Chapter 2008 is justified, you are my wife.

Gu Weiwei glanced at the face and looked at her face. She turned her head and looked at the two little guys who were about to fall asleep on the bed. When Dad came back, they climbed up and stood guarding the barrier.

"I have to sleep, you see you?"

Fu Hanyu smiled helplessly. "Then I am coming, you are resting on the side."

"Oh." Gu Weiwei gave the children's picture book to her, and she moved the place to him.

Fu Hanxi carefully turned over the children's picture books, and the brows and wrinkles became tighter. They were all stories of little frogs and little panda bunny.

He has done a lot of business strategy speeches, but it’s so naive, it’s really no challenge.

He glanced at Gu Weiwei. "Can you change one?"

Gu Weiwei handed him a song, "Or, you can sing to them."

"That's still this one." Fu Hanyu cleared his throat and turned to a page and began to talk.

Yu You and Yu began to curiously listen to the cot of the cot. When they stood tired, they sat down and listened. Finally they sat tired and simply lay down.

Gu Weiwei took care of her hand, smiling at the man who read the children's story book seriously, and the two little buns on the small bed, with unprecedented stability and satisfaction.

Fu Hanyu talked intermittently about a picture book for four or five times. The two little buns on the small bed really made him sleep.

He closed the book with relief and got up and covered the two quilts with two children, turning to look at Gu Weiwei sitting on the side.

"The children are asleep, now I can sleep you, my wife."

Gu Weiwei glanced at him with a funny smile and got up and added the master bedroom.

"Who is your wife, who wants you to sleep?"

Fu Hanxiu showed his little red book, "Hey, name is right, you are my wife."

Said, bow down and kiss.

Gu Weiwei reached out and grabbed his mouth. "Fully, how do you kiss?"

Fu Hanxi sighed with regret, and went to the bathroom to wash it. After a while, it was surrounded by a bath towel.

Gu Weiwei took the pajamas and threw them to him. "The clothes are put on."

"In any case, I have to take off and wear something." Fu Hanyu said while rubbing his hair.

"Don't think about it, my relatives are coming." Gu Weiwei said directly.

Fu Han looked at her and turned to think about it. I really thought it was true these days.

Such an important day, even so unfortunately, he sighed with sigh.

Then, I put on my pajamas.

"This week I will accompany you to the hospital in Hechi for another check."

Gu Weiwei asked while she was unloading the makeup during the day.

"What check, but also check my brain?"

"Be a more comprehensive inspection." Fu Hanxi said.

Because when I want to call the ancient Yun Che together, look at her inspection results, he has no way to solve.

"I can do it at any time, is it that you have to open yourself?" Gu Weiwei said.

"Only one or two hours at noon will be fine." Fu Hanxi said.

Although she now feels that she can't think of it for a few years, it doesn't matter, but the person in charge of Hechi and the experiment said that the experiment may be successful, or it may succeed after the success, so the final result is not sure. what.

Therefore, whether it is to make her better, or long-term health plan, regular check-ups to observe changes in her cerebral cortex and hippocampus.

(End of this chapter)

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