Hidden Assassin

Volume 8, Door to the Past, Section 466, Parents

When I woke up, it was five o'clock in the morning, the sky was dark, and the wind chimes were ringing softly.

The wind chime is hung on the window of the Lingjing room downstairs. It has been many years. I vaguely remember that it was something when everyone was still in junior high school. After eating some snacks and leftovers, it was hung on the window eaves and has not been taken down. , Its sound can still be heard today, and when the morning wind blows into the small attic, it seems to be back in those days.

In the past, he had the habit of getting up early. When he lived in Huang's house, he got up earlier. He went out to exercise when no one noticed, and he could still sleep when he came back. When the Ye family lived, they also rested in the small attic. At this point in time, they could go out for a run, but this is not necessary today, so he closed his eyes and continued to fall asleep listening to the sound of the wind chime.

Time passed, and when it was almost seven o'clock, the sky gradually became clearer, with dark clouds covering the sky, and then it began to rain lightly, and the sound of washing in the morning came from downstairs. Mother Ye was already preparing breakfast in the kitchen, and he was dressed. Clothes went downstairs and greeted Papa Ye. Warm yellow light oozes from Lingjing's bedroom, and it seems that he has already woken up. The two chattered and fought loudly.

After washing her face and brushing her teeth, when she went out to the living room, she could only hear the sound of the bed board in the bedroom. The two of them were chattering and laughing, while Ling Jing gritted her teeth and muttered something. Glancing at Papa Ye, Jiaming knocked on the door, then pushed it away, and saw two people in pajamas twisted into a ball on the bed, Rusha's body curled up, desperately protecting something in his arms, Lingjing threw herself on her body to grab her, but if she couldn't grab her, she picked up the pillow and patted on Shasha's body. Seeing Jiaming standing at the door, he said with a rustling smile: "Jiaming, I found a novel written by Lingjing before, do you want to listen to it? It contains the type of Prince Charming in Lingjing's heart... ah----"

Before she could finish her sentence, the pillow fell down, Ling Jing's clothes and hair were messed up, and she turned her head with a blushing face and glared at Jia Ming: "Get out!"

Slamming the pink soft pillow in his hand, Jia Ming closed the door helplessly: "Come out and wash your face and brush your teeth."

"Got it... ah--"

"Let go!"

"I won't let you die, haha..."

As the door was closed, the sound inside became quieter. But still heard clearly. Lingjing has always had the habit of keeping a diary. When she was in junior high school, she wrote novels when she had nothing to do. Jia Ming knew about it. Although I didn't read it, it was nothing more than some romance chapters with a girl's private thoughts. At this time, I put the pillow on the sofa and sat down. Father Ye smiled and glanced at him: "Did you sleep well at night?"

"Well.\\\\\\" Jiaming nodded, thinking about what to say next, after a while, Ye Han looked at the door of Lingjing's room and smiled: "A few mornings ago, Lingjing ran to the sundries Looking for a hoe in the room, crying and clamoring to dig up that fake tomb of yours. Hehe..."


Jia Ming was a little speechless, and Ye Han then shook his head: "I cried for several days, couldn't sleep well, and couldn't eat. Seeing her like that, your aunt and I have nothing to do..." He Sighing, "The three of you have been together for six or seven years. Your aunt and I discussed it all night yesterday, and there is nothing we can say. When you were young, we thought about marrying Lingjing to you in the future. Now it's like this... take your time. You are still young, and things will happen in the future. We can only talk about it later."

Regarding the situation of the three of Jiaming, Ye’s father and Ye’s mother really had a headache all night. After saying these words, Ye Han smiled and lowered his voice: “This is what I said, but your aunt’s I still don't know how to decide, it is possible to beat or scold, you can figure it out..." Between the words, it was clearly the look of buying candy for him and Lingjing without telling Ye Ma when he was a child.

The morning news was playing on the TV. After a while, Lingjing and Shasha finally got dressed and came out of the room. They pushed and shoved each other to wash up. Mama Ye came out of the kitchen and tapped each on the head: "It's still little Where's the child!" The two of them just stopped playing.

