Hidden Assassin

Volume 3 Cohabitation Era - Volume 6 Under the Blue Sky Section 94 Drifting

In the morning, the wind and rain on the sea began to subside. Under the hazy clouds, the east was as translucent as gemstones, crystal white, and there were streams of clouds above the white light. Looking through the rain curtain, the scene of sunrise was truly magnificent. Jiaming woke up in his arms, rubbed his eyes, and smiled lazily: "Jiaming...good morning."

"Good morning, Lingjing, please sit down first, I'll find out if there is anything to eat, besides, your clothes should have been dried, I'll go get them." Picking up Lingjing and sitting on the chair, still After pulling the blanket that wrapped his body, Jia Ming smiled and walked to the room behind the gunboat. Most of the machinery was paralyzed, but some of the electrical devices were still running, and the heat emitted could just be used to dry clothes.

There was still his temperature on the chair, Lingjing stretched out her hand and picked up the restored small parts next to her, but she couldn't understand what these things were used for. Staring blankly, she held a small part made of copper wire in her hand. She looked at the sunrise in the sky, with a warm smile on her lips, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

After a while, Jia Ming came out and took out the clothes that had been dried, as well as some food, such as coffee, compressed biscuits, bread, canned bacon and so on. The food was put aside, and when the clothes were handed to Ling Jing, Ling Jing smiled and refused to pick them up. She just stretched out her beautiful feet from the blanket, stretched her waist, and let the whole blanket slide down to her chest The following: "Jia Ming, I want you to help me put it on..." The voice was soft and greasy, and Jia Ming couldn't help but smile.

When obediently enjoying Jiaming's care like a baby, Lingjing asked: "Jiaming, tell me...how is Xingmeng now? Shasha her..."

"Don't worry, the distress signal has been sent. At this time, the Xingdream is estimated to have returned under the escort of the navy. Rusha will be fine."

"She still doesn't know about us...I'm afraid of her..."

"Sister Yahan will look at her, it's fine."

"Jia Ming, if the ship can't be repaired, will we just have to float on the sea like this?"

Jiaming smiled reassuringly: "I can't fix other things, but the radio should still be fixed. Although it's a little troublesome to say now, it should be fine. Don't worry, leave it to me."

However, Ling Jing in her arms didn't seem too worried, let Jiaming put on pantyhose and a long skirt for her, and smiled wistfully: "No, I think Sha Sha will be very envious of us two, Only us, no one else, this boat is like a home for the two of us... If one day we make a lot of money and buy a boat like this, there will be only you, me and Shasha, How happy that would be... Shasha and I will walk around in front of you every day without clothes, and we will tell you to squeeze all the time..."

Hearing the last sentence, Jiaming couldn't help but feel ashamed, and then said: "Uh, Lingjing, do you like this? If I can get money..."

"Don't!" Ling Jing suddenly yelled and interrupted him. Seeing Jia Ming turned his head and looked over in doubt, she seemed a little apologetic, "Uh, I mean... I don't want Jia Ming to use dangerous methods to kill you." To make money, our own home needs to be built bit by bit in our own way, I don’t want Jia Ming to take any risks for you..." She said, her eyes turned red again, her tone changed I got choked up: "Jiaming, yesterday... When you fought like that yesterday, I felt so scared, I don't want to see you encounter such a thing again..."

Jia Ming smiled and let out a sigh of relief, and gently hugged her.

If Lingjing has that expectation, he can use hundreds of millions of dollars at any time, and if he wants more, he has more ways. Money has never been too important to him. When he was a killer in the past, More than 90% of the employers and targets are rich people. After seeing the ugliness of those people, he even has a sense of disgust and fear for these things. Both Lingjing and Shasha have quite pure hearts. But who can guarantee that after being surrounded by large sums of money, they will not be invaded and corrupted by these things.

That was definitely something he didn't want to see, even though he was willing to do anything for the two girls.

After breakfast, the two of them got busy with their respective jobs. Jiaming put on a raincoat and went out to repair the radio of the ship in the rain. By the way, he returned some rainwater received last night to the water storage tank, and then put the container Taking it out and continuing to collect water, Lingjing seemed to really regard the semi-paralyzed ship as their new home, found a broom and rag, and was busy inside and out.

After tidying up some tattered things that fell on the ground, she scrubbed away the blood stains that were still there. Some items of the previous crew members were tidied up in an orderly manner, and the dirty clothes were taken out and hung on the deck where the light rain was still flying, and the two beds in the lounge were put together to make a cozy double bed. In the room where the hole was blasted, she hammered the iron sheet on the edge of the hole for a long time to make it less sticky. Lingjing introduced to Jiaming that this was the door of their villa on the sea. Luxurious terrace. In fact, Jiaming has already found the electric welding equipment and is ready to seal it up, but seeing Lingjing doing it with great interest, naturally he just smiled approvingly.

