Hidden Assassin

Volume Eight: The Door to the Past Chapter 459: Compatibility

It was nearly 6:40 when we left Yahan Villa. The rain gradually stopped, and the sky at dusk turned brighter. The western sky had a touch of sunset red, and the street lights were turned on. The surrounding roads and lawns were full of rain. Traces of stagnant water.

"Still living in the old small building?" Yahan asked softly after sending Jiaming out. Jiaming nodded.

"In a few days... I'll see Lingjing and Shasha again. I really don't know what to do about this matter." Yahan thought, shaking her head.

"My fault." Jia Ming said.

"Have you thought about how to solve it?"

Jiaming laughed: "Do you live together?"

"It's too difficult..." Yahan took his hand and laughed, "If you were a billionaire, I wouldn't have to think about other things, and I would be willing to be raised by you, but now..." She lowered her head Head, silent for a moment: "I just want to let you know, I really don't want to embarrass you, at least now... Knowing that you are still alive, and I have Taotao again, I am already very satisfied, and I have no regrets being with you, but From the very beginning, I was sorry for Lingjing and Shasha, at that time, if I hadn't insisted, you wouldn't have slept with me..."

When she said this, she looked at Jia Ming with tears in her eyes: "I shouldn't say such things, but... I know these things are the most troublesome, and they will upset you in the future, but you are a man, Take it easy..."

Jiaming nodded, and she let go of Jiaming's hand: "I can't send you off anymore, Taotao is still sleeping, and when I wake up, I will be scared if I don't see me... goodbye..."

"Goodbye." Standing under the street lamp, Jia Ming waved his hand and watched her go back. It wasn't until she walked into the gate of the villa that she turned around and left.

Go down the road to the square in front of Sacred Heart College, and then walk to another road. After the heavy rain, the lights of the street lights are clear and clear. When turning to the corner of the road on the other side, the lights of every house have been turned on, there are few pedestrians on the road, and a few men and women are sitting and chatting at the entrance of a small shop in the distance. When Jiaming approached, one of the girls stood up and waved Waving, it was Lingjing.

"I met Aunt Chen when I came back. Remember?"

"Is Jiaming back too?"

"Hi Aunt Chen, Uncle Zhang, long time no see."

It was already seven years ago that Jiaming, Lingjing, and Shasha lived here for the first time. During the three years of high school, the surrounding neighbors were more or less familiar. Aunt Chen, who runs a small shop, naturally I still remember them, Jiaming's memory has always been vivid. At this time, I greeted the people next to me one by one, and after talking nonsense about the recent situation in the past four years, I asked Lingjing: "Where is Rusha?"

"I haven't come back yet. I'll come down to buy some things and chat with my auntie and the others." Lingjing finished with a smile and turned to the others, "Then we're going back first, we haven't eaten yet, Aunt Chen. Let's talk another day, Zhang Goodbye, Uncle." He left holding hands naturally, and vaguely heard a few people behind him saying: "The relationship is still as good as before." Lingjing couldn't help laughing, and whispered: "Shusha came back at noon, and I will call later. Call me. I went out again. She said she was sorting out some things left by Uncle Liu before, and she will be back later today." Her tone was calm and indifferent. When he said this, an imperceptible blush just flashed across his face.

"Go back to see Ye Papa and Ye Mama today?"

"Yeah." Ling Jing nodded. "Seeing my appearance and hearing that I'm going to live here, it's very strange. I guess you won't be able to hide your affairs for a few days. What will you do then?"

The two of them went home together, and Lingjing waited for him after cooking the food. At this time, it can be served as soon as it is slightly hot. There are not many things, mapo tofu, chili fried pork, seaweed and egg flower soup, which have not been seen for a long time Home-cooked dishes: "I haven't made it for a long time, I don't know if the taste is good, don't laugh at me."

"In Vienna..." Jia Ming hesitated, "Didn't you fire?"

"Live alone, it's too troublesome to cook by myself, I have to go to the cafeteria, or order takeaway." Lingjing thought for a while, "After all, except for yesterday, I haven't touched a spatula in four years."

"How's Vienna?"

Sitting at the table and starting to eat, the two were also chatting about the past four years, Lingjing put the seaweed soup into the bowl with a spoon: "The music atmosphere is very good, the environment is good, but... the family is friendly, and I haven't gotten used to it. Over there, it's too cold in winter, but I survived anyway..." She smiled, "I've been thinking about coming back and scolding you."

"You still think about it now?" Jia Ming pursed his lips, "Look at how pitiful I am, stop scolding me."

"Well, stop cursing." Ling Jing looked at him with a smile in her eyes, "Is it really selling sugar-fried chestnuts this year?"


"I was wondering if you fried well or not."

"It should be... not bad, business has been good."

