Hidden Assassin

Volume 8: The Door to the Past, Section 463: Facing

About the Xinhe gang, I had already asked Xiaomeng that night, only to find out that it was a misunderstanding caused by those people's over-stressing.

"...Going back again? How is it possible? I have seen higher things, so I can no longer be interested in these things. I have seen some brothers from the past these days. After all, I want to come back, and I still have to say hello, probably because This matter... the Xinhe Gang is now very powerful in Jianghai. After the Shazhu Gang fell suddenly four years ago, the higher-ups wanted to support another gang to fill the vacuum. ..."

Natalie and others from Dark Tianqin came to Jianghai a few days ago. After all, they are not traveling. Now that the matter is settled, they have to go back this morning. The small banquet held at the hotel in the evening is their farewell before they leave. Lingjing and Shasha all came over, and when talking about the Xinhe Gang, Xiaomeng explained to Jiaming.

"...It was only four years, and there was more than a year of chaos in the middle. They themselves were not stable, they rose too fast, and they did a lot of messy things. Although they have great influence now, they are not stable internally. Compared with The Shazhu Gang in the past, even when Shasha was in charge, was much worse. Many people in the Shazhu Gang were won over by him. Now that I am back, some people say they want to come and make a comeback with me. I They basically rejected them, but it seems that there are still many people who are not reconciled. Of course, Chen Guiwen will be afraid. I have already decided to open a security company. Heh, some brothers also plan to wash their hands and follow the right path with me. In this regard, I intend to let them take the opportunity to come out. The security company I run, they also have this background, I will talk to Chen Guiwen later, if he really bites people... Heh, I may not be afraid of him..."

The truth is naturally so, in fact. Now that Yanhuang Awakening attaches great importance to Jiaming, he has a relationship with Jiaming, and he came back from the dark Tianqin. Under the current situation, he doesn't need to worry too much, even if the other party is really a powerful person, his little Meng also came all the way through ups and downs, so this risk will not be taken too seriously. I heard Xiaomeng talking about the security company. Jiaming smiled.

"Washing your hands is the right way, and you have a solid foundation. It sounds quite suitable for me."

"Not really?"

"It can't be helped, it can't be done." Jiaming shook his head and looked into the room. In the corner of the hall, Shasha was chatting with Natalie, with a flattered look on his face, and Lingjing was playing the piano for everyone on the other side. There was a lot of activity in front of the buffet table. Some people fought with knives and forks, and some danced directly in the crowd. Due to the presence of outsiders and Natalie's support, these people have restrained a lot, but in Jia Ming's eyes, the lively atmosphere still has an irrepressible aura of iron and blood. Among the jokes of these people, casually is enough The action of taking human life seems to be the familiar atmosphere many years ago. He smiled: "In the future, I haven't decided whether to be a surgeon or open a sugar-fried chestnut shop. In terms of security, I still don't care. Maybe Lingjing will become a big star in the future, and I can also be her manager."

"The most important thing is that Lingjing and Shasha will definitely not agree."

"That's right. That's basically it." Jia Ming smiled and clinked glasses with Xiao Meng with the juice in his hand.

"I envy the three of you."

"Brother Meng, you can also look for it. There are so many girls who adore you, and Ling Jing will go crazy when she mentions you: Brother Xiao Meng is so handsome... Believe it or not, I can't find it."

"It's not that simple... It wasn't the time before, but now I missed it..."

Xiaomeng is still called Xiaomeng. His handsome baby face makes him look young, but in fact he is already in his thirties or forties. There are not many people in this world that Jiaming cares about. Relatives As for friends, Papa Ye and Mama Ye can be regarded as their biological parents. There used to be Liu Zheng, and now it is Xiaomeng. There is no need to mention the kindness of being with Shasha in the dark Tianqin for four years. The two chatted for a while, Xiaomeng After Meng left, Natalie said a few words to Shasha, and then came over here, chatted about a few words, and talked about the business between the two.

"Victoria should have returned to Europe with her people. According to our information, Yushou seems to have been staying in Sweden. There are several Peroga bases there. I don't know what he is going to do. The power of these vampires It’s too strong, if another conflict breaks out, I need your help.”

There will inevitably be conflicts, Jia Ming nodded: "After you notify me, I will rush there as quickly as possible."


"It should be fine."

