Hidden Assassin

Volume 8: The Door to the Past, Section 454, Goodbye

Talking with Shasha in the kitchen while making breakfast, the sky outside the window gradually brightened, and when the aroma wafted out, Lingjing also rubbed her eyes and got up, she glanced at the kitchen door, then went back to her room to get dressed and dressed up a bit After a while, Shasha brought out the cooked rice noodles, and then ran over to tidy up her hair. The faces of the two were reflected in the mirror, one heroic and the other quiet. On the table was a group photo of the two more than four years ago, vivid It clearly reflects the mature trajectory of the two sisters.

Lingjing's long hair has been cut off long ago, and now it looks a little shorter than the ponytail on the back of Shasha's head. She only uses a simple hairpin to pull it up from the side, and the quiet temperament is highlighted even more. Liobi: "It's such a pity that you have long hair since you were young..."

"It's easy to move around, and if you live alone, you don't have to take care of yourself."

"I've become thinner, but the bridge of my nose looks taller... In four years, my breasts haven't gotten any bigger, so it's not like I've lost weight here too..."

"Hehe...it's alright, alright?"

Rusha stretched out her hands abruptly, Lingjing smiled and struggled, the two fought for a while, and when they sat at the dining table for breakfast, Lingjing picked up the first bunch of rice noodles, as if toasting: "Congratulations... ...go home!"

On a summer morning, the sun came out early, and the golden light climbed onto the window sill in a short while, and the air was still cool. The three of them were eating, and Ling Jing tore open fried dough sticks and put them into the soup like in the past: "Then... ...What should I do next? Go back to see my parents? Of course she was talking about her own parents, and Sha Sha glanced at Jiaming: "Anyway... I have to go back and see you. "But there was some hesitation in the words, probably because of the so-called timidity of being close to the hometown, Jiaming was eating: "Is it a knife to stretch your head or shrink your head? "

After saying this, both Lingjing and Shasha burst out laughing. Rolling his eyes at him, Ling Jing said: "Forget it, I'm leaving today, I haven't figured out how to tell my parents, what's the matter... Parents must beat you to death again." She thought After thinking about it, he blamed: "I said, why did you confess at that time!"

"This kind of thing..." Jia Ming smiled helplessly. "I never thought about planning for a rainy day..."

The three talked about it for a while, Shasha talked about Natalie, Xiaomeng and others, and finally decided to go out in the morning. Lingjing didn't plan to participate in these things: "I'll clean the house, Maybe go home and see my parents. Shasha dragged me away last night, with a gun in his hand, if someone mentions it in front of them, they must be worried."

Lingjing was worried about this, but Shasha was a little worried about those vampires coming again, so she told Jiaming, but Jiaming smiled and shook his head: "They should have already left."

"You know this too?"

"Oh. If you don't leave, you can't leave..."

The three finally met last night. Jia Ming basically doesn't have much desire to fight. But things have come to this day. The threat of blood clan will be officially put on the agenda. If Victoria and others haven't left yet. The first thing he has to do is probably to get rid of them. Seeing that Jia Ming has confidence. Shasha will not say more. When going out. Ling Jing opened her mouth. For a long time. Just now he said: "Sister Yahan gave birth to a daughter for you."

The air was instantly quiet. She pursed her lips. After thinking for a long time: "I know what I say now is irrational. Sister Yahan really loves you. She almost broke up with her family because of Taotao. Many people proposed to her and she refused. She also thought you were dead I've always had you alone in my heart. I don't know what to do. But... the four of us have known each other for so many years. In fact, we are like relatives. No matter what happens, we can always sit down and say it clearly. Now... I think You should go see her. Gotta let her know you're back..."

aside. Shasha nodded slightly.

Jiaming closed the door. Ling Jing stretched in his field of vision. The white shirt lightly hugs the slim figure. Smile quietly and elegantly.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the sun was shining brightly.

The black car drove across the inter-city road and stopped at the intersection ahead. Wang Tujia looked at the address book in his hand and looked around. Then he pointed to the left direction: "Go up from here."


"It should be right. You can see that the past rescue above is basically a villa area, and the homes of Xiaowan and Senior Dongfang should be here. You see... Yuanyi Road, that's right."

In addition to Wang Tujia and the young driver, there are two men and two women in the car. If we deliberately go back, we may still remember this small group that once traveled to Paris with Jia Ming, Wang Tujia, Luo Jingwen , Liang Mingchao, and Li Song are all young people who are relatively outstanding among their peers, and they all have good family backgrounds. Although there have always been bumps and bumps caused by comparison and pride, but after four years of university, they are still the same. Still have a nice friendship. Now when they return to this city, they naturally gather together.

Speaking of which, the universities of the four people were all admitted to schools in different cities. During the four years, they each had their own romances, but when they got together again, the ambiguity between each of them was revealed again. We can know , there is actually no fixed pairing between them. Wang Tujia and Luo Jingwen each have their own charms. Liang Mingchao has a good impression of the two at the same time, and Li Song is the same. Prove your charm through performance. Of course, their respective means of expression have become much more subtle and mature, and there will no longer be sharp conflicts between each other because of someone's showing off, as they did a few years ago.

Four years have passed. For the college students of their class, as long as they are freshmen, most of them will graduate this year. For them, this is an important summer vacation. Each of them has received a college diploma. Another stage is about to start, work, getting a job, contacting the society, starting a family... The circle of Sacred Heart College is of great help to them in establishing a network before entering the society. Class reunion is naturally the most convenient means.

