Hidden Assassin

Volume 8: The Door to the Past, Section 465, The Final Exam Questions

Among the crowd, the man continued to walk forward, looking at the surrounding shops absent-mindedly, and did not notice that a group of eyes flashed over from the floor behind him.

The people walking in front passed the vehicles, and there were fewer and fewer things blocking the line of sight. With a distance of fifteen meters, he naturally stretched his hand behind him.

On the top of the building, the sight that stopped at his back moved away, and in an instant, he moved to Senator Qingchuan, who was guarded by bodyguards in front of him. The girl's finger reached for the trigger. It freezes in an instant, like a still picture of a movie, but if you can see this picture, maybe everyone can feel that as long as it is running, the trigger will be pulled the next moment. But at this moment, in the vision of the road ahead, a person suddenly ran out with a smile.

Then came the second, and the third... They were a group of young people rushing out from a nearby shop, chasing and beating them. The bodyguards in front tensed up almost subconsciously. At the same time, one of the bodyguards seemed to be He noticed the man coming from the opposite side.

The man scratched his waist a few times, then reached up and scratched his ears, and walked away absently. In the distance between him and the bodyguard, the young people were still fighting with each other. The bodyguard relaxed his vigilance for a moment. During the meeting, the sight of the sniper rifle silently moved away, and Senator Qingchuan bent down and walked into the door of the car.

Probably very few people can understand what they missed at that moment, but the difference between life and death is sometimes so frivolous. Before people are aware of it, murderous intent rises quietly, and then because of an accidental incident, it gradually disappears. fade away. The parties were ignorant.

The man disappeared into the crowd, on the roof. The girl put down the gun and continued to press the shutter before everyone disappeared. Ten seconds later, she disassembled the camera, lens barrel, and tripod, and then even the sniper rifle and put it into the cello case.

Picking up the cello case, the girl walked into the door at the back, and after a while. Walking vigorously, an ordinary girl looking left and right appeared on the street below and gradually disappeared into the crowd.

A few minutes later, a taxi stopped in a seemingly remote street. When the door opened, a girl carrying a cello case was getting out of the car.

"It's so late. Be careful if you live near here."

While handing over the changed money to the other party, the enthusiastic driver uncle said this, the girl nodded and did not speak. She no longer has a sun visor on her head, and her long hair is down, which is very different from the girl who is looking around on the street. At least it looks quieter and purer, and she looks like a girl living in other places. College Students. There are mostly cheap rental houses around here, and it is true that the security is not good. When she walked into a nearby restaurant that was open at night. Three men who didn't look very serious were looking at her from the side.

"Looks good..."

"The hair is fine..."

"The cello is very temperamental..."

"I haven't seen it before. It seems to be a newcomer..."

Because it was summer, the three men were wearing colorful vests and shorts. Wearing wooden clogs on their feet, after some discussion, they whistled in this direction.

"Boss, a piece of pork chop rice, take it away." She spoke lightly in front of the counter, and a man leaned over: "Pork chop rice? Do you only want pork chop rice? The corn soup here is very good, boss, give me another She serves corn chowder, and I treat her."

After a while, the pork chop rice and corn soup were brought out. She picked up the pork chop rice and turned to leave. The boss inside smiled: "Don't you want thick soup? It's really good."

"no, thanks."

Walking out of the restaurant, she carried the cello case and pork chop rice, and walked in one direction, only to hear the sound of tumbling from behind, and the three-meter man followed behind with thick soup.

"Why are you walking so fast?"

"We are not bad people!"

"Just treating you to something to eat, which university are you from? I have friends from all universities in Tokyo."

"Haha, where do you live? New here?"

The words of the three people were chattering loudly in the night. It was late at night, and the alleys between many cheap rental houses became the prelude to many vicious security incidents. The girl was just a preliminary follow-up investigation in the past two days, and she didn't make too much makeup on her body shape. At this time, her hair was down, and she looked very attractive from behind. The three of them looked at each other and talked. , the voice is getting weaker, but the distance from the girl is getting closer. The residents in the vicinity are a mixed bag. If something messy happens, most likely no one will take care of it.

Tap, tap, tap... the only sound left in the alley was the sound of footsteps.

When a man put his hand on the girl's shoulder from behind, even the sound of footsteps stopped in an instant, and the girl stopped and turned her head slightly. The three of them didn't seem to be habitual offenders. They paused at this moment, as if they wanted to say something with a smile. The girl's left hand waved in the air.

"Clatter..." The sound continued continuously.