It took a whole morning for Lingjing to tidy up the inside and outside of the cabin. At noon, Lingjing stayed in front and let Jiaming go in to sleep and rest. There are only monotonous waves swaying on the sea, and this small boat is very quiet. Holding a coffee cup, Lingjing occasionally walks around in each room, and looks at Jiaming's peaceful sleeping posture at the door of the bedroom. Not only did Jia Ming not complain at all about the oolong incidents that occurred during cleaning up, and the incident of shooting himself indiscriminately on the Xingmeng, but also tried to use various methods to comfort himself, although these ignorant behaviors of his often gave He added a lot of trouble, but he took it without complaint.

Mouth dew

With an apologetic smile, she thought: This man is her husband, a boy in the world, and no one can compare to him.

Forced by Lingjing, Jiaming slept until the evening before being allowed to get up. It is no longer suitable to go out to repair the radio at night. After dinner, Lingjing still took off her shoes, and Jiaming nestled on the big chair in front of the console, wrapped in a blanket and chatted about some things, and asked Jiaming to tell her something. The physical principles of small parts, and then helped Jiaming slowly repair one or two small parts. When it comes to interesting things, it is natural to laugh and laugh. Jing gently and naturally took off the long skirt and pantyhose in Jiaming's arms, and then the two of them fit together without any barriers. .

When everything calmed down, Lingjing was still naked in Jiaming's arms, tightly wrapped in a blanket. In order to save electricity, all the devices on the ship have stopped, only a warm yellow light is left on the side of the console. The boat is drifting with the current, and it is unknown where it has reached the sea. The sound of the sea is monotonous and light. The rain outside the ship has stopped, looking out from the console, every star on the sea seems to have just been scrubbed, crystal clear and merged into a long Milky Way.

This day was October 5th. According to the original plan, they should have returned to the port of Jianghai City on the Star Dream cruise ship. But now, the two are embracing each other in front of the console, and the next time is just like the road ahead of them, what kind of warmth or difficulty will there be, everything is still unknown...

***************************************************** *

Just as Jia Ming expected, when the small gunboat they were on drifted away, the Star Dream cruise ship was already on the way back under the escort of the navy. None of the crying and noise could change this decision. During the battle that day, the group of mercenaries finally broke through to the third floor of the ship. Then the navy arrived, and these people quickly evacuated. There were about twenty people, and most of these people were rich businessmen or children of rich families who had no time to escape.

Subsequently, a huge pursuit, search and rescue work was launched at sea. Not only the navy, but Cui Guohua and others also participated in it in the name of the National Security Bureau. Their purpose was to find the gunboat that originally sent out the distress signal.

"Being able to snatch one of the enemy's gunboats in such a situation and successfully send out a distress signal to save the people on board, since we don't know it, it is very likely that it was the powerful Mr. Tulip, who was later on the ship He left, sent out an emergency distress signal, and was obviously in an extremely dangerous situation... We must find this person, we must meet him alive, and if he is dead... everyone will continue to search..."

While the naval fleet and rescue ships were carrying out search and rescue, the Xingmeng returned to Jianghai City. Regardless of the huge impact this pirate incident had on all aspects, Shasha fainted twice from crying just because she was too sad. She didn't want to Accepting the fact that the two of them were dead, he only thought that the two of them must have been hijacked by those pirates, and cried out to his father for money to hire a boat to search for them. On the other hand, Yahan, who knew some details about Jiaming, Even more unwilling to accept this matter, she used the power of the family, hired several special search and rescue teams, and even hired some killers or mercenaries from the black market, and then went to sea with Shasha to find Jiaming and Lingjing trail.


Jia Ming and Ling Jing at sea were not aware of the development and changes of these things. On the morning of the 6th, they repaired the radio device that was almost half blown up. Helping pass all kinds of things, and sometimes asking about the principle of such and such things. Since Jiaming was in charge of the night watch at night, he basically didn't sleep much, and Lingjing was still guarding outside at noon.

At about one o'clock in the afternoon, Lingjing's shout suddenly came from the deck outside the ship. Jia Ming, who was sleeping soundly, jumped up from the bed and rushed out in three steps at a time. Lingjing who ran in bumped into each other, and then, Lingjing took his hand and ran up the deck, pointing excitedly at the distant sea: "Jiaming, look, look..."

At the end of the field of vision, there is vaguely a small island. .

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