Hidden Corners

Chapter 577 577 Searching 1

Dark, deep, and an unknown place in the Black Sea flowing with countless viscous unknown substances.

A huge dark vortex is slowly rotating. Its size is so huge that the entire earth and moon are just insignificant dust in front of it.

In the middle of the vortex, there is an irregular black-yellow rock island.

The island remained motionless in the center of the vortex, and there were even pavilions and pavilions built on the surface.

Under the sharp curved eaves, there are slender black streamers swaying gently in the wind.

Most of the buildings are dominated by pointed domes, and the colors are mainly dark gold and black.

There are huge golden rings glowing with color standing on the sides of many buildings.

At this time, countless colorful haloes condensed inside one of the golden rings at an extremely fast speed.


In an instant, a white ray of light flew out and landed gently, revealing three figures.

Astonishingly, it was Li Chengyi and Que Ru brought by Master Yinjiu.

"This is the real department." Master Yinjiu breathed out. "According to the rules, you can only return to the original location after obtaining the method here."

Li Chengyi nodded and carefully looked at the small island in front of him.

Outside the island is a hemispherical black sky. Countless black slimes in the outside world are rotating rapidly. Just looking at it makes you feel dizzy.

He quickly looked away and looked at the building on the other side.

Most of these buildings are in the shape of Taoist temples, and it is obvious that Tianju Pavilion still adheres to the Taoist style.

Most of the rolling Taoist buildings are deserted and deserted.

"Why can't you see anyone except us? Are there no guards here?" Que Ru asked the question that Li Chengyi wanted to ask.

"This is the place where you can learn the Dharma. After you choose the forbidden knowledge path system, you can leave the practice on your own. You don't think you have to practice here all the time, right? If you can continue to make breakthroughs in practice in one place, then we won't have to go everywhere. We are looking for ways to compete for resources." Master Yinjiu shook his head with a smile.

"There is indeed a guardian here, but you can't see it."

Li Chengyi did know a little about the internal situation of the real department. His teacher Yin Yue had mentioned some details to him before coming.

"May I ask, uncle, if there is no concept of time here according to what Teacher Yinyue said?" He thought for a while and asked.

"Of course, when you return, you can still go back to the day after you left. The changes in all things have been divided into countless nodes by the builders of the True Department. They took you out of time and space, and sent them back to you when they returned. The change was close to the moment he left." The two people couldn't fully understand what Master Yinjiu said.

But they still try to remember these words, maybe they can be inspired in the future.

The two of them followed Yin Jiu all the way to the largest Taoist palace here.

The entire appearance of the Dao Palace is like a wild-haired beast with its mouth open to devour.

The strange beast looks like a lion but not a lion, with a gray-white mane all over its body. The lines between the manes are the tiny stone pillars and ropes that support the building of the Taoist palace.

Yin Jiu was the first to enter the Tao Palace gate, followed closely by the two of them.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw a tall man with a snake head and a human body, his eyes were shining with blue fluorescence, sitting quietly on a futon, with a huge black sea text behind him: 1.

"You need to salute him. This is Senior Pingqiu, the Taoist preacher." Yin Jiu turned around and said solemnly.

Li Chengyi and Que Ru quickly followed and saluted the man.

The other party didn't seem to notice them at all, still sitting cross-legged on the futon, motionless, like a sculpture.

"This place is the origin of time. You have three hundred breaths to gain a little understanding of the changes in the origin around you. After that, you need to return here and receive the teaching." Yin Jiu said in a deep voice.

Li Chengyi and Que Ru both saluted him.

"Thank you, uncle."

"Remember, once the teaching is completed, if you are unable to improve your level within three hundred years, you will be transferred to the defense department and sent out to open a Tianju Pavilion branch to recruit disciples." Yinjiu warned.

The two of them were filled with awe, and both nodded with serious expressions.

After bowing again, the two turned and left the Taoist Palace.

When his feet stepped on the ground of this island, Li Chengyi truly felt that this was a real place.

He looked up at the dark sky spinning rapidly around him.

He glanced at Que Ru.

"Sister, what are your plans?"

"I plan to walk around first, and then make contact with other fellow students to exchange information." Que Ru replied.

"But I heard from the teacher that the disciples who are being taught here are not just me and other time and space, but also introductory disciples from other nodes in time and space. If you communicate rashly, you may have huge cause and effect and entangle yourself, so you come to the opportunity to teach. , it’s all arranged.” Li Chengyi said. "What I'm afraid of is that the disciples negotiate with each other in advance and affect different time and space variables."

"It's not that serious. The solidification areas of different time and space in the Black Sea are different." Que Ru smiled. "The elders of our sect use great magical powers to reverse the changes in all things. Those who can escape from such changes will naturally not be affected. Those who cannot escape are just ants and cannot hear our words. They cannot come here."

Li Chengyi was a little confused. Obviously, the other party knows a lot more than him.

Seemingly sensing Li Chengyi's lack of knowledge, Que Ru said no more, bowed, turned and walked towards another Taoist palace.

Li Chengyi watched her leave and took a gentle breath.

