Hidden Corners

Chapter 220: Chapter 220


Li Chengyi was speechless, what is this, a child?

Compared with those opponents he had fought against before, although this one from Zhongyi University was stronger, he seemed to be very immature in character.

Watching Fei Yi completely leave and disappear.

He was sure that the other party didn't return, so he turned around and used Shadow Flash, and headed back towards Yong'an Garden.

This test is very straightforward.

The fourth-level force field can directly resist the three attacks of professional-level pilots.

That's pretty good. In a master battle, being hit three times in a row is basically an absolute disadvantage.

Therefore, the strength of the fourth-level force field is unquestionable, and life-saving is completely in line with expectations.

A simple four-level force field can block three hits, so what about after fusing with the scale clothes?

What about higher levels?

Li Chengyi was looking forward to it.

The other is the secret sword.

On the way back, he lifted the secret sword again to check.

But the secret sword that has been unsheathed, the red symbol on the silver sword has completely disappeared.

After waving it a few times at will, there is no special effect surrounded by purple flames.

Apparently, that sword just ran out of strength.

'Judging from the feedback I got when I was summoned. The usage of this secret sword is that it will automatically accumulate power in the scabbard at ordinary times, and when needed, draw the sword to kill the enemy. The warming cycle is once a month. '

‘No wonder it’s called Secret Sword. This kind of usage can only be used as a trump card to turn the tables at critical moments. '

'And this secret sword is so powerful that it can even damage a professional flying instrument, but unfortunately its power is fixed. There is no way to upgrade and strengthen with me like Hualinyi. '

There are pros and cons.

But the emergence of the secret sword finally gave Li Chengyi the confidence to deal with professional flying instrument masters.

Combined with the four-level force field generator, one attack and one defense, the effect is very good.

All good with these developments, that's the only trouble.

In Yong'an Garden.

Li Chengyi loosened the flower scale clothes, raised his hand and looked at the back of his hand.

The originally normal skin there now has clear black lines.

‘Shadow Flash has been used too much. It needs to be recovered and recuperated, and it cannot be used again in the short term. '

The black streaks will gradually fade as the rest adjusts, which is how his black streaks disappeared before.

But during this period of time, the frequency of his use of Shadow Flash was a bit too high.

'Fortunately, the guy from Zhongyi University has a damaged flying instrument, at least he won't bother me again in a short time. '

Li Shenhui has stayed here since he came to Suiyang.

Obviously it was specially sent to suppress the mob.

They didn't do anything directly to the Destiny Garden. According to Liu Tongbei, it was because of Skittles' background.

But for his thugs, he was merciless.

As long as he leaves the city, he can be pursued at any time.

"But it's fine now. The flying instrument is damaged. I don't know how much it will cost to repair it." Li Chengyi put the secret sword back into the scabbard and let it warm up.

This unexpected special weapon gave him quite a surprise.

After waiting in Yong'an Court for a while, an hour later, he went out again to the intercity wilderness.

I wandered around the place where I fought Li Shenhui for a while, but nothing happened.

No flying instrument came to chase.

It was finally confirmed that Li Shenhui was probably the only flying instrument master who came to Zhongyi University.

Or she is the only one who is the strongest.

After confirming the news, Li Chengyi returned again and had a good night's sleep satisfied.

The trouble has been solved temporarily, and he needs to speed up the evolution of the Flower God.

According to the time, a new dead end may arrive at any time.




February 24.


Tang Yuwei's house.

"Hahahaha! It's so funny!"

"Did you see that!? He actually washed his face with a foot towel! Hahaha!"

"Oh my god! She pulled out all the enoki mushrooms she ate! It didn't digest at all! It's so funny!!"

On the sofa, Tang Yuwei grabbed potato chips with one hand and patted the armrest with the other, laughing so hard that she almost got sick.

Star variety shows are shown on the projection TV.

Diyue's entertainment activities are actually various stars, sports, TV dramas, movies, competitions, etc.

Although Tang Yuwei is a first-class university graduate student, she still can't get rid of the basic hobby of ordinary girls - watching variety shows.

Li Chengyi sat on the side speechless, watching handsome men and beautiful women doing all kinds of funny moves intentionally or unintentionally on TV.

He just felt embarrassed.

There's absolutely no joke to be found.

However, Tang Yuwei, who was not far away, laughed until tears came out.

Obviously, the show was good, but not to his liking.

Thirty minutes later the show ended.

Tang Yuwei wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and looked at Li Chengyi who was on the side.

