Hidden Corners

Chapter 222: Chapter 222


The striped cat looked at him and seemed to understand, then raised its eyes and aimed at a further distance.

It walked past Li Chengyi slowly and walked to another clothing store.

In a flash, he got in through a hole under the door of the clothing store.

Li Chengyi followed and grabbed the door of the clothing store, using all his strength.


The entire door was ripped off directly.

Given that he now has more than three tons of strength with his bare hands, this small door can't stop him.

Inside the door is an empty hall with some yellowish light.

The clothes that were supposed to be hanging were all piled up in one corner.

A wide space is left in the middle.

There was a set of thick black wood desks and a rotatable dark red leather chair.

The striped cat jumped up, onto the leather chair, and lay down to rest.

Li Chengyi looked around.

In a clothing store, there would be a set of wooden tables and chairs in the center?

Somewhat strange.

He approached slowly.

The desk is very long, more than three meters long, nearly two meters wide, and the height just reaches Li Chengyi's waist.

There are slight arcs at the corners, and the surface is extremely smooth, like a mirror surface, obviously polished and polished.

On the side of the table is a row of drawers of different sizes.

From top to bottom, it is arranged in four two two.

The top four drawers are engraved with some sun-engraved patterns similar to landscape paintings.

Li Chengyi grabbed the striped cat and put it on the ground.

Sit on the leather chair by yourself.

'It's quite comfortable? '

He was surprised.

The leather of this leather chair is not like any real leather he knows, but more like some kind of synthetic material, with excellent elasticity and toughness, and it also has a hint of warmth.

Like something is baking down there.

He looked down and saw nothing under the chair.


The striped cat stared at it disapprovingly, obviously upset at being left behind.

"It's useless to scream. Who made you weak." Li Chengyi rubbed his forehead and ears until his ears were red.

Click it.

The striped cat jumped up, lightly landed on a corner of the table, and then lay down skillfully, curled up into a ball, planning to sleep.

'So proficient? ’ Li Chengyi is keenly aware of the details.

On this table, there is a dry green potted plant, a brown wood hexagonal pen holder, and a small black inkstone.

Things are scattered, but the striped cat can accurately jump to a corner and lie down. There is a wider space, but it only curls up in a small corner.

Li Chengyi paused, reached out to touch the table, and found that the front piece he was facing had clear signs of wear and tear.

The polish here is a little duller.

It's like someone just happens to be working at a desk here.

‘This cat may have been raised by someone! ’ Li Chengyi quickly came to a conclusion.

He lowered his head and reached for the drawer.

The sound of clattering continued to spread.

Drawers were pulled open one by one.

It was all empty inside.


Suddenly Li Chengyi paused.

In the second-to-last drawer in the lower right corner, he found something.

A blank sheet of paper.

He carefully stretched out his hand, pinched a corner of the white paper, and took it out.

The paper is very hard and a little brittle, I don't know how long it has been placed.

But Li Chengyi was more concerned about the words written on it.

Yes, there are lines of clear writing on it.

It's Baixing language.

He quickly took out the AR glasses from his pocket, put them on, and tried to start the translation.

But nothing happened.

"It doesn't work at critical times! This thing seems to be made of custom materials."

Li Chengyi frowned, took off his glasses, and took out his phone.

The phone actually starts up.

He quickly called up the translation software inside, and then aimed at the lines of black writing on the white paper, and took pictures to translate.

But the disgusting thing is that there is nothing in the camera, no blank paper, no handwriting, only the surface of the table.

Li Chengyi could only look up word combinations one by one by himself.

His heart was filled with anger, and he decided to go out this time and start to learn Bai Xingyu well! Otherwise, it would be too inconvenient in this special environment.

Soon, in a few minutes.

The words on the paper are all translated. With the translation of words one by one, Li Chengyi obviously felt that something was wrong.

Many of these words were familiar to him.

After a few minutes, the final translation is done.

Holding the blank paper, he slowly assembled the contents in his mind.

The content on the paper seemed to be a young man talking, right next to his ear.