Having said that, Natalie smiled: "There is one more thing. The situation in Japan is a bit strange. We think that Mimori has been quiet for four years. It is possible that he started to ask Yuechi for this opportunity. Jia and Gao Tianyuan have made a move. In the past few days, the stock of Chi Ying Weaving seems to have some strange fluctuations, which may be a precursor to the move, but we are only guessing..."

After saying this, Natalie really asked about Jia Ming's things in the past four years, and she probably understood, she frowned slightly: "Three years ago, there was a period of time when I was not very emotional, probably because I knew that you had disappeared completely." For a while, I was thinking, maybe something really happened between us, because this feeling comes from your attitude towards me."

"That's not true." Jia Ming shook his head, "At least for you."

"I'm interested to know how much you know about me." Natalie said, smiling gracefully and charmingly, and waved her right hand, the air on the balcony vibrated, reflecting the light, separating the two spaces, She put her left hand on Jiaming's shoulder, and pressed her lips to Jiaming's mouth.

The kiss lasted about three seconds. When Natalie separated from him, she took two steps back, her breathing gradually calmed down, her eyes were quiet, as if recalling the feeling just now, and then she smiled: "That's it." Turned around to leave, took two steps and then turned back, looking at Jia Ming: "By the way, Kelly will miss you very much, I told her about this on the phone, but it can be seen that she doesn't want to be like this Contact you. So... When you arrive in Europe..." She was as charming as a fox gloating at other people's misfortune, stretched out her green index finger, and drew circles on Jiaming's chest provocatively, "You are dead ...Mr. Gu Jiaming."

Looking at her back when she left again, Jia Ming smiled and sighed softly. A lot of things have happened between them. There were so many mistakes. Now that I think about it, I can't help but feel sad. In any case, no one will become the second Gu Jiaming. This may be the most fortunate thing.

What were those words that Natalie had said when she finally fell in his arms, all those years ago? He thought about it again, and he could clearly recall many trivial things in the past when necessary. Only this passage, no matter what, I can no longer recall it.


With a low murmur, he calmed down and walked over to Shasha who was chatting with a few people over there.

The party was not long, and it ended around ten o'clock in the evening. I thanked the members of the Dark Tianqin who were very interested in Jiaming. Of course, I also chatted with them about some interesting things in the life of a killer. The spirit is natural I also thank them for taking care of Sha Shadi in the past few years. These people are not ordinary people. Of course, it won't be too mother-in-law, and it will end in the end, saying goodbye. They went to the hotel where they lived now, while the three of Jiaming walked in the cool night wind, the street lamps cast a refreshing white light, and cars drove past on the road.

"Miss Natalie is also easy to get along with." Shasha sighed.

"Didn't you deal with them in the dark Tianqin?"

"I talked to that Miss Kelly a few times, but not too many." Shasha shook her head, "They are all very powerful people, and I always feel nervous in front of them. By the way. I heard that Miss Natalie and That Miss Kelly is a pair of lovers... Jiaming, can't it be true?"

I could hear Rusha whispering gossip. Jia Ming laughed: "Of course it is true, just as true as you and Ling Jing."

"Go to hell."

"Is that true... I just want to know..."

Night breeze. Jiaming walked in front, and Lingjing and Shasha walked behind together. The topic of Lily continued, but it talked about the morning when Jiaming saw Lingjing and Shasha naked on the bed for the first time many years ago: "Say When I came back, I never asked, what were you guys doing that morning?"

Lingjing and Shasha chased him and beat him: "Why do you still remember this after all these years!"

"Men remember dirty things!"

"But it's not me who did the lewd things..."

After all, it’s an old story, and it’s interesting to think about it now. After persisting for a while, Ling Jing smiled and told the reason behind the incident. Thinking of the age when they didn’t even know the hymen, the three of them were nostalgic, laughing on the road stand up. \\\\\\\\\\\\ Just talking and laughing, there was a bang on the street illuminated by the street lights ahead, and then someone screamed, and the pedestrians on the side of the road surrounded them in chaos, as if someone had been hit by a car.

The three of them walked over there, and voices came from the crowd: "Quickly call the police" and "Call 120", there were faint groans of the injured, and there were blood spots on the road, just as they were approaching, suddenly a woman The voice came out: "Get out of the way, everyone! I am a doctor! Get out of the way, everyone..."

Lingjing was startled, and subconsciously grabbed the hands of the two: "It's Mom, why did she come here..."