"Ah..." There seemed to be a terrified voice in the night. The man with his arm on the girl's shoulder stepped back two steps, tripped over something, and then fell to the ground with a bang. However, the few bamboos that were originally leaning against the corner of the wall seemed to have been slashed by a long knife, and they were cut into two pieces in an uproar. The incision was extremely sharp, and then they continued to fall to the ground.

"Let me see you again, and I'll kill you."

The girl opened her mouth lightly, turned around and continued walking. Not long after, the footsteps of three people fleeing for their lives came from behind.

A few minutes later, she returned to the nearby rented room. The room was not too small, but the bed, tables and chairs looked simple, and some homemade small electrical appliances were placed on the table. Even if someone saw it, they probably wouldn't understand these things For purposes, there are more than a dozen photos on the wall, maps of Tokyo's various districts, and not many signs. disorganized. She locked the door and put the pork chop rice down. Then he took out the camera from the violin case and went to the darkroom in the basement of the room.

The reason she introduced to the landlord was that she was a student who loves photography, and this darkroom was also the reason she rented here.

The process of developing photos is not slow, but it will not be fast either. Walking out of the darkroom, she selected ten of today's hundreds of photos and pasted them on the wall one by one. When she passed the mirror, she looked at herself. .

Taking off the disguise mask from her face, the beautiful oval face looked a little pale, she looked at it again, frowned and thought for a while before sitting down in front of the mirror. She had long hair many years ago, and it has never been touched in the past four years. This soft black hair has grown past her waist, and these days it is just a simple disguise. If it wasn't for tonight, I'm afraid they wouldn't have found their way.

So she picked up the scissors, and cut them cleanly at the level of her shoulders. Throwing hair into the trash can, it looks much more pleasing to the eye.

Go to the desk and sit down, take out the laptop from the drawer. Connect to the instrument on the table. Then he took out his small notebook and wrote strange memory symbols on it. Put the pen back into the previously used pencil case. These things have also been used in recent years. Stationery is no longer inexplicably lost, perhaps because there will no longer be someone sitting next to handing her the schoolbag. Thinking about it this way, I feel a little sad.

In fact, it's not just sad, it's not an emotion that can be described as sad, but let's classify it here...

All things come from his teachings, from the information revealed in the photos, Kiyokawa Heiji's action rules, the habits of bodyguards, and the possible assassination methods that the enemy may use, and the loopholes that he can take advantage of. After monitoring the information during the day, she concentrated on doing all of this. It was about four o'clock in the morning. She opened the lunch box and began to eat the cold pork chop rice. She relaxed herself and made plans for the new day.

Everything was overloaded, but she didn't feel tired. She had waited for four years, just for this one time. While eating, she recalled the last words that person said to her again.

"...Do you still remember the original reason why you came here to ask me for help? You want to prove yourself in front of your father and family, and help the Yuechi family get rid of Pei Luojia's shadow...Yu Shoucang is dead, but Pei Luojia will not let it go, One day they will make a comeback, so now, you must firmly remember what I said..."

"The Yuechi family's loopholes are obvious. In order to find a breakthrough from you, Pei Luojia has been planning for many years, and the information obtained will not change roughly, so the plan they have formulated will generally not exceed three possibilities... Yu Shouxi is a lunatic. He is definitely more terrifying than Yu Shoucang. Which one to choose depends on his preference. As for when to activate it... No matter which one of the three possibilities is from the outside to the inside, so For many years, Ike Sakura Weaving has been said to be an appendage of the Yuechi family, but its status in the economic world has penetrated into the foundation of the Yuechi family. One day, you will find that the stock of Ike Sakura Weaving fluctuates very strangely. It seems to be just one of many coincidences, but if the following factors are met, it will be a prelude..."

"While launching an economic shock, they will launch a series of assassinations that will shake the political influence of the Yuechi family. Once it starts, there will be a chain reaction. Their targets are many, but as far as they are concerned, the most important one is Kiyokawa Heiji , if it takes too long, then you have to handle it yourself... You need to save this person, but at this time, you can't arouse Pei Luojia's vigilance..."

"I didn't plan to accept any disciples from the beginning, because I didn't have the talent to teach others, but since I accepted it, if you are too bad, it will make me feel... troublesome. Since you originally did it for this reason Come here, then work hard for this reason now, let's treat it as... an exam for you, if possible..."

"If possible...I'll watch you..."

In fact, now, father, family, Yuechi, etc. are not important anymore, but since it is an exam...

Teacher, please watch Kaoru and finish these questions.

She thought, eat up the pork chop rice. At half past four, she took a rough shower and went to bed.


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