Hidden Assassin

Volume 8 Door of the Past Chapter 464 Family Gate

Meeting Ye's father and Ye's mother under such circumstances is something that Jiaming, Lingjing, and Shasha have never thought about before. It might look even more awkward. Anyway, stretching his head and shrinking his head was a knife, and with the emotions he had felt a few days ago but didn't think about it, Jia Ming walked out naturally.

The night was dark, amidst the unique whistle of the ambulance, the light of the street lamp quickly passed through the window, and flowed towards the back of the street and the field of vision. In the carriage, nurses and doctors were skillfully connecting various instrument lines to the full Duan Jingxian in casual clothes was also helping the wounded man covered in blood. A little further back in the carriage, Jiaming, Lingjing, and Shasha sat on both sides of the car, and they exchanged eye contact with each other, with subtle and strange expressions. The two women sat next to each other, holding hands, and occasionally whispered to each other as the vehicle drove. Lingjing secretly looked at the mother in front of her, and Shasha lowered her head in shame.

"what to do……"

"Dead..." Ling Jing bared her teeth and muttered softly.

The emergency rescue work had already been done before the ambulance arrived. At this time, there was not much work to be done on the injured person. Two doctors and a nurse quickly completed the work , although they did not belong to the same hospital, Duan Jingxian and the doctor obviously knew each other, so they chatted in a low voice with their hands empty.

"Fortunately, Director Duan, you happened to be there. Otherwise, I'm afraid we won't be able to save him... The injury is really serious. Where's the driver who caused the accident..."

"The driver ran away, but I saw the license plate. Let's talk about it when the police arrive..." Duan Jingxian frowned, "It's obviously speeding, probably drunk driving again."

"It's better not to take care of this kind of thing."

"Just to say, there were a lot of people who witnessed it at the time, so it's okay."

"Heh, the three of them..." The doctor smiled and gestured to the back, Duan Jingxian was sitting beside Jia Ming. Looking at him with his head tilted, then sighed: "My child."

The doctor was stunned: "All of them?"

"Almost." She stretched out her hand to the top of Jiaming's head, stroked the long hair that was a little disheveled by the night wind, and brushed the hair away from her forehead. After a while, Fang Cai put down his hands and glanced at the two women on the other side, "None of them are worry-free..."

"I haven't heard that Director Duan has three children before, but I heard that you have a daughter who went to Vienna for further studies..."

"Hey. That's it." Duan Jingxian raised her chin unkindly to Lingjing who was opposite her, and then began to introduce to both parties: "Doctor Qin, Lingjing, Huaisha, Jiaming, you three. Your name is Aunt Qin."

"Hello, Aunt Qin."

The three of them are currently only twenty-two or three years old. Although they have reached the age of entering society, on the outside, the boundary between youth and youth is indeed a bit blurred. Clever. After the two parties greeted each other, Ling Jing saw that her mother seemed to have a bad expression. He said timidly, "Mom..."

The words are not finished. Duan Jingxian glanced at her: "You'll have to suffer when you go back!" Lingjing didn't dare to speak anymore.

It's not a good time to reminisce about the past when there are outsiders around. Duan Jingxian held Jiaming's hand in her own and looked at him. After asking: "Does your head hurt anymore?" Jiaming nodded and said, "It's all right." Then he looked at the opposite of Shasha, and said, "Shasha has also lost a lot of weight..." Shasha just smiled quietly. It's just that he doesn't have a good look at his biological daughter. Then Doctor Qin was probably on night shift and was bored. At this time, he was chatting with Duan Jingxian. When she asked about Vienna, Lingjing could reply a few words in embarrassment. She also talked about seeing Jiaming when the ambulance arrived. Duan Jingxian smiled and nodded, seeing Jia Ming's complicated smile, Jia Ming could only keep a harmless smile.

About ten minutes later, the ambulance arrived at the destination, and the hospital, which was originally quiet in the night, became noisy for a short time. Since Duan Jingxian was not working in the hospital, she would naturally not be in charge of the next operation. During the communication time, Jia Ming and the other three could only sit on the bench in the corridor outside the emergency room and whisper a few words.


"What should I do when I go back and meet Papa Ye?"

"Don't say anything, bow your head and be criticized..." "Mama Ye didn't scold us just now, so she was happy to see us back?"

"Looking at me, she looked like she was going to beat me up on the spot. It wasn't like this the few days I just came back from Vienna... Now her anger is all on me... Jiaming, it's all your fault... ..."

"It is estimated that they will be kicked out..."

"Still making sarcastic remarks..."

