Hidden Corners

Chapter 221: Chapter 221

"It's over. It's over!! My heavy smoke!!!"

Inside a rental house in Suiyang City.

Li Shenhui held her only flying instrument with tears in her eyes.

This level of damage, even if you don't even think about seven or eight million, don't even think about repairing it.

Not to mention that you have to wait two months to apply for the quota of the special rainbow railway.

"It's over. My doctoral dissertation needs heavy smoke to help me calculate it. It's all over!"

Li Shenhui looked desperate. She never dreamed that the special rainbow iron flying instrument, which was almost indestructible and whose hardness and toughness surpassed all materials on the market, would be damaged in a small task! ?

He took out his mobile phone and looked at the poor two hundred yuan in his account.

I just finished buying Feiyi's summer specific maintenance powder, so there is only so much left in my total savings.

She thought that she would be able to earn some subsidies by doing missions this time, so as to nourish her daily expenses

As a result, the powerful Feiyi Heavy Smoke, which was built with all the wealth, unexpectedly broke down! ? !

Not far away, a fair boy with glasses shook his head slightly, and turned to look at the short girl with twin ponytails.

"See, this is the life of a poor student. He can't bear to eat and doesn't want to wear clothes. It takes a long time to even go out to buy a bottle of fruit orange. Oiling the flying instrument is more frequent than taking a bath. Then..."

"You missed one more." The girl with ponytails focused on swiping her phone without looking up. "I have to tie a bow for Fei Yi's birthday during the holidays, and then go out and do tasks and pretend to be more ruthless than anyone else."

She sighed, looking at Li Shenhui who was crying bitterly in the distance, she was speechless.

"Now the main mission is stuck and needs to be repaired. How can we do it?"

"What else can I do, go back to school." The man spread his hands. "We are all students, so what do you want to do if you don't go back and report?"

"It's difficult for us to communicate this task orally. There will be no official documents for this kind of thing." The girl with two ponytails looked at Li Shenhui, who was crying so much that her nose was running down her mouth, and shook her head.

"No way, who would have thought that thug would have the ability to hurt the special rainbow iron?" The man was helpless. "This situation needs to be properly reported."

"The people in the dead corner team are very powerful. They can actually damage the special rainbow iron alloy." The girl with two ponytails frowned.

"Could it be that you got some benefits from the dead corner?" The man guessed.

"What's the benefit of dead corners? Outsiders can't use the things they come up with. I heard that the special national dead corner research department used to spend a lot of effort to produce a little bit of results, and the resources and funds consumed were far more than expected. Then it became unpopular.

The current arms race in Baixing, the border turmoil in the surrounding areas, which one is not more urgent than this? "


"Let's go, it looks like we have to change people for this ghost task." The girl with twin ponytails turned and walked towards the door.

The man glanced at Li Shenhui who was still crying, and followed him out the door.





The taxi stopped slowly.

Li Chengyi sat in the back row of the car, motionless.

The flower scale clothes had already covered him invisible, quietly raising his whole body to a higher level.

If someone can look down at his cushion, they can find that he is floating in the air at this moment.

The space inside the car is small, so Li Chengyi's first choice was to use the fusion invisible form.


He pushed open the car door. Get out of the car slowly.

The surrounding area was filled with gray fog, and all the shops on both sides of the street were turned off, except for a street lamp on the side of the road, which was still shining yellow evenly.

‘What’s the blind spot this time? '

Li Chengyi looked around.

The front was shrouded in gray fog, and if one looked ahead along the driveway, one could only see less than a hundred meters.

The same goes for the rear.

On the right-hand side of the road, there were two relatively luxurious convertible cars parked, one red and one black, the interior of the car was empty and quiet.

On the left-hand side of the road, one of two large black trash cans was tilted to the ground, and the edge of the other was smashed with a big gap.

A yellow and black tabby cat rummages through an overturned trash can.

‘Another large blind spot? '

Li Chengyi stood by the car and looked up at the sky.

'Um! ? '

His pupils shrank suddenly.

Above the head, through the hazy gray fog, it can still be seen.

There is no sky above at all, but an unbelievably huge black-brown rock wall!

The irregular rock wall, like a huge hemisphere, covers the city.

‘Impossible, this is a huge cave. '

Li Chengyi guessed in his heart.

‘According to the principle of dead ends, I have two chances of omen, and I must collect as much information as possible now. '

The biggest trouble with the blind spot is that you can't get out, so you must first find possible entrances and exits.

And try to find out the special signs here, so that after going out, you can quickly compare the prototype in reality.

Woo! ! !

Just as he took a few steps forward.

Suddenly, a deafening and sharp siren sounded suddenly over the city.

The sound came extremely suddenly.

Li Chengyi's five senses, which were already keen, were immediately pricked, making his eardrums ache.

He frowned, looked up and looked around, not knowing what happened.

But soon.

As the alarm sounded louder and louder.

Li Chengyi discovered that the gray fog surrounding him began to slowly fade and disappear.


Suddenly a cat meowed.

