Hidden Assassin

Volume 8 The Door to the Past Chapter 467 Classmates Reunion (Part 1)

Speaking of which, such things as classmate associations have never been very attractive to Jiaming. He has never had many friends, and his personality can be called cold. From the perspective of ordinary people, he has never been considered a It was so authentic, when we reunited with Wang Tujia and others at Dongfang's home, although we also talked about the class reunion and accepted the invitation, deep down in our hearts, we didn't take it seriously.

Of course, his character has always been such a loner, but on Lingjing Shasha's side, he finally made up for it. The matter of the three of them was acquiesced on Ye's father and Ye's mother's side, and each other felt relieved, so This gave them room to consider other activities. Now that they had the invitations, Lingjing and Shasha also planned to see the current situation of the classmates they knew before——they were all popular students in the past, even when they were girls Among the classmates, many of them also regard the straightforward, lively and athletic Sasha as their idol. Later, Lingjing went to Vienna and completely sealed herself off, while Shasha became a wanted criminal. For four years, they had no contact with their former friends. Now that I think about it, I really miss them.

In fact, there is another reason for wanting to participate in the class reunion. The three of them have been in the martial arts gym for the past few days. In front of parents, after all, there are some psychological barriers. During this running-in period, they did not dare to be too intimate in front of Ye's father and Ye's mother, and they could not discuss certain topics too directly. In the end, they were not as natural as they used to get along with each other. In this way, the three of them discussed it and decided to use the opportunity of the classmate reunion to go out. They called back at night and said that they couldn't come back to sleep, and then moved out of the martial arts hall first. \\\\ After a period of time, these initial embarrassments will naturally pass.

"Parents and the others are probably in a difficult situation. The three children have been messing around under their noses for so many years, and they finally made such a thing, and I don't know who to scold..." Standing in front of the mirror, Ling Jing looked at her own image. Shaking his head, he said to Jia Ming who was sitting by the bed and reading comics, "You have sinned a lot!"

In order to attend the class reunion, she spent about ten minutes getting ready, and at this time she put on a light makeup on her face. Elegant and plain short-sleeved shirts, cropped trousers, and when wearing black-framed flat glasses, there is an intellectual and shrewd beauty on the face, which really fits the feeling of college students who have just left society. After a while, Shasha came in from the door, wearing a cool summer dress, and the short skirt that did not reach the knee was the most eye-catching thing. Her slender and straight legs were exposed in the air. She was wearing crystal-like high-heeled sandals, and the light green straps were wrapped around her fair calves. Seeing her dress up like this she never had before. Lingjing and Jiaming whistled at the same time.

"so beautiful……"

"I'm going to take the gun..."


"Everyone who looks above Shasha's knees tonight will be killed..."

During the conversation between the two, Shasha blushed and gritted her teeth lightly. Turning around to leave: "Forget it, I'll change it back."

"No!" Ling Jing hurriedly smiled and rushed over to hug her, "I love her so much... Shasha let me take a bite, please..."

Rusha smiled and spat softly, her hair was tied into a soft ponytail at this time, still feeling refreshing, the only thing that changed was the short skirt and high heels that she never wore before. \\\\\\In fact, in the past four years, she has endured grief and trained in the Dark Tianqin, and her temperament has already changed a lot, and she is no longer as heartless as before. If the frankness and innocence were not in front of Lingjing Jiaming. Probably won't reveal it easily again, occasionally in the gap between playfulness. Will fall into thinking intentionally or unintentionally, and become cold and cold. Like an unsheathed blade, it feels like a soldier. The four-year separation has caused wounds on everyone, but it is impossible to think about it now, and we can only hope that time will heal it all. Her attire is more or less a disguise, although in Jia Ming's view, this method is a bit blunt, but it can finally hide part of the aspect that is different from ordinary people.

Talking and joking with Lingjing, Shasha used this outfit to pose a few posses in a playful way, probably imitating something in the dark lyre, although it was a bit jerky, but it was also because there seemed nothing The jerky feeling makes each of the pure or seductive images more exciting. Jealous of Rusha's long legs, Lingjing always wants to lift her skirt and take a bite on her thigh. At around 4:30, the three of them went out to the address of the classmate association on the invitation.

Four years is the time when most people graduate from university. This is not an ordinary small group gathering. There are as many as a thousand participants. The venue is also set at a star hotel with the largest banquet hall in the city. When they got off the taxi at the hotel, it was past five o'clock. They walked towards the red welcome sign that said "Sacred Heart College 2000 Class Reunion". Beside the huge signboard, several people were welcoming The participants who came, Ling Jing frowned and recognized them. \\\\\\

"The one in the purple dress is Luo Jingwen, and she's still so pretty... Jiaming, that's Liang Mingchao, after all, you're in the same class. Didn't it mean that you also met Li Song and Wang Tujia? I have an impression. Where are they... Who is that fat guy, I have no impression... Shasha, do you think that tall guy inside is Dai Zhiqiang, who plays basketball in your class, I heard that he chased you... Look here, look here..."

Before they got close, someone recognized them at the door of the hotel. Ling Jing wentssip, and then greeted a few people she knew with a smile. She has been studying music in Vienna for the past four years, and the classmates basically Yes, I know that at this time, she is probably treated as a musician. Jia Ming naturally greeted Liang Mingchao, Luo Jingwen and others, but Rusha, there were no friends she had known before in this group, and the only male in the same class was from before. Those who had pursued her before didn't even have to say hello at this time, and standing beside Jia Ming and Ling Jing seemed a bit cold. Her temperament has changed a lot, and it was only after she signed the name "Liu Huaisha" next to her that a few people who were not very impressed with her could confirm her identity.

People came one after another, so it was naturally impossible for them to come and stand at the door to reminisce about the old days, sign their names and go in. Only a few people in the back began to discuss. \\\\.

