Hidden Corners

Chapter 230: Chapter 230

Li Chengyi only felt his body tremble, and countless tingling pains appeared on his skin, as if he was being punctured with a large number of needle points.

His heart began beating violently, accelerating. A large amount of blood is like an exploding balloon airflow, spreading along the blood vessels in all directions.

Boom! !

He stepped on the ground with his right foot, and slashed forward with the heavy sword in his hand.

Kacha, a flash of green lightning flew out, but strangely, the lightning went straight through the woman's body without any effect.


At the same time, a ball of golden light exploded.

Searing, cleansing, explosive impact, all at the same time.

But the scary thing is that the screaming is still there, and it's still going on! It seems that it has not been affected in any way.

The golden light dissipated, and the woman's figure was distorted like ripples being stirred up, and then recovered again.

She was still standing at the door, still howling.

Li Chengyi felt the tingling pain all over his body becoming more and more obvious. He immediately grabbed the bag containing the letter paper and leaped sideways.


He shattered glass from a second-floor window and landed on the street outside.

All is quiet.

The howling disappeared, and the figure of the woman did not follow.

It was as if what I heard and saw just now were just hallucinations.


'What the hell! ? ’ Li Chengyi looked at the empty streets around him and let out a hard breath.

He raised his hand, and at some point a large purple blood spot appeared on the back of his hand.

Some blood spots have joined together and turned into large wounds like ulcers.

The largest ones are even the size of mung beans.


The striped cat's voice sounded from one side.

Li Chengyi glanced at it. This guy ran out without knowing when, and was squatting on the side of the road watching him, bowing his head and licking his front paws from time to time.

"You guys are smart."

Li Chengyi looked up at the window where he just jumped out of, but there was no movement there.

He simply found a clothing store on the street, went in and sat on the floor, continuing to read the letter paper.

The translator was intact, and the stationery was undamaged, which is simply weird.

Obviously, the woman's howl just now was probably only aimed at living things.

"The armored slime monster's sword is mainly aimed at dead objects. The howling sound is only aimed at living things. It really is." Li Chengyi understood a little.

These two kinds of monsters are likely to be special protective measures against two types of dark city entrants.

That howling was extremely powerful, but he had been transformed by the blood of an inferior shadow dragon, and his physical strength far exceeded that of ordinary people.

According to his estimation, his physique was at least three to four times the limit of a pure-blooded reformer.

With such physical strength, in just a few seconds amidst the howling sound, capillaries burst and hemorrhaged all over the body.

In other words, if you were an ordinary person, you would be doomed to die the moment you heard the voice.

Unfolding the third letter, he pressed the translator on it again. The voice rang out.

"According to the cycle, we need to go to the street for an hour. The switching between the internal and external cycles is getting faster and faster, and my nervous anxiety has committed again. Maybe just dying here is our final destination."

"By the way, I found a strange device here. It was on the roof of Building No. 2. It only lasted for a few minutes before disappearing. I suspect it has something to do with what we are looking for."

Below is a simple picture.

It was a triangular shelf with a stone pillar standing in the middle, and on the stone pillar was placed an irregular stone-like thing, painted black.

There was no new content below, so Li Chengyi went to look through the small bag again and found that it was gone. The rest are some colorful hair ties, and a gold ring that is somewhat oxidized.

The ring is engraved with a one-eyed snake entrenched.

There are three letters in total. Add a one-eyed snake ring, this is Li Chengyi's new harvest.

Yisna, this should be the recipient's name, I don't know if this person is still alive.

He put everything back into the bag, put it in the inner bag of his body and put it away.


The striped cat is at it again.

This time, Li Chengyi looked at it carefully and found some clues.

On the kitten's tail, there is a slight circular mark where the hair is shorter and lighter than the surrounding area.

He quickly thought of the hair tie in the bag, and the small bag

‘Could it be that they send letters to each other through this cat? '

A strange thought flashed through his mind.

Otherwise, there is no way to explain how many colorful hair ties are placed where such important stationery is placed.

Immediately, Li Chengyi squatted down, took out the bag again, took a hair rope and tied it around the mouth of the bag, and shook it at the kitten.


The kitten was really taken aback.

Then, it turned out to be real, approached slowly step by step, walked up to Li Chengyi, then turned around, with its tail straightened.

Seems to be waiting for him to tie the bag around his tail.

Li Chengyi tied the empty bag exactly where the circle marks were.

Just right.


The striped cat meowed again, and walked towards the door skillfully.

Li Chengyi followed closely behind.

This time the kitten didn't stop, but walked lightly and fast.

One person and one cat quickly walked along the side of the street.

About two minutes later.

The kitten slowed down, then made a turn, and got into an iron gate of an unknown clubhouse on the left.

Li Chengyi followed without slowing down, covered in scale clothes, and bumped into the closed and locked iron gate.


The iron gate collapsed, and Li Chengyi followed the kitten to the mahogany textured anti-theft door inside the hall.

The anti-theft door was ajar, and it was dark and silent inside.

The kitten slipped in lightly and disappeared into the darkness.

Li Chengyi looked around to make sure there was nothing wrong, and then walked into the anti-theft door.