Lingjing twisted Jiaming's arm hard, Jiaming gestured to the side, and saw that the doctors had stopped talking in the corridor, and some of them were walking towards the operating room. Bow your head and sit down. At this time, several people who looked like family members of the patient ran around the corner. They first rushed to ask the doctor about the situation, and then saw Duan Jingxian and Jia Ming sitting here in ordinary summer clothes, and one of them came to ask, is it It wasn't their fault.

After a brief explanation and a testimony from the doctor on duty, the man apologized abruptly. Afterwards, two policemen also arrived, not only to understand the situation of the injured, but also to interrogate Duan Jingxian. , transcript, in the room about what happened, two policemen came out, the family members of the injured went to ask the perpetrator's information, Duan Jingxian walked towards this side frowning: "Okay, let's go home."

"Mom, did you really see the license plate?" Ling Jing leaned over and spoke.

"Of course I saw it..." Duan Jingxian said a license plate number, and then slapped her daughter on the back of the head, "It's nothing to do with you, I'll see you when I get home!" "Mom..." Lingjing suddenly frowned again. Then, as if they were looking for a backer, they held Rusha's hands. At this time, the two dared not show too much intimacy with Jia Ming, and walked out together behind Duan Jingxian, but Jia Ming who was further behind frowned slightly, Glancing towards the operating room, one of the policemen was asking for instructions with a serious expression. Even if they were far away, he could understand what they were talking about by reading their lips. .

It's a military card, someone who has something to do with it...

This thought only flashed in his mind, and then it was replaced by the distress in front of him. Following up with the three people in front, he reached out and rubbed his forehead.

My head seems to be hurting again...

I don't know if I can escape with this reason.

Alas...forget it...

It was already late at night, and the community was quiet and quiet, with street lamps scattered on both sides of the road like silent guards. Between each floor, there are soft lights in the family that has not yet rested, and it looks patchwork in this quiet atmosphere. Only when you are close to the ground, you can still faintly hear the dialogue of the TV. The lights of the taxi passed through the streets of the district in this way. Then slowly stop. Not far away, there are still lights seeping out of the small martial arts hall, and the surrounding area is full of familiar scenery. \\\\\\\\\\\\

The fare was paid by Duan Jingxian, and Jia Ming, who was in the passenger seat, had only been back for three or four days. He didn't have any wallet, ID card or other things on him. When he walked out of the car door, he took a deep breath and looked around, feeling a little nostalgic. Rusha felt the same emotion more or less, only Lingjing lowered his head. Mama Ye gave them a push. When the taxi drives away. She knocked on the door: "Ye Han!"

The light flashed across the eyes of several people, and the door opened: "I just came back at this time. I thought you would be earlier, I..."

The voice stopped abruptly in the light. The figure stood at the door, his eyes turned around the several people, after a while, Jia Ming smiled: "Father Ye, I'm back..." Shasha also scratched her hair in embarrassment: "Father Ye... ..." Duan Jingxian patted her husband's shoulder wearily: "There was a car accident...go in first, no matter what, just come back..."

This sentence just woke up Ye Han. Hearing the car accident, he first looked at the four people, then nodded, and turned sideways: "Oh... just come back, just come back..." When they walked in, he He touched Rusha's head as before, and then patted Jiaming on the shoulder

The door is closed.

Due to the relationship between occupation and position, Duan Jingxian often works overtime or evening shifts in the hospital. Whenever this happens, Ye Han will always prepare a midnight snack for his wife at home. Today is no exception. Cook it in the evening A pot of porridge, a salted egg, and a plate of mustard. At this time, the porridge was divided into four bowls and placed in front of everyone. The TV series was playing. After a while, Ye Han came out of the kitchen, holding a small plate of mustard greens and a white porcelain bowl in his hand. The jar is on the table, and there is granulated sugar in the jar.

"Shasha used to like to add sugar.\\\\\\\\\\\\" Pushing the jar in front of Shasha, Shasha nodded quickly: "Oh."

Five people sat at the dining table, each with their own thoughts, Shasha added sugar to his own bowl, and slowly stirred it with a spoon, while Duan Jingxian was drinking water, and seemed not in the mood for porridge, Lingjing and Jiaming couldn't drink it either, After a long time, it was Ye Han who spoke: "Jiaming's headache... is it alright?"

"It doesn't hurt anymore." Jia Ming nodded with a smile, "It's fine." Things like acting skills are useless here.

"That's good, when will you be home?"

"Four days ago."

"The day Lingjing went to the concert?"

"Yeah." Jia Ming nodded, "Sand Sha also..."

