Chapter 2009 Gu Siyu committed suicide

Gu Weiwei squinted and tried to lie.

"Can't you go?"

"No." Fu Hanzhen firmly said.

Gu Weiwei snorted. "What do you discuss with me?"

About because she was dead on the operating table of the hospital before, so she did not like the hospital.

Although she can't think of the past, she didn't say that she had forgotten before, turned her head and loved others. He asked him to check what he did?

Fu Hanqi approached, standing behind her, bending over and holding people from behind.

"Go and check, just in case, fear that your situation will deteriorate again."

Although Gu Weiwei was reluctant, she nodded and agreed to go to the inspection.

"Right, in a few days, Kaman Dolans and the Lantern Festival will return to Italy."

Fu Hanzhen thought for a moment, "I will arrange for the family and Kaman Dolans to meet one day?"

"Good." Gu Weiwei promised to get up and wash her face and put on a mask.

Just lying in bed and turning over the book, Fu Hanyu’s phone rang.

He glanced at the call and his eyebrows were dignified.

"what's up?"

The phone was called by Yuan Zhen, and it lived a few hundred meters away from the next door, but called him in the middle of the night.

Intuition tells him what is going on.

"Gu Sizhen has an accident over there, you come over." Yuan Zhen’s tone is burning, and the situation is serious.

"Well, I will come right away."

After speaking, Fu Hanyu hung up the phone and went straight to the cloakroom to get a coat over the pajamas. The clothes were not ready to be changed.

Gu Weiwei asked her in a strange style and asked strangely.

"It's all so late, where are you going?"

"A bit of work needs to be dealt with, you sleep first." Fu Hanyu wore a coat and hurriedly went out.

Gu Weiwei wants to ask a few more questions, and everyone has already ran.

The more she wants to be in bed, the more she wants to go. If she goes to the study room upstairs, he doesn't have to pack the coat outside.

But if you go out to work, you can't wear pajamas inside your coat.

Fu Hanyu hurried out of the house and rushed to the villa where Yuan Zhen and Kaman Dolans stayed, and asked directly as soon as they entered the door.

"What's the problem?"

Yuan Zhen took him to the sofa to sit down, and several people saw the emergency room rescue picture from the phone.

"Although our people have been monitoring his every move for 24 hours, Gu Siyi is looking for various opportunities to end his life. He jumped from the third floor of the lab an hour ago."


Gu Sizhen fell into their hands after failing and tried various ways to end their lives.

Wei Wei's life and death are closely related to him. He wants to take her away when he dies, instead of Fu Hanzhen getting her.

For so long, I have cut my carotid artery, drowning, and hunger strike, so I have tried all the methods I have tried.

However, because Raymond and Matthew followed him 24 hours a day to monitor his every move, he did not give him a chance to commit suicide.

But in the past two days, he was much quieter. Everyone thought that the experiment also worked for him. He relaxed his vigilance a little.

However, he did not pay attention and jumped from the window.

Fortunately, the floor was not high, and there was a grass below, so it was seriously injured, but there is no danger to life.

Fu Han silently looked at the situation in the computer and looked at the rescue.

Kaman Dolans quietly watched for a long time and said.

"It's not a way to go on like this. He has refused to eat these days. If he doesn't end up in the long run, the body will eventually have limits."

(End of this chapter)

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