The purpose of their visit this time is to send party invitations to the Dongfang brothers and sisters. Dongfang Wan's share is their share, and they are well-informed. They also heard that Dongfang Road, which has been working hard in the south, has returned to Jianghai these days. , if he can be invited, it will be even more ideal.

The environment near Dongfang's house is quite good. The shade woven by trees covers the road like a giant umbrella, and there are mostly large and small garden villas around. Small parks and green belts can be seen everywhere, and the family backgrounds of the four are quite good, but when it comes to the rich people living here, they still cannot help being envious. When the car turned the next corner, Wang Tujia suddenly caught a glimpse of a pair of figures walking in the shade by the side of the road, and wanted to focus on it. The car has turned around. Seeing the way she turned her head and frowned, Li Song in the back seat also looked over there: "What's wrong?".

"No... I seem to see someone I know... Gu Jiaming, remember? I haven't seen him in the class reunion in the past few years, so I don't know where he went to university."

"Gu Jiaming? Impossible." When she said this, Luo Jingwen and Liang Mingchao also turned their heads. Liang Mingchao said: "I heard that he had an accident when he graduated. He was arrested by the police and later sentenced...University is sure. I haven’t read it, and I don’t know how many years the sentence will be. But... maybe it’s already out, maybe..."

"How, how is it possible!" Wang Tujia's eyes widened, and Luo Jingwen also said, "No? I haven't heard of it."

"It's absolutely true. It's said that he helped people escape. The plot was bad. He had a good time with him at the time. Did you know that Liu Huaisha, who was said to be his girlfriend? The one who was in the underworld."

Wang Tujia frowned and said, "I seem to have seen them just now."

"That's even more impossible. Liu Huaisha's family was selling drugs. When the police came to arrest her, Gu Jiaming helped her escape. It is said that she attacked the police. It was published in the newspaper. But we didn't How do you pay attention, but there are many people among the classmates who know it, and you have never been clear... Everyone said that Liu Huaisha fled overseas. You don’t know, the Shazhu Gang has disappeared since then. It was the first A big gang, the above said to fight, and it was wiped out in one night. My family knew several uncles who came out to mess around. They often said about this, how dare Liu Huaisha come back, I guess there are still wanted warrants for her now..."

"I've also heard about the Sand Bamboo Gang." Luo Jingwen nodded in agreement.

The four of them discussed this matter, Liang Mingchao made a vow, and after a while, the uncertain news that Jiaming was beaten and disabled in prison also came out. When the vehicle drove to the address in the address book, these people were slightly dumbfounded when they saw the scene inside the gate. All kinds of vehicles were lined up on the side of the road outside the big villa, guarding the gate. There is a team of light armed police next to it, and there seems to be a crowd walking around inside. There are also many people who seem to be of good status coming in and out at the side door. Wang Tujia took the address book and corrected it twice: "I made a mistake." This is not a private villa, it is busier than a government building.

"Let me ask." Li Song compared the address book several times. Then I got out of the car and ran over: "I'm looking for Dongfanglu and Dongfangwan, do they live here?" I didn't have any hope in my heart, who knew that one of the armed policemen asked them briefly after talking with the walkie-talkie inside. relationship, and then directly invite them in.

Following the armed police all the way to the living room, the four of them felt the ubiquitous sense of tension and oppression. People of different identities walked in the corridor outside. There were several groups of people waiting in the living room at this time, and some of them also I know, those are the leaders of government departments or the bosses of large groups who often appear on TV. Although the huge living room still looks loose, but the four fledgling young people are in the same place with these people, and it is not clear what happened. People still look very serious, and that kind of invisible pressure is enough to make people uneasy.

"what's up."

"The financial crisis or something..."

"It must be related to the terrorist attack last night..."

The four of them exchanged opinions in whispers, and the servant also came over immediately, asked them what drinks they wanted, and then told them that there was something else to do on Dongfang Road, and they would come right away. After a while, several men and women in military uniforms came down from upstairs, greeted a group of people in the living room before leaving, and the highest rank among them was a major general.

They drank drinks in such an atmosphere. After a while, Dongfang Lu finally came down from the stairs. Although he was not in the same grade before, he was the student council president when he was in Sacred Heart College. Wang Tujia and the other four were always active again. After a few glances, I recognized them, greeted them one by one, and then heard them talk about the student reunion.

"If you have nothing to do, you must go there as much as possible. Xiao Wan is not at home these days. You have also seen that the house is messy and troublesome. I can help you give her the invitation card, of course you can give it yourself. She recently Starting a new company, heh, I don’t live here, if you want to find her, you can go to... This is the phone number..."

Not neglecting anyone, this is probably a habit Dongfang Road has developed over the years. I chatted with a few people about the current situation, chatted with some classmates I knew, and when I sent them all the way out, the living room at the back seemed like It became noisy, and then several figures strode out from the inside. They had seen the leader of the person on TV before. Young people have a pivotal position in the whole country. Since they came out, people from far and near the villa looked in the other direction.

On the road coming from the gate, a somewhat familiar figure came into view again. It was Gu Jiaming who they had just said "in jail". A bunch of flowers and plants, smiling and talking to the woman beside her...


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