'I've stayed here for too long, and the verification of that thing has come to an end. '

'What Yunshan hides is very dangerous. It is a trouble that can devour people's hearts. The purpose of Lanmeng Mountain Lord is definitely not to be a good person. '

‘He deliberately left clues of the real book of wishes, as if he wanted to guide people to find and contact something. '

'I can't know his purpose, the crescent mark of the fake book really helped me a lot. So, I still decided to continue walking in the direction he wanted. ’ — Ryan.

"It was actually left by him." Li Chengyi felt awe-inspiring.

He searched for so long in the corner of Yunshan, but he couldn't find any clues about Li En. He found it through other people. Here, he unexpectedly found a message note.

This is a coincidence? still.


Suddenly, there was a sound of dull footsteps on the street outside.

Li Chengyi quickly folded the note, carefully put it in his inner pocket, then stood up, walked to the store door and looked out.

on the street.

A dark figure two meters high was walking slowly, as if patrolling and checking for something.

By the flickering street lights around.

Li Chengyi slowly saw the figure's shape clearly.

That is a mass of human-shaped black and green mud!

Thick, viscous, with light green reflections, it seems to smell bad from a distance.

A large piece of green mold covered the body surface of this humanoid silt.

It is like a human being, constantly walking forward, while walking, dragging wet and dirty marks behind it.

It seemed that he had noticed Li Chengyi's peeping.

The mud monster turned around and looked towards the clothing store.

Then it started to accelerate, moving this way.

"So sharp." Li Chengyi glanced at the tables and chairs behind him.

This place is the trace left by Li En, it is best not to be damaged.

He simply walked out of the shop and looked at the slime monster that was approaching rapidly.


In an instant, countless wisteria petals flew around, forming a complete wisteria scale coat, covering the whole body.

Raising his hand, he aimed at the silt monster which was already five meters away.

A layer of invisible radiant force field quickly covered it.

The ground and the air within ten meters around Li Chengyi began to heat up rapidly.

The slime monster also began to steam with light water vapor.

Gulu Gulu!

It made a strange cry, and suddenly opened its arms towards Li Chengyi and threw itself.

Its movement speed is slightly faster than that of ordinary people. But there is a huge gap compared to Li Chengyi.

He just dodged to the left to avoid the pounce.


A golden light shot out, piercing through the slime monster's chest from behind.

That is the golden sword of gladiolus.

But soon, the hole in the slime monster's chest healed automatically, and it continued to turn towards Li Chengyi.

'Flash. '

A bright golden light exploded in front of the slime monster.

The golden light beam carried high temperature and slammed into its entire body. Then it pierced through his body like golden thorns and flew towards the sky behind him.

It flew more than ten meters before fading and disappearing.

The slime monster emitted white smoke all over its body, and its tall body fell backwards, shattering into many dry mud clumps.

The heavy mud clods were mixed and smashed down, making some fine pits on the road surface.

'Where did this thing come from? ’ Li Chengyi frowned and looked at the monster.

He stepped forward, condensed the golden sword in his hand again, and began to cut the slime monster's body with the tip of the sword.

First the head, gently cut open.

There was nothing in it, it was all dry mud.

Then the chest, the same thing, nothing was found.

And finally the legs.


Suddenly, Li Chengyi gave a hand.

In the middle of the slime monster's right leg, that is, the position of the human knee, it was cut open with his sword blade.

A pitch-black stone block with a color different from other mud blocks appeared in front of his eyes.

He carefully picked out the stone, and then covered it with a radiant force field, purifying it first.

After purifying for a few seconds, it is sure that there is no problem.

He stretched out his hand and grabbed the stone through the scaled clothes.

'Maybe it will be something of value. '

Li Chengyi was about to find something to wrap the stone.

Suddenly, a black shadow rushed towards him in the distance and approached quickly.

That black figure galloped from the middle of the street, like a sports car sprinting at high speed, but its speed was much faster than a sports car.

From seeing to approaching.

The distance of more than two hundred meters is only one second!


Li Chengyi jumped to the right at a critical moment.

Just to avoid the shadow collision.

Boom! !

The direction of the black shadow was also skewed, trying to catch up, but the angle was still not enough, and it hit the load-bearing wall of a two-dollar store on the side of the street.

The walls crumbled and snapped.