This light raining morning was the same as many years ago, the lights were on in the room, after washing, we sat down to eat the noodles cooked by Ye Ma, chatting while watching the morning news, Ye Ma still had to go to work, and when he went to the room to change clothes , talking about lunch, and then talking about the Huang family.

"...Jiaming, after you came back, haven't you gone back to see it? Let's go back sometime. Anyway, you grew up there too... They probably thought that something happened to you all the time, so they can clarify... I Think about it, your uncle, third uncle, fourth cousin...these people have to take some gifts, I haven't seen you for a long time, buy something more expensive, you have been outside for the past few years... Ye Han, you bring your family to Mingming in the morning They went shopping together."

She asked Ye Han to take Jiaming with her. Naturally, she considered that Jiaming had been outside for the past few years and would not have any money. There was no need to hide too much in front of such relatives. Jiaming smiled and shook his head: "No need. Yes, Mama Ye, I have money on me!"

"You just came back, what kind of money do you have on you, Ling Jing only has a few hundred yuan on you, and you have been using it since you came back from Vienna." Duan Jingxian tidied her clothes and appeared at the door of the bedroom, very dissatisfied with Jiaming's refusal , "How about this, I'll bring you the card, and you can buy it yourself... By the way, your third uncle's diabetes has worsened in the past few years, and there are many things you can't eat. When I come back from the hospital today, I will give you Take a few boxes of health care liquid, although he is not bad at these, but his intentions are always here..."

She walked back ramblingly: "The Huang family has not been as good as it used to be in recent years. The year before last, everyone was arguing about dividing up the family. They wanted to sell the company and each of them got a share. Later, they didn't share it. But in the past few years, The big guys are all thinking about their own affairs, and they used to help each other out... You and Lingjing's cousins, cousins, etc., some of them have also started to learn bad things, and interact with some people in the society , Thinking about speculation, last year you had a cousin who actually wanted to steal the company’s secrets and sell them to others. Fortunately, he found out... That Huang Haoyun also mixed with some people in the society, but Yiting is not bad, Xu Yiting is not bad. Remember……"

Regarding the Huang family, Jiaming actually didn't have much feeling for it anymore. Thinking about how Yanhuang Awakening had made arrangements for him back then, most of the people in the Huang family knew about his "sudden death after being imprisoned". \\\\\\But since Mama Ye said so, she naturally listened at this time. After a while, Duan Jingxian came out with her bank card and handed it to Jiaming. Several people escorted her out, and when she walked across the street with an umbrella, the owner of the nearby canteen greeted her pleasantly: "Shusha! Jiaming! Are you back? ".

"Yes, Lao Yang, I got home yesterday." Duan Jingxian responded with a smile.

The three of Jiaming spent a lot of time here before. Most of the nearby residents will have the impression, but it is raining today, so not many people go out. All the way to the bus stop on the other side of the street, the three people waved goodbye to Ye Ma, turned around and went back, but after walking not far, Duan Jingxian seemed to remember something, and waved to this side: "Lingjing, come here! "The three of them stopped, and Lingjing trotted over.

The distance is not too far. Jiaming and Shasha were waiting by the side of the road, although they couldn't hear clearly. But with Jiaming's eyesight, he can easily read lips. I saw Lingjing standing in front of her mother for a while, Duan Jingxian patted the water stains on her hair lightly, and said softly: "The three of you... have you decided to look like this in the future?" I wasn't very curious at first, but this sentence After speaking, it was inevitable to glance over from time to time.

Understanding the embarrassment of this topic in her mother's heart, Lingjing lowered her head and said only one sentence: "Mom..." Duan Jingxian sighed.

"Tell me what to say about you. It's always worrying. When you're so old...I thought about making you and Jiaming a pair before. Because of Shasha. Your father and I felt it was a pity. Who knew you two It's been like this early in the morning. Three people can be friends for a lifetime, and I haven't seen a husband and wife who can be truly harmonious. But the three of you are like my sons and daughters, and now you can't even scold them. "

"Mom, just treat us as friends for the rest of our lives..." Ling Jing muttered softly, and then she was slapped on the forehead.

