Hidden Assassin

Volume 8 The Door to the Past Chapter 460 Distance

On the outskirts of Tokyo, Japan, Tsukichi House, at night.

The light of the stars is rippling in the huge old house in the mountains and forests, like water mist, like acacia, it is not too late, and people can be seen walking in twos and threes on the roads of this quiet old house. Wearing a kimono, clogs, and a short sword, the customary samurai dress, in the courtyards lit up everywhere, the peaceful and ancient Japanese waka can be faintly heard.

"...The river beach is clear and clear, and there are catalpa forests planted on it. In the deep silence of the night, I was surprised to hear the singing of thousands of birds... This is the song that describes the scenery of the Yoshino River. What do you think of Nishida-kun?"

"It is an ancient quatrain, and with the singer's singing skills and expressive artistic conception, it is really the most classic waka. But personally, I prefer Ruoshan Mushui's short songs..."

"Ruoshan's song, I know that there is a singer in Shinjuku who sings very well. If I have time some other day, I want to go and listen to it with Nishida-kun..."

This is the speech of two men walking between the roads. We don't need to understand the specific meaning, as long as we know that they are meeting prostitutes in a more elegant way, not homosexuality. The two people who spoke were named Buntaro Sato, who is currently favored by the younger generation of the Yuechi family, and the other was Naoya Nishida, a secret agent who joined the Yuechi family in recent years, with outstanding loyalty , and recently he has repeatedly made contributions in various tasks. Although he is still a newcomer in terms of time, he has already been valued.

Birds of a feather flock together, and people are divided into groups. They are all outstanding young people. Buntaro has a good relationship with him. He even cooperated with him on a mission in another place a month ago, and he came back today. After making a report to the headquarters, he just returned to the old house in the inner circle of Yuechi's house. Along the way, they talked happily.

The atmosphere inside the Yuechi house was peaceful. Lights were projected from various courtyards, and the road was dimly lit. Even though it was summer night, surrounded by trees, it didn't look hot. A few young people who came towards him greeted Buntaro. Turning a road, because a small car passed by, the two stood at the corner for a while, Buntaro looked towards a yard not far away for a while. The yard was dark. Without lights, after Yu Shoucang's death four years ago, this small courtyard has almost become a forbidden area for the Yuechi family.

"I heard that Sato-kun is treating Miss Kaoru..."

"...Have you seen her?"

"When we passed by at the beginning of this year, she was sweeping the floor in the yard and took a look from a distance." Nishida Naoya smiled, "She is really a girl as clear as jade."

"Yeah..." Buntaro sighed, "Let's go."

"Did Sato-kun and Miss Kaoru grow up together?" After turning the path, Nishida spoke again, and Buntaro nodded.

"My childhood sweetheart." Nishida sighed. "Can you tell me about her?"


"Interested." He nodded with a smile, "Anyway, she's a pretty girl."

"Actually, there's not much to say. She has a stronger personality since she was a child. Since the death of her wife, the head of the family didn't care much about her. She became cold, and then went to China. Some things happened. After returning... ...it became like this..."


"Mr. Xitian has also heard of it. It was her teacher who killed the man who killed Yushou Cangdi."

"Oh?" Nishida Naoya's eyes lit up, "That person now..."

"It's dead." Buntaro smiled, "Xun fell in love with that person, so after coming back, she has been reluctant to contact others. Even the marriage contract with Gao Tianyuan is just a symbol now. Such a The status, counting...it has been four years..."

Talking about Kaoru's matter with the other party, Buntaro lost his interest for a while, and soon after, the two parted ways at the intersection and went in different directions. All the way back to the small courtyard where he lived, he sat on the corridor, looking at the sky full of stars, with a slightly sad expression on his face.

Four years is enough time for a person to truly mature from youth, and it is also enough for a person to truly see the gap between obsession and reality. It is the first time to kill someone, and it is the first time to go to a well-guarded place to steal what he needs. Items, things are easier than imagined, this is the result of years of hard work, and there have been times of arrogance, but gradually it has settled down, and I can see the distance between myself and others more clearly. I remember that autumn four years ago, Kaoru came back to Tokyo from China accompanied by Tianyu. Since then, he has lived in that small courtyard with a near-reclusive attitude, and occasionally came out to sweep the floor and exercise, sometimes in the early morning Before dawn, someone would suddenly see her figure in the dense forest of the Yuechi family, and suddenly disappear again. Sometimes she would go to the periphery covered with monitors, and suddenly appear on a certain screen, often It will startle people, just like a ghost, and thus make up for the dead spots of several monitors.

In the first period of time, every morning, evening, and noon, she would go to the dining hall of Yuechi's house to eat. Sometimes in rainy or snowy weather, if she was lucky, she would see the girl quietly when she passed by the small courtyard. Buntaro once saw the scene of sitting in the corridor of the room. When the heavy rain fell, she sat by the corridor and ate the rice ball in her hand, chewing slowly, perfectly blending with the surrounding environment. However, the scene of eating with an attitude of being extremely careful and not wasting every grain of rice, gives people the feeling that it is not so much enjoying lunch as an act of maintaining one's life as much as possible by means of eating. That's all.

