Chapter 2605 is not he does not marry

Luo father listened, asked funnyly.

"Before you didn't want them to break up, what's wrong now, afraid that Nie Linlin dug your daughter's wall?"

Zou Fang glanced at him and urged him.

"Go, ask him what is going on?"

Even if she is not satisfied with Gu Yunche, but Nie Jiaxian is smashing thousands, and now wants to dig the wall.

This practice is not a general abomination.

"It's not good for you to abandon people. It's not good. Now I know how much people are jealous." Luo father said as he got up and took the coat to prepare for the past.

Zou Fang is speechless, but in fact, the conditions of Gu Yunche’s eyes are all over the emperor, not ordinary.

However, she always felt that this person was evil and not very relieved.

Luo's father was driven out of the door, squatting at Samoyed's home, and strolled to the ancient Yunche villa area.

Gu Yunche sent away Fu Shiqin and his party. He just called clean and cleaned the house, so people were drinking tea in the courtyard outside and saw Luo’s father to invite people.

"This is not, thousands of mothers see the Nie family said on your side, let me come and see." Luo father did not hide his purpose.

"I said that they will ask them to pay the price. This is only part of the plan." Gu Yunqing said frankly.

Luo father nodded. "I know, it is her mother who cares a little about Nie Linlin. The girl is not thinking."

He knew that it was definitely because of this incident, otherwise he would not see the Nie family for no reason.

"I know, I am not interested in her." Gu Yunche directly explained his position.

If it weren't for Fu Shiqin's plan, he would never see them at all.

"Of course I am clear, but if she is looking for you, she can't let thousands know. The child is in love for the first time. If he encounters such a thing, he will be wronged." Luo said.

He studied this hard work from a young age, and his career after the university was very successful, but his feelings have always been blank.

Before this ancient Yunche appeared, they did start looking for a marriage partner.

Who knows, she suddenly brought back an ancient Yun Che, and also a frame that he did not marry.

"I didn't tell her." Gu Yunche said.

Moreover, she has been busy with work recently, and she has not paid attention to anything else at all.

Luo's old heart comforted and nodded. "Maybe you think her mother is harsh. It is because she was born prematurely when she was thousands of times. When she was a child, she was very weak. She put all her love on this one, so she Thousands of marriages are also exceptionally harsh. After all, it is the happiness of a child for a lifetime."

Gu Yunche thought about it and said with a smile.

"I understand."

The child who has been caring for many years has suddenly had to live with other men for a lifetime. It is inevitable that the mother will be more demanding.

Her mother seems to ask for more, not external material conditions, but something that is unclear.

"You can understand, I am relieved." Luo father is more satisfied with this future son-in-law.

The ancient cloud seemed to be unintentional and asked.

"Thousands of thousands of people and his childhood?"

Luo father listened to the vague smell of vinegar in his words, and laughed out loud.

“Thousands of mothers and Chen Ying were good friends at that time. They often gathered together after marriage. The two children will also play together, but then they left the emperor, and they have not seen it for many years. Last year they only I came back to contact, and I have never seen him in these years."

(End of this chapter)

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