"Is there such a thing as friends? Two women and one man always want to monopolize. The three of you grew up together, and your father and I have seen this relationship. It is more important than ordinary couples, brothers and sisters. You have to kiss, and nothing else matters. Even if there is a quarrel, it can be fixed no matter what, but I am afraid that if you quarrel over this in the future, you will not even be able to be friends. Jiaming has been back for a few days...you Are you living together again?"

Ling Jing pursed her lips and nodded, probably muttering: "En."

"Oh..." Duan Jingxian stroked her daughter's cheek, "Have you used contraception?"

Lingjing was silent for a while: "Mom, we want...to have a baby..." Duan Jingxian closed her eyes, and opened them after a while: "I understand, I understand... I just came back, so it's normal to have such thoughts, The three of you have been considered sensible since you were young. This is a matter of a lifetime. After making a decision and having a result, you will have to shoulder it in the future and bear the responsibility for the rest of your life... Mom wants you to make a guarantee here that no matter what happens between you What is the result, we can no longer give up on ourselves, what worries us the most is not the relationship between the three of you, but the past four years, you know?"

Lingjing wiped her eyes with her hand: "Mom, I will, I promise I won't worry you any more."

Duan Jingxian smiled: "It's okay to be a little worried. After you were born, I can only worry about you, but in the past four years, you have almost died because of Jiaming. Both your father and I are afraid, and there is nothing we can do. In fact, thinking about the things from childhood to adulthood, Jiaming is much more stable than you and Sasha. The relationship between you and Sasha is good, and you must remember to be more accommodating in the future... You have a sense of proportion in this matter, and I don’t care much about it. said……"

Speaking of Jia Ming, Ling Jing glanced over here, just in time to meet Jia Ming's eyes, and then she pouted slightly: "He is sensible...he's just playing hard..."



After all, it is impossible to tell the unresolved Yahan matter in front of her mother. Lingjing shook her head unwillingly. Seeing her daughter like this, Duan Jingxian couldn't help shaking her head with a smile, and then said: "I don't care if there are too many, Shasha has no home anymore. , Jia Ming has no sense of belonging to the Huang family. Anyway, you are from the same natal family in the future, so I will treat you as good friends and brothers and sisters who have been good friends for a lifetime... You talked to Dad for a long time last night, but there was no result. If your father beats and scolds you about this matter, I won't help you, I will suffer it myself, ah."

Watching her say this, Jiaming in the distance turned his head to laugh. But in the end, she just shook her head warmly in her heart, and after a while Lingjing ran back, her eyes still wet.

The light rain continued, and Ye's Martial Arts Hall was open as usual that day. The three of them had nothing to do, so they started doing odd jobs that they hadn't done in four or five years. Ye Han was indifferent. He has never been regarded as an aggressive operator. In the past few years, he has been worried about his daughter's affairs, and the martial arts school has not expanded much. There are more than a dozen or twenty students, and there is no limit to where they come occasionally. However, although his education method is not good for making people fight bravely and fiercely, it is very helpful for cultivating the mind and exercising the body. Coupled with the good teaching atmosphere, Ye's Martial Arts has always had a good reputation in the small circle. word of mouth.

The attendance rate of martial arts apprentices was probably the highest in this half month, and this situation probably started when Ling Jing arrived home. The fact that Master Ye has a beautiful daughter is basically not news around, although Lingjing hasn't come back in the past four years. But the students stayed for a while, and they still heard something. Although Lingjing always described her as haggard when she came home this time, her temperament and appearance are enough to make people feel amazing. Today, with two beauties running in and out of the martial arts gym, the learning atmosphere has suddenly reached its peak , The apprentices who were sparring in the arena faced each other, and the shouts almost shook the roof.

This group of people called "Senior Sister" and "Senior Sister", and Lingjing and Shasha came in and out to serve tea, pass towels or chat with people. Lingjing has been in Vienna for the past four years. The exercise basically didn't stop. But this kind of thing about routines and competitions has been put down, and she has a gentle temper. Not giving advice to others, Shasha has studied in the dark Tianqin for four years. In her eyes, the level of these people is no longer at the same level. Both Ye Han and Jia Ming were there, so they both acted gentle. Jiaming stayed in a corner on the other side, knocking, helping Father Ye repair some old appliances. These apprentices were not interested in men. The only two female students saw that he was not a handsome guy, so of course they had nothing to talk about, so they only Lingjing and Shasha chat with him when they come over.