It really was Duan Jingxian's voice. Even though they had been away for four years, Jiaming and Shasha could hear it clearly. The three of them leaned towards the corner of the street, and saw a man whose thigh should have been broken on the road. Lying there bleeding profusely, Duan Jingxian in casual clothes knelt beside him to give him emergency treatment, while checking the injury, she asked the injured some questions in a low voice.

Although there was a cool night breeze on the road, it was summer. At this point in time, the heat had not yet subsided. The man was seriously injured. Duan Jingxian focused on her face. In just a moment, beads of sweat covered her face, and then shouted to the surroundings. She said: "Belt, lend me someone's belt." The injured man's thigh was bleeding, and she wanted to temporarily stop the bleeding but couldn't find materials. After finishing speaking, a figure came over, but tore off a piece of white cloth directly from the shirt. When Duan Jingxian reached out to pick it up, the person squatted down and began to bandage the wounded to stop the bleeding.

Looking at that person, Duan Jingxian froze there. After a few seconds, she took a deep breath, lowered her head and continued the steps of first aid...

The next chapter should be called the Trial Trial...

There are some things I want to say, but I always forget, this time I will finish it all at once.

The first is to push books. I have read a few books recently and I have always wanted to push them. The first one is "Rebirth of the Official Way". In fact, I don't need to recommend the results of this book. However, as a reader, I like it very much, so I still have to say that it has a lot of words, very yy, smooth, and very cool. The author It is also very true to the officialdom - don't argue with me whether it is true or not, there are many plots at your fingertips, I believe many readers can feel this.

The second book is "Fu Tang". The beginning of this book is not perfect, at least I think so, but after the protagonist starts to get out of the predicament in the middle and early stages, the interaction with Shangguan Wan'er, Princess Taiping, etc., makes the story more interesting. I like it very much. I basically read romance novels when I read books. Hehe, in terms of descriptions in these aspects, I think it is comparable to Tianbao by Shui Yezi. It has a lot of words. It has been stopped for more than a month.

The third book "Rebirth of an Economic Powerhouse", there are two little lolitas in it, the writing is good, the protagonist should be able to eat them all--of course, the author seems to be ambiguous, not as straightforward as me, I guess The harmonious three-person relationship will last for a while, um, I have to praise myself in this respect, how straightforward it is! The author's writing made me feel very warm in terms of warmth.

The fourth book is "Eavesdropping on Life", urban, complete. To be honest, promoting this book makes me feel a little complicated. I am afraid that some people will say that I am poisoned, so I will list the advantages and disadvantages here first. The whole book is in a cool Y style, but the author has a very fatal point , those who have watched it will probably feel very strongly: he likes to add a piece of "history" to the female character. How should I put it, that is to say, the female characters who appeared in the early stage who were ambiguous with the protagonist used to like others, and they still liked them very much. For YY Wen, this kind of habit is fatal at the beginning----Okay, I It may be serious, but in fact, I don’t feel so unhappy. They are all virgins. In the end, they all fell in love with the protagonist. The most important thing is that there will be a very cute young lady in the mid-term. This has no "history" Yes, I like the protagonist from the beginning to the end, I like it very much, just like Han Shuwen in "The World Is So Big". I never read connotation texts on the Internet. I am basically a novice who likes YY, so I think that since this book can make me read it well, it must also make most people enjoy it. Well, the book You can try it in your spare time.

In the book review area, I put a small d’s book request post on the top. It’s more than 300 floors now. I basically go here to find books to read. , You can also come here to summarize.

In addition, regarding the QQ group, there is also a top QQ group post in the book review section. I recently discovered that everyone has a habit of joining the QQ group, that is, most people want to join the "Evil Club", okay, show off, The name of this group was chosen by me^^... But in this way, this group will be full, um, you can consider other groups.

That's about it, oh, and one more thing. I don't know if the book review area has stabilized, because some posts were lost some time ago, but it seems that they have disappeared recently. Two days ago, someone posted two posts in a row, the first one was asking a question, and the second one was not only asking a question, but also swearing: "Who will delete me and post my grass mud horse again". I basically don’t delete posts, even if there are some cursing posts, I still keep them and use them to flog the corpse. At that time, I was very puzzled why I scolded like this. Later, I realized that he thought his post was deleted, and aimed at me. The problem is that the previous post is very conspicuously hung there, I have never touched it at all, so I hope that in the future, those who feel that their posts have been deleted will now take a closer look in the book review area, and you still target insulting words like this My family, I can only insult you by deleting posts. I deleted both posts without saying anything.

That's it, crap doesn't count towards the word count.


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