Hidden Assassin

Volume 3 Cohabitation Era - Volume 6 Under the Blue Sky Section 95 Isolated Island

At the end, there is vaguely a small island.

Since there is a small island, there may be people living there. For a while, both of them were very excited, but at this time, the ship was dominated by sea water. Although the island could be seen in the field of vision, the direction of the ship was not that way. Ming Dang even ran into the cabin, opened the small door of the messy engine room at the end and got in. When Lingjing followed in, she saw Jiaming was busy with a lot of machinery that she couldn't understand, sometimes removing this part, sometimes adding that iron pipe, while busy, connecting a piece of machinery. root wire.

Lingjing wanted to help, but she couldn't help at this time. In order not to block Jiaming's work, she had to retreat. Not long after, Jiaming pulled a wire out from the small door, connected it to an instrument connector repaired yesterday, and then pressed the button again in a hurry. After a while, there was an astonishing bang in the engine room, For a moment, Ling Jing almost thought that the ship was going to blow up. A short time later, amidst the apparently erratic roar of the propellers, the gunboat began to turn.

"Great, great... I hope I can hold on for a little longer, at least so that we can drive over..."

Watching Jiaming adjust the joystick, and finally pointing the direction to the island over there, Lingjing rushed over excitedly: "Great, Jiaming, you are great, you fixed the boat! Jiaming, you are the best of!"

Let Lingjing kiss him on the face, Jia Ming said with a smile: "Oh, it's not repaired, it's just making it work temporarily, I just don't know how long it can last, I hope it can last until we drive The island..."

"It's definitely possible." On the contrary, Lingjing had more confidence in Jiaming, and said with a smile: "Otherwise, we'll jump into the sea and swim there. This desert island belongs only to us..."

"Eh?" After hearing Ling Jing's words, Jia Ming was slightly taken aback, "Why is it a desert island?"

"Because it's written like this in the books..."

"Then we will be husband and wife Robinson and Friday." Jia Ming smiled helplessly, only to see Ling Jing yelling "Ah—" in the direction of the island, with flushed cheeks and high spirits, she couldn't help feeling a little It's strange, I haven't seen any trace of anyone yet, why should I be so happy...

In fact, Lingjing was worried about many things in yesterday's day. Although Jiaming was also worried, he had seen a lot of fear of death, so he didn't feel much at this time, not to mention that he was still thinking about repairing the radio. good. Ling Jing remembered some books she read before. It was terrible when there was no fresh water or food at sea. During the Nordic Age of Discovery, many seagoing ships could not see land for a year or two. There was no food or fresh water. People will slowly become like crazy. Although the water storage on this ship is still sufficient, who knows how long it can be drunk, and how long can the food be eaten? What will they do then. Thinking of the scene of Jia Ming eating herself when she had nothing to eat, she would involuntarily feel an indescribable shudder in her heart.

Words can't describe that feeling, it's not actually fear, at this moment she trusts Jiaming, and never thinks that Jiaming will eat herself in order to survive. However, thoughts that were only out of fantasy came up involuntarily. If she was faced with death and her beloved ate her and survived, how would she feel in her heart? Are you happy? is it warm Or something else... This is the little dark emotion in Lingjing's heart when faced with the possibility of death, even Jiaming can't tell.

But at this moment, such shadows are swept away, so it is naturally worth shouting a few times.

The speed of the propeller seemed to have reached the limit, and the noise in the hull was astonishingly loud. The scenery on the island in front of me gradually became clear, white sandy beaches, green forests, seabirds flying in the air, a charming scenery, suddenly, a series of loud noises of "clang" and "bang" came from the back of the cabin, After the bang, the sound of the propeller could no longer be heard. Jia Ming shrugged and smiled at Ling Jing: "The bearing shaft of the propeller is broken, and now this ship can only be operated with oars. However, at this speed, we can directly land on the island..."

Before the words fell, there was a loud bang, and the hull of the ship was thrown sideways in the huge earthquake. Jia Ming stretched out his hand, grabbed Ling Jing who was about to fall to the ground, and ran out of the cabin to look into the sea below. Ming could not help but smile wryly: "On the rocks..."

The hull is strong enough that the impact won't break a big hole in the bottom of the boat. Jia Ming and Ling Jing lowered the anchor together, then packed a few things in the cabin, stuffed them into a large field camouflage backpack, and rowed the emergency kayak all the way to the small island. The scenery is beautiful from a distance, but when I landed, I found that there were no traces of man-made damage as far as I could see. Except for the sound of sea water, the surrounding area was surprisingly quiet.

"No...it's really a desert island..." After inspecting the area of ​​about one kilometer around, Jia Ming found no trace of any human beings at all. Although there is a mountain in front of him, the island does not know how big it is. But if there are people living there, there will always be some traces left everywhere. With a backpack on my back, I can't help but feel a little depressed. As the most populous country in the world, there are still uninhabited desert islands. What is this? A shameful thing. However, it is hard to say whether it has already left the border of China and reached places such as Japan or Southeast Asia.