Anyone would want to express their emotions in front of a beautiful woman. The relationship between the three of Jiaming is close, even if it is just an ordinary chat, they will naturally show that intimacy. "Challenge, ask for advice, this person is probably the strongest recommended by other apprentices, a head taller than Jiaming, with a strong body, and traces of long-term exercise can be seen. \\\\\\\\They mainly wanted to show off, and there was nothing malicious about it. Jia Ming could only smile and shake his head, and walked into the ring with ease. .

When the first punch came, he stretched out his hand to block it, and the right fist had already reached the man's eyes with a "whoosh", and it stopped for two seconds. Approaching, the punch had just been punched, when suddenly a strong wind hit his face, the fist stopped in front of his eyes again, and he didn't even have time to react by blinking. This happened four or five times in a row, and everyone understood the gap between the two sides, especially the last time, the man was only tightly protecting his body, but in the blink of an eye, the defense of his hands had been directly shot Open, Jia Ming sprinted away in the blink of an eye, punching like lightning, dozens of blows rushed to his whole body in a few seconds, head, neck, chest, abdomen, legs, knees, waist, back, every time The punches, elbows, and kicks almost stopped precisely on his body surface, but the force of the wind caused his whole body to roar. After this intense combo like a movie performance, the entire martial arts hall was silent for two seconds, and the ensuing amazement and discussion never stopped throughout the afternoon.

However, after Jia Ming's performance this time, the man went down the stage in full conviction, but Shasha's competitive spirit was aroused, "I will bully people." Saying this, she also turned onto the ring, and Jia Ming suddenly felt a little nervous. have no choice. Shasha had indeed undergone formal and rigorous training in the Dark Tianqin in the past few years, but when she rushed towards her with an extremely fierce posture, the situation was indeed the same as it was a few years ago... she was in vain.

Dodge as usual.

Looking back, Jia Ming used to be in this arena, if he was forced to compete, he always hid and hid. Sha Sha became friends with him when he was young, and there were some factors in this aspect. Thinking of these things, there is a feeling of warmth in my heart, but now that everyone has grown up, the ring has become relatively smaller, and Rusha chased after him in disbelief, and the two chased and fought on the ring again.

Dodging, jumping, getting on the pillars, somersaults, and leaping forward with the elasticity of the rope, sometimes like a machine. Sometimes it's like drunkenness and dancing, and sometimes you can grab the rings on the ceiling and dodge like gymnastics. Since you don't need to do too much to cover up, Jia Ming also dodges in a calm dodge time after time Shasha's attack, until a few minutes later, Shasha yelled: "Don't hide." He didn't stop this behavior.

At this time, Shasha's attack was far more fierce than ordinary people. She shot swiftly, and Jia Ming kept waving his hands in front of him to block. What was shown in front of everyone was already a jaw-dropping performance, with the crackling fists and kicks never stopping for a moment. More than ten minutes later, the panting rustle yelled: "I won't come!" Taking advantage of Jiaming's stop, he punched him into the protagonist of the family's cheap dog. With a bang, Jia Ming fell straight on the ring, followed by Rusha shouting "Victory" waving and jumping wildly on the stage. Lingjing dragged Jiaming, who muttered "despicable", down to apply the medicine in the midst of reproaches.

Although the methods were despicable, most of the stunned students in the audience couldn't say anything. Whether it was Jiaming or Shasha, they were probably beyond their reach. Naturally, Jia Ming would bear that punch forcibly because of his interest. With dark circles under his eyes all afternoon, he threatened to sue Mama Ye when she came back. However, after more than two hours, the dark circles under the eyes that had not changed disappeared completely within a few minutes. Within a month after this incident, the number of apprentices in Ye's Martial Arts Hall doubled, and most of them were friends of the original apprentices. This is not such an important matter, so there is no need to mention it.