"Sorry, I haven't been so free to watch variety shows for a long time. I used to like this show the most. It's a pity. There are fewer opportunities to watch it now."

"That's right. After all, we are not young anymore." Li Chengyi nodded.

At this time, Tang Zhiwei quickly walked out of the kitchen with the dishes, and set them on the coffee table in front of the two of them.

Li Chengyi quickly got up to help.

"Teacher, you can just call me, why did you bring it over by yourself? You have worked hard enough to cook."

"What's the hard work, people, just need to be more active." Tang Zhiwei laughed.

The two quickly brought the food to the living room, and then sat down.

"Xiaowei's mother left early, and she and I were the only two at home. We rarely have guests. When you came over, we all had a light meal together. Don't take offense if you are not good at cooking." Tang Zhiwei laughed.

"Where is it, teacher's technique, it must be delicious at first glance!" Li Chengyi praised.

What he said was really not against his will. Tang Zhiwei's four dishes and one soup, fried pork with mushrooms, Sixi meatballs, braised pig's trotters, and fried yams with white mushrooms. Add fish head tofu soup.

Most of the meat, the fresh fragrance wafts out, which makes people appetite.

"Speaking of it, it's difficult for you blind people. The country doesn't pay attention to it, and occasionally asks you to cooperate with research when needed. And I have to be careful of sudden blind spots at all times." Tang Zhiwei sighed. "In comparison, Xiaowei is considered happy."

"Fortunately, it's good to get used to it." Li Chengyi smiled, "Speaking of which, Senior Sister Xiaowei should be graduating soon, right?"

"Well, the master's thesis has been published. I'll just sign it when it passes the review." Tang Zhiwei nodded and said, "The question now is what to do after graduation?"

"Special warfare major, can you go to the army or Jiuyi, or is it assigned to various places to join the security department?" Li Chengyi asked.

"It's difficult, the quota is full now. And flying instruments, you need a lot of money to maintain, otherwise you can't even use them." Tang Yuwei shook her head, "Although there are many flying instruments majors in the country, but after graduation, you can work in flying instruments." There are only a small percentage of those who work as teachers. Most of them are engaged in related work. After all, not everyone can afford this thing.”

"Then what does Senior Sister think about it?" Li Chengyi asked with his heart skipped a beat.

Tang Yuwei picked up the rice bowl, picked up a chopstick of yam, and put it on the rice.

"I'm born with limited conditions, so I can't go to the front line. After graduation, I plan to go to the local mental calculation center to be a tester."

"That's fine." Tang Zhiwei added on the side, "It's a different kind of life not to be on the front line."

He smiled and looked at his daughter.

"Speaking of which, your uncle Xue was still asking about your situation a few days ago. His son is very good. He is a teaching assistant at Dong'an Normal University. He probably will become a full-time teacher in a few years. What he means is that you two should get in touch first? "

"Dad, I'm only twenty-two!" Tang Yuwei said helplessly.

"What's wrong with twenty-two? Wouldn't it be nice to give birth to a grandson earlier?" Tang Zhiwei laughed.

"Senior sister is still unwilling to be trapped to death so early." Li Chengyi joked aside.

"Yes, it's too troublesome. Marriage or something." Tang Yuwei nodded.

She looked at her father, seeming to hesitate.

"Dad, there's a mutual aid meeting in the afternoon, I'm going to take Xiaoyi to have a look."

"Mutual aid club?" Tang Zhiwei was taken aback, "He's just a novice amateur pilot, so it's useless to go."

"Didn't I take him to learn more?" Tang Yuwei explained.

"Um, can I ask, what is a mutual aid society?" Li Chengyi couldn't help but speak out.

"It's a meeting between some aviators who have no money and need sponsorship, and rich people. Everyone chooses each other, and then sponsors and supports point-to-point. After signing the contract, the aviators get up. How much time do they need to work for the sponsors?" Tang Yuwei quickly replied.

"Because of the particularity of our school, the sponsors who can enter are basically nobles. Ordinary businessmen are not qualified." Tang Zhiwei explained. "As for nobles, they generally have high vision."

"I see." Li Chengyi nodded clearly. "Then why?"

"I didn't rely on my dad to get in." Tang Yuwei hurriedly said, "Except for actual combat, I have received the highest evaluation in all subjects! I was qualified to enter. I can also bring two people together."

"In actual combat, there is really no way. Xiaowei's illness makes her unable to strengthen her body. She is at a great disadvantage against those strengthened flying instrument masters." Tang Zhiwei sighed.

"Have you tried going to other places for treatment?" Li Chengyi asked.