"We felt that there was something wrong with Lingjing that day." Ye Han smiled, "I haven't been home for a few days, and I'm very cheerful, I probably thought about it... just come back, just come back... ..."

It is still the same sentence, Ye Han looks fierce, but his personality has always been peaceful and refined. He asked Jiaming a few words, and asked about Shasha's situation in the past few years. They said that they had been in Europe for the past few years, fabricated the lives of ordinary people, and talked about the scenery of Venice. After a while, the atmosphere became warmer.

Probably put down the mood of just entering the door, the four of them drank the porridge, Duan Jingxian packed the dishes and went into the kitchen, Lingjing and Shasha rushed over to help. After washing the dishes, Duan Jingxian said: "I'll go clean up the attic, Jia Ming lives there today." Jia Ming nodded, Ling Jing was the only one who went up to help this time.

Four years have passed, and Ye Han is only in his forties at this time. He has been exercising for a long time, and he used to look young and energetic, but now he looks a little old. Over the past four years, what happened suddenly to Jiaming and Shasha, the only daughter refused to come back in Vienna, and he just understands the pain of his daughter. Most likely will not feel good. Chatting with Jiaming and Shasha in the living room for a while, he was obviously happy about their return. It's just that as for the triangular relationship between Jiaming, Lingjing, and Shasha, no matter who it is at this time, they naturally keep silent.

That evening. They lived in the martial arts hall like many years ago. The two girls slept in the quiet bedroom, and Jia Ming lived in the small attic. When the stars shine. It is somewhat difficult to fall asleep...

On the other hand, the other side of the sea.

The night in Tokyo is an hour earlier than the night in Jianghai, so when Jianghai is late at night, Tokyo has already fallen into a deeper night.

People with normal work and rest schedules have probably fallen asleep at this time, but in the bustling area of ​​this huge city, the city still maintains great vitality and is running. Speeding vehicles. Charming lights, runaway neon lights. People on the street are either decadent, idle, or venting their remaining energy in an almost ostentatious way, because it is natural to have energy during the day. Nighttime becomes a better time to express vitality than daytime.

On the streets of Shinjuku, the crowds are bustling, and the lights illuminate this street market, blooming a more brilliant look than in the daytime. Various shopping malls, clubs, game halls, and beverage shops are open, and the surrounding characteristic commercial streets and overpasses are bustling with crowds. Most of the people who are still wandering around during this time period are in groups. However, the focus of our vision is the roof of a house located at the corner of the road. The huge signboard just blocks the surrounding lights. What I saw was an open cello case supported by a tripod. The camera with a long lens barrel was aimed at the bustling pedestrians below. The lens wandered erratically and the shutter was pressed from time to time.

Standing behind the camera is an ordinary-looking girl from Tokyo, wearing a simple summer dress and a light black sun hat. From the outside, the jawbone is a bit high and the chin is a bit wide. In the tight lips and indifferent eyes, we can still vaguely see the shadow of the girl named "Yuechi Xun". In this darkness, she doesn't need to cover up too much. If she walks in the crowd, She might walk briskly, with a mean, vacant smile on her face, or stand in front of her favorite toy store looking at the dolls, then turn away dismissively. But in short, at this time, she didn't say a word, and her fingers skillfully adjusted the focus of the camera, allowing the lens to continuously swim among the crowd, and then she caught the target and pressed the button.

Ten minutes later, the camera finally stopped on a man on the side of the road, which was a dead-end area of ​​the nearby street surveillance cameras. The man was unattractive and looked like he was waiting for someone. Speaking of such a person, I am afraid that no one will pay much attention to him, but under such circumstances, more than ten photos have taken his appearance in silence.

A few minutes later, on the other side of the road, several small cars stopped in front of a club, and some men in suits came out protecting an old man in kimono. When it came out, the old man was a highly respected member of the Kiyokawa Congress in the Japanese Diet. Anyone who is familiar with the various power structures in Japan would probably know that this old man is one of the important backers of the Tsukichi family in Tokyo. In normal times, he should not appear in such a chaotic place, but today is a special case.

On the other side of the road, the man hung up the phone, mixed in the crowd and came towards this side, with the same expression as the various pedestrians around him. In front of the car, the bodyguards formed a human wall intentionally or unintentionally, to welcome the old man into the car. At the same time, pay attention to the surrounding situation. On the roof of the building at the corner, the camera followed the man in the crowd, pressed the shutter for the last time, and then the girl leaned down, and when she stood up again, the sniper shot shot across the crowd... …

Time flows quietly...


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