In the evening, when Mama Ye came back from get off work, the whole family had dinner together. Because of yesterday's collision incident, Mama Ye went to the police station again in the afternoon, and she talked about the injured man. It's also a little indignant.

"Both legs were broken. There is also a problem with the spine, and the dangerous period has not passed. It is hard to say whether it will be paralyzed. I heard that the family's conditions are not very good. I can't give you any money... Jiaming you The first aid was done well at that time, otherwise I guess he would have died at that time."

Jia Ming shook his head helplessly: "In this case, it might be better to die at that time."

"Who would say that? Now that medicine is advanced, he may still be able to recover after many years. It's always a good thing to be alive... What's more, with the license plate, the perpetrator can always be found..." She said this, Then he laughed again, "By the way, Jiaming, what do you plan to do in the future? Do you still want to be a surgeon? I think your skills are almost ready."

"I don't know, but I plan to sell fried chestnuts with sugar."

When he mentioned this, Ling Jing also smiled and echoed: "We plan to open a small shop, specializing in selling sugar-fried chestnuts." Jia Ming curled his lips next to him, trying to tear down the stage before Ye's father and mother were surprised: "She Nonsense."

They hope that their children will become dragons and their daughters will become phoenixes. Although Ye's father and mother may not discriminate against a certain profession, if their daughter comes back from Vienna for four years and ends up selling sugar-fried chestnuts with Jiaming, no matter how enlightened they are, they will probably feel a little uncomfortable. Sha Sha and Jia Ming didn't have much plans for the future at this time. After discussing with everyone, Father Ye still had plans to pass on the martial arts gym to Jia Ming. Go to school for further studies and make up for four years of college. Jiaming has a solid foundation in medical skills. If he goes to study medicine, it would be good for Shasha to be a nurse. Of course, this is just a temporary opinion. Only Lingjing can sell sugar-fried chestnuts. I'm afraid it's a proposal that will never be passed, leaving Lingjing alone muttering that she was betrayed.

So at night, the rain gradually stopped, and Julian, who learned that Lingjing had returned, rushed over and met with Jiaming and the others. At the same time, Lingjing and Julian made a request to terminate the contract, although they did not agree The daughter gave up the piano, but Ye's father and Ye's mother didn't say much about it.

"That... is the man you've been waiting for so long..."

At nine o'clock in the evening, Lingjing sent Julian out alone. Under the street lamp, Julian's expression was a bit complicated. He was still unwilling, but it was beyond his control. Lingjing took the huge check from Jiaming as a breach of contract The gold was handed over to him. Although with Julian's relationship, the liquidated damages could probably be omitted, but since the contract was signed, it was better to do business in the end, and she was unwilling to owe the other party any more.

Speaking of Jia Ming, Ling Jing smiled: "Yeah, he's a very uncharacteristic person, right? He's not handsome, and he doesn't look particularly outstanding."

"The temperament is quite unique..." After saying this, Julian looked at Lingjing, "What should I do in the future? Just give up the piano like this?"

"Maybe find a restaurant or hotel to play, and we'll talk about it later."

"If you play well, people will still find you. You are talented and talented. If you will come out in the future, why not choose a higher one now?" He paused, "As for what I think of you, you don't have to worry about it at all. , I just want to see how far you can go with my support, artists will always be attracted to their own works, but if you are disgusted by it, I will not interfere with your life at all."

Hearing these words, Lingjing stopped, and then bowed solemnly to Julian: "Thank you, teacher, no matter you took care of me in Vienna or appreciated you all the time... I still like Music, but it is not the most important thing in my life. For me, the most important thing is to be with the people I like. I can work no matter what I do. I hope that I can go home after work every day. If I have children in the future , I also hope to be by his side often, these things, if you want to become a star or something, you can't do it. Anyway... Thank you, teacher."

As they said this, they waved goodbye at the corner of the street, Julian left in front of him, Lingjing turned and went home, the moonlight was cold, and they disappeared from each other's sight.

The next morning, because of the car accident, someone found Duan Jingxian's hospital and threatened her. That night, there were even a few hooligans who threatened her on the way home from work. , when I learned about this, it was already the third night at the class reunion...


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