Hidden Chain Skills All Over The Body, Too Fleshy To Understand

Chapter 102 Following The Footsteps Of My Mentor

"What did you say?" When Shen Zhaodi heard Liu Chuhe's words, she subconsciously turned around. She only turned halfway, but she immediately reacted and quickly turned back.

Liu Chuhe shrank back in fright and said, "I'm sorry that I let you trick me here. The weakest ones are all five-star alien beasts!"

"What's the result? Aren't you still alive and well now?"

Shen Zhaodi said with a look of disdain: "Of course, if you insist on saying it's my fault, it doesn't matter if I tricked you. I can apologize. The premise is that you give me all the gene chains you obtained."

"I'd better apologize to you. Believe it or not, I can tell you to doubt your life."

Seeing that Liu Chuhe had successfully changed the subject, he stopped talking and quickly changed the subject and said, "I see these people have the word "岛" marked on their clothes. Are they the pioneers of the island city?"

Shen Zhaodi analyzed, "In this overlapping space, the weakest alien beasts are all five-star alien beasts. According to common sense, the strongest alien beasts should be eight-star alien beasts or nine-star alien beasts.

This is obviously not an existence that the pioneers of Huangsang City can develop, so it is only normal to ask the pioneers of the island city and provincial capital to support it.

In our Qilu Province, there are three places where the Pioneers are the strongest. One place is Quancheng. It is the provincial capital after all, so its overall strength is naturally not weak.

There is another place called Dongyue City, because of the existence of Dongyue.

The last place is Island City.

The Pioneers team would at most rescue someone when they encountered danger, but more often they would move forward and explore the strange beasts here as quickly as possible.

So they move very fast and almost never stop.

It can be said that the speed they are advancing here is much faster than the speed we are advancing at full speed in the safe zone.

From the fact that it took them nearly two days to get here, it can be easily analyzed that the overlapping space we are in is a central overlapping space where the alien beasts are strongest in the middle zone and become weaker towards the edge. .

And our location happens to be at the other end of the entrance to the overlapping space. It can be said to be the farthest area from the entrance. "


"So, we still have about three days to hunt the strange beasts here. After three days, we will meet the follow-up rescue team."

Liu Chuhe understood immediately: "So, in the following days, just take it easy and cherish it."

Liu Chuhe and Shen Zhaodi were considered crazy when they killed the golden platypus before, but they could still sleep, but soaking in rainwater was not enough to rest.

But after seeing the pioneer team, they completely entered a state of madness.

rest? sleep?

The time to soak in rainwater is enough.

Drink water? Have a meal?

Solved it together when soaking in rainwater.

Anyway, the golden platypus is not poisonous, and it is enough for the two of them to eat.

The pioneer team has appeared. Who knows when those teams called rescue teams, but actually scavengers, will arrive.

When they are invited out, let alone talk about it, this overlapping space will not be opened in a short period of time, and they will not be able to enter again.

That is, the overlapping space is open. This is an area far away from the entrance. If you want to get here, you have to pass through an area with many powerful alien beasts. How can they have that strength?

In the blink of an eye, more than three days passed.

Today, it is the sixth day that the two of them have arrived in this overlapping space.

Liu Chuhe kept being beaten, beaten one after another, and finally broke through!

For a moment, Liu Chuhe was in a good mood. While shouldering the attack of the last golden platypus, he shouted at Shen Zhaodi beside him: "That's it? That's it?"

A breakthrough that easy? There is also talk about breaking through difficulties, but I don’t think it is that difficult.

Genius, there is no way!

I think it won't be long before I can surpass you. "


Shen Zhaodi sneered: "You are being beaten by five-star alien beasts here. You are fighting across levels. The source energy will grow faster, and you will be soaked by rain liquid. You are just a small Juyuan second floor. You are a fool in five days." You can also break through.”

As she spoke, she killed the golden platypus with one blow, then looked back at Liu Chuhe and said, "Although you have made a breakthrough, there is no substantial growth from the second level of Juyuan to the third level of Juyuan.

Or, do you suck the gene chain?

If you can successfully absorb it, you can breastfeed yourself when you go out and venture out again, and you don’t have to go around for treatment. "

Liu Chu ignored Shen Zhaodi and turned around and ran towards the Golden Platypus's lair. If any of the extracted gene chains has a hidden chain skill, don't you need to tell me? I have already absorbed it myself.

It's all nonsense that it's easy to obtain hidden chain skills in the newly added overlapping space!

So far, I have killed so many golden platypuses, and I haven't seen a single gene chain with a hidden chain skill.

Liu Chuhe went directly to the rain pool and soaked in it.

And Shen Zhaodi is looking for a golden platypus from which the gene chain can be extracted.

In so many days, she had already learned how to extract the golden platypus's genetic chain.

Fortunately this time, there is a golden platypus gene chain that can be extracted.

After extracting the gene chain, she rested outside the cave and waited until Liu Chuhe finished soaking before she got up. The two continued to search for the next golden platypus gathering place.

In the distance, a figure appeared outside a golden platypus cave.

The clothes all over his body were torn and torn, and in his hand, a long black stick was covered with blood.

Jia Taiping!

Just like this, he walked alone into the overlapping space of the Zhulong River, which was full of endless dangers. One person and one stick, he fought through thorns and thorns along the way, as if he was following the footsteps of his mentor, step by step.

"The corpse of the golden platypus... I have seen the same scene everywhere in this area. Apparently there is a team nearby that has been killing the golden platypus.

It was possible that the two of them were in that team...the temperature of the corpses...it took no more than three hours for them to be killed, and that team might be nearby. "

Jia Taiping searched around and soon found a trace. He quickly followed the trace.

He once promised his mentor that he would be a teacher like his mentor, and he even promised his mentor that he would never give up on a student.

Even though he knew that so much time had passed, his two students had almost no chance of survival.

However, as long as he doesn't see their corpses and as long as there is still a glimmer of hope, he will keep looking!

He quickly shuttled along the traces ahead, and slowly, a sound came.

"The sound of running and the roar of the golden platypus." Jia Taiping quickened his pace, and finally, the golden platypus appeared in his sight, as well as two figures, one fat and one thin.

Liu Chuhe, Shen Zhaodi!

It's them!

They are still alive!

They are really alive!

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