The heavy boot armor of the scale coat fell on the stone ground, making a crisp sound.


Suddenly, the ear-piercing siren sounded again.

Li Chengyi turned his head and looked outside.

Outside the iron gate of the guild hall, tall black figures emerged out of thin air. They were three-meter-tall armored silt monsters!

"It's higher than what I met before." Li Chengyi's heart trembled.

Obviously, the law of dead ends has begun to appear, killing a dead end monster once, the next time the monster will definitely be stronger.

He withdrew his gaze and began to observe the hall of the guild hall through the dim light outside.


It's the only feeling he has.

In the entire hall, on both sides are the elevators to the second floor, and a large cylindrical display stand is placed in the middle, which seems to be used to display some precious items, and is surrounded by a layer of reinforced glass for protection.

The display stand is about four or five meters in diameter, which shows that the things to be displayed are relatively large.

There were pools of dark stains all over the floor, whether it was spilled juice or something else that dried up.

Li Chengyi looked for it with the little green light of the translator, and found that the kitten had reached a corner on the front right.

There are back-shaped sofas and low tables, obviously a temporary rest area.

It is tail vertically, constantly rubbing back and forth on a sofa corner.

Li Chengyi approached and looked towards the sofa halfway.

Suddenly he stopped.

Sitting on the sofa was a dark, extremely thin figure.

It was a mummy.

The mummy had been dead for an unknown amount of time. He raised his head, stared at the ceiling above with sunken eyes, and placed his hands on top of the sofa.

This is a very relaxed gesture.


The kitten began to rub against the mummy's trouser legs. Obviously, it doesn't know that the other party is dead.

Li Chengyi walked over, checked quickly, and found another thing in the pocket of the mummy's clothes.

It's a pocket watch.

Press the button of the dark gold watch, and the cover pops open, revealing a photo of the head inside.

In the photo is a little baby with a sweet smile and bright eyes.

Below is a line written in Baixing language, which is so thin that Li Chengyi can't understand it.

Closing the pocket watch, he noticed that on the little finger of the mummy's right hand, there was also a gold ring with a one-eyed snake.

‘A person from an organization? '

He lowered his head and untied the bag from the kitten's tail. He thought for a while and put the ring and pocket watch in.

'If the three letters I saw before were all written by this person, then what else should I pay attention to in what he said? '

Li Chengyi recalled it carefully.

'The silt giant, the black-armored giant, the black-armored man, the King of Giant Eyes, and the roof of Building No. 2, that tripod'

He continued to search in the mummy's clothes bag, but unfortunately, there was nothing.

The corpse was wearing gray long-sleeved trousers, just like ordinary manual workers on the assembly line.

Such attire obviously shouldn't be for rich people.

But on his hand, he was wearing a gold ring, the one-eyed snake ring.

This made Li Chengyi feel a certain sense of disobedience.

He looked at the mummy carefully again.


Suddenly, he noticed that the mummy's other hand was tightly clenched into a fist.

"Sorry." He reached out and opened his fist. The mummy's fingers were snapped off like branches.

A ball of gray paper tightly held inside was exposed.

Li Chengyi's eyes lit up, and he reached out to pick out the ball of paper.

Gently and carefully unfold the ball of paper, on it is a fairly simple map.

A circular city is drawn on the map.

The city is divided into six districts, and each district is divided into many buildings.

The map painters are quite crude, and only the outline and meaning can be barely seen.

'Then.. Building 2. There are six districts, six places? '

He noticed that three points on the map were marked with additional red dots.

It is estimated that it is either a dangerous area or their own location.

There is another sentence under the map.

Li Chengyi immediately pressed the translator up.

"I found the location of the door. It needs a key to open it. It's a pity that the leader took my share. Live."

At the end of the handwriting, there is a slight red color, perhaps the word itself was written with blood.

Li Chengyi silently put the map away and put it in a bag.

If he didn't have the Flower of Evil, perhaps the final outcome would be the same as the person in front of him.

'So, where is the door? Is it a red dot on the map, or... a place he didn't mark? '

Li Chengyi was a little emotional.

No matter how terrifying, dangerous, and desperate the blind spot is.

After all, there will be elites like the mummy in front of us, they will be unswerving, step forward, and move towards the ultimate destiny of completely getting rid of dead ends.

'.The door, and the key.' Suddenly Li Chengyi's mind flashed.

He noticed the sitting posture and posture of the mummy.

Now that he has reached the final dying moment, why is he still in such a relaxed posture?

Is it because you are about to be completely liberated? Or is there some other reason for deliberately posing this pose?

Li Chengyi stared at the mummy.

Suddenly he thought of it.

Suddenly looked up.

His eyes followed the eyes of the mummy, looking at the zenith of the hall together.

At this moment, the eyes of the two seem to overlap across time.

Push the book, the introduction laughs to death~

"Final Mission"

Lu Yuan looked at his hands that were gradually covered with black scales, the black hair behind his back fluttered wildly without wind, his scarlet eyes stared at the human-shaped mechanical body flying across the night sky like a shooting star, and whispered to himself with a smile: " Now... I should be able to tear the mecha by hand... [Laughing through tears]

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