softly: "There will be no such thing in the future?" Dai Jiaming shook his head. And finally fell asleep.

Morning light. The sound of cock crowing. Wheels go down the street. far away. There are vendors in the vegetable market shouting to each other. It shows the tranquility and emptiness of the streets in the morning. She opened her eyes in this familiar atmosphere. It feels like a world away.

Surrounded by a familiar soft body. There is also a faint aroma of shower gel. She opened her eyes and watched for a while. Eyes and thoughts are focused in this trance. Ling Jing hugged her and slept soundly.

Jia Ming...

Once such a warm memory. She is the one who is used to staying in bed every day until the sun rises and never gives up. I remembered crying last night. I went to bed late. Today, she woke up earlier than Lingjing. In this environment, the memories of the four years of gloomy heaven seem even more unreal than the cohabitation life they once lived together. But the habit of training every day is left after all.

She sat up, there was only Ling Jing sleeping soundly in a shirt on the bed, the fan was whistling by the bed, the morning air came in through the window with a trace of coolness, the outside was still only dimly lit, there were row upon row of houses far and near There is orange or milky white light in the room, as if the starlight all over the sky was shaken down last night, the nearby vegetable market and the street below have started to operate with the dawn of morning, what a familiar and unfamiliar scene.

Jiaming is not here... She thought about the things that happened last night, and felt a little bit of fear in her heart, fearing that all of this was not true, such fear made her body tremble slightly, she got off the edge of the bed, put on her slippers , since she was only wearing a bra and underwear, she put on her coat, took another look at the sleeping Ling Jing, and walked onto the balcony.

The air became cooler. A vendor pushing a tricycle was passing through the streets below. Not far away, a few students who looked like students came out of the computer room. They probably played all night. In the morning breeze, their spirits were still high. Excited, talking back and forth, a shop diagonally opposite was opening, with yellow light shining through it. The railing of the balcony blocked the view of her lower body and bare legs. Next to the master bedroom was the side sleeper she used to sleep in. There was no one, no light, and it was quiet. The door of the small utility room next to the side sleeper was closed, and she stretched out her hand to push it open. , under a little light, the room that has been quiet for four years is still sleeping in the dark, the bedding on the small bed has been put away, and the computer is covered with a white cloth. In my memory, teenagers like to stay by the computer in the early morning to deal with things, warm The scene of the still-steaming coffee mug, illuminated by the yellow light, did not appear. .

She closed the door, walked through the side sleeper to the living room, walked into the dark and quiet kitchen in the dark, and when she came out again, she stood there feeling dazed, and then there was a slight sound of the door opening.

Someone pushed open the door of the house, and the streetlight outside the door shone on him, the familiar figure pulled out the key, with a plastic bag in the other hand, and then saw the person standing inside: "Are you awake? " Jia Ming said softly.


"I went out to buy breakfast, soy milk, deep-fried dough sticks... After I went out, I found that I had no money, so I came back to get it again..."

"I do not even know……"


After putting the things on the table, the two of them approached the kitchen, turned on the light, Shasha took out lean meat and chopped it into minced meat, Jiaming boiled hot water, soaked the rice noodles bought from the supermarket last night, and prepared breakfast. In the process of doing these things, Shasha asked again: "How have you lived these four years?"

"I ran around when I had a headache. Like a beggar, I walked a lot of places and went upstream along the waterway. The farthest I reached was Yujiang River. When I was better, I bought a car and sold fried chestnuts with sugar." Shasha reached out and touched his forehead. He smiled, "I always feel like I remember a lot of things, but I just can't figure out the details in a mess, so I have an impression of fried chestnuts in sugar, really..."

"It doesn't hurt anymore?"

Jia Ming shook his head and put his arms around her shoulders: "How about you, how is Venice? You haven't been bullied? If someone bullies you, I will report it to you."

"It's all training." Shasha rested her head on his shoulder and paused, "I cried for a year...I never thought you would come back, and you're going to find another man..."

Before Jia Ming could answer, she laughed again, and said in a low voice: "I didn't understand you when I graduated from junior high school. I'm used to it in high school, but these four years... I haven't met a man before, and I feel so strange. Turned back to a virgin." Cough, do you review more these days? "

"Don't touch me so quickly... When I was young, I didn't know anything. After I knew what a virgin was, I was no longer. It's hard to feel this way. I want to experience it more..." This is half true For a while, after she said it, her forehead still rested on Jiaming's shoulder, and she fell silent. She couldn't see her expression from this angle, but after a while, she heard her speak again, with a soft voice like a raving, "Jia Ming Ming, don't have such a thing again, don't let it happen again..."

"What if something like this happens again? In four years, if Lingjing and I...Lingjing and I really thought you were dead, and you really met another man, and you just came back at this time, then what? Let's do it, why are we still together... You may say that you don't care, but Lingjing and I can't do it, how can we live on then, those who bring us to train together, whether it's agents or mercenaries Well, I basically didn’t take these things seriously. In the past few years... I was scared when I thought about it yesterday, maybe just a little bit, if I completely regarded you as dead, as if I were dead, and became like them , then I now... the last thing I am afraid of is this, you know?"

"No more..."


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