"Then we will open a shop selling sugar-fried chestnuts in the future?" Ling Jing smiled.

Jia Ming nodded: "Alright."

"I don't want it anymore...Don't let me say that, you decide what you like, and then you choose what to do." Lingjing thought about it, then blushed, shrugged, "I don't have to be the proprietress of a candied chestnut shop. "

People who are getting old in age and mentality will put their happiness on the memory of the past, teenagers who pursue excitement will put their happiness on the enjoyment of the present, and those who like to be down-to-earth will put their happiness on the description of the future , Lingjing undoubtedly belongs to the latter. After entering high school, she fantasized about the future life of the three of them and spared no effort to build everything imagined. At this time, she also began to habitually imagine the tomorrow of the three of them. Although I still feel apprehensive and have greater fear because of the previous separation, there is no doubt that the real future begins here.

They had dinner and cleaned up the dishes. While Jiaming was washing the dishes, Lingjing went to take a shower, followed by Jiaming, and when Jiaming came out of the bathroom, it was only after eight o'clock. A soap opera that none of them had ever watched was playing on TV. Ling Jing, who was wearing a long white shirt, got off the sofa and quietly walked up to him. Her slender legs, which were naked in the air, were as white as ivory. She pressed her hands On Jiaming's chest. His body was hot and trembling slightly, then he raised his head and stared at him with a more beautiful and pure face than four years ago.

Years are like knives, and in four years, the misunderstandings and heartaches brought them double thoughts, but after the initial excitement passed. Time still quietly cut gaps around them. These gaps are invisible and intangible, but they inevitably make them feel trembling. To overcome these emotions, there are certain things that cannot be doubted. is the best means. .

She looked at him and said softly, "I want to go to bed."

"Me too……"

He picked her up. Walking towards the bedroom, the TV was turned off, and the lights were also turned off. There were faint sounds of people and cars from the road outside. In the night sky after the rain, the stars cast a clearer silver glow. Jia Ming unbuttoned her shirt, took off her white underpants, kissed her lips lightly, and then. There was a somewhat jerky reaction.

Under the starlight, they gradually, gradually, fit together...

At the same time, it is still daylight in Europe.

Rome, Italy's capital, with clear skies. Cloudless. This is the most suitable weather for tourists to travel on the streets of the city. Tourists from all over the world are indeed everywhere. On the road outside a restaurant, a couple or oriental men and women dressed as newlyweds are eating lunch at a table facing the street. The woman put a tourist map in her hand, and while eating the pizza in her hand, she was planning the researcher's afternoon itinerary, while the man didn't care about it, and looked at the pedestrians passing by the roadside and the surrounding buildings with great interest, while dealing with it. He started to eat the food in his hands, and after a while, he felt something. He took out a laptop computer from the travel bag beside him and opened it on the table, browsing the protruding mail, his expression changed slightly.

"What's the matter? What's the matter?" Sensitively aware of the change in the expression of the boyfriend opposite, the woman asked, speaking in Japanese.

"Well, it's a big deal."

"So, our trip might be in vain?" The woman's expression became a little resentful.

"That's not going to happen." The man paused, and read the information again, "The news from China says that a few undead have hit a wall after making a mess in the river and sea, and there are very powerful people. Although the Yanhuang Awakening side The news has been blocked for the time being, but according to the reports from the intelligence personnel we arranged in Jianghai, it is very likely that... the only student Gu Jiaming, whom you have always admired, has returned."

"Uh...how is it possible." The woman named Wei was stunned, "Didn't it mean that he died?"

"The news said that a few years ago, but his body was not found, who knows." The man turned off the computer and smiled casually, "He is a man who can perform miracles. If he really comes back, I'm not surprised either."

The woman thought about it, and after a long time, she said: "If it's true, Kaoru should be the happiest, and then she should be able to get out of this state... To be honest, all along, I'm really worried about the child's condition..."

"It's not a child anymore... Although when I went to see her this year, it still hasn't changed much, but it's getting clearer..." The man recalled, chewing the food in his mouth, shaking his head, "I'm very worried, she It is becoming more and more obvious that she is rejecting the world. This state has also been seen on several friends before, and they all committed suicide in the end without exception... If the news is true, it should also help her..."

"Call back?"

"Not yet confirmed, what should I say? In a few days, I hope it will be good news, and then I will tell her personally..." The man smiled, then frowned, "But now, it is best to settle our own affairs first. important……"


"A few people... are eyeing us..." He stood up, took out the money and put it on the table, and then showed a warm smile, "Ready to go, let's see who they are... Sorry, I owe you once A perfect trip." "Just remember it." The woman smiled, and magnanimously took her boyfriend's arm, and the other hand was swinging the beautiful little bag, and after a while, the two were like every normal couple. Generally, disappearing into the lively crowd on the streets of Rome...


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