"I have tried all kinds of methods, and spent a lot of money. The only effect is to alleviate the worsening trend, and it will not get worse." Tang Yuwei replied.

"Is that so?" Li Chengyi frowned. "Speaking of which, on my side, there is a way. I don't know if Senior Sister is willing to try it?"

Tang Yuwei's potential is very high. If he wants to buy better control materials and force field generators in the future, this girl is undoubtedly a good breakthrough.

Level 4 force fields are so powerful, wouldn't higher levels be even more unimaginable! ?

"What method?" Tang Yuwei asked quickly.

Tang Zhiwei on the side also put down his bowl, and looked at Li Chengyi seriously.

Seeing that the father and daughter's attention had been gathered, Li Chengyi spoke seriously.

"The teacher also knows that I'm a blind man, and I opened a company. The partners in the company are very complicated, and there are all kinds of paths, so the contacts are very diverse and wide."

He paused and continued.

"By chance, when I went to investigate a clue in a blind spot, I stumbled across a magical medicine. It was a special pill used by the local ethnic minorities."

"Wait, needless to say, you took it kindly, this kind of medicine will definitely not work." Tang Zhiwei shook his head and interrupted him.

This is the so-called folk remedies.

More than once, he has seen examples of people who believed in folk remedies ate poisoning and rescued them. Among other things, my daughter has been hit twice.

There are very few of these folk remedies that have some effect, but many of these effects are palliative, not root cause.

It will also have great side effects on the body.

"Okay. We just used it ourselves, and the effect is good." Li Chengyi said softly.

"Eat, eat." Tang Zhiwei greeted.

But Tang Yuwei on the other side looked at Li Chengyi and took the matter of the medicine to heart.

As long as it works, she is willing to try any folk remedies!

Had dinner.

Tang Yuwei sent Li Chengyi downstairs.

"I wanted to take you to the Mutual Aid Club, but my father refused. I'm sorry." Now that she has gotten to know Li Chengyi a little better, she has a good sense of this warm-hearted and down-to-earth young junior.

"Where is it, senior sister?" Li Chengyi smiled, "Actually, I wanted to say it before. Diseases like yours, senior sister, are not uncommon in the places I have been to. Their medicines are not mainly for treatment, but fortified. Lord, so."

Li Chengyi got in the car, rolled down the window, and handed Tang Yuwei a small bottle.

"Senior Sister, you can try it. It will definitely work. No money is charged. If you don't worry, you can go for a test."

Tang Yuwei took it and looked at it. It was a dark glass bottle with a purple-red bead inside.

"Thank you, this medicine is expensive, right? Shall I transfer it to you?"

"Small money, mainly to see if it works. It's the best if you can help the senior sister. If you can't help, just pretend I didn't say anything." Li Chengyi laughed.

"Well, see you later." Tang Yuwei also smiled, stepped back two steps, and waved at the other party.

Watching the car go away slowly, she picked up the bottle again, there was no sign on it, it really was a Sanwu product.

'Do you want to try it? '

A thought welled up from the bottom of her heart.

"By the way, how do you take this thing? Chew it dry? Swallow it with water, or before and after meals?"

Finding that she forgot to ask, she quickly took out her mobile phone and called Li Chengyi.

"Sorry, the number you dialed is out of service area, please try again later."

Suddenly a mechanical female voice came out from the microphone.


Tang Yuwei pressed redial in shock and the result was still the same.

"what happened?"




Inside the taxi.

Li Chengyi leaned back on the seat and let out a long breath.

Finally sent out the Hua Yuzhu. Next, I will wait for Tang Yuwei to see if there is any effect.

This girl is the best breakthrough for boss Syndra to choose with him. If it doesn't work this time, other methods will be much more difficult.

He sat in the back of the car, quietly thinking about the possibility of success, and how to deal with possible situations after success.

After waiting for a few minutes, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

'Why is the car so slow? '

Li Chengyi instantly became alert and looked to the left out of the car window.

At some point outside the window, it had turned into a cloud of gray.

Before, there were still people coming and going on the street with surging traffic, but now there were no cars in sight.

Gray mist shrouded the surroundings, and it seemed that he was the only car driving forward in the entire street.

Seeing this scene, Li Chengyi still couldn't recognize it.

He is in a dead end again!

'At this time! '

He had just returned to Long'an and sucked up the flower energy of gladiolus for three times, and he was about to perform terrifying magic tricks and continue to suck evil thoughts.

Tomorrow, he will be able to completely complete the third evolution of the gladiolus.

But... at this time.

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