The black shadow stopped, straightened up, and turned to look at Li Chengyi.

At this time, with the street lights, I could see its complete shape clearly.

This is a tall armor with a dark body, thick and hideous!

The inside of the armor is wriggling black silt, with tiny black air evaporating from the gaps in the armor.

On the whole, this is a man in mud armor.

The height is nearly three meters, the body width is nearly two meters, and the black armor on his body is full of spikes and damage. It looks more like it was formed by melting a lot of metal and pouring it directly on it.

But none of that is the point.

The point is, this silt armor monster is holding a two-meter-long, palm-width black-green epee in his hand.

The heavy sword didn't look like it was forged, but more like some kind of stone pillar that grew naturally.

The edge of the blade is not obvious, and the hilt of the gauntlet is full of messy black stone protrusions, with no traces of polishing at all.

The sword body glowed with a faint green light in the darkness, obviously possessing some special effects.


The armored silt monster turned around and raised its epee at Li Chengyi.

The green light on the sword began to brighten rapidly.

A clear sense of threat welled up in my heart.

Li Chengyi's complexion changed slightly, and he turned quickly, trying to avoid it.


In an instant, a flash of green lightning flashed across the distance and landed on him in an instant.

The lightning speed was so fast that Li Chengyi couldn't react at all.

It's like a light, you see it and you hit it.

He had clearly left his original position and ran to an empty space of at least ten meters to the right.

But the green lightning still turned and flew towards him, and landed on him fiercely.

The hissing green electric arc crazily spread across Li Chengyi's body, spreading, fixing him in place, unable to move.

Under the action of the electric arc, cracks began to slowly appear on the scale coat of the wisteria flower.

Li Chengyi's heart sank. He didn't suffer any injuries, but his body couldn't move.

Moreover, the muscles of the whole body are weak and weak as if they have lost their strength.

The effect of that green lightning far exceeded his expectations.

Soon, the body returned to normal.

'Flash! '

boom! !

The dazzling golden light burst out in an instant.

Bombard the approaching silt armor monster head-on, and push it back more than ten meters.

But there was a miraculous glow just now, and now it just baked more black air on the surface of the silt monster.

Other than that, there is no other use.

Ow! !

It raised its head and roared, raised its epee again, and swung it at Li Chengyi.

'Since you can't avoid it, then go hard! '

Li Chengyi's pupils shrank and turned into pale golden vertical pupils.


His whole body of flower scale clothes instantly switched into sun flower scale clothes.

Countless golden petals fluttered and have not yet dissipated.

A giant golden hand smashed out, exploded with hot golden light, and grabbed the silt armor monster head-on.


Li Chengyi sprayed sparks from his mouth and nose, his eyes were red and fierce, and his right palm boomed like a cannonball.

boom! !

The giant hand collided with the green lightning instantly.

The two do not interfere with each other.

The lightning quickly spread to Li Chengyi's whole body.

But the golden giant hand didn't stop, and hit the armored silt monster with all its inertia.

Boom! ! !

The three-meter-high body of the armored silt monster, under the golden giant with a diameter of more than five meters, was like crisp sugar cane, and it fell down immediately.

His whole body was caught and fell down, and he was pressed to the ground like a meteorite, smashing out a deep cement pit with a diameter of seven or eight meters.

Li Chengyi stood stiffly in place, paralyzed by the green lightning and unable to move.

It took a few seconds before he calmed down.

He let out a long breath, and found that the golden scale clothes on his body also had tiny cracks.

Obviously, the lethality of this green lightning is far stronger than he imagined. And it seems quite geared toward armour.

Withdrawing his giant hand, he walked quickly to the cement pit where the silt armor monster fell.

This monster has been completely smashed, flattened into a mixture of black mud and armor fragments.

And the black epee with green light was smashed into the ground by a huge force, leaving only a section of the hilt.

Li Chengyi's eyes lit up, he walked over, reached out and grabbed the hilt of the sword, and pulled it out forcefully.


The epee was pulled out at once. Exposing the complete sword body.

'This thing seems to be very strong.'

He weighed the weight, it weighed about a hundred catties.

Swinging it casually, green electric arcs naturally appeared on the sword with the speed of swinging.

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