He didn't waste time as time was limited, he turned around and walked quickly towards the edge of the island.

Not long after, he came to the rocky edge of the black island.

Outside is black slime flowing rapidly.

Countless slimes are like black worms, with a grainy texture, and you can hear countless buzzing sounds when you get close.

"Is this the origin substance?" Li Chengyi slowly stretched out his hand and touched the black mucus with his fingertips.


The first half of his finger disappeared instantly, as if it had been cut off by some extremely sharp knife edge, leaving no trace.

"Sure enough, this is the still scene."

As mentioned before the arrival of the Yin Moon, the static scene is the original substance that contains all things and dissolves all things, before the origin of all things.

If you don't reach the holy position and get contaminated rashly, it will be extremely harmful.

After testing it himself, Li Chengyi believed it.

‘This place looks extremely dull, no wonder not many people stay here. ’

He glanced around and saw that the surrounding islands were empty. Except for Que Ru, who had just left, there was no one in sight.

Sighing in his heart, he began to wander around the Taoist palaces one by one.

Most of the Taoist palaces here are deserted. Only a few of them have one person sitting in meditation, and there is no response to greetings.

Like a dead zone.

Li Chengyi visited every Taoist palace, and then found a small round well at the end of the island.

Standing by the well was a young man in Taoist robes with red skin and horns.

He stared blankly at the mouth of the well, muttering something, not knowing what he was saying.

Seeing that the time was approaching, he returned to the largest Taoist palace, entered the door, and sat down cross-legged behind Yinjiu.

"Isn't it boring?" Yin Jiu laughed.

"Indeed, it's empty, and no one pays attention to me. This place is completely different from what I originally thought." Li Chengyi frowned.

"That's why it's normal. After being here for a long time, any living thing will be affected by the static scene in the periphery, thereby reducing its own change speed."

he smiled.

"To put it simply, if you stay for a long time, your own time will become slower and slower. If you don't take the crucial holy step, you will become a static sculpture and stay here forever."

He sighed.

"Have you seen these unmanned Taoist palaces? They were originally occupied by people. Unfortunately, the ancestors of the sect failed to take the crucial step and eventually merged with this place and turned into underground black stones. In the beginning, this place here The island does not exist, but is the remains of our ancestors. It is gradually expanding."

Li Chengyi felt awe-inspiring in his heart, and the image of Tianju Pavilion in his heart became more and more mysterious.

After sitting cross-legged for a while, Que Ru also came back.

Like Yin Jiu, the two sat down cross-legged facing the snake-headed Taoist and waited quietly.


Suddenly a bell rang.

A ray of colorful rays of light suddenly flew in from outside the Dao Palace and landed accurately in front of the three people.

Xiaguang transformed into a bald and double-chinned old Taoist, wearing a white Taoist robe, with the other two arms spread out behind him.

The old Taoist nodded slightly towards Yinjiu and sat cross-legged on the ground, waiting for the teaching to be taught.

Soon, Taoist Pingqiu, who had the head of a snake and a human body, slowly thawed like an ice sculpture, and his face began to tremble.

His glowing blue eyes moved and scanned the four people present.

"The teaching begins. Be still and concentrate." A strange, high-pitched voice with a hiss echoed among the crowd.

The four people quickly adjusted their status.

Li Chengyi locked his eyes on Taoist Pingqiu.


Suddenly another bell rang.

The blue light in the opponent's eyes was like two beams of light, suddenly flying and piercing into his eyes.

Countless information poured into his mind in an instant, just like the feeling when using the language of brilliant flowers.

It's just that the intensity is slightly lighter than then.

Countless methods on how to improve the Yin Code's furnace of creation, how to calcine it, how to strengthen it, and other methods entered Li Chengyi's consciousness.

Not only that, but at the same time, the image of an ancient oven carved with countless patterns and symbols emerged from the information transmitted by Pingqiu Taoist.

The Yuanshen Sword Palace in Li Chengyi's mind shook violently, and the sword-shaped sword furnace in it changed rapidly due to this effect.

It became more refined, and black sea text patterns continued to appear on the surface. The fire inside became brighter and clearer.

The image of the furnace seemed to be a great tonic for the sword furnace, quickly shortening and stabilizing Li Chengyi's current state of real fire and virtual fire.

At the same time, the sword furnace he condensed also flew out a transparent image, which was reflected into Taoist Pingqiu's eyes.

I don't know how much time passed, but Li Chengyi slowly woke up from his trance.

He was still sitting in the Dao Palace, but the Yuanshen Sword Palace was stronger and more pure than ever before.

The previously illusory and translucent flames of the sword furnace had now turned into substantial golden flames.

Just for a short while, he actually crossed the virtual fire level and entered the second stage of real fire, essence fire!

At this stage, the sword furnace's true fire will begin to comprehensively strengthen the body's flesh, blood, bones, etc.

The ultimate in the realm of essence fire is to strengthen and purify the physical body to the extreme of a living being.

It is not the upper limit of a certain race, but the limit of the entire creature.

Li Chengyi, who had obtained a large number of Yin Canon practice methods, instantly recognized the state he was in at this time.

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