Li Chengyi followed the sound, just in time to see the black and brown striped cat digging through the trash, leaping, jumping off the trash can and rushing into the glass door of the nearest dessert shop.

Under the glass door, there is a big gap, which can completely allow the striped cat to get in.

Li Chengyi's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately rushed towards the glass door of the dessert shop.

'Sister Dessert'.

The name of this store is very down-to-earth. There is a white awning at the door and a wooden advertising price board. It is dark and there are no lights inside, so you can't see anything.

Only the faint light of street lamps projected in from the outside.

Da da da da.

Li Chengyi quickly ran to the glass door, held the handle and turned it around.



He kicked under the glass door, and the glass shattered on the spot, scattered all over the floor. Then he reached in and fumbled to unlock the lock.

It's a pity that the inside was also locked, and Li Chengyi still couldn't open the door for a while.


The striped cat hid in the store, looking at this with a pair of green eyes, not knowing what he was doing.


With both hands, Li Chengyi directly tore down the door.

As the cement slag fell to the ground, he threw the door to the ground and walked in quickly.

The store is not big, with three side-by-side transparent counters inside to divide the whole store into two areas.

Inside the counter is the work sales area.

Outside, is the customer area.

There are also several sets of white tables and chairs in the customer area, each with three leather chairs and a round table.

On one table was a set of confiscated white porcelain cups and saucers. The cup was also stuffed with a wad of used napkin, which appeared to have brown chocolate stains on it.

Li Chengyi glanced at the striped cat obediently sitting on the counter.

‘Can even cats go into blind spots? ’ He saw it for the first time.

Just when he wanted to study the cat further.

The sirens outside gradually died down.

Li Chengyi turned his head and looked out.

The fog outside the shop has completely disappeared.

Street lights, streets, shops, everything is clearly visible.

'It is quite now'

Li Chengyi glanced at the kitten.

It was found that it jumped down and lay down on a corner of the ground, shrinking its whole body into a ball.

Even closing his eyes, his body trembled slightly.

Li Chengyi squinted his eyes and slowly leaned against the wall, walked quietly to the door, and looked out through the glass.


Suddenly, his steps stopped, his whole body froze completely, and he didn't dare to move, so that his body was completely hidden in the shadow of the shop.

outside the shop.

The sky above the entire street city.

The black-brown rock wall that looks like the sky.

At this time, a huge gap is slowly opening from the center.

tear up.

All of a sudden, the gap accelerated, expanded, and formed.

That is a huge, dark red oval eyeball!

An eyeball that occupies almost half of the sky.

In the center of the eyeball is a pitch-black black hole.

Around the black hole is a circle of light golden lines like vines.

Further outside, there are large dark red veins of blood vessels.

Black, gold and red, three colors, constitute the complete appearance of this huge eyeball.


Suddenly a loud noise pulled Li Chengyi out of the shock.

He followed the sound and looked.

The sound came from the taxi he was riding over.

The automatic taxi parked in the middle of the road seemed to be oppressed by an invisible force.

It started to flatten, like a giant hydraulic press was crushing it from above.

There was the sound of cracking metal, and the sound of all kinds of things exploding.

Quickly, three seconds.

The taxi was crushed into a metal pancake no more than half a meter thick.

Immediately afterwards.

Silently, the car cake began to turn black from bottom to top, began to shatter, and finally turned into pieces of gray-black powder, flying into the sky, flying towards the huge red eyeball.

Less than five seconds.

The unmanned taxi, which was still intact just now, completely disappeared in place.

Li Chengyi held his breath, not daring to make any noise.

You don't need to try to know, that big guy is definitely not a monster he can deal with now.


Ten seconds later.

In the center of the huge eyes, large black dots began to float out.

There are hundreds of these black spots, and they are like shredded paper that has been burned to ashes, drifting slightly with the wind, and landing towards the city below.

After releasing these black dots, the giant eyes slowly closed, forming a gap, and then retreated into the rock formation and disappeared.


Li Chengyi let out a long sigh of relief.

The huge eyeballs put too much pressure on him.

If the monsters he encountered before gave him a sense of threat on a scale of one to ten, then the threat of the huge eyeballs was at least a thousand.

The gap in the middle is like a person standing in front of a mountain that is about to collapse, instinctively generating helplessness and fear.

"Unexpectedly, I will also feel fear."

Li Chengyi looked down at his legs.

His leg muscles are still a little cramped because of excessive tension.

Even the inferior shadow dragon blood that had been integrated into the body before seemed to have disappeared. Motionless in the body, like a fossil, completely suppressed.

He stood in the shadow of the store door and waited a moment, making sure that the giant eyeball was no longer there.

Only then slowly walked out from the door.

The striped wild cat also came out from behind, stretched its front legs, and stretched fiercely.


It barked at Li Chengyi.

"I don't have anything to eat, don't look for me." Li Chengyi relaxed his body and said casually.

The IQ of cats and dogs is equivalent to that of two or three-year-old children. If this cat has been in human society and is an adult, it means that it is likely to understand some simple words and instructions.

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