Although it is weird, almost everyone has more or less such a perception, such a beautiful and almost perfect girl, every movement has a kind and pleasing beauty, and it blends with the whole world One body, but every movement of her has been restored to its original meaning. Every grain of rice and every dish that enters the mouth is only for the purpose of being decomposed and absorbed to maintain the continuous operation of this body. In this sense, she has almost become a pure animal, although she can make people feel extremely graceful in every gesture.

She stopped talking. Without talking to anyone, the meals were delivered to the small courtyard. The time to go out has also become less, only occasionally. There are also appearances, sitting on the porch, cleaning in the yard, standing in the woods, and looking at the unknown scenery on the top of the mountain. Just like paper, there were some words at first, and then the words gradually faded, turning into pure white paper. Then even the white paper itself will fade away, becoming more and more transparent, and even the concept of transparency is gradually disappearing. It seemed that when she occasionally appeared in the yard to clean the fallen leaves, the people around her disappeared one by one, and finally the whole world became quiet, and even she would die. .

Gradually, she gave people such a feeling.

As the fiancé, Tian Yuzheng has been here several times. Gradually, I became a little helpless, and I was probably powerless. Two years ago, he probably learned about what happened in China. He got drunk that night and rushed into that small courtyard. A lot was said in front of the silent girl. Then Jijiu strengthened his courage and stretched out his hand to hug her. At that time, the girl waved her hand. Turned off the nearby desk lamp.

The first thought that flashed through my mind was that Kaoru was shy, but his training instincts over the years saved him. The next moment, he was blown out, and the wall of the house was smashed open. In the darkness, a girl's spirit and energy are condensed. A full blow is like the sea under the night. The first moment is calm, and the next moment is a tsunami-like murderous aura. It will explode directly in the chest cavity, I am afraid it is really dead.

That night under the moonlight, when he collapsed in the small courtyard and watched the girl push open the door, put on her shoes, and walk towards him like a quiet god of death, the silver light that fell on the girl clearly told him , The distance between them has really become a gap that cannot be narrowed.

childhood sweetheart...

Thinking about these things, he stood up from the corridor and walked into the simply furnished room. After a while, he pulled out a small old iron box and took out an old yellowed photo from it. Under the dim light of the stars, there are many children in the photo. Because the scene is too big, each of them looks too small, as small as the place washed by time in memory. In one corner, he could find the girl who was not only beautiful but also had a slight smile. The photo was blurred, but he could clearly know that the little girl was indeed smiling.

He has received ninja training since he was a child, and it has always been very boring. There are not many opportunities to take pictures. This is the only photo he has of Kaoru.

The distance between him and Kaoru, he thought, was indeed not so great at one time. When everyone was young, before Kaoru’s mother died, or before Kaoru went to China, the distance between them was not too far. At that time, Kaoru worshiped him and envied him, and he always enjoyed this kind of gaze. eyes, occasionally want to help each other, but always give up because of poor results. Kaoru is an untalented little girl, he thought at the time.

Now that I think about it, I might not have liked Kaoru at that time, but I was too proud of myself as a child. If I could have less enjoyment of that gaze at that time, it would have really helped Kaoru, if I could have clearly faced this Once you have a good impression, everything will be different now. Life is like this, it keeps imprinting immutable imprints on you, imprinted and missed, no matter how close the distance between us was at that time, there will never be a chance to make up in the future...

"Sato, Sato..." In the darkness, someone called out on the road outside. After thinking for a while, he put the photo in his hand back into the iron box, calmed down, and walked out of the room. To leave: "Yeah, why didn't you turn on the light, I thought you didn't come back."

"Just arrived."

"Everyone is waiting for you, tell us about this operation, haha..." The man whispered, "We have prepared a few bottles of good wine..."

After training since he was a child, Buntaro has a good relationship with these people. He walked towards the appointment place with his shoulders crossed, and heard the person next to him talk about the trivial things in the recent period: "Qing Ye and the others can't come here. It's very busy outside. I heard that Ike Sakura Weaving's stocks have had some problems recently, and they haven't come back at this time today..."

Walking along the way, he passed the small courtyard where Xun lived. Like the time he passed by before, the inside was dark and there were no lights on. Probably Xun had already fallen asleep. Thinking about this, he was slightly distracted. The person next to him looked at his expression: "Don't you know about Xun?"


"Really don't know? I thought you could know something at your level. Kaoru went out yesterday."

"What did you say!"

Buntaro raised his voice, and the person repeated: "Going out, I heard that she went to Tokyo, it's been four years, this is the first time she left here, I don't know what happened, I really want to see See... How about it? Let's go over together tomorrow and look for her?"

Okay, I admit that I went to World of Warcraft to read it, I am guilty, I repent...


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