In the fourth overlapping space.

Liu Chuhe ran desperately while shouting to Shen Zhaodi beside him.

"It's so unlucky that we met the Golden Duck-billed Monster again. Shen Zhaodi, don't worry about yourself and run away. Please help me and cast Mirror Image quickly."

Liu Chuhe had just finished speaking when suddenly, an extremely cold wind roared around him. The wind was so strong that it even tilted his body to the side.

The strong wind blew by, as if a sharp sickle had sliced ​​across his cheek, causing pain.

The next moment, in front of his eyes, a long black stick seemed to fall from nine days away with the force of thunder, and hit him hard behind him.


Liu Chuhe only heard a loud bang, like a huge rock falling, which made his ears hurt and almost became deaf, and the whole earth shook violently.

His body was so shaken that he bounced off the ground and fell to the ground.

He looked up and saw what was happening behind him just now.

A huge deep pit was smashed out of the entire ground. With the pit as the center, the earth cracked in all directions like a spider web.

The center of the circular pit was even filled with blood and flesh!

The blood is the blood of the golden duck-billed monster, and the meat is the meat of the golden duck-billed monster!

And the golden platypus!

Behind him, there was a golden platypus and seven golden platypus chasing him, but now there were only five panicked golden platypus!

With one stick, he killed a six-star alien beast and two five-star alien beasts!

This can't even be called a kill, it was directly bombarded into pulp!

Even the people from the pioneer team that I met before were not so shocked when they killed the golden platypus.

Liu Chuhe stared blankly at the huge pit behind him. The next moment, a figure appeared in front of his eyes.

A suit of clothes that had long been torn like strips of cloth, a long black stick, black hair with thick hair wax, and that familiar face.

Teacher Jia?

Liu Chuhe was completely stunned. Why did Teacher Jia appear here?

That stick that fell from the sky just now came from my teacher?

Before he could react, Jia Taiping rushed into the group of alien beasts with a long stick in hand. The long stick in his hand was swung, giving people the illusion that Shura from hell had descended into the world, showing his murderous aura.

Under his feet, there were even more cyan patterns shining.

That is the unique light of platinum quality chain technology!

This is my teacher?

That teacher whose class is always at the bottom?

With this indomitable momentum, is this still Jia Taiping, who puts his safety first when he keeps his mouth shut?

These five five-star golden platypuses, in front of Jia Taiping, were like five ordinary platypuses. They had no resistance at all, and they were all blasted by Jia Taiping in an instant!

That's right, it's a blast!

All five golden platypuses turned into meat paste!

Liu Chuhe swallowed his saliva. There were only two words lingering in his mind - Awesome!

My teacher is actually a hidden master!

In an instant, his mind filled up countless stories.

A peerless divine hand, trapped by love, hiding his name, willing to be a loser in the eyes of others?

Is there a huge secret in Huangsang City? The peerless master Jia Taiping is here to protect you?

The scene in front of me was so shocking. Who would have thought that a teacher from an ordinary high school in an ordinary city like Huangsang City would have such terrifying strength?

What Teacher Jia Taiping just attacked and unleashed was a platinum-quality chain skill, but what about before?

He blasted three strange beasts with one stick. With such momentum and power, it was definitely a diamond-quality chain skill!

That's diamond quality. Is this really my teacher?

Jia Taiping killed all the strange beasts in an instant, then turned around, glared at his two troublesome students, and cursed: "Are you two sick?

It’s okay to run the newly added overlapping space! Is this where you should come?

Do you want me to take you to the Fourth Courtyard? "

"Fourth hospital?" Liu Chuhe said with a moved expression, "Teacher, it's okay. I'm in good health and don't need to go to the hospital."

On the side, Shen Zhaodi was speechless: "The Fourth Hospital is a mental hospital."

"You also know that it is a mental hospital, and your brain is not broken. Why come here if you are not broken? The school can't accommodate you?"

You..." Jia Taiping couldn't stop once he started speaking, and kept educating his two students.

Liu Chuhe nodded slightly. It tasted like this. This familiar formula was indeed the familiar Teacher Jia.

The momentum with which Jia Taiping killed the alien beasts before made him wonder if he had met Jia Taiping's long-lost genius brother.

Waiting until Jia Taiping said he was tired, he said weakly: "Um, Teacher Jia, didn't you come here too?

Are we learning from you? As your students, we must keep up with you. "

"Follow your sister!" Jia Taiping punched Liu Chuhe on the shoulder who had just stood up, knocked him to the ground again, and said angrily, "I told you safety first, why don't you remember it?

Should I run here? If it weren't for you two, would I be able to run here? "

"What do you mean?" Liu Chuhe was a little confused, "Teacher Jia, didn't you come in when the overlapping space just appeared like us?

Did you come here specifically to see us later?

How did you know we two were here?

No, that's not the point. The point is that the entrances to the overlapping spaces should all be blocked? How did you get in? "

"You care how I got in?" Jia Taiping raised his hand and grabbed Liu Chuhe with one hand and Shen Zhaodi with the other and shouted, "You two, go back with me now."

go back……

Liu Chuhe looked around. Normally, the teacher was so powerful. It would be okay to take the two of them to practice here. The newly added overlapping space was such a good opportunity.

The problem is, I have been Jia Taiping's student for two years, and I know my teacher's style very well.

Let Jia Taiping lead himself and Shen Zhaodi to practice here?


Unexpectedly, he was not taken away by the rescue team, but by his teacher.

After Jia Taiping finished speaking, he seemed to have thought of something again, but he let go of the two of them, grabbed the dark stick, and looked around warily, but did not turn back and leave.

One minute, two minutes...

In the blink of an eye, three minutes passed. Jia Taiping was still standing there holding a long stick and did not take the two people away.

Liu Chuhe looked happy and asked tentatively: "Teacher, have you changed your mind? Are you going to take us to practice here?"

"What a waste of experience!" Jia Taiping angrily picked up the dark stick in his hand and was about to hit Liu Chuhe, but he only lifted it halfway. He thought about it and put the stick down again.

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