In the afternoon, the two of them went up the mountain from the woods. The forest seemed to have not been damaged by human beings, and there were not even human traces. Jia Ming walked in front to explore the road, and Ling Jing followed behind him, pulling her skirts. The plants in the forest are lush, and Lingjing is caught by the branches and leaves that grow out from time to time.

Jiaming was afraid that she would be bored, so he pointed out all kinds of strange plants to Lingjing, explaining the various uses of these plants. He was extremely proficient in survival skills in the wild, and his knowledge in this area was comparable to that of a biologist. Lingjing admired her, but in the end she chased Jiaming and beat him a few times.

Ling Jing has been a genius-type good girl since she was a child. She thinks that she is the most knowledgeable among the three. Although she doesn't mean to show off, she still feels proud when she thinks about it occasionally. Only now does she know that Jia Ming is much better than her. It was the coquettish type who made an angry shot. While Jiaming begged for mercy, he also secretly decided in his heart that he must not admit that he could understand all the test items at a glance. Well, it's safer to be a fool in front of your own people.

Along the way up the mountain, they found that there was fresh water on the island. A clear stream meandered through the mountain. Jiaming and Lingjing were delighted. In this way, even if they were really trapped on this island, Then there is nothing to be afraid of. The journey was safe and sound, but when we were approaching the top of the mountain, a small episode happened. When we passed a bush, Jiaming raised his right hand suddenly, and then there was the sound of waving a whip, which startled Lingjing, and looked over again. At that time, I saw Jia Ming carrying a poisonous snake with a triangular head and a meter long. Since all the joints of the body were scattered, there was no threat at this time. He found the dead snake in a bag and carried it. Jia Ming announced today Eating snake meat at night, Lingjing wrinkled her nose and rolled her lovely eyes. .

It was about four o'clock in the afternoon when we reached the top of the mountain. With this mountain as the boundary, the two sides of the island are about the same size, and there is actually a small lake between the foothills here. Check it out with a telescope, and there are no traces of artificial buildings. Seeing that there was not much time, the two hurried down the mountain. Before they got out of the woods, the sky was already getting dark. They turned on the flashlight of the submachine gun, and Lingjing walked next to Jiaming.

It was about eight o'clock in the evening, tents were pitched at the edge of the woods, bonfires were lit, and the food, iron pots and other things on the boat had been moved down. After a busy afternoon, Lingjing also felt very tired. After dinner, the two hugged each other in the tent and slept wrapped in a blanket. Lingjing quietly planned her future life on the island in Jiaming's arms. She needed to build a solid wooden house, find edible fruits or other things to plant, or raise small animals that might be caught and eaten on the island in captivity. a few. Jia Ming didn't intend to live on the island forever, after hearing this, he just smiled faintly.

The day of October 6th passed like this. When they got up the next day, Jiaming and Lingjing went back to the boat to repair the radio on a small raft. After a busy day, if the environment is still normal now, the National Day The long vacation is about to pass, and they should be preparing the things they need for school. Lingjing will help the two of them prepare their schoolbags, and Shasha should be planning the activities of the new club. People chattering and drinking, occasionally playing computer, occasionally staring in a daze... Sitting by the beach that night, Lingjing said: "I really want to rustle..."

In the final analysis, the three of them are good friends who grew up like conjoined twins. Even after they have a relationship, the relationship between friends seems to be more important than the relationship between husband and wife. If this is not the case, I am afraid that the two of them will not like it Something happened to Jia Ming alone. Even if there was a little bit of jealousy in my heart occasionally, since the incident with Lily a few days ago, it has completely dissipated.

On October 8th, the radio is still being repaired. According to Jiaming's prediction, the repair will be completed in one day. In the evening, just as she was about to call it a day and go back to the beach, a certain indicator light on the boat suddenly rang. Lingjing called Jiaming to the cabin. It was a signal receiving device that had been repaired. When she saw the light on, Jia Ming couldn't help but feel bad, this should be the contact information those mercenaries had prepared long ago, and since they can receive it here, it means that the other party is also approaching this small island.

After careful identification for a long time, Jiaming and Lingjing paddled a small raft back to the beach, and then walked all the way to the other end of the island along the seashore. splash. Hiding behind a big rock, Jiaming used a telescope to look at the situation on the opposite side, and then handed it over to Lingjing.

In the closer view, two gunboats that were still in good condition stopped at the distant seaside. Those mercenaries with weapons in their hands set up tents by the seaside and lit piles of bonfires. There were nearly a hundred people. Seeing Jiaming smile comfortingly and clenched the gun tightly in his hand, Lingjing's heart suddenly clenched again...

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