"It's really Ye Lingjing and Liu Huaisha. But I haven't heard about them for four years..."

"The three of them were together before, and now they are together again..."

"It seems to have changed a lot..."

"I heard that Liu Huaisha was wanted for an accident before. I seem to have heard about it. The arrest warrants have been issued. Are you all right now?"

"I don't know, it doesn't mean that Gu Jiaming has also been in prison... Anyway, I haven't heard from them since high school. I know Ye Lingjing went to Vienna..."

It is impossible to clarify this kind of matter publicly. There are various rumors among the people, and the discussions about Jiaming being imprisoned and Shasha being wanted will not stop for a period of time. The three went in together. I also saw a few impressive faces, and went all the way to the second floor, only to find that the huge banquet hall was already crowded with people, about 400 to 500 people had gathered.

This banquet hall covers almost the entire second floor of the hotel. Nearly a hundred round tables have already been set up. You can see the other side from the floor-to-ceiling windows facing the street. Shine in from all sides. A bright golden color, the surrounding tables and chairs, the balcony, and the rostrum gathered a group of familiar students. The rostrum, which is like a small stage, is like a karaoke room at this time, and various musical instruments are placed on the stage. above. The background of the song was played on the big screen at the rear, and a tall classmate was singing "Friends" with a microphone on it. He was tone-deaf and hoarse. \\\\\\But it also has a nostalgic taste when it comes out. Some acquaintances are fiddling with musical instruments nearby. A thin man with long hair is playing the electric piano ecstasy while shaking his hair desperately. The guy took it as a swordsman, and then chased and fought on the stage.

When they got here, Lingjing and Shasha also found some friends they had known in the past. The three walked through the crowd, pointing around, and occasionally someone ran out and patted Jiaming on the shoulder: "Hey! Gu Jiaming!" For many years I don't see, even people who didn't have much friendship at the beginning will probably become warmer.

From time to time, someone greeted Lingjing rustlingly. Reminiscing about the past. Jiaming doesn't have many people he wants to meet, but Lingjing and Shasha each have a circle of friends. The intersection of these two circles is not much, when reminiscing about the past. Naturally, it is impossible for the three of them to stay together all the time. After a few minutes, they separated. Lingjing and Shasha went to meet different friends, while Jiaming took a bunch of grapes from the table and ate them in the crowd. Walk.

The aspects involved in these gatherings of hundreds of people cover almost all areas of the entire society, the things they are in contact with each other, and the things they are interested in. Some of the embarrassing things happened, some gathered around playing cards and gambling, some gathered around the table to wrestle their wrists, and the people around watched and booed. Jiaming walked around the crowd, greeted people from time to time, listened to them talk, or made some booing in the crowd, recalling some things in those three years, it was quite interesting.

Just mixed in the crowd like this, after more than ten minutes, when he looked towards the balcony on one side, a figure also came into view, and at the same time, the eyes from the other side also saw him.

That was Dongfang Wan in a black dress.

It was obvious that she had carefully dressed up for this class reunion. At this time, Dongfang Wan was sitting on the wicker chair on the balcony and talking to the person opposite. She was leaning against the back of the chair, her legs in black high heels were elegant While talking, she looked at the crowd in the hall from time to time. At this time, she was holding a metal cigarette case in her hand, and she was about to put a cigarette in her hand to light her lips. Jia Mingshi was obviously taken aback for a moment, and after two seconds, he turned his gaze back to the man across from him, showing a smile, but took the cigarette down and tapped it on the metal box.

After saying something about business, when he turned his eyes again, Jia Ming was spitting out the grape skins from his mouth. Dongfang Wan glanced at Jia Ming, and slowly put the cigarette back into the box. After a while, he smiled and turned to chat with that person.

It seems that she has changed a lot, she was just a hot-blooded little girl before, but now she has finally matured...

Jia Ming thought about it, shrugged and smiled, and continued walking forward.

There was a lot of noise in the hall, the person who sang on the rostrum changed, and sang "You at the Same Table". After singing, someone grabbed the microphone and quarreled with others. It looked like a lively multi-mouthed cross talk, and then a group of girls chattered The ground surged up to kick the boys off, and there was Ling Jing among the girls. A girl snatched the microphone with a smile and said, "Now, please invite our great singer, pianist, performing artist...Ye Ling who has studied in Vienna Classmate Jing will perform for everyone..." After giving Ann countless great titles, she pushed Lingjing over.

From a distance, Jia Ming watched Ling Jing fight with those friends on the small stage, then took a guitar in his hand, sat in front of the microphone with a smile and performed, singing Lao Lang's song with a clear voice. "About the Present, About the Future", she already has rich stage experience, and she is really handy for this kind of performance, with a casual attitude, which just fits the atmosphere of today's class reunion. After singing a section, many people's eyes have already been attracted. Then he looked at the Qingling beauty on the stage and applauded.

Jiaming listened to this singing voice which was completely different from the melancholy feeling on Fang Yusi's stage a few days ago, turned around with a smile, and only heard the sound of "stepping" high-heeled shoes in the noise, and a black shadow appeared in front of him, and then, the sound of the wind Come roaring.

The figure in front kicked him on the calf, he sighed helplessly, and slapped away the small black bag that was swung by him.

"Please, I haven't seen you for a long time, and you don't have to be so enthusiastic..."

"You're not dead yet, I'm surprised..."

"Tofu, you're alive again. Of course, if you didn't say it so gnash your teeth, I think I would be more moved..."

Jia Ming spread his hands, and looked helplessly at the woman in black who couldn't help bending over and kneading her calves, then stomped and jumped on the ground a few times, and sat down on the chair angrily.

"It's been a long time, class monitor."


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